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Picture reading Picture reading
The Sky
Page 2

Picture reading Picture reading
The Sky
Santoor ¦  Class 3
Look at the picture and answer.
1.   What   can   you   see   on   both   sides  
of  the  street?
2.  Why   are   there   two   dustbins?   Do 
you   know   why   one   is   blue   and   
the   other   is   green   in   colour?
3.   Why   is   the   man   in   dark   glasses  
holding   a   white stick?
4.   Do   you   know   which   toy   the  
boys   are  playing with?
5.   How   many   bullock-carts   are  
there  in the  picture? 
6.   Name   the   different   animals   in  
the   picture.
Note to the teacher
Provide   ample   time   to   foster   the   skill   of   observation.
Page 3

Picture reading Picture reading
The Sky
Santoor ¦  Class 3
Look at the picture and answer.
1.   What   can   you   see   on   both   sides  
of  the  street?
2.  Why   are   there   two   dustbins?   Do 
you   know   why   one   is   blue   and   
the   other   is   green   in   colour?
3.   Why   is   the   man   in   dark   glasses  
holding   a   white stick?
4.   Do   you   know   which   toy   the  
boys   are  playing with?
5.   How   many   bullock-carts   are  
there  in the  picture? 
6.   Name   the   different   animals   in  
the   picture.
Note to the teacher
Provide   ample   time   to   foster   the   skill   of   observation.
10. Night
Let us recite Let us recite
The  sun  that  shines   all   day  so   bright,
I  wonder where  it   goes  at  night.
It sinks  behind   a   distant   hill
And   all   the   world  grows   dark  and   still.
Page 4

Picture reading Picture reading
The Sky
Santoor ¦  Class 3
Look at the picture and answer.
1.   What   can   you   see   on   both   sides  
of  the  street?
2.  Why   are   there   two   dustbins?   Do 
you   know   why   one   is   blue   and   
the   other   is   green   in   colour?
3.   Why   is   the   man   in   dark   glasses  
holding   a   white stick?
4.   Do   you   know   which   toy   the  
boys   are  playing with?
5.   How   many   bullock-carts   are  
there  in the  picture? 
6.   Name   the   different   animals   in  
the   picture.
Note to the teacher
Provide   ample   time   to   foster   the   skill   of   observation.
10. Night
Let us recite Let us recite
The  sun  that  shines   all   day  so   bright,
I  wonder where  it   goes  at  night.
It sinks  behind   a   distant   hill
And   all   the   world  grows   dark  and   still.
Santoor ¦  Class 3
  And   then I go to  bed and sleep 
Until  the  day  begins to peep.   
And   when  my  eyes  open,   
I   see  the Sun is   
shining  down on me.
New words
wonder   distant   peep
Page 5

Picture reading Picture reading
The Sky
Santoor ¦  Class 3
Look at the picture and answer.
1.   What   can   you   see   on   both   sides  
of  the  street?
2.  Why   are   there   two   dustbins?   Do 
you   know   why   one   is   blue   and   
the   other   is   green   in   colour?
3.   Why   is   the   man   in   dark   glasses  
holding   a   white stick?
4.   Do   you   know   which   toy   the  
boys   are  playing with?
5.   How   many   bullock-carts   are  
there  in the  picture? 
6.   Name   the   different   animals   in  
the   picture.
Note to the teacher
Provide   ample   time   to   foster   the   skill   of   observation.
10. Night
Let us recite Let us recite
The  sun  that  shines   all   day  so   bright,
I  wonder where  it   goes  at  night.
It sinks  behind   a   distant   hill
And   all   the   world  grows   dark  and   still.
Santoor ¦  Class 3
  And   then I go to  bed and sleep 
Until  the  day  begins to peep.   
And   when  my  eyes  open,   
I   see  the Sun is   
shining  down on me.
New words
wonder   distant   peep
Santoor ¦  Class  3
Let us think Let us think
A.  Answer the following.
1.    Where   does   the   Sun  go   after   the  end   of  the   day?
2.    Which   among   the   following  needs  the Sun?  Why?
a)  sunflower           
b)  toys       
c)  plants       
d)  table      
e)  children
3.   The   poem   talks   about   the   Sun   in   the   sky.   What   else   do   you  
see when you  look up at  the sky?
B. Think and answer.
1.   What   different   colours   do   we   get   to  
see during  sunrise   and  sunset?
2.   What   do   you   see   when   you   look   at  
the sky at  night?
3.   How   do   you   feel   when   you   open  
your eyes  in the morning?
4.   Imagine   a   day   when   the   Sun   doesn’t  
come  out.   Talk   about   how   the   day 
would be.
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook: Night - NCERT Textbooks & Solutions for Class 3

1. आसमान में कौन-कौन सी चीजें देखी जा सकती हैं ?
Ans. आसमान में हम सूरज, चाँद, तारे, बादल और पक्षियों को देख सकते हैं। सूरज दिन में हमें रोशनी देता है, जबकि चाँद रात में चमकता है। तारे रात के आसमान में बहुत सुंदर लगते हैं, और बादल बारिश लाते हैं।
2. तारे रात को क्यों चमकते हैं ?
Ans. तारे रात को चमकते हैं क्योंकि वे बहुत दूर होते हैं और अपनी रोशनी को हमारे तक पहुँचाते हैं। जब हम रात में आसमान देखते हैं, तो तारे अपने प्रकाश के कारण हमें दिखाई देते हैं।
3. चाँद का आकार समय-समय पर क्यों बदलता है ?
Ans. चाँद का आकार बदलने का कारण यह है कि यह पृथ्वी के चारों ओर घूमता है और सूरज की रोशनी पर निर्भर करता है। इसलिए कभी-कभी चाँद पूरा होता है, कभी आधा और कभी उसका आकार बिल्कुल नहीं दिखाई देता है।
4. आसमान में बादल क्यों बनते हैं ?
Ans. आसमान में बादल तब बनते हैं जब हवा में मौजूद पानी की बूँदें ठंडी होकर एकत्रित होती हैं। जब ये बूँदें मिलकर भारी हो जाती हैं, तो वे बादल बनाती हैं, और जब वे और भारी हो जाती हैं, तो बारिश होती है।
5. सूरज का क्या महत्व है ?
Ans. सूरज का बहुत महत्व है क्योंकि यह हमें रोशनी और गर्मी प्रदान करता है। यह पौधों के लिए फोटोसिंथेसिस करने में मदद करता है, जिससे वे बढ़ते हैं और हमें ऑक्सीजन देते हैं। सूरज के बिना जीवन संभव नहीं है।
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