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Page 1 CLASS XI COURSE STRUCTURE Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks Allotted PART A- INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? 12 8 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution 8 3 Election and Representation 14 6 4 Executive 14 12 5 Legislature 14 6 Judiciary 14 7 Federalism 14 6 8 Local Governments 10 4 9 Constitution as a Living Document 6 4 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution 6 No. of periods & marks allotted to Indian Constitution at Work 112 40 PART B-POLITICAL THEORY 1 Political Theory: An Introduction 8 4 2 Freedom 10 12 3 Equality 12 4 Social Justice 12 6 5 Rights 14 4 6 Citizenship 12 8 7 Nationalism 15 8 Secularism 16 6 No. of periods & marks allotted for Political Theory 99 40 Total 211 80 Page 2 CLASS XI COURSE STRUCTURE Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks Allotted PART A- INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? 12 8 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution 8 3 Election and Representation 14 6 4 Executive 14 12 5 Legislature 14 6 Judiciary 14 7 Federalism 14 6 8 Local Governments 10 4 9 Constitution as a Living Document 6 4 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution 6 No. of periods & marks allotted to Indian Constitution at Work 112 40 PART B-POLITICAL THEORY 1 Political Theory: An Introduction 8 4 2 Freedom 10 12 3 Equality 12 4 Social Justice 12 6 5 Rights 14 4 6 Citizenship 12 8 7 Nationalism 15 8 Secularism 16 6 No. of periods & marks allotted for Political Theory 99 40 Total 211 80 CLASS XI COURSE CONTENT Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcomes with Specific Competencies PART A-INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? a) Why do we need a Constitution? ? Constitution allows coordination and assurance ? Specification of decision- making powers ? Limitations on the powers of government ? Aspirations and goals of a society ? Fundamental identity of a people b) The authority of a Constitution ? Mode of promulgation ? The substantive provisions of a constitution ? Balanced institutional design Familiarize students with the: ? Key aspects of the working of the Constitution. ? Various Institutions of the government in the country and their relationship with each other. ? Conditions and circumstances in which the Constitution of India was made. ? Key features of the Indian Constitution and other Constitutions of the world. Comparative Analysis: Different constitutions Reading of the Preamble Group Discussions and Debates: What happens in an organization in the absence of a set of rules and regulations to run it? How far our National Movement influenced the framing of our Constitution? Timeline/Flowchart Question strategy Quiz After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Appreciate the need for a Constitution. ? Understand the historical processes and the circumstances in which the Indian Constitution was drafted. ? Critically evaluate how constitutions, govern the distribution of power in society. ? Analyze the ways in which the provisions of the Constitution have worked in real political life. Page 3 CLASS XI COURSE STRUCTURE Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks Allotted PART A- INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? 12 8 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution 8 3 Election and Representation 14 6 4 Executive 14 12 5 Legislature 14 6 Judiciary 14 7 Federalism 14 6 8 Local Governments 10 4 9 Constitution as a Living Document 6 4 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution 6 No. of periods & marks allotted to Indian Constitution at Work 112 40 PART B-POLITICAL THEORY 1 Political Theory: An Introduction 8 4 2 Freedom 10 12 3 Equality 12 4 Social Justice 12 6 5 Rights 14 4 6 Citizenship 12 8 7 Nationalism 15 8 Secularism 16 6 No. of periods & marks allotted for Political Theory 99 40 Total 211 80 CLASS XI COURSE CONTENT Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcomes with Specific Competencies PART A-INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? a) Why do we need a Constitution? ? Constitution allows coordination and assurance ? Specification of decision- making powers ? Limitations on the powers of government ? Aspirations and goals of a society ? Fundamental identity of a people b) The authority of a Constitution ? Mode of promulgation ? The substantive provisions of a constitution ? Balanced institutional design Familiarize students with the: ? Key aspects of the working of the Constitution. ? Various Institutions of the government in the country and their relationship with each other. ? Conditions and circumstances in which the Constitution of India was made. ? Key features of the Indian Constitution and other Constitutions of the world. Comparative Analysis: Different constitutions Reading of the Preamble Group Discussions and Debates: What happens in an organization in the absence of a set of rules and regulations to run it? How far our National Movement influenced the framing of our Constitution? Timeline/Flowchart Question strategy Quiz After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Appreciate the need for a Constitution. ? Understand the historical processes and the circumstances in which the Indian Constitution was drafted. ? Critically evaluate how constitutions, govern the distribution of power in society. ? Analyze the ways in which the provisions of the Constitution have worked in real political life. c) How was the Indian Constitution made? ? Composition of the Constituent Assembly ? Procedures ? Inheritance of the nationalist movement ? Institutional arrangements d) Provisions adapted from Constitutions of different countries 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution a) The importance of rights ? Bill of Rights b) Fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution ? Right to Equality ? Right to Freedom ? Right against Exploitation ? Right to Freedom of Religion ? Cultural and Educational Rights ? Right to Constitutional Remedies c) Directive principles of state policy Familiarize students with the: ? Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution of India ? Manner of protection of rights ? Role of the Judiciary in protecting and interpreting these rights ? Comparison between Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discussion: Rights, the type of rights, why some rights are considered as fundamental? Lecture method Comparative analysis: Rights guaranteed in India and other countries Brain storming: Whether directive principles should take precedence over fundamental rights? Drama production After completion of the chapter students will be able to: ? Analyze the working of the Constitution in real life ? Learn to respect others, think critically, and make informed decisions ? Identify violations of the rights to equality and freedom in the society around them Page 4 CLASS XI COURSE STRUCTURE Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks Allotted PART A- INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? 12 8 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution 8 3 Election and Representation 14 6 4 Executive 14 12 5 Legislature 14 6 Judiciary 14 7 Federalism 14 6 8 Local Governments 10 4 9 Constitution as a Living Document 6 4 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution 6 No. of periods & marks allotted to Indian Constitution at Work 112 40 PART B-POLITICAL THEORY 1 Political Theory: An Introduction 8 4 2 Freedom 10 12 3 Equality 12 4 Social Justice 12 6 5 Rights 14 4 6 Citizenship 12 8 7 Nationalism 15 8 Secularism 16 6 No. of periods & marks allotted for Political Theory 99 40 Total 211 80 CLASS XI COURSE CONTENT Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcomes with Specific Competencies PART A-INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? a) Why do we need a Constitution? ? Constitution allows coordination and assurance ? Specification of decision- making powers ? Limitations on the powers of government ? Aspirations and goals of a society ? Fundamental identity of a people b) The authority of a Constitution ? Mode of promulgation ? The substantive provisions of a constitution ? Balanced institutional design Familiarize students with the: ? Key aspects of the working of the Constitution. ? Various Institutions of the government in the country and their relationship with each other. ? Conditions and circumstances in which the Constitution of India was made. ? Key features of the Indian Constitution and other Constitutions of the world. Comparative Analysis: Different constitutions Reading of the Preamble Group Discussions and Debates: What happens in an organization in the absence of a set of rules and regulations to run it? How far our National Movement influenced the framing of our Constitution? Timeline/Flowchart Question strategy Quiz After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Appreciate the need for a Constitution. ? Understand the historical processes and the circumstances in which the Indian Constitution was drafted. ? Critically evaluate how constitutions, govern the distribution of power in society. ? Analyze the ways in which the provisions of the Constitution have worked in real political life. c) How was the Indian Constitution made? ? Composition of the Constituent Assembly ? Procedures ? Inheritance of the nationalist movement ? Institutional arrangements d) Provisions adapted from Constitutions of different countries 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution a) The importance of rights ? Bill of Rights b) Fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution ? Right to Equality ? Right to Freedom ? Right against Exploitation ? Right to Freedom of Religion ? Cultural and Educational Rights ? Right to Constitutional Remedies c) Directive principles of state policy Familiarize students with the: ? Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution of India ? Manner of protection of rights ? Role of the Judiciary in protecting and interpreting these rights ? Comparison between Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discussion: Rights, the type of rights, why some rights are considered as fundamental? Lecture method Comparative analysis: Rights guaranteed in India and other countries Brain storming: Whether directive principles should take precedence over fundamental rights? Drama production After completion of the chapter students will be able to: ? Analyze the working of the Constitution in real life ? Learn to respect others, think critically, and make informed decisions ? Identify violations of the rights to equality and freedom in the society around them ? what do the directive principles contain? d) Relationship between fundamental rights and directive principles Collage-Making: Violations of rights ? Justify the need for reasonable restrictions on the rights guaranteed. ? Use freedom of expression to advocate for ensuring rights is given to people around them. 3 Election and Representation a) Elections and democracy b) Election system in India ? First Past the Post System ? Proportional Representation c) Why did India adopt the FPTP system? d) Reservation of constituencies e) Free and fair elections ? Universal franchise and right to contest ? Independent Election Commission f) Electoral Reforms Familiarize students with the: ? Election process in India ? Structure and functions of the Election Commission of India ? Rationale of Free and Fair elections. ? Need for electoral reforms. Conducting mock elections Comparative analysis: Election processes of different countries Reflecting on cartoons/ caricatures Group discussion: Challenges and reforms Reflective inquiry: Recapitulating known facts After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Identify different types and methods of election ? Develop critical thinking about the role of various stakeholders in ensuring free and fair elections. ? Demonstrate the innate role played by Election Commission ? Compare election systems of different countries of the world. Page 5 CLASS XI COURSE STRUCTURE Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks Allotted PART A- INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? 12 8 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution 8 3 Election and Representation 14 6 4 Executive 14 12 5 Legislature 14 6 Judiciary 14 7 Federalism 14 6 8 Local Governments 10 4 9 Constitution as a Living Document 6 4 10 The Philosophy of the Constitution 6 No. of periods & marks allotted to Indian Constitution at Work 112 40 PART B-POLITICAL THEORY 1 Political Theory: An Introduction 8 4 2 Freedom 10 12 3 Equality 12 4 Social Justice 12 6 5 Rights 14 4 6 Citizenship 12 8 7 Nationalism 15 8 Secularism 16 6 No. of periods & marks allotted for Political Theory 99 40 Total 211 80 CLASS XI COURSE CONTENT Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcomes with Specific Competencies PART A-INDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORK 1 Constitution: Why and How? a) Why do we need a Constitution? ? Constitution allows coordination and assurance ? Specification of decision- making powers ? Limitations on the powers of government ? Aspirations and goals of a society ? Fundamental identity of a people b) The authority of a Constitution ? Mode of promulgation ? The substantive provisions of a constitution ? Balanced institutional design Familiarize students with the: ? Key aspects of the working of the Constitution. ? Various Institutions of the government in the country and their relationship with each other. ? Conditions and circumstances in which the Constitution of India was made. ? Key features of the Indian Constitution and other Constitutions of the world. Comparative Analysis: Different constitutions Reading of the Preamble Group Discussions and Debates: What happens in an organization in the absence of a set of rules and regulations to run it? How far our National Movement influenced the framing of our Constitution? Timeline/Flowchart Question strategy Quiz After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Appreciate the need for a Constitution. ? Understand the historical processes and the circumstances in which the Indian Constitution was drafted. ? Critically evaluate how constitutions, govern the distribution of power in society. ? Analyze the ways in which the provisions of the Constitution have worked in real political life. c) How was the Indian Constitution made? ? Composition of the Constituent Assembly ? Procedures ? Inheritance of the nationalist movement ? Institutional arrangements d) Provisions adapted from Constitutions of different countries 2 Rights in the Indian Constitution a) The importance of rights ? Bill of Rights b) Fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution ? Right to Equality ? Right to Freedom ? Right against Exploitation ? Right to Freedom of Religion ? Cultural and Educational Rights ? Right to Constitutional Remedies c) Directive principles of state policy Familiarize students with the: ? Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution of India ? Manner of protection of rights ? Role of the Judiciary in protecting and interpreting these rights ? Comparison between Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discussion: Rights, the type of rights, why some rights are considered as fundamental? Lecture method Comparative analysis: Rights guaranteed in India and other countries Brain storming: Whether directive principles should take precedence over fundamental rights? Drama production After completion of the chapter students will be able to: ? Analyze the working of the Constitution in real life ? Learn to respect others, think critically, and make informed decisions ? Identify violations of the rights to equality and freedom in the society around them ? what do the directive principles contain? d) Relationship between fundamental rights and directive principles Collage-Making: Violations of rights ? Justify the need for reasonable restrictions on the rights guaranteed. ? Use freedom of expression to advocate for ensuring rights is given to people around them. 3 Election and Representation a) Elections and democracy b) Election system in India ? First Past the Post System ? Proportional Representation c) Why did India adopt the FPTP system? d) Reservation of constituencies e) Free and fair elections ? Universal franchise and right to contest ? Independent Election Commission f) Electoral Reforms Familiarize students with the: ? Election process in India ? Structure and functions of the Election Commission of India ? Rationale of Free and Fair elections. ? Need for electoral reforms. Conducting mock elections Comparative analysis: Election processes of different countries Reflecting on cartoons/ caricatures Group discussion: Challenges and reforms Reflective inquiry: Recapitulating known facts After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Identify different types and methods of election ? Develop critical thinking about the role of various stakeholders in ensuring free and fair elections. ? Demonstrate the innate role played by Election Commission ? Compare election systems of different countries of the world. 4 Executive a) What is an executive? b) What are the different types of executives? c) Parliamentary executive in India ? Power and position of President ? Discretionary Powers of the President d) Prime Minister and Council of ministers e) Permanent Executive: Bureaucracy Familiarize students with the: ? Meaning of Executive ? Distinction between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Executive ? Power and position of the President of India. ? Composition, powers and functioning of the Council of Ministers and the importance of the Prime Minister ? Importance and functioning of the administrative machinery. Comparative Analysis: Different forms of Executive Interpretation of Cartoons/ caricatures Discussion and Debate: Powers and functions of the Real and Nominal Executive Quiz After completion of the chapter the student will be able to: ? Recognize the meaning of Executive. ? Compare and contrast the Parliamentary and Presidential Executive. ? Analyze the composition and functioning of the executive. ? Know the significance of the administrative machinery. 5 Legislature a) Why do we need a parliament? b) Why do we need two houses of parliament? ? Rajya Sabha ? Lok Sabha c) What does the parliament do? ? Powers of Rajya Sabha Familiarize the students with the: ? Importance of Legislature. ? Types of Legislatures- Unicameral and Bicameral. ? Powers and functions of the Indian Parliament Comparative Analysis: Powers and functions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Passing of a Bill-Class activity/Mock Parliament Map activity: Identification of states with bicameral legislatures Cartoon Interpretation After completion of the chapter, Students will be able to: ? Describe the law- making process in India. ? Differentiate between the powers and functions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.Read More
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