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MPPSC State Services 2018 Mains GS Paper - V | Course for MPPSC Preparation - MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh) PDF Download

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 Page 1

ik¡pok¡ iz'u&i=k FIFTH PAPER
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s funsZ'k% 
Instructions to the candidates :
 1. bl iz'u&i=k esa dqy nl iz'u gSaA
  This Questions Paper consists of ten questions.
 2. lHkh iz'u vufok;Z gSA
  All questions are compulsory.
 3. izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus vafdr gSaA
  Marks for each questions have been indicated on the right had margin.
 4. iz'u la[;k 1 esa dksbZ fodYi ugha gSA 'ks"k iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi fn;k x;k gSA
  There is no internal choice in Question No. 1, remaining questions carry internal choice.
 5. tgk¡ 'kCn lhek nh xbZ gS mldk ikyu djsaA
  Wherever word limit has been given it must be adhered to.
 6. iz'u&i=k ds vuqlkj gh iz'uksa ds mÙkj Øekuqlkj nsaA ,d iz'u ds fofHkUUk Hkkxksa ds mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls Øekuqlkj fy[ksa rFkk muds 
chp vU; iz'uksa ds mÙkj uk fy[ksA 
  Questions should be answered exactly in the order in which they appear in the question paper. Answer to the various 
parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and no answer of the other question should be 
inserted between them.
funsZ'k% lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA
 1.  bu y/q mÙkjh; iz'uksa osQ mÙkj vf/dre 50 'kCnksa es (1 ;k 2 iafDr;ksa esa) nhft,% 30 ×20 = 60
 (a)  'kkSjlsuh viHkza'k ds ukxj :i ls fudyus okyh nks vk/qfud Hkk"kkvksa ds uke fyf•,A
 (b)  ^esokrh cksyh* fdl miHkk"kk ds varxZr vkrh gS\
 (c)  ^•M+h cksyh* dk lokZf/d mi;qDr çkphu uke fyf•,A
 (d)  jktHkk"kk&laca/h çko/ku Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fdl vuqPNsn esa of.kZr gS\
 (e) ^nUrks"B;* o.kZ fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhft,A
 (f) ^vukSipkfjd i=k* fdls dgrs gSa\
 (g)  ^izk:i ys[ku* dh vo/kj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A
 (h) ^yksdksfDr* dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
 (i) ^Hkk"kk* vkSj ^cksyh* esa D;k varj gS\
 (j)  ^;.k laf/* fdls dgrs gSA mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhfy,A
 (k)  nsoukxjh fyfi dh nhu fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys• dhft,A
 (1)  ^fl/h* Hkk"kk dks fdl lafo/ku la'kks/u ds rgr 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS\
 (m)  ^ladj 'kCn* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (n) ^ijlxZ*  fdls dgrs gSa nks mnkgj.k fy•dj Li"V dhft,A
 (o)  vuqukfld ,oa vuqLokj fdls dgrs gSa\ nks&nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (p) deZ/kj; ,oa cgqczhfg lekl esa varj fyf•,A ,d&,d mnkgj.k nhft,A
Page 2

ik¡pok¡ iz'u&i=k FIFTH PAPER
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s funsZ'k% 
Instructions to the candidates :
 1. bl iz'u&i=k esa dqy nl iz'u gSaA
  This Questions Paper consists of ten questions.
 2. lHkh iz'u vufok;Z gSA
  All questions are compulsory.
 3. izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus vafdr gSaA
  Marks for each questions have been indicated on the right had margin.
 4. iz'u la[;k 1 esa dksbZ fodYi ugha gSA 'ks"k iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi fn;k x;k gSA
  There is no internal choice in Question No. 1, remaining questions carry internal choice.
 5. tgk¡ 'kCn lhek nh xbZ gS mldk ikyu djsaA
  Wherever word limit has been given it must be adhered to.
 6. iz'u&i=k ds vuqlkj gh iz'uksa ds mÙkj Øekuqlkj nsaA ,d iz'u ds fofHkUUk Hkkxksa ds mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls Øekuqlkj fy[ksa rFkk muds 
chp vU; iz'uksa ds mÙkj uk fy[ksA 
  Questions should be answered exactly in the order in which they appear in the question paper. Answer to the various 
parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and no answer of the other question should be 
inserted between them.
funsZ'k% lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA
 1.  bu y/q mÙkjh; iz'uksa osQ mÙkj vf/dre 50 'kCnksa es (1 ;k 2 iafDr;ksa esa) nhft,% 30 ×20 = 60
 (a)  'kkSjlsuh viHkza'k ds ukxj :i ls fudyus okyh nks vk/qfud Hkk"kkvksa ds uke fyf•,A
 (b)  ^esokrh cksyh* fdl miHkk"kk ds varxZr vkrh gS\
 (c)  ^•M+h cksyh* dk lokZf/d mi;qDr çkphu uke fyf•,A
 (d)  jktHkk"kk&laca/h çko/ku Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fdl vuqPNsn esa of.kZr gS\
 (e) ^nUrks"B;* o.kZ fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhft,A
 (f) ^vukSipkfjd i=k* fdls dgrs gSa\
 (g)  ^izk:i ys[ku* dh vo/kj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A
 (h) ^yksdksfDr* dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
 (i) ^Hkk"kk* vkSj ^cksyh* esa D;k varj gS\
 (j)  ^;.k laf/* fdls dgrs gSA mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhfy,A
 (k)  nsoukxjh fyfi dh nhu fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys• dhft,A
 (1)  ^fl/h* Hkk"kk dks fdl lafo/ku la'kks/u ds rgr 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS\
 (m)  ^ladj 'kCn* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (n) ^ijlxZ*  fdls dgrs gSa nks mnkgj.k fy•dj Li"V dhft,A
 (o)  vuqukfld ,oa vuqLokj fdls dgrs gSa\ nks&nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (p) deZ/kj; ,oa cgqczhfg lekl esa varj fyf•,A ,d&,d mnkgj.k nhft,A
 (q)  ^gal in* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf•,A
 (r)  jktHkk"kk vf/fu;e] 1976 dk mYys• dhft,A
 (s)  ewyfu"B vkSj ewykfJr vuqokn fdls dgrs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
 (t)  ^laidZ Hkk"kk* fdls gS\
 2- fuEufyf•r x|korj.k dk fgUnh ls vaxzsth esa vuqokn dhft, %
  lalkj esa dnkfpr~ gh dksbZ ,slh bekjr gksxh] tks lkSUn;Z vkSj oSHko esa rktegy dh cjkcjh dj ldrh gksA ;g ,d lqanj m|ku 
ls f?kjk gqvk gSA larjh dh Hkk¡fr •M+s gq, ljks ds o`{k ok;q dks lqxfU/r djrs gq, f[kys iq"i] laxejej ds gkSy esa eNfy;ksa 
dk vkàkniw.kZ u`R; vkSj lkeus mYykl ls ØhM+k djrs gq, iQkSOokjs] bl HkO; Hkou dk cgqr gh mi;qDr okrkoj.k cukrs gSaA 
,d ys•d dgrk gS&¶;g bruk LoPN] bruk ifo=k tku iM+rk gS fd euq";ksa ds gkFkksa }kjk fufeZr ugha tku iM+rk A nsonwr 
bls LoxZ ls yk;s bls vkSj bl ij dk¡p dk ,d vkoj.k cuk nsuk pkfg, ftlls ;g ok;q dh çR;sd 'okl ls lqjf{kr jgsA¸
    le; ij dk;Z djuk] dgha Hkh le; ij tkuk bls le; dh ikcanh dgk tkrk gS] tks dksbZ Hkh ,d feuV Hkh le; O;FkZ ugha 
djrk gS] mls le; dk ikcan dgk tkrk gSA ;fn rqe le; O;FkZ djrs gks] rks le; rqEgsa u"V dj nsxkA tks dksbZ Hkh le; dk 
egRo tkurk gS og dHkh viuk ,d feuV Hkh O;FkZ ugha djrk gSA tks ges'kk le; dk ikcan gksrk gS og mldh ukSdjh esa 
mlds vf/dkjh }kjk vPNk deZpkjh le>k tkrk gSA blls mldk leku] fe=kksa o fj'rsnkjksa esa #rck c<+rk gSA
 3- fuEufyf•r vaxzsth x|korj.k dk fgUnh esa vuqokn dhft,%
  Life in modern city is tiring. It keeps the mind in a state of uneasiness. Business has to be disposed of quickly and 
accurately. The noise makes our mind restless. The ever present crowed of people distracts our attention. That is 
the reason why city dwellers have to seek recreation.
	 	 V illages	 have	 their	 own	 recreations	 but	 they	 are	 natural	 not	 artificial.	 The	 village	 labourer	 use	 his	 body	 more	 than	
his brain. His work puts more strain on his body, therefore he enjoys sound sleep at night. The peaceful and clean 
atmosphere of the village quickly removes physical fatigue. When the labourer get up in the morning, he feels spurt 
of	 livelin ess.	 The	 peaceful	 atmo sphere	 of	 the	 village	 does	 not	 put	 strain	 on	 our	 nerves.	 The	 sight	 of	 green	 fields,	
quietness	and	the	murmur	of	running	water	offered	us	rest	and	pleasure.
  Until recently the environment has been largely taken for granted-that it will continue, as it always had, to support 
our life and livelihood, providing the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, the food that we eat, and much 
of our industrial raw material. This is our biological capital, the basic advanced technology will come to naught 
and any economic and political integrity of this biological capital is technology itself.
 4-  fuEufyf•r x|ka'k dk ,d&frgkbZ 'kCnksa esa la{ksi.k dhft, rFkk js•kafdr iafDr;ksa dk Hkko&iYyou vius 'kCnksa esa dhft,% 
  ;qok'kfDr dk vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; ;ksxnku jgk gSA vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; vk/kj ;qok'kfDr gSA fdlh Hkh jk"Vª dh vkfFkZd 
O;oLFkk lqn`<+ vFkok detksj gksus dk Js; ;qok'kfDr dks tkrk gSA Hkkjr ,d fo'kky ns'k gS tgk¡ 80» turk xk¡oksa esa fuokl 
djrh gSA vkfFkZd n`f"V ls vkt Hkh xzkeh.k {ks=k fiNM+k gqvk n`f"Vxkspj gksrk gSA jk"Vª dks vUu nsus okyk fdlku fu/Zu voLFkk 
esa jgrk gS rFkk ns'k dh iw¡th dqN gh yksxksa ds gkFkksa esa tkdj lek tkrh gSA iw¡thifr dh iwath c<+rh tk jgh gS rFkk xjhc 
vkSj xjhc gksrk tk jgk gSA bl fcxM+h gqbZ fLFkfr ,oa O;oLFkk dks feVkus ds fy, ;qok'kfDr gh psruk yk ldrh gSA
  ekuo thou esa vH;kl dk cgqr egÙo gksrk gSA fujarj vH;kl ls O;fÙkQ fdlh Hkh dyk esa fuiq.krk rFkk dkS'ky çkIr dj 
ldrk gSA vH;kl ds cy ij og dfBu ls dfBu dk;Z dks Hkh ljy cuk ldrk gSA dkfynkl] vtZqu] ,dyO; blds mnkgj.k 
gSA mUgksaus lrr vH;kl ds cy ij fuiq.krk gkfly dhA vusd çdkj dh yfyr dykvksa esa Hkh vH;kl dk egÙo vlafnX/ 
gSA laxhr] u`R; tSlh dyk,¡ rks vH;kl ds fcuk vk gh ugha ldrhA Hkkjr ds çfl¼ f•ykM+h è;kupan ds tknw dk ,dek=k 
dkj.k mudk lrr vH;kl gh FkkA
 5- Lo;a dks ftykf/dkjh] bankSj ekurs gq, ,d dk;kZy; vkns'k fuxZr dks] ftlesa leLr fyfidksa dks dk;kZy;h&i=kkoyh ?kj ys 
tkus dh vuqefr u gksA  15
Page 3

ik¡pok¡ iz'u&i=k FIFTH PAPER
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s funsZ'k% 
Instructions to the candidates :
 1. bl iz'u&i=k esa dqy nl iz'u gSaA
  This Questions Paper consists of ten questions.
 2. lHkh iz'u vufok;Z gSA
  All questions are compulsory.
 3. izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus vafdr gSaA
  Marks for each questions have been indicated on the right had margin.
 4. iz'u la[;k 1 esa dksbZ fodYi ugha gSA 'ks"k iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi fn;k x;k gSA
  There is no internal choice in Question No. 1, remaining questions carry internal choice.
 5. tgk¡ 'kCn lhek nh xbZ gS mldk ikyu djsaA
  Wherever word limit has been given it must be adhered to.
 6. iz'u&i=k ds vuqlkj gh iz'uksa ds mÙkj Øekuqlkj nsaA ,d iz'u ds fofHkUUk Hkkxksa ds mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls Øekuqlkj fy[ksa rFkk muds 
chp vU; iz'uksa ds mÙkj uk fy[ksA 
  Questions should be answered exactly in the order in which they appear in the question paper. Answer to the various 
parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and no answer of the other question should be 
inserted between them.
funsZ'k% lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA
 1.  bu y/q mÙkjh; iz'uksa osQ mÙkj vf/dre 50 'kCnksa es (1 ;k 2 iafDr;ksa esa) nhft,% 30 ×20 = 60
 (a)  'kkSjlsuh viHkza'k ds ukxj :i ls fudyus okyh nks vk/qfud Hkk"kkvksa ds uke fyf•,A
 (b)  ^esokrh cksyh* fdl miHkk"kk ds varxZr vkrh gS\
 (c)  ^•M+h cksyh* dk lokZf/d mi;qDr çkphu uke fyf•,A
 (d)  jktHkk"kk&laca/h çko/ku Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fdl vuqPNsn esa of.kZr gS\
 (e) ^nUrks"B;* o.kZ fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhft,A
 (f) ^vukSipkfjd i=k* fdls dgrs gSa\
 (g)  ^izk:i ys[ku* dh vo/kj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A
 (h) ^yksdksfDr* dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
 (i) ^Hkk"kk* vkSj ^cksyh* esa D;k varj gS\
 (j)  ^;.k laf/* fdls dgrs gSA mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhfy,A
 (k)  nsoukxjh fyfi dh nhu fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys• dhft,A
 (1)  ^fl/h* Hkk"kk dks fdl lafo/ku la'kks/u ds rgr 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS\
 (m)  ^ladj 'kCn* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (n) ^ijlxZ*  fdls dgrs gSa nks mnkgj.k fy•dj Li"V dhft,A
 (o)  vuqukfld ,oa vuqLokj fdls dgrs gSa\ nks&nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (p) deZ/kj; ,oa cgqczhfg lekl esa varj fyf•,A ,d&,d mnkgj.k nhft,A
 (q)  ^gal in* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf•,A
 (r)  jktHkk"kk vf/fu;e] 1976 dk mYys• dhft,A
 (s)  ewyfu"B vkSj ewykfJr vuqokn fdls dgrs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
 (t)  ^laidZ Hkk"kk* fdls gS\
 2- fuEufyf•r x|korj.k dk fgUnh ls vaxzsth esa vuqokn dhft, %
  lalkj esa dnkfpr~ gh dksbZ ,slh bekjr gksxh] tks lkSUn;Z vkSj oSHko esa rktegy dh cjkcjh dj ldrh gksA ;g ,d lqanj m|ku 
ls f?kjk gqvk gSA larjh dh Hkk¡fr •M+s gq, ljks ds o`{k ok;q dks lqxfU/r djrs gq, f[kys iq"i] laxejej ds gkSy esa eNfy;ksa 
dk vkàkniw.kZ u`R; vkSj lkeus mYykl ls ØhM+k djrs gq, iQkSOokjs] bl HkO; Hkou dk cgqr gh mi;qDr okrkoj.k cukrs gSaA 
,d ys•d dgrk gS&¶;g bruk LoPN] bruk ifo=k tku iM+rk gS fd euq";ksa ds gkFkksa }kjk fufeZr ugha tku iM+rk A nsonwr 
bls LoxZ ls yk;s bls vkSj bl ij dk¡p dk ,d vkoj.k cuk nsuk pkfg, ftlls ;g ok;q dh çR;sd 'okl ls lqjf{kr jgsA¸
    le; ij dk;Z djuk] dgha Hkh le; ij tkuk bls le; dh ikcanh dgk tkrk gS] tks dksbZ Hkh ,d feuV Hkh le; O;FkZ ugha 
djrk gS] mls le; dk ikcan dgk tkrk gSA ;fn rqe le; O;FkZ djrs gks] rks le; rqEgsa u"V dj nsxkA tks dksbZ Hkh le; dk 
egRo tkurk gS og dHkh viuk ,d feuV Hkh O;FkZ ugha djrk gSA tks ges'kk le; dk ikcan gksrk gS og mldh ukSdjh esa 
mlds vf/dkjh }kjk vPNk deZpkjh le>k tkrk gSA blls mldk leku] fe=kksa o fj'rsnkjksa esa #rck c<+rk gSA
 3- fuEufyf•r vaxzsth x|korj.k dk fgUnh esa vuqokn dhft,%
  Life in modern city is tiring. It keeps the mind in a state of uneasiness. Business has to be disposed of quickly and 
accurately. The noise makes our mind restless. The ever present crowed of people distracts our attention. That is 
the reason why city dwellers have to seek recreation.
	 	 V illages	 have	 their	 own	 recreations	 but	 they	 are	 natural	 not	 artificial.	 The	 village	 labourer	 use	 his	 body	 more	 than	
his brain. His work puts more strain on his body, therefore he enjoys sound sleep at night. The peaceful and clean 
atmosphere of the village quickly removes physical fatigue. When the labourer get up in the morning, he feels spurt 
of	 livelin ess.	 The	 peaceful	 atmo sphere	 of	 the	 village	 does	 not	 put	 strain	 on	 our	 nerves.	 The	 sight	 of	 green	 fields,	
quietness	and	the	murmur	of	running	water	offered	us	rest	and	pleasure.
  Until recently the environment has been largely taken for granted-that it will continue, as it always had, to support 
our life and livelihood, providing the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, the food that we eat, and much 
of our industrial raw material. This is our biological capital, the basic advanced technology will come to naught 
and any economic and political integrity of this biological capital is technology itself.
 4-  fuEufyf•r x|ka'k dk ,d&frgkbZ 'kCnksa esa la{ksi.k dhft, rFkk js•kafdr iafDr;ksa dk Hkko&iYyou vius 'kCnksa esa dhft,% 
  ;qok'kfDr dk vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; ;ksxnku jgk gSA vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; vk/kj ;qok'kfDr gSA fdlh Hkh jk"Vª dh vkfFkZd 
O;oLFkk lqn`<+ vFkok detksj gksus dk Js; ;qok'kfDr dks tkrk gSA Hkkjr ,d fo'kky ns'k gS tgk¡ 80» turk xk¡oksa esa fuokl 
djrh gSA vkfFkZd n`f"V ls vkt Hkh xzkeh.k {ks=k fiNM+k gqvk n`f"Vxkspj gksrk gSA jk"Vª dks vUu nsus okyk fdlku fu/Zu voLFkk 
esa jgrk gS rFkk ns'k dh iw¡th dqN gh yksxksa ds gkFkksa esa tkdj lek tkrh gSA iw¡thifr dh iwath c<+rh tk jgh gS rFkk xjhc 
vkSj xjhc gksrk tk jgk gSA bl fcxM+h gqbZ fLFkfr ,oa O;oLFkk dks feVkus ds fy, ;qok'kfDr gh psruk yk ldrh gSA
  ekuo thou esa vH;kl dk cgqr egÙo gksrk gSA fujarj vH;kl ls O;fÙkQ fdlh Hkh dyk esa fuiq.krk rFkk dkS'ky çkIr dj 
ldrk gSA vH;kl ds cy ij og dfBu ls dfBu dk;Z dks Hkh ljy cuk ldrk gSA dkfynkl] vtZqu] ,dyO; blds mnkgj.k 
gSA mUgksaus lrr vH;kl ds cy ij fuiq.krk gkfly dhA vusd çdkj dh yfyr dykvksa esa Hkh vH;kl dk egÙo vlafnX/ 
gSA laxhr] u`R; tSlh dyk,¡ rks vH;kl ds fcuk vk gh ugha ldrhA Hkkjr ds çfl¼ f•ykM+h è;kupan ds tknw dk ,dek=k 
dkj.k mudk lrr vH;kl gh FkkA
 5- Lo;a dks ftykf/dkjh] bankSj ekurs gq, ,d dk;kZy; vkns'k fuxZr dks] ftlesa leLr fyfidksa dks dk;kZy;h&i=kkoyh ?kj ys 
tkus dh vuqefr u gksA  15
   bankSj ifCyd Ldwy] bankSj ds fy, fgUnh] foKku vkSj dEI;wVj f'k{kdksa dh vko';drk gSA ;ksX;rk de&ls&de vkWulZ f}rh; rFkk rhu o"kks± dk f'k{k.k vuqHko vfuok;Z gSA vkd"kZd osrueku@vuqHkoh f'k{kdksa dks çkFkfedrk çkFkZuk i=k 30 twu] 
2018 rd çkpk;Z ds ikl iathÑr Mkd ls HkstsaA mDr vk'k; dk çkFkZuk i=k fy•dj çkpk;Z dh vksj ls fy•sA
 6- fuEufyf•r vaxzsth 'kCnksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds fgUnh ikfjHkkf"kd :i fyf•,%
 (a)  Abstract
 (b)  Enclosure
 (c)  Cadre
 (d)  Judicial stamp
 (e) Communique
 (f) Privilege leave
 (g)  Subsistence
 (h)  Tribunal
 (i) Probation
 (j)  Clearing
 fuEufyf•r fgUnh 'kCnksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds vaxzsth ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCn fyf•,%
 (a) vkorhZ
 (b) vuqpj
 (c) çkf/Ñr
 (d) vf/ykHkka'k
 (e) fueZyhdj.k
 (f) funZsf'kdk
 (g) m|e
 (h) vuqfyfi
 (i)  jkti=k@xtV
 (j)  leh{kk
 7. fuEufyf•r eqgkojksa@dgkorksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p dk vFkZ Li"V djrs gq, mudk okD;ksa esa ç;ksx dhft,%
 3 × 5 =15
 (a) ikuh&ikuh gksrk
 (b) dPpk fpêðk •ksyuk
 (c) fry dk rkM+ djuk
 (d) /CCkk yxkuk
 (e) tehu ij ik¡o u iM+uk
 (f) ygw dk ?kw¡V ihuk
 (g) gkFk&iSj iwQy tkuk
 (h) lk¡p dks vk¡u ugha
 (i) dku ij tw¡ u jsaxuk
 (j) tcku ij yxke u gksuk
 8. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds mÙkj nhft,% 3 × 5 =15
 (a) ^o/w$vkxeu* dh laf/ dhft,A
 (b) ^peu* dk laf/&foPNsn dhft,A
 (c) ^ve`r/kjk* esa dkSu&lk lekl gS\
 (d) ^iVq* dk lekukFkhZ 'kCn fyf•,A
Page 4

ik¡pok¡ iz'u&i=k FIFTH PAPER
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s funsZ'k% 
Instructions to the candidates :
 1. bl iz'u&i=k esa dqy nl iz'u gSaA
  This Questions Paper consists of ten questions.
 2. lHkh iz'u vufok;Z gSA
  All questions are compulsory.
 3. izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus vafdr gSaA
  Marks for each questions have been indicated on the right had margin.
 4. iz'u la[;k 1 esa dksbZ fodYi ugha gSA 'ks"k iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi fn;k x;k gSA
  There is no internal choice in Question No. 1, remaining questions carry internal choice.
 5. tgk¡ 'kCn lhek nh xbZ gS mldk ikyu djsaA
  Wherever word limit has been given it must be adhered to.
 6. iz'u&i=k ds vuqlkj gh iz'uksa ds mÙkj Øekuqlkj nsaA ,d iz'u ds fofHkUUk Hkkxksa ds mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls Øekuqlkj fy[ksa rFkk muds 
chp vU; iz'uksa ds mÙkj uk fy[ksA 
  Questions should be answered exactly in the order in which they appear in the question paper. Answer to the various 
parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and no answer of the other question should be 
inserted between them.
funsZ'k% lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA
 1.  bu y/q mÙkjh; iz'uksa osQ mÙkj vf/dre 50 'kCnksa es (1 ;k 2 iafDr;ksa esa) nhft,% 30 ×20 = 60
 (a)  'kkSjlsuh viHkza'k ds ukxj :i ls fudyus okyh nks vk/qfud Hkk"kkvksa ds uke fyf•,A
 (b)  ^esokrh cksyh* fdl miHkk"kk ds varxZr vkrh gS\
 (c)  ^•M+h cksyh* dk lokZf/d mi;qDr çkphu uke fyf•,A
 (d)  jktHkk"kk&laca/h çko/ku Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fdl vuqPNsn esa of.kZr gS\
 (e) ^nUrks"B;* o.kZ fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhft,A
 (f) ^vukSipkfjd i=k* fdls dgrs gSa\
 (g)  ^izk:i ys[ku* dh vo/kj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A
 (h) ^yksdksfDr* dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
 (i) ^Hkk"kk* vkSj ^cksyh* esa D;k varj gS\
 (j)  ^;.k laf/* fdls dgrs gSA mnkgj.k }kjk Li"V dhfy,A
 (k)  nsoukxjh fyfi dh nhu fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys• dhft,A
 (1)  ^fl/h* Hkk"kk dks fdl lafo/ku la'kks/u ds rgr 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS\
 (m)  ^ladj 'kCn* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (n) ^ijlxZ*  fdls dgrs gSa nks mnkgj.k fy•dj Li"V dhft,A
 (o)  vuqukfld ,oa vuqLokj fdls dgrs gSa\ nks&nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,A
 (p) deZ/kj; ,oa cgqczhfg lekl esa varj fyf•,A ,d&,d mnkgj.k nhft,A
 (q)  ^gal in* fdls dgrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k fyf•,A
 (r)  jktHkk"kk vf/fu;e] 1976 dk mYys• dhft,A
 (s)  ewyfu"B vkSj ewykfJr vuqokn fdls dgrs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
 (t)  ^laidZ Hkk"kk* fdls gS\
 2- fuEufyf•r x|korj.k dk fgUnh ls vaxzsth esa vuqokn dhft, %
  lalkj esa dnkfpr~ gh dksbZ ,slh bekjr gksxh] tks lkSUn;Z vkSj oSHko esa rktegy dh cjkcjh dj ldrh gksA ;g ,d lqanj m|ku 
ls f?kjk gqvk gSA larjh dh Hkk¡fr •M+s gq, ljks ds o`{k ok;q dks lqxfU/r djrs gq, f[kys iq"i] laxejej ds gkSy esa eNfy;ksa 
dk vkàkniw.kZ u`R; vkSj lkeus mYykl ls ØhM+k djrs gq, iQkSOokjs] bl HkO; Hkou dk cgqr gh mi;qDr okrkoj.k cukrs gSaA 
,d ys•d dgrk gS&¶;g bruk LoPN] bruk ifo=k tku iM+rk gS fd euq";ksa ds gkFkksa }kjk fufeZr ugha tku iM+rk A nsonwr 
bls LoxZ ls yk;s bls vkSj bl ij dk¡p dk ,d vkoj.k cuk nsuk pkfg, ftlls ;g ok;q dh çR;sd 'okl ls lqjf{kr jgsA¸
    le; ij dk;Z djuk] dgha Hkh le; ij tkuk bls le; dh ikcanh dgk tkrk gS] tks dksbZ Hkh ,d feuV Hkh le; O;FkZ ugha 
djrk gS] mls le; dk ikcan dgk tkrk gSA ;fn rqe le; O;FkZ djrs gks] rks le; rqEgsa u"V dj nsxkA tks dksbZ Hkh le; dk 
egRo tkurk gS og dHkh viuk ,d feuV Hkh O;FkZ ugha djrk gSA tks ges'kk le; dk ikcan gksrk gS og mldh ukSdjh esa 
mlds vf/dkjh }kjk vPNk deZpkjh le>k tkrk gSA blls mldk leku] fe=kksa o fj'rsnkjksa esa #rck c<+rk gSA
 3- fuEufyf•r vaxzsth x|korj.k dk fgUnh esa vuqokn dhft,%
  Life in modern city is tiring. It keeps the mind in a state of uneasiness. Business has to be disposed of quickly and 
accurately. The noise makes our mind restless. The ever present crowed of people distracts our attention. That is 
the reason why city dwellers have to seek recreation.
	 	 V illages	 have	 their	 own	 recreations	 but	 they	 are	 natural	 not	 artificial.	 The	 village	 labourer	 use	 his	 body	 more	 than	
his brain. His work puts more strain on his body, therefore he enjoys sound sleep at night. The peaceful and clean 
atmosphere of the village quickly removes physical fatigue. When the labourer get up in the morning, he feels spurt 
of	 livelin ess.	 The	 peaceful	 atmo sphere	 of	 the	 village	 does	 not	 put	 strain	 on	 our	 nerves.	 The	 sight	 of	 green	 fields,	
quietness	and	the	murmur	of	running	water	offered	us	rest	and	pleasure.
  Until recently the environment has been largely taken for granted-that it will continue, as it always had, to support 
our life and livelihood, providing the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, the food that we eat, and much 
of our industrial raw material. This is our biological capital, the basic advanced technology will come to naught 
and any economic and political integrity of this biological capital is technology itself.
 4-  fuEufyf•r x|ka'k dk ,d&frgkbZ 'kCnksa esa la{ksi.k dhft, rFkk js•kafdr iafDr;ksa dk Hkko&iYyou vius 'kCnksa esa dhft,% 
  ;qok'kfDr dk vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; ;ksxnku jgk gSA vkfFkZd {ks=k esa eq[; vk/kj ;qok'kfDr gSA fdlh Hkh jk"Vª dh vkfFkZd 
O;oLFkk lqn`<+ vFkok detksj gksus dk Js; ;qok'kfDr dks tkrk gSA Hkkjr ,d fo'kky ns'k gS tgk¡ 80» turk xk¡oksa esa fuokl 
djrh gSA vkfFkZd n`f"V ls vkt Hkh xzkeh.k {ks=k fiNM+k gqvk n`f"Vxkspj gksrk gSA jk"Vª dks vUu nsus okyk fdlku fu/Zu voLFkk 
esa jgrk gS rFkk ns'k dh iw¡th dqN gh yksxksa ds gkFkksa esa tkdj lek tkrh gSA iw¡thifr dh iwath c<+rh tk jgh gS rFkk xjhc 
vkSj xjhc gksrk tk jgk gSA bl fcxM+h gqbZ fLFkfr ,oa O;oLFkk dks feVkus ds fy, ;qok'kfDr gh psruk yk ldrh gSA
  ekuo thou esa vH;kl dk cgqr egÙo gksrk gSA fujarj vH;kl ls O;fÙkQ fdlh Hkh dyk esa fuiq.krk rFkk dkS'ky çkIr dj 
ldrk gSA vH;kl ds cy ij og dfBu ls dfBu dk;Z dks Hkh ljy cuk ldrk gSA dkfynkl] vtZqu] ,dyO; blds mnkgj.k 
gSA mUgksaus lrr vH;kl ds cy ij fuiq.krk gkfly dhA vusd çdkj dh yfyr dykvksa esa Hkh vH;kl dk egÙo vlafnX/ 
gSA laxhr] u`R; tSlh dyk,¡ rks vH;kl ds fcuk vk gh ugha ldrhA Hkkjr ds çfl¼ f•ykM+h è;kupan ds tknw dk ,dek=k 
dkj.k mudk lrr vH;kl gh FkkA
 5- Lo;a dks ftykf/dkjh] bankSj ekurs gq, ,d dk;kZy; vkns'k fuxZr dks] ftlesa leLr fyfidksa dks dk;kZy;h&i=kkoyh ?kj ys 
tkus dh vuqefr u gksA  15
   bankSj ifCyd Ldwy] bankSj ds fy, fgUnh] foKku vkSj dEI;wVj f'k{kdksa dh vko';drk gSA ;ksX;rk de&ls&de vkWulZ f}rh; rFkk rhu o"kks± dk f'k{k.k vuqHko vfuok;Z gSA vkd"kZd osrueku@vuqHkoh f'k{kdksa dks çkFkfedrk çkFkZuk i=k 30 twu] 
2018 rd çkpk;Z ds ikl iathÑr Mkd ls HkstsaA mDr vk'k; dk çkFkZuk i=k fy•dj çkpk;Z dh vksj ls fy•sA
 6- fuEufyf•r vaxzsth 'kCnksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds fgUnh ikfjHkkf"kd :i fyf•,%
 (a)  Abstract
 (b)  Enclosure
 (c)  Cadre
 (d)  Judicial stamp
 (e) Communique
 (f) Privilege leave
 (g)  Subsistence
 (h)  Tribunal
 (i) Probation
 (j)  Clearing
 fuEufyf•r fgUnh 'kCnksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds vaxzsth ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCn fyf•,%
 (a) vkorhZ
 (b) vuqpj
 (c) çkf/Ñr
 (d) vf/ykHkka'k
 (e) fueZyhdj.k
 (f) funZsf'kdk
 (g) m|e
 (h) vuqfyfi
 (i)  jkti=k@xtV
 (j)  leh{kk
 7. fuEufyf•r eqgkojksa@dgkorksa esa ls fdUgha ik¡p dk vFkZ Li"V djrs gq, mudk okD;ksa esa ç;ksx dhft,%
 3 × 5 =15
 (a) ikuh&ikuh gksrk
 (b) dPpk fpêðk •ksyuk
 (c) fry dk rkM+ djuk
 (d) /CCkk yxkuk
 (e) tehu ij ik¡o u iM+uk
 (f) ygw dk ?kw¡V ihuk
 (g) gkFk&iSj iwQy tkuk
 (h) lk¡p dks vk¡u ugha
 (i) dku ij tw¡ u jsaxuk
 (j) tcku ij yxke u gksuk
 8. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdUgha ik¡p ds mÙkj nhft,% 3 × 5 =15
 (a) ^o/w$vkxeu* dh laf/ dhft,A
 (b) ^peu* dk laf/&foPNsn dhft,A
 (c) ^ve`r/kjk* esa dkSu&lk lekl gS\
 (d) ^iVq* dk lekukFkhZ 'kCn fyf•,A
 (e) ^'kqd* ds rhu i;kZ;okph 'kCn fyf•,A
 (f) ^moZjk* dk foykse 'kCn fyf•,A
 (g)  ^ijd* vkSj ^ij•* ds vFkZ Li"V dhfn,A
 (h) ^tsB* 'kCn dk rRle :i fyf•,AA
 (i) ^i;Zd* 'kCn dk rn~Hko :i fyf•,A
 (j) ^viw.kZ fojke fpÉ* dks vafdr djrs gq, nks mnkgj.kksa }kjk Li"V dhft,A
 9-  fuEufyf•r x|ka'k ds vk/kj ij uhps fy•s ç'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,  3 × 5 =15
  Hkkjrh; n'kZu fl•krk gS fd thou dk ,d vk'k; vkSj y{; gS] ml vk'k; dh •kst gekjk nkf;Ro gS vkSj var esa ml 
y{; dks çkIr dj ysuk] gekjk fo'ks"k vf/dkj gSA bl çdkj n'kZu tks fd vk'k; dks mn~?kkfVr djus dh dksf'k'k djrk gS 
vkSj tgk¡ rd mls blesa liQyrk feyrh gS] og bl y{; rd vxzlj gksus dh çfØ;k gSA dqy feykdj vkf•j ;g y{; 
D;k gS\ bl vFkZ esa ;FkkFkZ dh çkfIr og gS ftlesa ik ysuk] dsoy tkuuk ugha gS] cfYd mlh dk va'k gks tkrk gSA bl 
miyfC/ esa ck/k D;k gSA ck/k,¡ dbZ gS] ij buesa çeq• gSµvKkuA vf'kf{kr vkRek ugha gS] ;gk¡ rd fd lalkj Hkh ugha gSA 
n'kZu gh gS cks mls f'kf{kr djrk gS vkSj viuh f'k{kk ls mls ml vKku ls eqfDr fnykrk gS] tks ;FkkFkZ n'kZu ugha gksus nsrkA 
bl çdkj ,d nk'kZfud gksuk ,d ckSf¼d vuqxeu djuk ugha gS] cfYd ,d 'kfDrçn vuq'kklu ij pyuk gS] D;ksafd lR; 
dh •kst esa yxs gq, lgh nk'kZfud dks vius thou esa bl çdkj vkpfjr djuk iM+rk gS rkfd ml ;FkkFkZ ls ,dkdkj gks 
tk, ftls og •kst jgk gSA okLro esa] ;gh thou dk ,d ek=k lgh ekxZ gS vkSj lHkh nk'kZfudksa dks bldk ikyu djuk 
gksrk gS] vkSj nk'kZfud gh ugha] cfYd lHkh euq";ksa dks] D;ksafd lHkh euq";ksa ds nkf;Ro vkSj fu;fr ,d gh gSA
  (a) Hkkjrh; n'kZu fdl y{; dh vksj ladsr djrk gS\
  (b) y{; çkIr djus esa çeq• ck/k D;k gS\
  (c) thou dk ,dek=k mns'; D;k gS\
  (d) ^vuq'kklu* 'kCn esa milxZ ,oa ewy'kCn D;k gS\ 
  (e) bl x|ka'k dk mi;qDr 'kh"kZd fyf•,A
  ekuo tkfr us vius mn~Hko dky ls gh çÑfr dh xksn esa vkSj mlh ls vius Hkj.k&iks"k.k dh lkexzh çkIr dhA lHkh çdkj 
ds vU; ;k çkÑfrd miknku gh mlds thou vkSj thfodk ds ,dek=k lk/u FksA çÑfr us gks ekuo thou dks laj{k.k çnku 
fd;kA jkepaæ] lhrk o y{e.k us Hkh iapoVh uked LFkku ij dqfV;k cukdj ouokl dk yEck le; O;rhr fd;k FkkA o`{kksa 
dh ydM+h ls ekuo vusd çdkj ds ykHk mBkrk gSA mlus ydM+h dks b±/u ds :i esa ç;qÙkQ fd;kA blls edku o >ksifM+;k¡ 
cukbZA bekjrh ydM+h ls Hkou fuekZ.k] Ñf"k&;a=k] ifjogu tSls jFk] Vªd rFkk jsyksa ds fMCcs rFkk iQuhZpj vkfn cuk, tkrs 
gSaA dks;yk eh ydM+h dk çfr:i gSA o`{kksa dh ydM+h rFkk mlds mRikn tSls&ukfj;y dk twV] ydM+h dk cqjknk] phM+ dh 
ydM+h vkfn dk ç;ksx iQy] dk¡p ds crZu vkfn uktqd inkFkks± dh iSfdax esa fd;k tkrk gSA bl çdkj o`{kksa ls fofHkUu 
çR;{k ykHkksa ds vfrfjÙkQ ijks{k iQk;ns Hkh gSA thounkf;uh vkWDlhtu isM+ksa ls çkIr gksrh gSA o`{kksa ds vkf/D; ls ckn fu;a=k.k 
esa lgk;rk feyrh gSA
  (a)  vkfndky esa ekuo thou fdl ij vk/kfjr Fkk\
  (b) ^ydM+h* dk çfr:i D;k gS\
  (c)  o`{kksa ls ijks{k iQk;nk fdlesa gks ldrk gS\ 
  (d) ^iapoVh* dk lekl foxzg D;k gS\
  (e)  bl x|ka'k dk lVhd ,oa mfpr 'kh"kZd fyf•,A
 10-  iatkc uS'kuy cSad] Hkksiky dh ,d 'kk•k esa yxkrkj rhu o"kks± ls gkfu dk mYys• djrs gq, çfrosnu dk çk:i çLrqr dhft,A
  Lo;a dks dqylfpo] nsoh vfgY;k fo'ofo|ky;] bankSj dk ekurs gq, l=k 2017-18 dh eq[; ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu&i=k tek 
djkus gsrq ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ^vf/lwpuk* çdkf'kr djkus dk ,d vke rS;kj dhft,A
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