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Class 12 Physical Education: CBSE Marking Scheme (2023-24) | CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Humanities - Humanities/Arts PDF Download

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Page 1 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
Physical Education  
Marking Scheme 
Subject Code: - 048 
1 (a) Pawanmuktasana 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Grasshopper pose   
2 (b) Hostile Aggression 1 
3 (a) Opposite 1 
4 (a) Laceration 1 
5 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1 
6 (a) Iso means constant and metric means length 1 
7 (b) Cardiac Output 1 
8 (a) First Law of Motion 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Law of Reaction 
9 (a) 1 
10 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1 
11 (c) 4 1 
12 (c) Pancreas 1 
13 (c) N (N-1)/2 1 
14 (a) Knockout tournament 1 
15 (c) Increase in depression 1 
16 (a) Primary Amenorrhea 1 
17 (a) 60-94 1 
18 (b) Hunch Back 1 
19 Different sports require different amount of strength and according to that, 
mixture of the slow twitch fibre and fast twitch fibre is needed. Generally, 
in all the strength related sports where sudden burst of energy is required, 
high percentage of fast twitch fibre is required. 
? Hypertrophy of Muscle 
? Increase in Strength of Ligaments and Tendons 
? Increase in Size and Number of Mitochondria 
Page 2

Page 1 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
Physical Education  
Marking Scheme 
Subject Code: - 048 
1 (a) Pawanmuktasana 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Grasshopper pose   
2 (b) Hostile Aggression 1 
3 (a) Opposite 1 
4 (a) Laceration 1 
5 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1 
6 (a) Iso means constant and metric means length 1 
7 (b) Cardiac Output 1 
8 (a) First Law of Motion 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Law of Reaction 
9 (a) 1 
10 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1 
11 (c) 4 1 
12 (c) Pancreas 1 
13 (c) N (N-1)/2 1 
14 (a) Knockout tournament 1 
15 (c) Increase in depression 1 
16 (a) Primary Amenorrhea 1 
17 (a) 60-94 1 
18 (b) Hunch Back 1 
19 Different sports require different amount of strength and according to that, 
mixture of the slow twitch fibre and fast twitch fibre is needed. Generally, 
in all the strength related sports where sudden burst of energy is required, 
high percentage of fast twitch fibre is required. 
? Hypertrophy of Muscle 
? Increase in Strength of Ligaments and Tendons 
? Increase in Size and Number of Mitochondria 
Page 2 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
? Increased blood supply (Enlist Any Two) 
20 ? Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase 
an individual’s commitment towards achieving a specific standard of 
proficiency on a task within a specified time. It is a process of 
establishing a level of performance proficiency which should be reached 
within a prescribed time period is known as goal setting. 
? It has proven effectiveness in enhancing performance and productivity 
in several contexts, including employee exercise programs, competitive 
sport, and industrial organizations, and provides a basis for both 
increasing a person’s SELF-EFFICACY and for instilling a task with 
intrinsic worth. 
21 This method was introduced by J.J. Perrine in 1968 and involves a 
particular type of muscle contraction called isokinetic contraction, 
generally used in sporting events like rowing and swimming. These 
exercises are performed on specially designed instruments. In isokinetic 
contraction, the muscles apply maximal force throughout the range of 
motion around the joint. Whereas in isotonic contraction, the pressure is 
applied at a particular angle. The use of isokinetic contraction is minimal. 
22 ? Cardiovascular system - It consists of three parts: the heart, blood 
vessels and blood. Its major function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients, 
remove CO2 and other metabolic waste products, to transport 
hormones and other molecules, to support thermoregulation and control 
of body fluid balance and lastly to regulate immune function. 
? Respiratory system - The important parts of the respiratory system are 
the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Air 
can also enter the respiratory system through the oral cavity. Its major 
functions include, transporting air to the lungs, exchanging gases (O2 
and CO2) between the air and blood, and regulating blood pH. 
23 ? Procedure: Participants are instructed to run 600 mts. at the fastest 
possible pace. The participants begin on signal, “ready, start”. As they 
cross the finish line, the elapsed time should be announced to the 
participants. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the 
distance in the shortest possible time.  
? Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min and sec. 
24 ? Dealing with nutritional needs during training is crucial for optimal 
performance. The main aim during exercise and training should be to 
maintain water balance, control body temperature, sustain normal blood 
sugar levels and delay fatigue. 
? In order to maintain fluid balance and normal body temperature during 
exercise, water that is lost through sweating during exercise needs to 
be replaced. 
25 ? Communication – Advance information about activity, space, resource 
person or any change in activity should be communicated clearly. A 
variety of different instructional strategies such as verbal, visual and 
peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical 
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Page 1 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
Physical Education  
Marking Scheme 
Subject Code: - 048 
1 (a) Pawanmuktasana 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Grasshopper pose   
2 (b) Hostile Aggression 1 
3 (a) Opposite 1 
4 (a) Laceration 1 
5 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1 
6 (a) Iso means constant and metric means length 1 
7 (b) Cardiac Output 1 
8 (a) First Law of Motion 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Law of Reaction 
9 (a) 1 
10 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1 
11 (c) 4 1 
12 (c) Pancreas 1 
13 (c) N (N-1)/2 1 
14 (a) Knockout tournament 1 
15 (c) Increase in depression 1 
16 (a) Primary Amenorrhea 1 
17 (a) 60-94 1 
18 (b) Hunch Back 1 
19 Different sports require different amount of strength and according to that, 
mixture of the slow twitch fibre and fast twitch fibre is needed. Generally, 
in all the strength related sports where sudden burst of energy is required, 
high percentage of fast twitch fibre is required. 
? Hypertrophy of Muscle 
? Increase in Strength of Ligaments and Tendons 
? Increase in Size and Number of Mitochondria 
Page 2 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
? Increased blood supply (Enlist Any Two) 
20 ? Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase 
an individual’s commitment towards achieving a specific standard of 
proficiency on a task within a specified time. It is a process of 
establishing a level of performance proficiency which should be reached 
within a prescribed time period is known as goal setting. 
? It has proven effectiveness in enhancing performance and productivity 
in several contexts, including employee exercise programs, competitive 
sport, and industrial organizations, and provides a basis for both 
increasing a person’s SELF-EFFICACY and for instilling a task with 
intrinsic worth. 
21 This method was introduced by J.J. Perrine in 1968 and involves a 
particular type of muscle contraction called isokinetic contraction, 
generally used in sporting events like rowing and swimming. These 
exercises are performed on specially designed instruments. In isokinetic 
contraction, the muscles apply maximal force throughout the range of 
motion around the joint. Whereas in isotonic contraction, the pressure is 
applied at a particular angle. The use of isokinetic contraction is minimal. 
22 ? Cardiovascular system - It consists of three parts: the heart, blood 
vessels and blood. Its major function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients, 
remove CO2 and other metabolic waste products, to transport 
hormones and other molecules, to support thermoregulation and control 
of body fluid balance and lastly to regulate immune function. 
? Respiratory system - The important parts of the respiratory system are 
the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Air 
can also enter the respiratory system through the oral cavity. Its major 
functions include, transporting air to the lungs, exchanging gases (O2 
and CO2) between the air and blood, and regulating blood pH. 
23 ? Procedure: Participants are instructed to run 600 mts. at the fastest 
possible pace. The participants begin on signal, “ready, start”. As they 
cross the finish line, the elapsed time should be announced to the 
participants. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the 
distance in the shortest possible time.  
? Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min and sec. 
24 ? Dealing with nutritional needs during training is crucial for optimal 
performance. The main aim during exercise and training should be to 
maintain water balance, control body temperature, sustain normal blood 
sugar levels and delay fatigue. 
? In order to maintain fluid balance and normal body temperature during 
exercise, water that is lost through sweating during exercise needs to 
be replaced. 
25 ? Communication – Advance information about activity, space, resource 
person or any change in activity should be communicated clearly. A 
variety of different instructional strategies such as verbal, visual and 
peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical 
Page 3 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
activities so that children get opportunity to participate in physical 
? Space – For CWSN, space should be approachable for people having 
physical disability. The area for the physical activity should be limited. 
Space for activities should be disturbance free (noise, heat, cold, texture 
of floor, audience etc.) It is always better to start with indoor space. 
? Equipment - A lack of appropriate equipment, coupled with a lack of 
professionals trained to support physical activity among children and 
youth with different ability levels, discourages participation. 
26 ? Phytochemicals- Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced 
by plants, generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, 
or pathogens. The name comes from Greek phyton, meaning ‘plant’. 
? Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins give grapes, blueberries, cranberries, 
and raspberries their dark colour. 
? Flavonoids or isoflavones: These are found in vegetables, fruits and 
grains like soybeans, chickpeas and may act a little bit like oestrogen.  
? Artificial Sweeteners: These are synthetic compounds that duplicate 
the taste of sugar, but contain less energy, and, therefore, are often 
added to diet foods and beverages. 
? Preservatives: These are compounds that have the ability to inhibit 
microbial growth and are often added to food and beverage products to 
prolong shelf life. 
? Spices: A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or vegetable substance 
primarily used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. 
? Coffee: Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted or 
baked seeds of several species of Coffee. 
27 Technical Committee 
This committee covers the technical aspect of the events like requisitions 
to procure sports equipment, conducting matches on time through 
selected officials (referees, umpires, judges, timekeepers etc.) for their 
respective games/sports.  
? Pre-Sports Event/ Tournament: Before the event, it is the job of the 
Technical Committee to put forward a requisition to purchase 
equipment, invitation and confirmation from officials to conduct sports 
event, cleaning and layout of the fields, arrangement of equipment and 
stationery, preparation of fixtures, rules and regulation of the sports 
? During Sports Event/Tournament: While the tournament is in 
progress, the Technical Committee is responsible for conducting 
matches, presence of the jury, cleaning and layout of the fields, 
collection of score sheets and other related papers from officials, 
preparation of merit list, etc.  
? Post Sports Event/ Tournament: After the event is over, the 
Technical Committee arranges for the cleaning and layout of the fields, 
maintenance of the field, and placing of all equipment back to store. 
Marketing Committee 
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Page 1 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
Physical Education  
Marking Scheme 
Subject Code: - 048 
1 (a) Pawanmuktasana 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Grasshopper pose   
2 (b) Hostile Aggression 1 
3 (a) Opposite 1 
4 (a) Laceration 1 
5 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1 
6 (a) Iso means constant and metric means length 1 
7 (b) Cardiac Output 1 
8 (a) First Law of Motion 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Law of Reaction 
9 (a) 1 
10 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1 
11 (c) 4 1 
12 (c) Pancreas 1 
13 (c) N (N-1)/2 1 
14 (a) Knockout tournament 1 
15 (c) Increase in depression 1 
16 (a) Primary Amenorrhea 1 
17 (a) 60-94 1 
18 (b) Hunch Back 1 
19 Different sports require different amount of strength and according to that, 
mixture of the slow twitch fibre and fast twitch fibre is needed. Generally, 
in all the strength related sports where sudden burst of energy is required, 
high percentage of fast twitch fibre is required. 
? Hypertrophy of Muscle 
? Increase in Strength of Ligaments and Tendons 
? Increase in Size and Number of Mitochondria 
Page 2 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
? Increased blood supply (Enlist Any Two) 
20 ? Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase 
an individual’s commitment towards achieving a specific standard of 
proficiency on a task within a specified time. It is a process of 
establishing a level of performance proficiency which should be reached 
within a prescribed time period is known as goal setting. 
? It has proven effectiveness in enhancing performance and productivity 
in several contexts, including employee exercise programs, competitive 
sport, and industrial organizations, and provides a basis for both 
increasing a person’s SELF-EFFICACY and for instilling a task with 
intrinsic worth. 
21 This method was introduced by J.J. Perrine in 1968 and involves a 
particular type of muscle contraction called isokinetic contraction, 
generally used in sporting events like rowing and swimming. These 
exercises are performed on specially designed instruments. In isokinetic 
contraction, the muscles apply maximal force throughout the range of 
motion around the joint. Whereas in isotonic contraction, the pressure is 
applied at a particular angle. The use of isokinetic contraction is minimal. 
22 ? Cardiovascular system - It consists of three parts: the heart, blood 
vessels and blood. Its major function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients, 
remove CO2 and other metabolic waste products, to transport 
hormones and other molecules, to support thermoregulation and control 
of body fluid balance and lastly to regulate immune function. 
? Respiratory system - The important parts of the respiratory system are 
the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Air 
can also enter the respiratory system through the oral cavity. Its major 
functions include, transporting air to the lungs, exchanging gases (O2 
and CO2) between the air and blood, and regulating blood pH. 
23 ? Procedure: Participants are instructed to run 600 mts. at the fastest 
possible pace. The participants begin on signal, “ready, start”. As they 
cross the finish line, the elapsed time should be announced to the 
participants. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the 
distance in the shortest possible time.  
? Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min and sec. 
24 ? Dealing with nutritional needs during training is crucial for optimal 
performance. The main aim during exercise and training should be to 
maintain water balance, control body temperature, sustain normal blood 
sugar levels and delay fatigue. 
? In order to maintain fluid balance and normal body temperature during 
exercise, water that is lost through sweating during exercise needs to 
be replaced. 
25 ? Communication – Advance information about activity, space, resource 
person or any change in activity should be communicated clearly. A 
variety of different instructional strategies such as verbal, visual and 
peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical 
Page 3 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
activities so that children get opportunity to participate in physical 
? Space – For CWSN, space should be approachable for people having 
physical disability. The area for the physical activity should be limited. 
Space for activities should be disturbance free (noise, heat, cold, texture 
of floor, audience etc.) It is always better to start with indoor space. 
? Equipment - A lack of appropriate equipment, coupled with a lack of 
professionals trained to support physical activity among children and 
youth with different ability levels, discourages participation. 
26 ? Phytochemicals- Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced 
by plants, generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, 
or pathogens. The name comes from Greek phyton, meaning ‘plant’. 
? Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins give grapes, blueberries, cranberries, 
and raspberries their dark colour. 
? Flavonoids or isoflavones: These are found in vegetables, fruits and 
grains like soybeans, chickpeas and may act a little bit like oestrogen.  
? Artificial Sweeteners: These are synthetic compounds that duplicate 
the taste of sugar, but contain less energy, and, therefore, are often 
added to diet foods and beverages. 
? Preservatives: These are compounds that have the ability to inhibit 
microbial growth and are often added to food and beverage products to 
prolong shelf life. 
? Spices: A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or vegetable substance 
primarily used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. 
? Coffee: Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted or 
baked seeds of several species of Coffee. 
27 Technical Committee 
This committee covers the technical aspect of the events like requisitions 
to procure sports equipment, conducting matches on time through 
selected officials (referees, umpires, judges, timekeepers etc.) for their 
respective games/sports.  
? Pre-Sports Event/ Tournament: Before the event, it is the job of the 
Technical Committee to put forward a requisition to purchase 
equipment, invitation and confirmation from officials to conduct sports 
event, cleaning and layout of the fields, arrangement of equipment and 
stationery, preparation of fixtures, rules and regulation of the sports 
? During Sports Event/Tournament: While the tournament is in 
progress, the Technical Committee is responsible for conducting 
matches, presence of the jury, cleaning and layout of the fields, 
collection of score sheets and other related papers from officials, 
preparation of merit list, etc.  
? Post Sports Event/ Tournament: After the event is over, the 
Technical Committee arranges for the cleaning and layout of the fields, 
maintenance of the field, and placing of all equipment back to store. 
Marketing Committee 
Page 4 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
The Marketing Committee develops plans and strategies to place the 
event in the market with the purpose of generating publicity and 
sponsorships. Publicity can be done through various modes like social 
media, print media, TV, e-mail etc. and sponsorship can be generated in 
terms of cash or kind by making media partners, food partners, drink 
partners etc. through calling on, meeting various companies etc. 
Marketing Committee also organises campaigns related to the event.   
? Pre sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee prepares a 
strategy for arranging for sponsorships, publicity of the event, 
arranging meetings or calling on sponsors, preparation of MoUs for 
sponsorships etc.  
? During sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee 
issues press release(s), works with media, manages methods of 
communication, fulfils the requirements of sponsors as per MoUs, 
arrangement for telecast of event etc.  
? Post sports event/ tournament: Once the event is over, the 
Committee issues a press release, and may arrange for a re-telecast 
of the event. 
Interested in their own self 
Highly socialized Broad-
Self-aware and introspective 
Take pleasure in reading, 
writing Tend to shy away 
from public 
Expressive and enjoy 
centre of attention Meet 
unknown people easily 
Think before acting Action oriented 
29 A fracture is a break in a bone. Fractures are caused by a direct impact, 
such as a fall or a severe tackle. 
? Stress fracture 
? Greenstick 
? Comminuted 
? Transverse 
? Oblique 
? Impacted 
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Page 1 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
Physical Education  
Marking Scheme 
Subject Code: - 048 
1 (a) Pawanmuktasana 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Grasshopper pose   
2 (b) Hostile Aggression 1 
3 (a) Opposite 1 
4 (a) Laceration 1 
5 (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and(R) is the correct explanation of (A) 1 
6 (a) Iso means constant and metric means length 1 
7 (b) Cardiac Output 1 
8 (a) First Law of Motion 
Question for Blind Students 
(a) Law of Reaction 
9 (a) 1 
10 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 1 
11 (c) 4 1 
12 (c) Pancreas 1 
13 (c) N (N-1)/2 1 
14 (a) Knockout tournament 1 
15 (c) Increase in depression 1 
16 (a) Primary Amenorrhea 1 
17 (a) 60-94 1 
18 (b) Hunch Back 1 
19 Different sports require different amount of strength and according to that, 
mixture of the slow twitch fibre and fast twitch fibre is needed. Generally, 
in all the strength related sports where sudden burst of energy is required, 
high percentage of fast twitch fibre is required. 
? Hypertrophy of Muscle 
? Increase in Strength of Ligaments and Tendons 
? Increase in Size and Number of Mitochondria 
Page 2 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
? Increased blood supply (Enlist Any Two) 
20 ? Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase 
an individual’s commitment towards achieving a specific standard of 
proficiency on a task within a specified time. It is a process of 
establishing a level of performance proficiency which should be reached 
within a prescribed time period is known as goal setting. 
? It has proven effectiveness in enhancing performance and productivity 
in several contexts, including employee exercise programs, competitive 
sport, and industrial organizations, and provides a basis for both 
increasing a person’s SELF-EFFICACY and for instilling a task with 
intrinsic worth. 
21 This method was introduced by J.J. Perrine in 1968 and involves a 
particular type of muscle contraction called isokinetic contraction, 
generally used in sporting events like rowing and swimming. These 
exercises are performed on specially designed instruments. In isokinetic 
contraction, the muscles apply maximal force throughout the range of 
motion around the joint. Whereas in isotonic contraction, the pressure is 
applied at a particular angle. The use of isokinetic contraction is minimal. 
22 ? Cardiovascular system - It consists of three parts: the heart, blood 
vessels and blood. Its major function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients, 
remove CO2 and other metabolic waste products, to transport 
hormones and other molecules, to support thermoregulation and control 
of body fluid balance and lastly to regulate immune function. 
? Respiratory system - The important parts of the respiratory system are 
the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Air 
can also enter the respiratory system through the oral cavity. Its major 
functions include, transporting air to the lungs, exchanging gases (O2 
and CO2) between the air and blood, and regulating blood pH. 
23 ? Procedure: Participants are instructed to run 600 mts. at the fastest 
possible pace. The participants begin on signal, “ready, start”. As they 
cross the finish line, the elapsed time should be announced to the 
participants. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the 
distance in the shortest possible time.  
? Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min and sec. 
24 ? Dealing with nutritional needs during training is crucial for optimal 
performance. The main aim during exercise and training should be to 
maintain water balance, control body temperature, sustain normal blood 
sugar levels and delay fatigue. 
? In order to maintain fluid balance and normal body temperature during 
exercise, water that is lost through sweating during exercise needs to 
be replaced. 
25 ? Communication – Advance information about activity, space, resource 
person or any change in activity should be communicated clearly. A 
variety of different instructional strategies such as verbal, visual and 
peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical 
Page 3 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
activities so that children get opportunity to participate in physical 
? Space – For CWSN, space should be approachable for people having 
physical disability. The area for the physical activity should be limited. 
Space for activities should be disturbance free (noise, heat, cold, texture 
of floor, audience etc.) It is always better to start with indoor space. 
? Equipment - A lack of appropriate equipment, coupled with a lack of 
professionals trained to support physical activity among children and 
youth with different ability levels, discourages participation. 
26 ? Phytochemicals- Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced 
by plants, generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, 
or pathogens. The name comes from Greek phyton, meaning ‘plant’. 
? Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins give grapes, blueberries, cranberries, 
and raspberries their dark colour. 
? Flavonoids or isoflavones: These are found in vegetables, fruits and 
grains like soybeans, chickpeas and may act a little bit like oestrogen.  
? Artificial Sweeteners: These are synthetic compounds that duplicate 
the taste of sugar, but contain less energy, and, therefore, are often 
added to diet foods and beverages. 
? Preservatives: These are compounds that have the ability to inhibit 
microbial growth and are often added to food and beverage products to 
prolong shelf life. 
? Spices: A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or vegetable substance 
primarily used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. 
? Coffee: Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted or 
baked seeds of several species of Coffee. 
27 Technical Committee 
This committee covers the technical aspect of the events like requisitions 
to procure sports equipment, conducting matches on time through 
selected officials (referees, umpires, judges, timekeepers etc.) for their 
respective games/sports.  
? Pre-Sports Event/ Tournament: Before the event, it is the job of the 
Technical Committee to put forward a requisition to purchase 
equipment, invitation and confirmation from officials to conduct sports 
event, cleaning and layout of the fields, arrangement of equipment and 
stationery, preparation of fixtures, rules and regulation of the sports 
? During Sports Event/Tournament: While the tournament is in 
progress, the Technical Committee is responsible for conducting 
matches, presence of the jury, cleaning and layout of the fields, 
collection of score sheets and other related papers from officials, 
preparation of merit list, etc.  
? Post Sports Event/ Tournament: After the event is over, the 
Technical Committee arranges for the cleaning and layout of the fields, 
maintenance of the field, and placing of all equipment back to store. 
Marketing Committee 
Page 4 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
The Marketing Committee develops plans and strategies to place the 
event in the market with the purpose of generating publicity and 
sponsorships. Publicity can be done through various modes like social 
media, print media, TV, e-mail etc. and sponsorship can be generated in 
terms of cash or kind by making media partners, food partners, drink 
partners etc. through calling on, meeting various companies etc. 
Marketing Committee also organises campaigns related to the event.   
? Pre sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee prepares a 
strategy for arranging for sponsorships, publicity of the event, 
arranging meetings or calling on sponsors, preparation of MoUs for 
sponsorships etc.  
? During sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee 
issues press release(s), works with media, manages methods of 
communication, fulfils the requirements of sponsors as per MoUs, 
arrangement for telecast of event etc.  
? Post sports event/ tournament: Once the event is over, the 
Committee issues a press release, and may arrange for a re-telecast 
of the event. 
Interested in their own self 
Highly socialized Broad-
Self-aware and introspective 
Take pleasure in reading, 
writing Tend to shy away 
from public 
Expressive and enjoy 
centre of attention Meet 
unknown people easily 
Think before acting Action oriented 
29 A fracture is a break in a bone. Fractures are caused by a direct impact, 
such as a fall or a severe tackle. 
? Stress fracture 
? Greenstick 
? Comminuted 
? Transverse 
? Oblique 
? Impacted 
Page 5 of 9                                                                  Physical Education MS Class-XII 2023-24 
30 Bow Legs Use of braces and modified shoes can be along with 
sufficient intake of balanced diet can prove to be of help. 
Walking on the inner edge of the feet may also help. 
Flat Foot Exercises like walking, standing or jumping on toes and 
heels in all four directions, skipping rope, strengthens the 
muscles of foot which help to develop the arch in the foot. 
Activities like picking up marbles with toes, writing 
numbers in the sand with the toes will also help in 
developing the arch. Yoga asanas like 
Adhomukhsavasana performed in Surya Namaskar, 
Vajrasana and other therapeutic massages are also 
helpful in developing the arch. 
Treatment for Genu valgum largely depends on the cause 
and severity of the problem. Exercises like horse-riding 
and keeping the pillow between the knees and standing 
erect for some time are the best. For most people with 
Genu valgum, Yoga and exercise can help realign and 
stabilize the knees. Performing padmasana and 
gomukhasana regularly can help strengthen muscles of 
the legs and realign the knees. Strengthening exercises 
can be simple, such as leg raises while seated or lying 
down. Using of walking callipers is also a big help at pre-
puberty stage.  
31 a) Logistic Committee 
b) Marketing Committee 
c) Finance Committee 
d) Pre Event 
d) During Responsibility 
Question for Blind Students 
Extramural tournaments are very popular and an essential part of 
educational organisation, and communities, where a common team 
represents a school, colleges or group and promote participating or 
organising various inter-institution competitions for engaging children and 
youth into various types of benefits. Let us understand few important 
objective of intramural tournaments.  
1. To achieve high performance at highest level of the tournament.  
2. To develop the feeling of integration with other institutions 
3. To provide opportunities for choosing a career in sports  
4. To promote social, cultural, economic development through sports. 
32 a)  Stability 
b)  Position of the intersection of force 
c) Zero 
d) Weight 
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