UPSC Exam  >  UPSC Notes  >  Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly  >  Yojana Magazine December 2023 - 1

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ExclusivE intErviE w
r Madhavan
dEcEMbEr 2023 a dE vElop MEnt Monthly 
Page 2

ExclusivE intErviE w
r Madhavan
dEcEMbEr 2023 a dE vElop MEnt Monthly 
December 2023
No. 12
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 60
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 40
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Chief editor 
Manogyan rani pal
Shuchita chaturvedi
our rEprEsEntativEs 
Ahmedabad: JS Patel, Bengaluru: Yashwant 
Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh Rathaur, 
Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , Jalandhar: 
Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Sumita 
Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
in converSation with
r Madhavan
india'S MoonShot 
Sudheer Kumar N 
india’S growing Stature 
a riSing power 
Sujan Chinoy
Sporting proweSS 
the year of hiStoric winS
redefining Mobility 
tranSforMing landScape  
of tranSport Sector
india’S induStry Sector
agriculture and rural 
developMent: Key initiativeS  
& achieveMentS 
Dr Jagdeep Saxena
Page 3

ExclusivE intErviE w
r Madhavan
dEcEMbEr 2023 a dE vElop MEnt Monthly 
December 2023
No. 12
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 60
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 40
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Chief editor 
Manogyan rani pal
Shuchita chaturvedi
our rEprEsEntativEs 
Ahmedabad: JS Patel, Bengaluru: Yashwant 
Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh Rathaur, 
Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , Jalandhar: 
Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Sumita 
Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
in converSation with
r Madhavan
india'S MoonShot 
Sudheer Kumar N 
india’S growing Stature 
a riSing power 
Sujan Chinoy
Sporting proweSS 
the year of hiStoric winS
redefining Mobility 
tranSforMing landScape  
of tranSport Sector
india’S induStry Sector
agriculture and rural 
developMent: Key initiativeS  
& achieveMentS 
Dr Jagdeep Saxena
4 December 2023
Engaging c ontent
i just wanted to drop a quick line to say how 
much i enjoyed the latest issue of the magazine. t he 
g20 coverage was particularly insightful, and i found 
myself nodding along to Amitabh Kant’s article on 
‘g20 for the Planet, People, and Prosperity.’ Leena 
nandan’s piece on ‘green Development Pact’ was 
also a great read. it’s clear that you guys are putting 
a lot of effort into making Yojana a must-read for 
anyone interested in what’s happening in the world. 
Keep up the great work!
– s aniya, Jharkhand
c omprehensive Explanations
t he november 2023 issue of ‘Yojana’ showcased 
how india’s g20 presidency has put forth the voice of 
reform on the global stage. t his has comprehensively 
explained how the new Delhi Declaration marched 
on to become a tool for achieving equitable and 
inclusive global governance. it has also highlighted 
the discourse about balancing economic growth in 
a post-pandemic world with a sustaining climate to 
live on a harmonious planet. Articles on ‘Bhashini’, 
’Digi Locker,’ etc., put forth india’s progress in DPi, 
which could be prompted to be harnessed in LMics. 
t hank you, team Yojana; it would make it easier for 
readers to follow the author’s points and understand 
the key takeaways from the Yojana article.
– b avinash, o disha
informative issue on G20
the november issue of ‘Yojana’ on the historic 
g20 summit in india was (information) delivered to 
the readers on a platter. t he lead article by Amitabh 
Kant, ‘g20 new Delhi Leaders’ Declaration,’ under 
‘Key Highlights’ with simple infographics and ‘L.i.F.e’ 
wasvery interesting. ‘Bhashini App,’ answering 
queries of dignitaries in their mother tongue, 
proved the mettle of the indian tech revolution. 
special article by Harsh vardhan shringla, the former 
Foreign s ecretary, beautifully narrated the successful 
conduct of the g20 summit, with launch of ‘global 
Biofuel Alliance’ and ‘iMec’, thereby putting india 
on a high global pedestal. t he article on legendary  
Prof Ms swaminathan was a tearful tribute to the 
father of the green r evolution. His comments in 
the pages of ‘Yojana’, “Modern industry is labour-
saving, agriculture is labour-absorbing” are true even 
in today’s world. All other articles were informative. 
– pratap nayak, Bhubaneswar, o disha
significance of G20 p residency 
t he esteemed contributors to Y ojana’ s november 
2023 edition have rightfully highlighted the 
significance of i ndia’s g20 Presidency at the juncture 
of an evolving and new global order. the pro-
people initiatives and pro-government approaches 
of the g20 towards tackling global challenges and 
maximising development impact for the needy and 
exposed populace are eye-catching. 
– s ayan Karmakar, West Bengal
inspiring readers
i am writing to express my sincere appreciation 
for the latest issue of Y ojana magazine, which focuses 
on the g20 and its important role in shaping a 
sustainable and prosperous future for all. Atul Bagai’s 
article, “Designing a circular economy,” offered a 
compelling case for adopting a circular economy 
model. Mr t ripathi’s insights on the need for inclusive 
and accessible digital infrastructure were insightful 
and thought-provoking. the magazine’s coverage 
of the g20 and its various initiatives is timely and 
relevant, and the articles are well-written and 
engaging. i commend the editorial team for their 
dedication to providing high-quality content that 
informs and inspires readers.thank you for your 
continued commitment to excellence.
– Md wahid s arwar, Jharkhand
Page 4

ExclusivE intErviE w
r Madhavan
dEcEMbEr 2023 a dE vElop MEnt Monthly 
December 2023
No. 12
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 60
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 40
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Chief editor 
Manogyan rani pal
Shuchita chaturvedi
our rEprEsEntativEs 
Ahmedabad: JS Patel, Bengaluru: Yashwant 
Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh Rathaur, 
Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , Jalandhar: 
Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Sumita 
Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
in converSation with
r Madhavan
india'S MoonShot 
Sudheer Kumar N 
india’S growing Stature 
a riSing power 
Sujan Chinoy
Sporting proweSS 
the year of hiStoric winS
redefining Mobility 
tranSforMing landScape  
of tranSport Sector
india’S induStry Sector
agriculture and rural 
developMent: Key initiativeS  
& achieveMentS 
Dr Jagdeep Saxena
4 December 2023
Engaging c ontent
i just wanted to drop a quick line to say how 
much i enjoyed the latest issue of the magazine. t he 
g20 coverage was particularly insightful, and i found 
myself nodding along to Amitabh Kant’s article on 
‘g20 for the Planet, People, and Prosperity.’ Leena 
nandan’s piece on ‘green Development Pact’ was 
also a great read. it’s clear that you guys are putting 
a lot of effort into making Yojana a must-read for 
anyone interested in what’s happening in the world. 
Keep up the great work!
– s aniya, Jharkhand
c omprehensive Explanations
t he november 2023 issue of ‘Yojana’ showcased 
how india’s g20 presidency has put forth the voice of 
reform on the global stage. t his has comprehensively 
explained how the new Delhi Declaration marched 
on to become a tool for achieving equitable and 
inclusive global governance. it has also highlighted 
the discourse about balancing economic growth in 
a post-pandemic world with a sustaining climate to 
live on a harmonious planet. Articles on ‘Bhashini’, 
’Digi Locker,’ etc., put forth india’s progress in DPi, 
which could be prompted to be harnessed in LMics. 
t hank you, team Yojana; it would make it easier for 
readers to follow the author’s points and understand 
the key takeaways from the Yojana article.
– b avinash, o disha
informative issue on G20
the november issue of ‘Yojana’ on the historic 
g20 summit in india was (information) delivered to 
the readers on a platter. t he lead article by Amitabh 
Kant, ‘g20 new Delhi Leaders’ Declaration,’ under 
‘Key Highlights’ with simple infographics and ‘L.i.F.e’ 
wasvery interesting. ‘Bhashini App,’ answering 
queries of dignitaries in their mother tongue, 
proved the mettle of the indian tech revolution. 
special article by Harsh vardhan shringla, the former 
Foreign s ecretary, beautifully narrated the successful 
conduct of the g20 summit, with launch of ‘global 
Biofuel Alliance’ and ‘iMec’, thereby putting india 
on a high global pedestal. t he article on legendary  
Prof Ms swaminathan was a tearful tribute to the 
father of the green r evolution. His comments in 
the pages of ‘Yojana’, “Modern industry is labour-
saving, agriculture is labour-absorbing” are true even 
in today’s world. All other articles were informative. 
– pratap nayak, Bhubaneswar, o disha
significance of G20 p residency 
t he esteemed contributors to Y ojana’ s november 
2023 edition have rightfully highlighted the 
significance of i ndia’s g20 Presidency at the juncture 
of an evolving and new global order. the pro-
people initiatives and pro-government approaches 
of the g20 towards tackling global challenges and 
maximising development impact for the needy and 
exposed populace are eye-catching. 
– s ayan Karmakar, West Bengal
inspiring readers
i am writing to express my sincere appreciation 
for the latest issue of Y ojana magazine, which focuses 
on the g20 and its important role in shaping a 
sustainable and prosperous future for all. Atul Bagai’s 
article, “Designing a circular economy,” offered a 
compelling case for adopting a circular economy 
model. Mr t ripathi’s insights on the need for inclusive 
and accessible digital infrastructure were insightful 
and thought-provoking. the magazine’s coverage 
of the g20 and its various initiatives is timely and 
relevant, and the articles are well-written and 
engaging. i commend the editorial team for their 
dedication to providing high-quality content that 
informs and inspires readers.thank you for your 
continued commitment to excellence.
– Md wahid s arwar, Jharkhand
5 December 2023
Glimpses of 2023
he year 2023 has been a challenging one for the world with 
unfathomable challenges. india, amid this tumultuous global 
panorama, has emerged as a beacon of resilience and transformation, 
navigating the global economic storm with timely policy initiatives. india 
is well-positioned to bridge global divides. Hosting world leaders for the 
g20 summit and the adoption of the catalytic and comprehensive new 
Delhi Leaders’ Declaration underscore india’s diplomatic prowess. t rue to 
the spirit of ‘one earth, one Family, one Future’ , the new Delhi Leader’s 
Declaration that came out of the g20 summit clearly stated action points 
and directives towards an affirmative resolve. t his role has presented india 
with opportunities to chart a path from peace and security to economic 
cooperation and climate action, and it offers hope for solutions to several 
urgent global issues.
the year 2023 witnessed a commendable transformation across 
various sectors. t his year indeed marks a milestone in india’s journey to 
Kartavya Kaal—towards evolution and transformation. the successful 
launch of chandrayaan-3 and Aditya-L1 marked a significant milestone 
for india’s space s ector. it signifies i ndia’s commitment to advancing its 
space capabilities and scientific research that showcases i ndia’s growing prowess in space technology.
the industrial sector experienced a surge in measures aligning with ease of doing business and global 
sustainability goals. While the national Logistics Policy seeks to improve efficiency in human resources and logistics 
services through process simplification, regulatory framework adoption, skill development, mainstreaming logistics 
in higher education, and the adoption of appropriate technologies, the PM gatishakti national Master Plan focuses 
on integrated infrastructure development. the transport sector has experienced significant expansion in terms of 
network coverage and system output. the emphasis has been more on quality, leading to better speeds and all–
weather connectivity. schemes like Bharatmala, sagarmala, Parvatmala, uDAn, etc. aim to enhance connectivity and 
accelerate economic growth. india’s first-ever indigenously designed and manufactured semi-high-speed vande 
Bharat trains have provided a modern and comfortable rail travel experience to passengers.
t he government continued to prioritise raising rural residents’ standards of living to promote more inclusive and 
equitable development. t hrough proactive socioeconomic inclusion, integration, and empowerment of rural india, 
it seeks to ‘transform lives and livelihoods.’ t he launch of the PM vishwakarma scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Pvtg 
Development Mission are considered important steps in this direction. 
With the ongoing efforts to preserve and promote its heritage, i ndia’s cultural wealth remains an integral part of 
its identity. t he journey of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, celebrating india’s 75 years of independence, highlighted the 
nation’s diverse and vibrant culture through events like Har ghar t iranga, ek Bharat shrestha Bharat, and Kalanjali, 
culminating with the grand Meri Maati Mera Desh initiative. t he inauguration of the new Parliament Building this year 
also marked a significant moment in the country’s history. 
sports was another leveller, and it gave the indians several reasons to celebrate. t he athletes across all games 
brought home laurels. t he 2022 Asian games will always be remembered as a significant occasion for our country. 
With 75% more gold medals than in the Asian games 2018 and medals in 16 new sporting categories, india achieved 
its highest-ever medal total of 107 in 60 years. t hese achievement highlights the development of a sports ecosystem 
where support is provided at all levels. Further, the year ended with india's commendable performance in the c ricket 
World c up. 
t his year-end issue aims to encapsulate the dynamic essence of india’s journey across various sectors, providing 
readers with insightful analyses and glimpses into the major developments and milestones in sectors like industry, 
transport, culture, Agriculture, and soft power areas like sports and c inema highlighting key policy initiatives. t his 
issue gives its readers glimpses of the year that was and the opportunities that lie ahead.                                                    ?
Page 5

ExclusivE intErviE w
r Madhavan
dEcEMbEr 2023 a dE vElop MEnt Monthly 
December 2023
No. 12
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 60
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 40
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Chief editor 
Manogyan rani pal
Shuchita chaturvedi
our rEprEsEntativEs 
Ahmedabad: JS Patel, Bengaluru: Yashwant 
Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh Rathaur, 
Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , Jalandhar: 
Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Sumita 
Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
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in converSation with
r Madhavan
india'S MoonShot 
Sudheer Kumar N 
india’S growing Stature 
a riSing power 
Sujan Chinoy
Sporting proweSS 
the year of hiStoric winS
redefining Mobility 
tranSforMing landScape  
of tranSport Sector
india’S induStry Sector
agriculture and rural 
developMent: Key initiativeS  
& achieveMentS 
Dr Jagdeep Saxena
4 December 2023
Engaging c ontent
i just wanted to drop a quick line to say how 
much i enjoyed the latest issue of the magazine. t he 
g20 coverage was particularly insightful, and i found 
myself nodding along to Amitabh Kant’s article on 
‘g20 for the Planet, People, and Prosperity.’ Leena 
nandan’s piece on ‘green Development Pact’ was 
also a great read. it’s clear that you guys are putting 
a lot of effort into making Yojana a must-read for 
anyone interested in what’s happening in the world. 
Keep up the great work!
– s aniya, Jharkhand
c omprehensive Explanations
t he november 2023 issue of ‘Yojana’ showcased 
how india’s g20 presidency has put forth the voice of 
reform on the global stage. t his has comprehensively 
explained how the new Delhi Declaration marched 
on to become a tool for achieving equitable and 
inclusive global governance. it has also highlighted 
the discourse about balancing economic growth in 
a post-pandemic world with a sustaining climate to 
live on a harmonious planet. Articles on ‘Bhashini’, 
’Digi Locker,’ etc., put forth india’s progress in DPi, 
which could be prompted to be harnessed in LMics. 
t hank you, team Yojana; it would make it easier for 
readers to follow the author’s points and understand 
the key takeaways from the Yojana article.
– b avinash, o disha
informative issue on G20
the november issue of ‘Yojana’ on the historic 
g20 summit in india was (information) delivered to 
the readers on a platter. t he lead article by Amitabh 
Kant, ‘g20 new Delhi Leaders’ Declaration,’ under 
‘Key Highlights’ with simple infographics and ‘L.i.F.e’ 
wasvery interesting. ‘Bhashini App,’ answering 
queries of dignitaries in their mother tongue, 
proved the mettle of the indian tech revolution. 
special article by Harsh vardhan shringla, the former 
Foreign s ecretary, beautifully narrated the successful 
conduct of the g20 summit, with launch of ‘global 
Biofuel Alliance’ and ‘iMec’, thereby putting india 
on a high global pedestal. t he article on legendary  
Prof Ms swaminathan was a tearful tribute to the 
father of the green r evolution. His comments in 
the pages of ‘Yojana’, “Modern industry is labour-
saving, agriculture is labour-absorbing” are true even 
in today’s world. All other articles were informative. 
– pratap nayak, Bhubaneswar, o disha
significance of G20 p residency 
t he esteemed contributors to Y ojana’ s november 
2023 edition have rightfully highlighted the 
significance of i ndia’s g20 Presidency at the juncture 
of an evolving and new global order. the pro-
people initiatives and pro-government approaches 
of the g20 towards tackling global challenges and 
maximising development impact for the needy and 
exposed populace are eye-catching. 
– s ayan Karmakar, West Bengal
inspiring readers
i am writing to express my sincere appreciation 
for the latest issue of Y ojana magazine, which focuses 
on the g20 and its important role in shaping a 
sustainable and prosperous future for all. Atul Bagai’s 
article, “Designing a circular economy,” offered a 
compelling case for adopting a circular economy 
model. Mr t ripathi’s insights on the need for inclusive 
and accessible digital infrastructure were insightful 
and thought-provoking. the magazine’s coverage 
of the g20 and its various initiatives is timely and 
relevant, and the articles are well-written and 
engaging. i commend the editorial team for their 
dedication to providing high-quality content that 
informs and inspires readers.thank you for your 
continued commitment to excellence.
– Md wahid s arwar, Jharkhand
5 December 2023
Glimpses of 2023
he year 2023 has been a challenging one for the world with 
unfathomable challenges. india, amid this tumultuous global 
panorama, has emerged as a beacon of resilience and transformation, 
navigating the global economic storm with timely policy initiatives. india 
is well-positioned to bridge global divides. Hosting world leaders for the 
g20 summit and the adoption of the catalytic and comprehensive new 
Delhi Leaders’ Declaration underscore india’s diplomatic prowess. t rue to 
the spirit of ‘one earth, one Family, one Future’ , the new Delhi Leader’s 
Declaration that came out of the g20 summit clearly stated action points 
and directives towards an affirmative resolve. t his role has presented india 
with opportunities to chart a path from peace and security to economic 
cooperation and climate action, and it offers hope for solutions to several 
urgent global issues.
the year 2023 witnessed a commendable transformation across 
various sectors. t his year indeed marks a milestone in india’s journey to 
Kartavya Kaal—towards evolution and transformation. the successful 
launch of chandrayaan-3 and Aditya-L1 marked a significant milestone 
for india’s space s ector. it signifies i ndia’s commitment to advancing its 
space capabilities and scientific research that showcases i ndia’s growing prowess in space technology.
the industrial sector experienced a surge in measures aligning with ease of doing business and global 
sustainability goals. While the national Logistics Policy seeks to improve efficiency in human resources and logistics 
services through process simplification, regulatory framework adoption, skill development, mainstreaming logistics 
in higher education, and the adoption of appropriate technologies, the PM gatishakti national Master Plan focuses 
on integrated infrastructure development. the transport sector has experienced significant expansion in terms of 
network coverage and system output. the emphasis has been more on quality, leading to better speeds and all–
weather connectivity. schemes like Bharatmala, sagarmala, Parvatmala, uDAn, etc. aim to enhance connectivity and 
accelerate economic growth. india’s first-ever indigenously designed and manufactured semi-high-speed vande 
Bharat trains have provided a modern and comfortable rail travel experience to passengers.
t he government continued to prioritise raising rural residents’ standards of living to promote more inclusive and 
equitable development. t hrough proactive socioeconomic inclusion, integration, and empowerment of rural india, 
it seeks to ‘transform lives and livelihoods.’ t he launch of the PM vishwakarma scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Pvtg 
Development Mission are considered important steps in this direction. 
With the ongoing efforts to preserve and promote its heritage, i ndia’s cultural wealth remains an integral part of 
its identity. t he journey of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, celebrating india’s 75 years of independence, highlighted the 
nation’s diverse and vibrant culture through events like Har ghar t iranga, ek Bharat shrestha Bharat, and Kalanjali, 
culminating with the grand Meri Maati Mera Desh initiative. t he inauguration of the new Parliament Building this year 
also marked a significant moment in the country’s history. 
sports was another leveller, and it gave the indians several reasons to celebrate. t he athletes across all games 
brought home laurels. t he 2022 Asian games will always be remembered as a significant occasion for our country. 
With 75% more gold medals than in the Asian games 2018 and medals in 16 new sporting categories, india achieved 
its highest-ever medal total of 107 in 60 years. t hese achievement highlights the development of a sports ecosystem 
where support is provided at all levels. Further, the year ended with india's commendable performance in the c ricket 
World c up. 
t his year-end issue aims to encapsulate the dynamic essence of india’s journey across various sectors, providing 
readers with insightful analyses and glimpses into the major developments and milestones in sectors like industry, 
transport, culture, Agriculture, and soft power areas like sports and c inema highlighting key policy initiatives. t his 
issue gives its readers glimpses of the year that was and the opportunities that lie ahead.                                                    ?
7 December 2023
n the midst of a time when space 
agencies around the world were 
vying for space race, the indian 
space programme was developed for 
scientific research and applications in the mid-
1960s. since then, the programme has expanded, 
with an emphasis on societal benefits and 
self-sufficiency. Many important technologies, 
materials, and industrial processes have been 
developed by indian scientists, who have made 
extensive use of in-house and external resources. 
During the last 50 years, self-reliance has been 
achieved in designing and manufacturing launch 
vehicles and satellites. the electronics for launch 
vehicle avionics and satellites have always been a 
challenge with imports and customisation. isro 
overcame these obstacles and is now well on its way 
to putting in place the necessary technologies and 
infrastructure for manufacturing, assembly, and 
testing of the sub-systems. With this, isro made 
This year has been remarkable for Indian space research and exploration. 
ISRO was an early developer of cutting-edge technologies like sensors, 
inertial navigation, guidance, and control systems. The success of  
extremely important missions like the Mars Orbiter Mission, Aditya-L1,  
and Chandrayaan-3 can be attributed to its unparalleled capacity.
Sudheer KuMar n the author is director, Capacity Building & Public outreach, and Pro, iSro, department of Space, Goi. email:
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FAQs on Yojana Magazine December 2023 - 1 - Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - UPSC

1. What is the importance of Yojana magazine in December 2023?
Ans. Yojana magazine in December 2023 provides valuable insights and analysis on various social, economic, and political issues. It covers in-depth articles and features related to the current affairs, policies, and developmental initiatives undertaken by the government. This magazine serves as a reliable source of information for individuals preparing for competitive exams, as it offers well-researched content and diverse perspectives on important topics.
2. How can I access the Yojana magazine in December 2023?
Ans. Yojana magazine in December 2023 can be accessed through both online and offline modes. The online version of the magazine is available on the official website of Yojana, where users can subscribe and download the digital copy. Additionally, the print version of the magazine can be purchased from authorized bookstores or subscribed to through postal services. Many libraries and educational institutions also provide access to Yojana magazine for their members.
3. What are the key themes covered in Yojana magazine December 2023?
Ans. Yojana magazine in December 2023 covers a wide range of themes related to social, economic, and political aspects. Some of the key themes covered in this edition may include sustainable development, climate change, healthcare reforms, education policies, industrial growth, rural development, digital transformation, governance reforms, and international relations. The magazine aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these topics and their implications in the Indian context.
4. Can Yojana magazine in December 2023 help in exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, Yojana magazine in December 2023 can be immensely helpful in exam preparation. The magazine provides in-depth analysis, case studies, and expert opinions on various topics that are often part of competitive exams. By reading and understanding the content of Yojana, aspirants can enhance their knowledge, develop a holistic understanding of important issues, and improve their analytical skills. The magazine also offers practice questions and sample answers, enabling candidates to assess their understanding and prepare effectively for exams.
5. Is Yojana magazine in December 2023 available in multiple languages?
Ans. Yes, Yojana magazine in December 2023 is available in multiple languages. While the primary language of the magazine is English, it is also published in Hindi and several other regional languages to cater to a diverse readership. The availability of Yojana in multiple languages ensures that individuals from various linguistic backgrounds can access and benefit from the valuable content provided in the magazine.
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