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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2018
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2018
(Question Paper-IV)
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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2018
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2018
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
uksV% (i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA tks fganh vkSj
vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn& lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Note: (i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; D;k gSa\ buds dsanzh; rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA 8
What are the values? Throw light over their central elements.
2. ljdkjh ,oa futh laLFkkvksa esa uSfrd ljksdjksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA 8
Define the ethical concerns in Government and Private Institutions.
3. iz'kklu esa lR;fu"Bk dk nk'kZfud vk/kj D;k gS\ vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA 8
What is the philosophical basis of probity in the governance? Discuss critically.
4. xk¡/h ds uSfrd ,ao lkekftd fopjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
Examine the ethical and social ideas of Gandhi.
5. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh izklafxdrk dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 8
(v) varjkRek
(c) lsok Hkko
(l) vuq'kklu
Evaluate the relevance of the following in the contest of Civil service:
(a) Conscience
(b) Spirit of service
(c) Discipline.
Page 3
;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2018
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2018
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
uksV% (i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA tks fganh vkSj
vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn& lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Note: (i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; D;k gSa\ buds dsanzh; rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA 8
What are the values? Throw light over their central elements.
2. ljdkjh ,oa futh laLFkkvksa esa uSfrd ljksdjksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA 8
Define the ethical concerns in Government and Private Institutions.
3. iz'kklu esa lR;fu"Bk dk nk'kZfud vk/kj D;k gS\ vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA 8
What is the philosophical basis of probity in the governance? Discuss critically.
4. xk¡/h ds uSfrd ,ao lkekftd fopjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
Examine the ethical and social ideas of Gandhi.
5. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh izklafxdrk dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 8
(v) varjkRek
(c) lsok Hkko
(l) vuq'kklu
Evaluate the relevance of the following in the contest of Civil service:
(a) Conscience
(b) Spirit of service
(c) Discipline.
6. ¶yksd lsok dh igpku lekt ds de”kksj oxks± ds izfr lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ij vk/kfjr gksrh gSA¸ bl lanHkZ esa
lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ds ewY;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
“Public service is recognised on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the
society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context.
7. vfHko`fÙk ds izdk;ks± dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the functions of the attitude.
8. fuEufyf[kr esa foHksn dhft;s% 8
Differentiate between the following:
(v) vfHko`fÙk ,oa ewY;A
(a) Attitude and value.
(c) vfHko`fÙk ,oa erA
(b) Attitude and opinion.
9. ¶izHkkoh iz'kklu ds fy;s yksd lsok ds izfr leiZ.k vko';d gksrk gSA¸ O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
‘‘Effective administration requires dedication towards Public Service.’’ Explain.
10. vHkh gky gh esa vkius ,d ljdkjh laxBu ds vè;{k ds :i esa dk;ZHkkj xzg.k fd;k gSA vius d;kZy; esa igys
gh fnu vki ikrs gSa fd laxBu esa dbZ vfu;ferrk;sa fo|eku gSa] tSls% 8
(i) LVkiQ le; dk ikcan ugha gSA
(ii) LVkiQ O;FkZ ckrphr esa viuk le; u"V djrk gSA
(iii) tu f'kdk;rksa ij dksbZ Rofjr dkjZokbZ ugha gksrk gSaA
(iv) laxBu esa lHkh Lrjksa ij Hkz"Vkpkj O;kIr gSA
(v) laxBu }kjk iznku dh tkus okyh lsokvksa dh xq.koÙkk fueu Lrj dh gSA
vki vius LVkiQ dks fdl izdkj ls izsfjr djsaxs ftlls laxBu dh mi;qZDr dfe;ksa dk funku gks tk;\ foospuk
Recently you have taken charge as the head of a government organisation. On the very first day in your
office, you observe that the organisation is crippled with many irregularities such as:
(i) The staff is not punctual.
(i) The staff waste their time in unnecessary talks.
(i) Speedy action is not taken on public grievances.
(i) There is rampant corruption at every level in the organisation.
(i) The quality of the services provided by the organisation is very poor.
How would you inspire you staff so that the above deficiencies of the above deficiencies of the organisation
get removed? Discuss.
11. uhfr'kkL=k ,oa uSfrdrk esa foHksn dhft;s rFkk uhfr'kkL=kh; dk;ks± ds fu/kZjd rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
Differentiate between ethics and morality and explain the determinants of ethical actions.
12. ¶dk.V dk uhfr'kkL=k vkdkjoknh ,oa dBksjrkoknh gSA¸ bl er dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s rFkk uSfrd thou
esa dk.V ds uSfrd fl¼kar ds egÙo dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 12
“Kan's ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantain
ethical principles in moral life.
Page 4
;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2018
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2018
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
uksV% (i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA tks fganh vkSj
vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn& lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Note: (i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; D;k gSa\ buds dsanzh; rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA 8
What are the values? Throw light over their central elements.
2. ljdkjh ,oa futh laLFkkvksa esa uSfrd ljksdjksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA 8
Define the ethical concerns in Government and Private Institutions.
3. iz'kklu esa lR;fu"Bk dk nk'kZfud vk/kj D;k gS\ vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA 8
What is the philosophical basis of probity in the governance? Discuss critically.
4. xk¡/h ds uSfrd ,ao lkekftd fopjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
Examine the ethical and social ideas of Gandhi.
5. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh izklafxdrk dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 8
(v) varjkRek
(c) lsok Hkko
(l) vuq'kklu
Evaluate the relevance of the following in the contest of Civil service:
(a) Conscience
(b) Spirit of service
(c) Discipline.
6. ¶yksd lsok dh igpku lekt ds de”kksj oxks± ds izfr lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ij vk/kfjr gksrh gSA¸ bl lanHkZ esa
lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ds ewY;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
“Public service is recognised on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the
society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context.
7. vfHko`fÙk ds izdk;ks± dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the functions of the attitude.
8. fuEufyf[kr esa foHksn dhft;s% 8
Differentiate between the following:
(v) vfHko`fÙk ,oa ewY;A
(a) Attitude and value.
(c) vfHko`fÙk ,oa erA
(b) Attitude and opinion.
9. ¶izHkkoh iz'kklu ds fy;s yksd lsok ds izfr leiZ.k vko';d gksrk gSA¸ O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
‘‘Effective administration requires dedication towards Public Service.’’ Explain.
10. vHkh gky gh esa vkius ,d ljdkjh laxBu ds vè;{k ds :i esa dk;ZHkkj xzg.k fd;k gSA vius d;kZy; esa igys
gh fnu vki ikrs gSa fd laxBu esa dbZ vfu;ferrk;sa fo|eku gSa] tSls% 8
(i) LVkiQ le; dk ikcan ugha gSA
(ii) LVkiQ O;FkZ ckrphr esa viuk le; u"V djrk gSA
(iii) tu f'kdk;rksa ij dksbZ Rofjr dkjZokbZ ugha gksrk gSaA
(iv) laxBu esa lHkh Lrjksa ij Hkz"Vkpkj O;kIr gSA
(v) laxBu }kjk iznku dh tkus okyh lsokvksa dh xq.koÙkk fueu Lrj dh gSA
vki vius LVkiQ dks fdl izdkj ls izsfjr djsaxs ftlls laxBu dh mi;qZDr dfe;ksa dk funku gks tk;\ foospuk
Recently you have taken charge as the head of a government organisation. On the very first day in your
office, you observe that the organisation is crippled with many irregularities such as:
(i) The staff is not punctual.
(i) The staff waste their time in unnecessary talks.
(i) Speedy action is not taken on public grievances.
(i) There is rampant corruption at every level in the organisation.
(i) The quality of the services provided by the organisation is very poor.
How would you inspire you staff so that the above deficiencies of the above deficiencies of the organisation
get removed? Discuss.
11. uhfr'kkL=k ,oa uSfrdrk esa foHksn dhft;s rFkk uhfr'kkL=kh; dk;ks± ds fu/kZjd rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
Differentiate between ethics and morality and explain the determinants of ethical actions.
12. ¶dk.V dk uhfr'kkL=k vkdkjoknh ,oa dBksjrkoknh gSA¸ bl er dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s rFkk uSfrd thou
esa dk.V ds uSfrd fl¼kar ds egÙo dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 12
“Kan's ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantain
ethical principles in moral life.
13. yksd lsokdksa }kjk lkeuk dh tkus okyh uSfrd nqfo/kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA D;k varjkRek muds lek/ku esa lgk;d
gksxh\ foospuk dhft;sA 12
Explain the ethical dilemmas faced by the public servants. Will conscience be helpful in their solution?
14. Hkz"Vkpkj dh pqukSfr;k¡ D;k gSa\ lekt esa mUgsa jksdus ds fy;s vkids vuqlkj D;k dne mBkus pkfg;s\ O;k[;k dhft;sA
What are the challenge of corruption? What steps should be taken according to you to prevent them from
the society? Explain.
15. izdj.k% 12
fu'kkar lkekftd :i ls laosnu'khy] lektoknh fopkj ds cqf¼thoh ,oa çksiQslj gSaA os vius ys•ksa] Hkk"k.kksa vkSj
ehfM;k ds ekè;e ls e”knwjksa] vYila[;dksa] nfyrksa] efgykvksa ,oa tutkfr;ksa ds Loj dks eq•fjr djrs gSaA ,d ikVhZ
Hkh mUgsa vius fFkad VSad esa j•s gq;s gSA blh Øe esa os vkàku djrs gS fd lEezkV tuksa] çcq¼ksa] jktuhfrKksa ,oa
vf/dkfj;ksa dks vius cPpksa dks ljdkjh Ldwyksa esa ços'k fnykuk pkfg;sA ços'k ds eghuksa esa vfHktkR; Ldwyksa ds
ekin.Mksa ij cgl gksrh gS vkSj mldh f'k{kk ds fgr esa vkykspuk Hkh gksrh gS] ftlesa fu'kkar Hkh lfEefyr jgrs gSa_
fdUrq irk pyrk gS fd os Lo;a vius cPps dks ,d vfHktkR; Ldwy esa ços'k fnykus gsrq ç;kljr gSaA vr% muds
bl ÑR; dks vkykspuk Hkh gksrh gSA dgk tkrk gS fd os ^djrs dqN gS vkSj dgrs dqN gSA*
vr% iz'u gS%
1. D;k fu'kkar dks Hkh vius cPps dks ljdkjh Ldwy esa izos'k fnyk nsuk pkfg;s\
2. D;k fu'kkar dks ckSf¼d foe'kZ R;kx nsuk pkfg;s\
3. D;k mUgsa vius ikVhZ ds yksxksa dks vius leFkZu esa [kM+k djuk pkfg;s\
4. ;k vius cPPks dk izos'k vfHktkR; Ldwy esa djk nsuk pkfg;sA foospuk dhft;sA
Nishant is a socially sensitive, socialist, intellectual and professor. Through his articles, speeches and media,
he raises the voices of labourers, minorities, downtroddens, women and tribals. A party keeps him in its
think tank. In this sequence once he calls the members of civil society, intellectuals, politicians and officers
to get their children admitted in the government schools. In the season of admissions, the elite schools are
highly criticised for their criteria and its impact on education and Nishant also joins in these criticism;
meanwhile it comes out that Nishant himself is trying to get his child admitted in an elite school. People
condemn this attitude of Nishant and say that his 'action and words are mismatched'.
Question therefore is:
(i) Should Nishant get his child admitted in the government school?
(ii) Should Nishant leave his intellectual discourses?
(iii) Should he call his party followers in his favour?
(iv) Or should he try to get the admission of his child in the elite school? Discuss
16. tulewg dh vfHko`fÙk ifjorZu esa fo'oklksRiknd laokn ds egÙo dh foospuk dhft;sA 12
Explain the importance of persuasive communication to change the attiudes of the masses.
17. ¶HkkoukRed cqf¼ rÙor% ,d lS¼kfUrd lEizR;; ugha gS] fdarq cgqvk;keh lkekftd dkS'ky gSA¸ bl dFku ds
ifjizs{; ea HkoukRed cqf¼ dh vo/kj.kk rFkk vk;keksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
‘‘In essence emotional intelligence is not a theorietical concept but a multidimensional social skill.’’ Explain
the concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence in teh context of the statement.
Page 5
;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2018
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2018
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
uksV% (i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA tks fganh vkSj
vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn& lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Note: (i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; D;k gSa\ buds dsanzh; rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA 8
What are the values? Throw light over their central elements.
2. ljdkjh ,oa futh laLFkkvksa esa uSfrd ljksdjksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;sA 8
Define the ethical concerns in Government and Private Institutions.
3. iz'kklu esa lR;fu"Bk dk nk'kZfud vk/kj D;k gS\ vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA 8
What is the philosophical basis of probity in the governance? Discuss critically.
4. xk¡/h ds uSfrd ,ao lkekftd fopjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
Examine the ethical and social ideas of Gandhi.
5. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh izklafxdrk dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 8
(v) varjkRek
(c) lsok Hkko
(l) vuq'kklu
Evaluate the relevance of the following in the contest of Civil service:
(a) Conscience
(b) Spirit of service
(c) Discipline.
6. ¶yksd lsok dh igpku lekt ds de”kksj oxks± ds izfr lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ij vk/kfjr gksrh gSA¸ bl lanHkZ esa
lfg".kqrk ,oa d#.kk ds ewY;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
“Public service is recognised on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the
society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context.
7. vfHko`fÙk ds izdk;ks± dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the functions of the attitude.
8. fuEufyf[kr esa foHksn dhft;s% 8
Differentiate between the following:
(v) vfHko`fÙk ,oa ewY;A
(a) Attitude and value.
(c) vfHko`fÙk ,oa erA
(b) Attitude and opinion.
9. ¶izHkkoh iz'kklu ds fy;s yksd lsok ds izfr leiZ.k vko';d gksrk gSA¸ O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
‘‘Effective administration requires dedication towards Public Service.’’ Explain.
10. vHkh gky gh esa vkius ,d ljdkjh laxBu ds vè;{k ds :i esa dk;ZHkkj xzg.k fd;k gSA vius d;kZy; esa igys
gh fnu vki ikrs gSa fd laxBu esa dbZ vfu;ferrk;sa fo|eku gSa] tSls% 8
(i) LVkiQ le; dk ikcan ugha gSA
(ii) LVkiQ O;FkZ ckrphr esa viuk le; u"V djrk gSA
(iii) tu f'kdk;rksa ij dksbZ Rofjr dkjZokbZ ugha gksrk gSaA
(iv) laxBu esa lHkh Lrjksa ij Hkz"Vkpkj O;kIr gSA
(v) laxBu }kjk iznku dh tkus okyh lsokvksa dh xq.koÙkk fueu Lrj dh gSA
vki vius LVkiQ dks fdl izdkj ls izsfjr djsaxs ftlls laxBu dh mi;qZDr dfe;ksa dk funku gks tk;\ foospuk
Recently you have taken charge as the head of a government organisation. On the very first day in your
office, you observe that the organisation is crippled with many irregularities such as:
(i) The staff is not punctual.
(i) The staff waste their time in unnecessary talks.
(i) Speedy action is not taken on public grievances.
(i) There is rampant corruption at every level in the organisation.
(i) The quality of the services provided by the organisation is very poor.
How would you inspire you staff so that the above deficiencies of the above deficiencies of the organisation
get removed? Discuss.
11. uhfr'kkL=k ,oa uSfrdrk esa foHksn dhft;s rFkk uhfr'kkL=kh; dk;ks± ds fu/kZjd rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
Differentiate between ethics and morality and explain the determinants of ethical actions.
12. ¶dk.V dk uhfr'kkL=k vkdkjoknh ,oa dBksjrkoknh gSA¸ bl er dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s rFkk uSfrd thou
esa dk.V ds uSfrd fl¼kar ds egÙo dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 12
“Kan's ethics is formalist and rigorist.” Critically examine this view and evaluate the importance of Kantain
ethical principles in moral life.
13. yksd lsokdksa }kjk lkeuk dh tkus okyh uSfrd nqfo/kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA D;k varjkRek muds lek/ku esa lgk;d
gksxh\ foospuk dhft;sA 12
Explain the ethical dilemmas faced by the public servants. Will conscience be helpful in their solution?
14. Hkz"Vkpkj dh pqukSfr;k¡ D;k gSa\ lekt esa mUgsa jksdus ds fy;s vkids vuqlkj D;k dne mBkus pkfg;s\ O;k[;k dhft;sA
What are the challenge of corruption? What steps should be taken according to you to prevent them from
the society? Explain.
15. izdj.k% 12
fu'kkar lkekftd :i ls laosnu'khy] lektoknh fopkj ds cqf¼thoh ,oa çksiQslj gSaA os vius ys•ksa] Hkk"k.kksa vkSj
ehfM;k ds ekè;e ls e”knwjksa] vYila[;dksa] nfyrksa] efgykvksa ,oa tutkfr;ksa ds Loj dks eq•fjr djrs gSaA ,d ikVhZ
Hkh mUgsa vius fFkad VSad esa j•s gq;s gSA blh Øe esa os vkàku djrs gS fd lEezkV tuksa] çcq¼ksa] jktuhfrKksa ,oa
vf/dkfj;ksa dks vius cPpksa dks ljdkjh Ldwyksa esa ços'k fnykuk pkfg;sA ços'k ds eghuksa esa vfHktkR; Ldwyksa ds
ekin.Mksa ij cgl gksrh gS vkSj mldh f'k{kk ds fgr esa vkykspuk Hkh gksrh gS] ftlesa fu'kkar Hkh lfEefyr jgrs gSa_
fdUrq irk pyrk gS fd os Lo;a vius cPps dks ,d vfHktkR; Ldwy esa ços'k fnykus gsrq ç;kljr gSaA vr% muds
bl ÑR; dks vkykspuk Hkh gksrh gSA dgk tkrk gS fd os ^djrs dqN gS vkSj dgrs dqN gSA*
vr% iz'u gS%
1. D;k fu'kkar dks Hkh vius cPps dks ljdkjh Ldwy esa izos'k fnyk nsuk pkfg;s\
2. D;k fu'kkar dks ckSf¼d foe'kZ R;kx nsuk pkfg;s\
3. D;k mUgsa vius ikVhZ ds yksxksa dks vius leFkZu esa [kM+k djuk pkfg;s\
4. ;k vius cPPks dk izos'k vfHktkR; Ldwy esa djk nsuk pkfg;sA foospuk dhft;sA
Nishant is a socially sensitive, socialist, intellectual and professor. Through his articles, speeches and media,
he raises the voices of labourers, minorities, downtroddens, women and tribals. A party keeps him in its
think tank. In this sequence once he calls the members of civil society, intellectuals, politicians and officers
to get their children admitted in the government schools. In the season of admissions, the elite schools are
highly criticised for their criteria and its impact on education and Nishant also joins in these criticism;
meanwhile it comes out that Nishant himself is trying to get his child admitted in an elite school. People
condemn this attitude of Nishant and say that his 'action and words are mismatched'.
Question therefore is:
(i) Should Nishant get his child admitted in the government school?
(ii) Should Nishant leave his intellectual discourses?
(iii) Should he call his party followers in his favour?
(iv) Or should he try to get the admission of his child in the elite school? Discuss
16. tulewg dh vfHko`fÙk ifjorZu esa fo'oklksRiknd laokn ds egÙo dh foospuk dhft;sA 12
Explain the importance of persuasive communication to change the attiudes of the masses.
17. ¶HkkoukRed cqf¼ rÙor% ,d lS¼kfUrd lEizR;; ugha gS] fdarq cgqvk;keh lkekftd dkS'ky gSA¸ bl dFku ds
ifjizs{; ea HkoukRed cqf¼ dh vo/kj.kk rFkk vk;keksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
‘‘In essence emotional intelligence is not a theorietical concept but a multidimensional social skill.’’ Explain
the concept and dimensions of emotional intelligence in teh context of the statement.
18. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh izklafxdrk dh foospuk ,oa ewY;kadu dhft;s% 12
(v) lR;fu"Bk
(c) fu"i{krk
(l) oLrqfu"Brk
(n) xSj&rjiQnkjh
Discuss and evaluate the relevance of the following in the context of the civil service:
(a) Integrity
(b) Impartiality
(c) Objectivity
(d) Non-partisanship
19. ¶vfHko`fÙk;k¡ gekjs vuqHkoksa dk ifj.kke gSA¸ bl dFku ds lanHkZ esa vfHko`fÙk fuekZ.k gsrq mÙkjnk;h dkjdksa dh O;k[;k
,oa ewY;kadu dhft;sA 12
‘‘Attitudes ar the result of our experiences.’’ Explain and evaluate the factors responsible for attitude
formation in the context of this statement.
20. ,d tu lwpuk vf/dkjh dks ^lwpuk dk vf/dkj vf/fu;e* ds varxZr ,d vkosnu feyrk gSaA okafNr lwpuk ,d=k
djus ds ckn mls ik pyrk gS fd og lwpuk Lo;a mlh ds }kjk fy;s x;s dqN fu.kZ;ksa ls lacaf/r gS] tks iw.kZ :i
ls lgh ugha FksA bu fu.kZ;ksa esa vU; deZpkjh Hkh lgHkkxh FksA lwpuk izdV gksus ij Lo;a mlds rFkk vU; lg;ksfx;ksa
ds fo#¼ vuq'kklUkkRed dkjZokbZ gks ldrh gS] ftlesa n.M dHkh lEHkkfor gSA lwpuk izdV u djus ij ;k vkaf'kd
lwpuk miyC/ djkus ij de n.M ;k n.M eqfDr Hkh fey ldrh gSA
tu lwpuk vf/dkjh ,d bZekunkj ,oa dÙkZO;fu"B O;fDr gSa] ijarq ftl fof'k"V fu.kZ;] ftlds laca/ esa vkj-Vh-vkbZ-
esa vkosnu fd;k x;k gS] og xyr fu.kZ; gSA
og vf/dkjh vkids ikl lykg ds fy;s vkrk gSA ,slh fLFkfr esa vki mls D;k lykg nsaxs\ rdZiw.kZ <ax ls O;k[;k
dhft;sA 12
A Public Information Officer has received an application under 'Right To Information (RTI) Act'. After
gathering the required information, he finds that the informations pertain to some of the decisions taken
by him, which were not totally correct. Some other employees were also a party to these decisions.
Disclosure of the informations may lead towards disciplinary action against him and his other colleagues
including probable punishment. Non-disclosure of information or partial disclosure of information may
result to less or no punishment.
The Public Information Officer is an honest and conscientious person but the particular decision regarding
which an application under the RTI Act was lodged was a wrong decision.
The officer comes to you for your advice under the above conditions what will be your advice to the officer?
Explain logically.
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