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 PHYSICS (Code No. 042) 
 Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory) 
 Time: 3 hrs.  Max Marks: 70 
 No. of 
 Unit–I  Physical World and Measurement 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Unit-II  Kinematics 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Unit–III  Laws of Motion 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Unit–IV  Work, Energy and Power 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and 
 Rotational Motion 
 Unit-VI  Gravitation 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Unit–VII  Properties of Bulk Matter 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Unit–VIII  Thermodynamics 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic 
 Theory of Gases  08 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Unit–X  Oscillations and Waves 
 26  10 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Total  160  70 
Page 2

 PHYSICS (Code No. 042) 
 Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory) 
 Time: 3 hrs.  Max Marks: 70 
 No. of 
 Unit–I  Physical World and Measurement 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Unit-II  Kinematics 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Unit–III  Laws of Motion 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Unit–IV  Work, Energy and Power 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and 
 Rotational Motion 
 Unit-VI  Gravitation 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Unit–VII  Properties of Bulk Matter 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Unit–VIII  Thermodynamics 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic 
 Theory of Gases  08 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Unit–X  Oscillations and Waves 
 26  10 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Total  160  70 
 Unit I:  Physical World and Measurement                                        08 Periods 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Need  for  measurement:  Units  of  measurement;  systems  of  units;  SI  units, 
 fundamental  and  derived  units.  significant  figures.  Dimensions  of  physical 
 quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications. 
 Unit II:  Kinematics  24 Periods 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Frame  of  reference,  Motion  in  a  straight  line,  Elementary  concepts  of 
 differentiation  and  integration  for  describing  motion,  uniform  and  non- 
 uniform  motion,  and  instantaneous  velocity,  uniformly  accelerated  motion, 
 velocity  -  time  and  position-time  graphs.  Relations  for  uniformly  accelerated 
 motion (graphical treatment). 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Scalar  and  vector  quantities;  position  and  displacement  vectors,  general 
 vectors  and  their  notations;  equality  of  vectors,  multiplication  of  vectors  by  a 
 real  number;  addition  and  subtraction  of  vectors,  Unit  vector;  resolution  of  a 
 vector  in  a  plane,  rectangular  components,  Scalar  and  Vector  product  of 
 Motion  in  a  plane,  cases  of  uniform  velocity  and  uniform  acceleration- 
 projectile motion, uniform circular motion. 
 Unit III:  Laws of Motion  14 Periods 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Intuitive  concept  of  force,  Inertia,  Newton's  first  law  of  motion;  momentum 
 and Newton's second law of motion; impulse; Newton's third law of motion. 
 Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. 
Page 3

 PHYSICS (Code No. 042) 
 Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory) 
 Time: 3 hrs.  Max Marks: 70 
 No. of 
 Unit–I  Physical World and Measurement 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Unit-II  Kinematics 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Unit–III  Laws of Motion 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Unit–IV  Work, Energy and Power 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and 
 Rotational Motion 
 Unit-VI  Gravitation 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Unit–VII  Properties of Bulk Matter 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Unit–VIII  Thermodynamics 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic 
 Theory of Gases  08 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Unit–X  Oscillations and Waves 
 26  10 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Total  160  70 
 Unit I:  Physical World and Measurement                                        08 Periods 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Need  for  measurement:  Units  of  measurement;  systems  of  units;  SI  units, 
 fundamental  and  derived  units.  significant  figures.  Dimensions  of  physical 
 quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications. 
 Unit II:  Kinematics  24 Periods 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Frame  of  reference,  Motion  in  a  straight  line,  Elementary  concepts  of 
 differentiation  and  integration  for  describing  motion,  uniform  and  non- 
 uniform  motion,  and  instantaneous  velocity,  uniformly  accelerated  motion, 
 velocity  -  time  and  position-time  graphs.  Relations  for  uniformly  accelerated 
 motion (graphical treatment). 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Scalar  and  vector  quantities;  position  and  displacement  vectors,  general 
 vectors  and  their  notations;  equality  of  vectors,  multiplication  of  vectors  by  a 
 real  number;  addition  and  subtraction  of  vectors,  Unit  vector;  resolution  of  a 
 vector  in  a  plane,  rectangular  components,  Scalar  and  Vector  product  of 
 Motion  in  a  plane,  cases  of  uniform  velocity  and  uniform  acceleration- 
 projectile motion, uniform circular motion. 
 Unit III:  Laws of Motion  14 Periods 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Intuitive  concept  of  force,  Inertia,  Newton's  first  law  of  motion;  momentum 
 and Newton's second law of motion; impulse; Newton's third law of motion. 
 Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of concurrent forces, Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling 
 friction, lubrication. 
 Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force, examples of circular 
 motion (vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on a banked road). 
 Unit IV:  Work, Energy and Power  14 Periods 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Work  done  by  a  constant  force  and  a  variable  force;  kinetic  energy,  work- 
 energy theorem, power. 
 Notion  of  potential  energy,  potential  energy  of  a  spring,  conservative  forces: 
 non-conservative  forces,  motion  in  a  vertical  circle;  elastic  and  inelastic 
 collisions in one and two dimensions. 
 Unit V:  Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body                 18 Periods 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion 
 Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and 
 Centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of a rigid body; centre of mass of a 
 uniform rod. 
 Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, law of conservation 
 of angular momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equations of rotational 
 motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions. 
 Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of moments of inertia for simple 
 geometrical objects (no derivation). 
 Unit VI:  Gravitation  12 Periods 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Kepler's laws of planetary motion, universal law of gravitation. 
 Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. 
 Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential, escape speed, 
Page 4

 PHYSICS (Code No. 042) 
 Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory) 
 Time: 3 hrs.  Max Marks: 70 
 No. of 
 Unit–I  Physical World and Measurement 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Unit-II  Kinematics 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Unit–III  Laws of Motion 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Unit–IV  Work, Energy and Power 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and 
 Rotational Motion 
 Unit-VI  Gravitation 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Unit–VII  Properties of Bulk Matter 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Unit–VIII  Thermodynamics 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic 
 Theory of Gases  08 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Unit–X  Oscillations and Waves 
 26  10 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Total  160  70 
 Unit I:  Physical World and Measurement                                        08 Periods 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Need  for  measurement:  Units  of  measurement;  systems  of  units;  SI  units, 
 fundamental  and  derived  units.  significant  figures.  Dimensions  of  physical 
 quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications. 
 Unit II:  Kinematics  24 Periods 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Frame  of  reference,  Motion  in  a  straight  line,  Elementary  concepts  of 
 differentiation  and  integration  for  describing  motion,  uniform  and  non- 
 uniform  motion,  and  instantaneous  velocity,  uniformly  accelerated  motion, 
 velocity  -  time  and  position-time  graphs.  Relations  for  uniformly  accelerated 
 motion (graphical treatment). 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Scalar  and  vector  quantities;  position  and  displacement  vectors,  general 
 vectors  and  their  notations;  equality  of  vectors,  multiplication  of  vectors  by  a 
 real  number;  addition  and  subtraction  of  vectors,  Unit  vector;  resolution  of  a 
 vector  in  a  plane,  rectangular  components,  Scalar  and  Vector  product  of 
 Motion  in  a  plane,  cases  of  uniform  velocity  and  uniform  acceleration- 
 projectile motion, uniform circular motion. 
 Unit III:  Laws of Motion  14 Periods 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Intuitive  concept  of  force,  Inertia,  Newton's  first  law  of  motion;  momentum 
 and Newton's second law of motion; impulse; Newton's third law of motion. 
 Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of concurrent forces, Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling 
 friction, lubrication. 
 Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force, examples of circular 
 motion (vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on a banked road). 
 Unit IV:  Work, Energy and Power  14 Periods 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Work  done  by  a  constant  force  and  a  variable  force;  kinetic  energy,  work- 
 energy theorem, power. 
 Notion  of  potential  energy,  potential  energy  of  a  spring,  conservative  forces: 
 non-conservative  forces,  motion  in  a  vertical  circle;  elastic  and  inelastic 
 collisions in one and two dimensions. 
 Unit V:  Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body                 18 Periods 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion 
 Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and 
 Centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of a rigid body; centre of mass of a 
 uniform rod. 
 Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, law of conservation 
 of angular momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equations of rotational 
 motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions. 
 Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of moments of inertia for simple 
 geometrical objects (no derivation). 
 Unit VI:  Gravitation  12 Periods 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Kepler's laws of planetary motion, universal law of gravitation. 
 Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. 
 Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential, escape speed, 
 orbital velocity of a satellite. 
 Unit VII:  Properties of Bulk Matter                                                 24 Periods 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Elasticity,  Stress-strain  relationship,  Hooke's  law,  Young’s  modulus,  bulk 
 modulus,  shear  modulus  of  rigidity  (qualitative  idea  only),  Poisson's 
 ratio; elastic energy. 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Pressure  due  to  a  fluid  column;  Pascal's  law  and  its  applications  (hydraulic 
 lift and hydraulic brakes), effect of gravity on fluid pressure. 
 Viscosity,  Stokes'  law,  terminal  velocity,  streamline  and  turbulent  flow,  critical 
 velocity, Bernoulli's theorem and its simple applications. 
 Surface  energy  and  surface  tension,  angle  of  contact,  excess  of  pressure 
 across  a  curved  surface,  application  of  surface  tension  ideas  to  drops, 
 bubbles and capillary rise. 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Heat,  temperature,  thermal  expansion;  thermal  expansion  of  solids,  liquids 
 and  gases,  anomalous  expansion  of  water;  specific  heat  capacity;  Cp,  Cv  - 
 calorimetry; change of state - latent heat capacity. 
 Heat  transfer-conduction,  convection  and  radiation,  thermal  conductivity, 
 qualitative  ideas  of  Blackbody  radiation,  Wein's  displacement  Law,  Stefan's 
 law . 
 Unit VIII: Thermodynamics  12 Periods 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Thermal  equilibrium  and  definition  of  temperature,  zeroth  law  of 
 thermodynamics,  heat,  work  and  internal  energy.  First  law  of 
 Second law of thermodynamics: gaseous state of matter, change of condition 
Page 5

 PHYSICS (Code No. 042) 
 Class XI – 2023-24 (Theory) 
 Time: 3 hrs.  Max Marks: 70 
 No. of 
 Unit–I  Physical World and Measurement 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Unit-II  Kinematics 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Unit–III  Laws of Motion 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Unit–IV  Work, Energy and Power 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and 
 Rotational Motion 
 Unit-VI  Gravitation 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Unit–VII  Properties of Bulk Matter 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Unit–VIII  Thermodynamics 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic 
 Theory of Gases  08 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Unit–X  Oscillations and Waves 
 26  10 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Total  160  70 
 Unit I:  Physical World and Measurement                                        08 Periods 
 Chapter–2: Units and Measurements 
 Need  for  measurement:  Units  of  measurement;  systems  of  units;  SI  units, 
 fundamental  and  derived  units.  significant  figures.  Dimensions  of  physical 
 quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications. 
 Unit II:  Kinematics  24 Periods 
 Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line 
 Frame  of  reference,  Motion  in  a  straight  line,  Elementary  concepts  of 
 differentiation  and  integration  for  describing  motion,  uniform  and  non- 
 uniform  motion,  and  instantaneous  velocity,  uniformly  accelerated  motion, 
 velocity  -  time  and  position-time  graphs.  Relations  for  uniformly  accelerated 
 motion (graphical treatment). 
 Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane 
 Scalar  and  vector  quantities;  position  and  displacement  vectors,  general 
 vectors  and  their  notations;  equality  of  vectors,  multiplication  of  vectors  by  a 
 real  number;  addition  and  subtraction  of  vectors,  Unit  vector;  resolution  of  a 
 vector  in  a  plane,  rectangular  components,  Scalar  and  Vector  product  of 
 Motion  in  a  plane,  cases  of  uniform  velocity  and  uniform  acceleration- 
 projectile motion, uniform circular motion. 
 Unit III:  Laws of Motion  14 Periods 
 Chapter–5: Laws of Motion 
 Intuitive  concept  of  force,  Inertia,  Newton's  first  law  of  motion;  momentum 
 and Newton's second law of motion; impulse; Newton's third law of motion. 
 Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of concurrent forces, Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling 
 friction, lubrication. 
 Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force, examples of circular 
 motion (vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on a banked road). 
 Unit IV:  Work, Energy and Power  14 Periods 
 Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power 
 Work  done  by  a  constant  force  and  a  variable  force;  kinetic  energy,  work- 
 energy theorem, power. 
 Notion  of  potential  energy,  potential  energy  of  a  spring,  conservative  forces: 
 non-conservative  forces,  motion  in  a  vertical  circle;  elastic  and  inelastic 
 collisions in one and two dimensions. 
 Unit V:  Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body                 18 Periods 
 Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion 
 Centre of mass of a two-particle system, momentum conservation and 
 Centre of mass motion. Centre of mass of a rigid body; centre of mass of a 
 uniform rod. 
 Moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, law of conservation 
 of angular momentum and its applications. 
 Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equations of rotational 
 motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions. 
 Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values of moments of inertia for simple 
 geometrical objects (no derivation). 
 Unit VI:  Gravitation  12 Periods 
 Chapter–8: Gravitation 
 Kepler's laws of planetary motion, universal law of gravitation. 
 Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. 
 Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential, escape speed, 
 orbital velocity of a satellite. 
 Unit VII:  Properties of Bulk Matter                                                 24 Periods 
 Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 
 Elasticity,  Stress-strain  relationship,  Hooke's  law,  Young’s  modulus,  bulk 
 modulus,  shear  modulus  of  rigidity  (qualitative  idea  only),  Poisson's 
 ratio; elastic energy. 
 Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
 Pressure  due  to  a  fluid  column;  Pascal's  law  and  its  applications  (hydraulic 
 lift and hydraulic brakes), effect of gravity on fluid pressure. 
 Viscosity,  Stokes'  law,  terminal  velocity,  streamline  and  turbulent  flow,  critical 
 velocity, Bernoulli's theorem and its simple applications. 
 Surface  energy  and  surface  tension,  angle  of  contact,  excess  of  pressure 
 across  a  curved  surface,  application  of  surface  tension  ideas  to  drops, 
 bubbles and capillary rise. 
 Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter 
 Heat,  temperature,  thermal  expansion;  thermal  expansion  of  solids,  liquids 
 and  gases,  anomalous  expansion  of  water;  specific  heat  capacity;  Cp,  Cv  - 
 calorimetry; change of state - latent heat capacity. 
 Heat  transfer-conduction,  convection  and  radiation,  thermal  conductivity, 
 qualitative  ideas  of  Blackbody  radiation,  Wein's  displacement  Law,  Stefan's 
 law . 
 Unit VIII: Thermodynamics  12 Periods 
 Chapter–12: Thermodynamics 
 Thermal  equilibrium  and  definition  of  temperature,  zeroth  law  of 
 thermodynamics,  heat,  work  and  internal  energy.  First  law  of 
 Second law of thermodynamics: gaseous state of matter, change of condition 
 of  gaseous  state  -isothermal,  adiabatic,  reversible,  irreversible,  and  cyclic 
 Unit IX:Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases          08 Periods 
 Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory 
 Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done in compressing a gas. 
 Kinetic  theory  of  gases  -  assumptions,  concept  of  pressure.  Kinetic 
 interpretation  of  temperature;  rms  speed  of  gas  molecules;  degrees  of 
 freedom,  law  of  equi-partition  of  energy  (statement  only)  and  application  to 
 specific  heat  capacities  of  gases;  concept  of  mean  free  path,  Avogadro's 
 Unit X:  Oscillations and Waves  26 Periods 
 Chapter–14: Oscillations 
 Periodic motion - time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time, 
 periodic functions and their applications. 
 Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M) and its equations of motion; phase; oscillations 
 of a loaded spring- restoring force and force constant; energy in S.H.M. 
 Kinetic and potential energies; simple pendulum derivation of expression for its 
 time period. 
 Chapter–15: Waves 
 Wave  motion:  Transverse  and  longitudinal  waves,  speed  of  travelling  wave, 
 displacement  relation  for  a  progressive  wave,  principle  of  superposition  of 
 waves,  reflection  of  waves,  standing  waves  in  strings  and  organ  pipes, 
 fundamental mode and harmonics, Beats. 
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