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CTET Solved Question Paper - 1 (30 Jan - 2023) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. Although domains of development overlaps with 
each other in certain aspects yet which of the 
following domain of development specifically 
attempts to study the progression of 'feelings' about 
self and others?
(1) Moral Development 
(2) Language Development
(3) Physical Development
(4) Emotional Development
2. Which of the following Principle of Development 
suggests that 'some specific responses get combined 
in the later process of development to form a whole'?
(1) Principle of Continuity
(2) Principle of integration
(3) Cephalocaudal Principle
(4) Proximodistal Principle
3. Which of the following factor comes under the 
category of socio-cultural factors having an influence 
on development?
(1) School climate
(2) Neurological deficits
(3) Biological dispositions
(4) Genetic makeup
4. In accordance to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, a teacher should give tasks requiring 
__________ to students in age group 7-11 years for 
working independently.
(1) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
(2) Reversible thinking
(3) Passive imitation
(4) Object permanence
5. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, at which stage do most children 
become capable of solving abstract problems in 
logical fashion?
(1) Sensorimotor (2) Preoperational
(3) Concrete operational (4) Formal operational
6. Noori judges other actions based on the argument 
that 'we have some duties towards society and we 
should obey rules for that sake . As per Lawrence 
Kohilberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Noori at 
(1) Pre-conventional
(2) Conventional
(3) Post-conventional
(4) Formal-conventional
7. A teacher gives assignments which requires students 
to get into discussion with significant others in the 
family. As per Lev Vygotsky's theory, she believes 
that __________ plays a significant role in cognitive 
development of children.
(1) imitation (2) biological maturation
(3) hierarchy (4) social interactions
8. In accordance with Lev Vygotsky's ideas, a teacher 
(1) avoid giving cues or hints to students in any 
(2) discourage students to verbalise their thoughts 
while working on a problem.
(3) encourage discussions and debates among 
(4) view learning independent to socio-cultural 
context of students.
9. Lev Vygotsky believed that higher-order mental 
processes are mediated by __________ .
(1) psychological tools 
(2) rewards and punishments
(3) conditioning
(4) memorisation
10. As per Howard Gardner's theory, students who are 
good at understanding other's feelings, moods and 
intentions posses higher level of __________ kind of 
(1) Interpersonal (2) Spatial
(3) Musical (4) Intrapersonal
11. As per Lev Vygotsky's ideas, which of the following 
statement charactersizes the correct relation between 
language and thought?
(1) Language has no role in self-regulation of 
(2) Self-directed talk of children represents their 
(3) Inner-speech of children represents an internal 
plane of verbal thinking.
(4) Verbalisation of thoughts hinders children's 
problem-solving skills.
12. 'Boys are always good in science and girls are always 
good in music', this statement reflects __________ .
(1) Gender Equity
(2) Gender Parity
(3) Gender Identify
(4) Gender Stereotype
Paper - 1
30th January, 2023
Page 2

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. Although domains of development overlaps with 
each other in certain aspects yet which of the 
following domain of development specifically 
attempts to study the progression of 'feelings' about 
self and others?
(1) Moral Development 
(2) Language Development
(3) Physical Development
(4) Emotional Development
2. Which of the following Principle of Development 
suggests that 'some specific responses get combined 
in the later process of development to form a whole'?
(1) Principle of Continuity
(2) Principle of integration
(3) Cephalocaudal Principle
(4) Proximodistal Principle
3. Which of the following factor comes under the 
category of socio-cultural factors having an influence 
on development?
(1) School climate
(2) Neurological deficits
(3) Biological dispositions
(4) Genetic makeup
4. In accordance to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, a teacher should give tasks requiring 
__________ to students in age group 7-11 years for 
working independently.
(1) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
(2) Reversible thinking
(3) Passive imitation
(4) Object permanence
5. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, at which stage do most children 
become capable of solving abstract problems in 
logical fashion?
(1) Sensorimotor (2) Preoperational
(3) Concrete operational (4) Formal operational
6. Noori judges other actions based on the argument 
that 'we have some duties towards society and we 
should obey rules for that sake . As per Lawrence 
Kohilberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Noori at 
(1) Pre-conventional
(2) Conventional
(3) Post-conventional
(4) Formal-conventional
7. A teacher gives assignments which requires students 
to get into discussion with significant others in the 
family. As per Lev Vygotsky's theory, she believes 
that __________ plays a significant role in cognitive 
development of children.
(1) imitation (2) biological maturation
(3) hierarchy (4) social interactions
8. In accordance with Lev Vygotsky's ideas, a teacher 
(1) avoid giving cues or hints to students in any 
(2) discourage students to verbalise their thoughts 
while working on a problem.
(3) encourage discussions and debates among 
(4) view learning independent to socio-cultural 
context of students.
9. Lev Vygotsky believed that higher-order mental 
processes are mediated by __________ .
(1) psychological tools 
(2) rewards and punishments
(3) conditioning
(4) memorisation
10. As per Howard Gardner's theory, students who are 
good at understanding other's feelings, moods and 
intentions posses higher level of __________ kind of 
(1) Interpersonal (2) Spatial
(3) Musical (4) Intrapersonal
11. As per Lev Vygotsky's ideas, which of the following 
statement charactersizes the correct relation between 
language and thought?
(1) Language has no role in self-regulation of 
(2) Self-directed talk of children represents their 
(3) Inner-speech of children represents an internal 
plane of verbal thinking.
(4) Verbalisation of thoughts hinders children's 
problem-solving skills.
12. 'Boys are always good in science and girls are always 
good in music', this statement reflects __________ .
(1) Gender Equity
(2) Gender Parity
(3) Gender Identify
(4) Gender Stereotype
Paper - 1
30th January, 2023
30  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
13. Diversity in terms of socio-cultural context of 
students in a classroom should be __________ .
(1) eliminated by dividing students based on their 
(2) Ignored and standardised curriculum should be 
(3) considered as an asset and be utilised in teaching 
a concept.
(4) the criteria of labelling the students and 
strengthening stereotypes.
14. In order to promote critical thinking among 
students, a teacher should present __________ 
requiring __________ .
(1) open-ended questions, divergent thinking.
(2) close-ended questions, convergent thinking.
(3) problems from real life context, convergent 
(4) decontextualised scenarios; application of 
declarative knowledge.
15. Formative Assessment should be done __________ .
(1) using standardised group tests.
(2) by special educator and not by regular teacher.
(3) regularly in collaboration with students.
(4) at the beginning and end of the session only.
16. Inclusive education suggests that principles of 
__________ should be practiced to ensure that all 
students achieve their best potential.
(1) Equity (2) Equality
(3) Prejudice (4) Segregation
17. Dyspraxia is directly related to difficulties in:
(1) Reading of text 
(2) Remembering of facts
(3) Physical coordination of body parts
(4) Manipulation of numbers
18. Assertion (A): To ensure inclusion of all students 
multiple modes of representation of information 
should be practised in classroom.
 Reason (R): Concept of inclusion includes children 
with learning disabilities but does not include 
children with emotional difficulties.
 Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
19. While the condition of Autism varies considerably, 
yet students with Autism are often good at:
(1) maintaining eye contact for long
(2) communicating with strangers
(3) adjusting with frequent changes in their routine
(4) retaining extensive factual information
20. An identifying characteristic feature of creative 
children is that:
(1) they conform to norms
(2) they like to imitate others
(3) they are independent in their thinking
(4) they have a short attention span
21. The correct sequence of presenting ideas to children 
is from _________ to _________ .
(1) complex, simple
(2) general, specific
(3) abstract, concrete
(4) symbolic, iconic
22. A teacher wants to deepen the understanding and 
memory of knowledge constructed by the students. 
Which of the following strategy will not be effective 
for this purpose?
(1) Creating a metaphor.
(2) Applying the information to new problems.
(3) Acting out the relations between sub-concepts.
(4) Mixing irrelevant information with relevant 
23. Assertion (A): A teacher should encourage students 
to think about their own thinking processes and 
ways of learning.
 Reason (R): Metacognition helps in development of 
higher order cognitive skills.
 Choose the correct option: 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
24. Karan always considers more than one solution to 
any problem and often comes up with innovative 
 This exemplifies
(1) Divergent thinking 
(2) Convergent thinking
(3) Negative thinking
(4) Irrational thinking
25. For learning to be effective and meaningful, it is 
important to:
(1) establish connections between learning in school 
and life outside school
(2) deliver the content by ensuring that students 
don't make attempts to apply that knowledge in 
everyday life.
(3) teach concepts in a way that connections between 
different subconcepts are not established
(4) focus on reception of knowledge and urge for 
understanding should be minimised
26. Classroom climate, pedagogies and assessment 
methods should be chosen in ways that ensure 
promotion of __________ among the students.
(1) curiosity (2) disinterest
(3) competition (4) rote memorisation
27. Which of the following is not a correct approach of a 
teacher to deal with errors made by students?
(1) Searching for patterns in the errors.
(2) Exploring the learning gaps causing errors.
(3) Scaffolding the students to rectify errors.
(4) Telling the correct answers without discussion 
with students.
Page 3

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. Although domains of development overlaps with 
each other in certain aspects yet which of the 
following domain of development specifically 
attempts to study the progression of 'feelings' about 
self and others?
(1) Moral Development 
(2) Language Development
(3) Physical Development
(4) Emotional Development
2. Which of the following Principle of Development 
suggests that 'some specific responses get combined 
in the later process of development to form a whole'?
(1) Principle of Continuity
(2) Principle of integration
(3) Cephalocaudal Principle
(4) Proximodistal Principle
3. Which of the following factor comes under the 
category of socio-cultural factors having an influence 
on development?
(1) School climate
(2) Neurological deficits
(3) Biological dispositions
(4) Genetic makeup
4. In accordance to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, a teacher should give tasks requiring 
__________ to students in age group 7-11 years for 
working independently.
(1) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
(2) Reversible thinking
(3) Passive imitation
(4) Object permanence
5. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, at which stage do most children 
become capable of solving abstract problems in 
logical fashion?
(1) Sensorimotor (2) Preoperational
(3) Concrete operational (4) Formal operational
6. Noori judges other actions based on the argument 
that 'we have some duties towards society and we 
should obey rules for that sake . As per Lawrence 
Kohilberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Noori at 
(1) Pre-conventional
(2) Conventional
(3) Post-conventional
(4) Formal-conventional
7. A teacher gives assignments which requires students 
to get into discussion with significant others in the 
family. As per Lev Vygotsky's theory, she believes 
that __________ plays a significant role in cognitive 
development of children.
(1) imitation (2) biological maturation
(3) hierarchy (4) social interactions
8. In accordance with Lev Vygotsky's ideas, a teacher 
(1) avoid giving cues or hints to students in any 
(2) discourage students to verbalise their thoughts 
while working on a problem.
(3) encourage discussions and debates among 
(4) view learning independent to socio-cultural 
context of students.
9. Lev Vygotsky believed that higher-order mental 
processes are mediated by __________ .
(1) psychological tools 
(2) rewards and punishments
(3) conditioning
(4) memorisation
10. As per Howard Gardner's theory, students who are 
good at understanding other's feelings, moods and 
intentions posses higher level of __________ kind of 
(1) Interpersonal (2) Spatial
(3) Musical (4) Intrapersonal
11. As per Lev Vygotsky's ideas, which of the following 
statement charactersizes the correct relation between 
language and thought?
(1) Language has no role in self-regulation of 
(2) Self-directed talk of children represents their 
(3) Inner-speech of children represents an internal 
plane of verbal thinking.
(4) Verbalisation of thoughts hinders children's 
problem-solving skills.
12. 'Boys are always good in science and girls are always 
good in music', this statement reflects __________ .
(1) Gender Equity
(2) Gender Parity
(3) Gender Identify
(4) Gender Stereotype
Paper - 1
30th January, 2023
30  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
13. Diversity in terms of socio-cultural context of 
students in a classroom should be __________ .
(1) eliminated by dividing students based on their 
(2) Ignored and standardised curriculum should be 
(3) considered as an asset and be utilised in teaching 
a concept.
(4) the criteria of labelling the students and 
strengthening stereotypes.
14. In order to promote critical thinking among 
students, a teacher should present __________ 
requiring __________ .
(1) open-ended questions, divergent thinking.
(2) close-ended questions, convergent thinking.
(3) problems from real life context, convergent 
(4) decontextualised scenarios; application of 
declarative knowledge.
15. Formative Assessment should be done __________ .
(1) using standardised group tests.
(2) by special educator and not by regular teacher.
(3) regularly in collaboration with students.
(4) at the beginning and end of the session only.
16. Inclusive education suggests that principles of 
__________ should be practiced to ensure that all 
students achieve their best potential.
(1) Equity (2) Equality
(3) Prejudice (4) Segregation
17. Dyspraxia is directly related to difficulties in:
(1) Reading of text 
(2) Remembering of facts
(3) Physical coordination of body parts
(4) Manipulation of numbers
18. Assertion (A): To ensure inclusion of all students 
multiple modes of representation of information 
should be practised in classroom.
 Reason (R): Concept of inclusion includes children 
with learning disabilities but does not include 
children with emotional difficulties.
 Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
19. While the condition of Autism varies considerably, 
yet students with Autism are often good at:
(1) maintaining eye contact for long
(2) communicating with strangers
(3) adjusting with frequent changes in their routine
(4) retaining extensive factual information
20. An identifying characteristic feature of creative 
children is that:
(1) they conform to norms
(2) they like to imitate others
(3) they are independent in their thinking
(4) they have a short attention span
21. The correct sequence of presenting ideas to children 
is from _________ to _________ .
(1) complex, simple
(2) general, specific
(3) abstract, concrete
(4) symbolic, iconic
22. A teacher wants to deepen the understanding and 
memory of knowledge constructed by the students. 
Which of the following strategy will not be effective 
for this purpose?
(1) Creating a metaphor.
(2) Applying the information to new problems.
(3) Acting out the relations between sub-concepts.
(4) Mixing irrelevant information with relevant 
23. Assertion (A): A teacher should encourage students 
to think about their own thinking processes and 
ways of learning.
 Reason (R): Metacognition helps in development of 
higher order cognitive skills.
 Choose the correct option: 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
24. Karan always considers more than one solution to 
any problem and often comes up with innovative 
 This exemplifies
(1) Divergent thinking 
(2) Convergent thinking
(3) Negative thinking
(4) Irrational thinking
25. For learning to be effective and meaningful, it is 
important to:
(1) establish connections between learning in school 
and life outside school
(2) deliver the content by ensuring that students 
don't make attempts to apply that knowledge in 
everyday life.
(3) teach concepts in a way that connections between 
different subconcepts are not established
(4) focus on reception of knowledge and urge for 
understanding should be minimised
26. Classroom climate, pedagogies and assessment 
methods should be chosen in ways that ensure 
promotion of __________ among the students.
(1) curiosity (2) disinterest
(3) competition (4) rote memorisation
27. Which of the following is not a correct approach of a 
teacher to deal with errors made by students?
(1) Searching for patterns in the errors.
(2) Exploring the learning gaps causing errors.
(3) Scaffolding the students to rectify errors.
(4) Telling the correct answers without discussion 
with students.
Paper-1: 2023   31
28. A teacher should promote _________ and __________ 
among students.
(1) entity view of ability, performance-oriented 
(2) incremental view of ability, mastery-oriented 
(3) entity view of ability, failure-avoidance goals
(4) incremental view of ability, failure-accepting 
29. Which of the following is correct in context of 
emotion and cognition?
(1) High stress enhances problem-solving skills.
(2) Sense of joy enhances engagement in discussion.
(3) High anxiety improves processing of information.
(4) Sense of boredom improves critical thinking.
30. Which of the following contributes to the 
development of effective problem-solving skills?
 (i) Convergent thinking
 (ii) Mnemonics
 (iii) Comprehension
 (iv) Passive imitation
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii)
(3) (i) and (iii) (4) (ii) and (iv)
31. Vishal has ten dozen candies. He gave 
of these to 
of these to Asif and
of these to Sonu. 
The number of candies left with Vishal is:
(1) 20 (2) 18
(3) 22 (4) 16
32. What is the sum of all the factors of 56?
(1) 64 (2) 120
(3) 63 (4) 176
33. Which of the following is correct ?
34. In which of the following, the numbers are written 
in ascending order ?
(1) 5.02., 5.022. 5.032, 5.32, 5.201 
(2) 5.32, 5.201, 5.032, 5.022, 5.02
(3) 5.02, 5.32, 5.022, 5.201, 5.032 
(4) 5.02, 5.022, 5.032, 5.201, 5.32
35. The sum of the place values of 7 in 75707 is:
(1) 77007 (2) 7077
(3) 70707 (4) 21
36. What is the least number which must be subtracted 
from 60078 so that is divisible by 245 ?
(1) 40 (2) 49
(3) 53 (4) 61
37. Look at the following units of measuring length :
 km, mm, m, cm, dm
 If we arrange them in ascending order, which unit 
will be at fourth place ?
(1) cm (2) dm
(3) mm (4) m
38. What is the time 6 hours 35 minutes before 15:20 
(1) 9:05 am (2) 8:45 am
(3) 8:35 am (4) 9:10 am
39. Jayanti walks 
km from a place P towards east and 
then from there 1
km towards west. Where will 
she be now from P ?
km towards east of P
km towards west of P
km towards west of P 
km towards east of P
40. Which one of the following is not correct ?
(1) T wo and a half dozen = 30 
(2) 5 litres 50 millilitres = 550 millilitres
(3) 12 millimetre = 0.1 centimetre 
(4) 10 paisa = ` 0.10
41. Which of the following figures does not have equal 
number of linear and rotational symmetries ?
(1) Square (2) Rectangle
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
42. Rehan makes cubes using paper folding. He makes 
25 cubes of each side 5 cm. Now, he needs a big box 
to keep all these cubes. What should be the volume 
of the big box so that all small cubes can be kept in it 
without leaving any empty space ?
(1) 15625 cm
 (2) 3125 cm
(3) 3375 cm
 (4) 3552 cm
43. What is the median of the heights given below ?
 160 cm, 167 cm, 158 cm, 159 cm, 161 cm, 158 cm, 160 
cm, 162 cm, 170 cm
(1) 161 cm (2) 160 cm
(3) 160.6 cm (4) 159 cm
44. Read the data given in following table and select the 
correct statement :
Game liked by students Number of students
Football 60
Chess 50
Badminton 70
V olleyball 20
(One student likes one game only)
(1) The number of students who like Chess is 
more than the number of students who like 
(2) The number of students who like Badminton 
is less than the number of students who like 
(3) Number of students who like Chess are one-
fourth of the total number of students. 
(4) Number of students who like V olleyball are 
the total number of students.
Page 4

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. Although domains of development overlaps with 
each other in certain aspects yet which of the 
following domain of development specifically 
attempts to study the progression of 'feelings' about 
self and others?
(1) Moral Development 
(2) Language Development
(3) Physical Development
(4) Emotional Development
2. Which of the following Principle of Development 
suggests that 'some specific responses get combined 
in the later process of development to form a whole'?
(1) Principle of Continuity
(2) Principle of integration
(3) Cephalocaudal Principle
(4) Proximodistal Principle
3. Which of the following factor comes under the 
category of socio-cultural factors having an influence 
on development?
(1) School climate
(2) Neurological deficits
(3) Biological dispositions
(4) Genetic makeup
4. In accordance to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, a teacher should give tasks requiring 
__________ to students in age group 7-11 years for 
working independently.
(1) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
(2) Reversible thinking
(3) Passive imitation
(4) Object permanence
5. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, at which stage do most children 
become capable of solving abstract problems in 
logical fashion?
(1) Sensorimotor (2) Preoperational
(3) Concrete operational (4) Formal operational
6. Noori judges other actions based on the argument 
that 'we have some duties towards society and we 
should obey rules for that sake . As per Lawrence 
Kohilberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Noori at 
(1) Pre-conventional
(2) Conventional
(3) Post-conventional
(4) Formal-conventional
7. A teacher gives assignments which requires students 
to get into discussion with significant others in the 
family. As per Lev Vygotsky's theory, she believes 
that __________ plays a significant role in cognitive 
development of children.
(1) imitation (2) biological maturation
(3) hierarchy (4) social interactions
8. In accordance with Lev Vygotsky's ideas, a teacher 
(1) avoid giving cues or hints to students in any 
(2) discourage students to verbalise their thoughts 
while working on a problem.
(3) encourage discussions and debates among 
(4) view learning independent to socio-cultural 
context of students.
9. Lev Vygotsky believed that higher-order mental 
processes are mediated by __________ .
(1) psychological tools 
(2) rewards and punishments
(3) conditioning
(4) memorisation
10. As per Howard Gardner's theory, students who are 
good at understanding other's feelings, moods and 
intentions posses higher level of __________ kind of 
(1) Interpersonal (2) Spatial
(3) Musical (4) Intrapersonal
11. As per Lev Vygotsky's ideas, which of the following 
statement charactersizes the correct relation between 
language and thought?
(1) Language has no role in self-regulation of 
(2) Self-directed talk of children represents their 
(3) Inner-speech of children represents an internal 
plane of verbal thinking.
(4) Verbalisation of thoughts hinders children's 
problem-solving skills.
12. 'Boys are always good in science and girls are always 
good in music', this statement reflects __________ .
(1) Gender Equity
(2) Gender Parity
(3) Gender Identify
(4) Gender Stereotype
Paper - 1
30th January, 2023
30  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
13. Diversity in terms of socio-cultural context of 
students in a classroom should be __________ .
(1) eliminated by dividing students based on their 
(2) Ignored and standardised curriculum should be 
(3) considered as an asset and be utilised in teaching 
a concept.
(4) the criteria of labelling the students and 
strengthening stereotypes.
14. In order to promote critical thinking among 
students, a teacher should present __________ 
requiring __________ .
(1) open-ended questions, divergent thinking.
(2) close-ended questions, convergent thinking.
(3) problems from real life context, convergent 
(4) decontextualised scenarios; application of 
declarative knowledge.
15. Formative Assessment should be done __________ .
(1) using standardised group tests.
(2) by special educator and not by regular teacher.
(3) regularly in collaboration with students.
(4) at the beginning and end of the session only.
16. Inclusive education suggests that principles of 
__________ should be practiced to ensure that all 
students achieve their best potential.
(1) Equity (2) Equality
(3) Prejudice (4) Segregation
17. Dyspraxia is directly related to difficulties in:
(1) Reading of text 
(2) Remembering of facts
(3) Physical coordination of body parts
(4) Manipulation of numbers
18. Assertion (A): To ensure inclusion of all students 
multiple modes of representation of information 
should be practised in classroom.
 Reason (R): Concept of inclusion includes children 
with learning disabilities but does not include 
children with emotional difficulties.
 Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
19. While the condition of Autism varies considerably, 
yet students with Autism are often good at:
(1) maintaining eye contact for long
(2) communicating with strangers
(3) adjusting with frequent changes in their routine
(4) retaining extensive factual information
20. An identifying characteristic feature of creative 
children is that:
(1) they conform to norms
(2) they like to imitate others
(3) they are independent in their thinking
(4) they have a short attention span
21. The correct sequence of presenting ideas to children 
is from _________ to _________ .
(1) complex, simple
(2) general, specific
(3) abstract, concrete
(4) symbolic, iconic
22. A teacher wants to deepen the understanding and 
memory of knowledge constructed by the students. 
Which of the following strategy will not be effective 
for this purpose?
(1) Creating a metaphor.
(2) Applying the information to new problems.
(3) Acting out the relations between sub-concepts.
(4) Mixing irrelevant information with relevant 
23. Assertion (A): A teacher should encourage students 
to think about their own thinking processes and 
ways of learning.
 Reason (R): Metacognition helps in development of 
higher order cognitive skills.
 Choose the correct option: 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
24. Karan always considers more than one solution to 
any problem and often comes up with innovative 
 This exemplifies
(1) Divergent thinking 
(2) Convergent thinking
(3) Negative thinking
(4) Irrational thinking
25. For learning to be effective and meaningful, it is 
important to:
(1) establish connections between learning in school 
and life outside school
(2) deliver the content by ensuring that students 
don't make attempts to apply that knowledge in 
everyday life.
(3) teach concepts in a way that connections between 
different subconcepts are not established
(4) focus on reception of knowledge and urge for 
understanding should be minimised
26. Classroom climate, pedagogies and assessment 
methods should be chosen in ways that ensure 
promotion of __________ among the students.
(1) curiosity (2) disinterest
(3) competition (4) rote memorisation
27. Which of the following is not a correct approach of a 
teacher to deal with errors made by students?
(1) Searching for patterns in the errors.
(2) Exploring the learning gaps causing errors.
(3) Scaffolding the students to rectify errors.
(4) Telling the correct answers without discussion 
with students.
Paper-1: 2023   31
28. A teacher should promote _________ and __________ 
among students.
(1) entity view of ability, performance-oriented 
(2) incremental view of ability, mastery-oriented 
(3) entity view of ability, failure-avoidance goals
(4) incremental view of ability, failure-accepting 
29. Which of the following is correct in context of 
emotion and cognition?
(1) High stress enhances problem-solving skills.
(2) Sense of joy enhances engagement in discussion.
(3) High anxiety improves processing of information.
(4) Sense of boredom improves critical thinking.
30. Which of the following contributes to the 
development of effective problem-solving skills?
 (i) Convergent thinking
 (ii) Mnemonics
 (iii) Comprehension
 (iv) Passive imitation
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii)
(3) (i) and (iii) (4) (ii) and (iv)
31. Vishal has ten dozen candies. He gave 
of these to 
of these to Asif and
of these to Sonu. 
The number of candies left with Vishal is:
(1) 20 (2) 18
(3) 22 (4) 16
32. What is the sum of all the factors of 56?
(1) 64 (2) 120
(3) 63 (4) 176
33. Which of the following is correct ?
34. In which of the following, the numbers are written 
in ascending order ?
(1) 5.02., 5.022. 5.032, 5.32, 5.201 
(2) 5.32, 5.201, 5.032, 5.022, 5.02
(3) 5.02, 5.32, 5.022, 5.201, 5.032 
(4) 5.02, 5.022, 5.032, 5.201, 5.32
35. The sum of the place values of 7 in 75707 is:
(1) 77007 (2) 7077
(3) 70707 (4) 21
36. What is the least number which must be subtracted 
from 60078 so that is divisible by 245 ?
(1) 40 (2) 49
(3) 53 (4) 61
37. Look at the following units of measuring length :
 km, mm, m, cm, dm
 If we arrange them in ascending order, which unit 
will be at fourth place ?
(1) cm (2) dm
(3) mm (4) m
38. What is the time 6 hours 35 minutes before 15:20 
(1) 9:05 am (2) 8:45 am
(3) 8:35 am (4) 9:10 am
39. Jayanti walks 
km from a place P towards east and 
then from there 1
km towards west. Where will 
she be now from P ?
km towards east of P
km towards west of P
km towards west of P 
km towards east of P
40. Which one of the following is not correct ?
(1) T wo and a half dozen = 30 
(2) 5 litres 50 millilitres = 550 millilitres
(3) 12 millimetre = 0.1 centimetre 
(4) 10 paisa = ` 0.10
41. Which of the following figures does not have equal 
number of linear and rotational symmetries ?
(1) Square (2) Rectangle
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
42. Rehan makes cubes using paper folding. He makes 
25 cubes of each side 5 cm. Now, he needs a big box 
to keep all these cubes. What should be the volume 
of the big box so that all small cubes can be kept in it 
without leaving any empty space ?
(1) 15625 cm
 (2) 3125 cm
(3) 3375 cm
 (4) 3552 cm
43. What is the median of the heights given below ?
 160 cm, 167 cm, 158 cm, 159 cm, 161 cm, 158 cm, 160 
cm, 162 cm, 170 cm
(1) 161 cm (2) 160 cm
(3) 160.6 cm (4) 159 cm
44. Read the data given in following table and select the 
correct statement :
Game liked by students Number of students
Football 60
Chess 50
Badminton 70
V olleyball 20
(One student likes one game only)
(1) The number of students who like Chess is 
more than the number of students who like 
(2) The number of students who like Badminton 
is less than the number of students who like 
(3) Number of students who like Chess are one-
fourth of the total number of students. 
(4) Number of students who like V olleyball are 
the total number of students.
32  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
45. Which of the following numbers are missing from 
the given pattern :
 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8......., 21, 34,........, 89
(1) 11, 43 (2) 13, 55
(3) 15, 41 (4) 17, 39
46. Assessment in mathematics should not focus upon:
(1) Identifying learning gaps in conceptual 
understanding of the learners 
(2) Planning need-based remedial classes in 
(3) Providing feedback to the learners 
(4) Labelling the learners according to their marks 
in a test
47. Which of the following is most important aspect of 
foundational numeracy ?
(1) Doing quick and accurate calculations 
(2) Developing number sense
(3) Grasp of standard algorithms for fundamental 
number operation 
(4) Developing the skill of counting
48. As per the National Curriculum Framework 2005, 
Which among the following is most appropriate 
with Primary Mathematics curriculum ?
(1) It must explicitly incorporate the progression 
that learners make from the concrete to the 
abstract while acquiring concepts. 
(2) It must include mainly those topics which have 
application in higher classes.
(3) It should introduce algebraic notations and its 
use in solving problems. 
(4) It should provide opportunities to the students 
to use various methods of proving theorems.
49. A teacher asked a class I student to write 54. The 
student wrote 504. Which of the following is the 
most appropriate strategy to rectify this mistake ?
(1) Ask the child to erase zero from the middle 
(2) Mark the answer as wrong and ask the child to 
write 5 and 4.
(3) Explain how to write two-digit numbers using 
bundling activity.
(4) Ask the student to find out the correct answer 
50. What is the correct sequence for developing the 
concept of area of a rectangle ?
(a) Covering the given rectangle with erasers or 
sharpeners and asking the students to count 
(b) Measuring the sides of rectangle and calculating 
its area by multiplying length and breadth.
(c) Covering surface of the rectangle with square tile 
of side 1 cm and counting the number of tiles.
(1) (a), (b) and (c)
(2) (a), (c) and (b)
(3) (b), (c) and (a)
(4) (b), (a) and (c)
51. Brief notes that a teacher takes as he/she observes 
children, to document a range of behaviours that 
children depict while doing an activity/task in a 
classroom is an example of:
(1) Anecdotal Records (2) Rubrics
(3) Observations (4) Project
52. In teaching mathematical concepts the use of visual 
manipulatives help to move from:
(1) Complex to simple concepts 
(2) Concrete to abstract concepts
(3) Formal to informal algorithms 
(4) Abstract to concrete concepts
53. Problem-solving strategies in mathematics involve:
(1) intuition and experimentation 
(2) memorisation and procedural fluency
(3) observation and experimentation 
(4) reasoning and patterning
54. Which of the following is the least appropriate about 
teaching and learning of Lowest Common Multiple 
(LCM) at the primary school level ?
(1) It can be indirectly introduced in primary grades 
using activity method 
(2) It cannot be taught to children of primary grade
(3) There are many every day instances where this 
concept is tacitly used by the children
(4) It can be introduced in an interesting manner 
using ICT
55. When asked to calculate 5 × 28, a child solves it in 
the following way :
 5 × 28 = 28 × 5 = (14 × 2) × 5 = 14 × (2 × 5) = 14 
× 10 = 140
 The child has used:
(a) Commutative law (b) Distributive law
(c) Associative law
Choose the correct option:
(1) (a) and (c) (2) (a) and (b)
(3) Only (a) (4) (b) and (c)
56. Which of the following activities is most appropriate 
for the development of spatial understanding 
among primary grade learners?
(1) Representing numbers on number line 
(2) Drawing a map of their homes showing relative 
sizes and position of rooms
(3) Measuring the distance between two cities on a 
(4) Recalling the names of geometrical figures
57. While introducing addition of one digit number, Ms. 
Alka uses concrete objects such as tokens, pencils, 
erasers etc. She provides opportunities to the 
students to manipulative these objects to add single 
digit numbers. According to Bruner, this mode of 
learning is known as:
(1) Concrete (2) Iconic
(3) Enactive (4) Symbolic
58. A child gives examples of different shapes from his 
surrounding like ‘Samosa is a triangle’. The child is 
at which level of geometric thinking according to 
Van-Hiele’s theory?
(1) Analysis (2) Axiomatic
(3) Deduction (4) Visualization
Page 5

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. Although domains of development overlaps with 
each other in certain aspects yet which of the 
following domain of development specifically 
attempts to study the progression of 'feelings' about 
self and others?
(1) Moral Development 
(2) Language Development
(3) Physical Development
(4) Emotional Development
2. Which of the following Principle of Development 
suggests that 'some specific responses get combined 
in the later process of development to form a whole'?
(1) Principle of Continuity
(2) Principle of integration
(3) Cephalocaudal Principle
(4) Proximodistal Principle
3. Which of the following factor comes under the 
category of socio-cultural factors having an influence 
on development?
(1) School climate
(2) Neurological deficits
(3) Biological dispositions
(4) Genetic makeup
4. In accordance to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, a teacher should give tasks requiring 
__________ to students in age group 7-11 years for 
working independently.
(1) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
(2) Reversible thinking
(3) Passive imitation
(4) Object permanence
5. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive 
development, at which stage do most children 
become capable of solving abstract problems in 
logical fashion?
(1) Sensorimotor (2) Preoperational
(3) Concrete operational (4) Formal operational
6. Noori judges other actions based on the argument 
that 'we have some duties towards society and we 
should obey rules for that sake . As per Lawrence 
Kohilberg, what stage of moral reasoning is Noori at 
(1) Pre-conventional
(2) Conventional
(3) Post-conventional
(4) Formal-conventional
7. A teacher gives assignments which requires students 
to get into discussion with significant others in the 
family. As per Lev Vygotsky's theory, she believes 
that __________ plays a significant role in cognitive 
development of children.
(1) imitation (2) biological maturation
(3) hierarchy (4) social interactions
8. In accordance with Lev Vygotsky's ideas, a teacher 
(1) avoid giving cues or hints to students in any 
(2) discourage students to verbalise their thoughts 
while working on a problem.
(3) encourage discussions and debates among 
(4) view learning independent to socio-cultural 
context of students.
9. Lev Vygotsky believed that higher-order mental 
processes are mediated by __________ .
(1) psychological tools 
(2) rewards and punishments
(3) conditioning
(4) memorisation
10. As per Howard Gardner's theory, students who are 
good at understanding other's feelings, moods and 
intentions posses higher level of __________ kind of 
(1) Interpersonal (2) Spatial
(3) Musical (4) Intrapersonal
11. As per Lev Vygotsky's ideas, which of the following 
statement charactersizes the correct relation between 
language and thought?
(1) Language has no role in self-regulation of 
(2) Self-directed talk of children represents their 
(3) Inner-speech of children represents an internal 
plane of verbal thinking.
(4) Verbalisation of thoughts hinders children's 
problem-solving skills.
12. 'Boys are always good in science and girls are always 
good in music', this statement reflects __________ .
(1) Gender Equity
(2) Gender Parity
(3) Gender Identify
(4) Gender Stereotype
Paper - 1
30th January, 2023
30  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
13. Diversity in terms of socio-cultural context of 
students in a classroom should be __________ .
(1) eliminated by dividing students based on their 
(2) Ignored and standardised curriculum should be 
(3) considered as an asset and be utilised in teaching 
a concept.
(4) the criteria of labelling the students and 
strengthening stereotypes.
14. In order to promote critical thinking among 
students, a teacher should present __________ 
requiring __________ .
(1) open-ended questions, divergent thinking.
(2) close-ended questions, convergent thinking.
(3) problems from real life context, convergent 
(4) decontextualised scenarios; application of 
declarative knowledge.
15. Formative Assessment should be done __________ .
(1) using standardised group tests.
(2) by special educator and not by regular teacher.
(3) regularly in collaboration with students.
(4) at the beginning and end of the session only.
16. Inclusive education suggests that principles of 
__________ should be practiced to ensure that all 
students achieve their best potential.
(1) Equity (2) Equality
(3) Prejudice (4) Segregation
17. Dyspraxia is directly related to difficulties in:
(1) Reading of text 
(2) Remembering of facts
(3) Physical coordination of body parts
(4) Manipulation of numbers
18. Assertion (A): To ensure inclusion of all students 
multiple modes of representation of information 
should be practised in classroom.
 Reason (R): Concept of inclusion includes children 
with learning disabilities but does not include 
children with emotional difficulties.
 Choose the correct option:
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
19. While the condition of Autism varies considerably, 
yet students with Autism are often good at:
(1) maintaining eye contact for long
(2) communicating with strangers
(3) adjusting with frequent changes in their routine
(4) retaining extensive factual information
20. An identifying characteristic feature of creative 
children is that:
(1) they conform to norms
(2) they like to imitate others
(3) they are independent in their thinking
(4) they have a short attention span
21. The correct sequence of presenting ideas to children 
is from _________ to _________ .
(1) complex, simple
(2) general, specific
(3) abstract, concrete
(4) symbolic, iconic
22. A teacher wants to deepen the understanding and 
memory of knowledge constructed by the students. 
Which of the following strategy will not be effective 
for this purpose?
(1) Creating a metaphor.
(2) Applying the information to new problems.
(3) Acting out the relations between sub-concepts.
(4) Mixing irrelevant information with relevant 
23. Assertion (A): A teacher should encourage students 
to think about their own thinking processes and 
ways of learning.
 Reason (R): Metacognition helps in development of 
higher order cognitive skills.
 Choose the correct option: 
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false
24. Karan always considers more than one solution to 
any problem and often comes up with innovative 
 This exemplifies
(1) Divergent thinking 
(2) Convergent thinking
(3) Negative thinking
(4) Irrational thinking
25. For learning to be effective and meaningful, it is 
important to:
(1) establish connections between learning in school 
and life outside school
(2) deliver the content by ensuring that students 
don't make attempts to apply that knowledge in 
everyday life.
(3) teach concepts in a way that connections between 
different subconcepts are not established
(4) focus on reception of knowledge and urge for 
understanding should be minimised
26. Classroom climate, pedagogies and assessment 
methods should be chosen in ways that ensure 
promotion of __________ among the students.
(1) curiosity (2) disinterest
(3) competition (4) rote memorisation
27. Which of the following is not a correct approach of a 
teacher to deal with errors made by students?
(1) Searching for patterns in the errors.
(2) Exploring the learning gaps causing errors.
(3) Scaffolding the students to rectify errors.
(4) Telling the correct answers without discussion 
with students.
Paper-1: 2023   31
28. A teacher should promote _________ and __________ 
among students.
(1) entity view of ability, performance-oriented 
(2) incremental view of ability, mastery-oriented 
(3) entity view of ability, failure-avoidance goals
(4) incremental view of ability, failure-accepting 
29. Which of the following is correct in context of 
emotion and cognition?
(1) High stress enhances problem-solving skills.
(2) Sense of joy enhances engagement in discussion.
(3) High anxiety improves processing of information.
(4) Sense of boredom improves critical thinking.
30. Which of the following contributes to the 
development of effective problem-solving skills?
 (i) Convergent thinking
 (ii) Mnemonics
 (iii) Comprehension
 (iv) Passive imitation
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii)
(3) (i) and (iii) (4) (ii) and (iv)
31. Vishal has ten dozen candies. He gave 
of these to 
of these to Asif and
of these to Sonu. 
The number of candies left with Vishal is:
(1) 20 (2) 18
(3) 22 (4) 16
32. What is the sum of all the factors of 56?
(1) 64 (2) 120
(3) 63 (4) 176
33. Which of the following is correct ?
34. In which of the following, the numbers are written 
in ascending order ?
(1) 5.02., 5.022. 5.032, 5.32, 5.201 
(2) 5.32, 5.201, 5.032, 5.022, 5.02
(3) 5.02, 5.32, 5.022, 5.201, 5.032 
(4) 5.02, 5.022, 5.032, 5.201, 5.32
35. The sum of the place values of 7 in 75707 is:
(1) 77007 (2) 7077
(3) 70707 (4) 21
36. What is the least number which must be subtracted 
from 60078 so that is divisible by 245 ?
(1) 40 (2) 49
(3) 53 (4) 61
37. Look at the following units of measuring length :
 km, mm, m, cm, dm
 If we arrange them in ascending order, which unit 
will be at fourth place ?
(1) cm (2) dm
(3) mm (4) m
38. What is the time 6 hours 35 minutes before 15:20 
(1) 9:05 am (2) 8:45 am
(3) 8:35 am (4) 9:10 am
39. Jayanti walks 
km from a place P towards east and 
then from there 1
km towards west. Where will 
she be now from P ?
km towards east of P
km towards west of P
km towards west of P 
km towards east of P
40. Which one of the following is not correct ?
(1) T wo and a half dozen = 30 
(2) 5 litres 50 millilitres = 550 millilitres
(3) 12 millimetre = 0.1 centimetre 
(4) 10 paisa = ` 0.10
41. Which of the following figures does not have equal 
number of linear and rotational symmetries ?
(1) Square (2) Rectangle
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
42. Rehan makes cubes using paper folding. He makes 
25 cubes of each side 5 cm. Now, he needs a big box 
to keep all these cubes. What should be the volume 
of the big box so that all small cubes can be kept in it 
without leaving any empty space ?
(1) 15625 cm
 (2) 3125 cm
(3) 3375 cm
 (4) 3552 cm
43. What is the median of the heights given below ?
 160 cm, 167 cm, 158 cm, 159 cm, 161 cm, 158 cm, 160 
cm, 162 cm, 170 cm
(1) 161 cm (2) 160 cm
(3) 160.6 cm (4) 159 cm
44. Read the data given in following table and select the 
correct statement :
Game liked by students Number of students
Football 60
Chess 50
Badminton 70
V olleyball 20
(One student likes one game only)
(1) The number of students who like Chess is 
more than the number of students who like 
(2) The number of students who like Badminton 
is less than the number of students who like 
(3) Number of students who like Chess are one-
fourth of the total number of students. 
(4) Number of students who like V olleyball are 
the total number of students.
32  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
45. Which of the following numbers are missing from 
the given pattern :
 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8......., 21, 34,........, 89
(1) 11, 43 (2) 13, 55
(3) 15, 41 (4) 17, 39
46. Assessment in mathematics should not focus upon:
(1) Identifying learning gaps in conceptual 
understanding of the learners 
(2) Planning need-based remedial classes in 
(3) Providing feedback to the learners 
(4) Labelling the learners according to their marks 
in a test
47. Which of the following is most important aspect of 
foundational numeracy ?
(1) Doing quick and accurate calculations 
(2) Developing number sense
(3) Grasp of standard algorithms for fundamental 
number operation 
(4) Developing the skill of counting
48. As per the National Curriculum Framework 2005, 
Which among the following is most appropriate 
with Primary Mathematics curriculum ?
(1) It must explicitly incorporate the progression 
that learners make from the concrete to the 
abstract while acquiring concepts. 
(2) It must include mainly those topics which have 
application in higher classes.
(3) It should introduce algebraic notations and its 
use in solving problems. 
(4) It should provide opportunities to the students 
to use various methods of proving theorems.
49. A teacher asked a class I student to write 54. The 
student wrote 504. Which of the following is the 
most appropriate strategy to rectify this mistake ?
(1) Ask the child to erase zero from the middle 
(2) Mark the answer as wrong and ask the child to 
write 5 and 4.
(3) Explain how to write two-digit numbers using 
bundling activity.
(4) Ask the student to find out the correct answer 
50. What is the correct sequence for developing the 
concept of area of a rectangle ?
(a) Covering the given rectangle with erasers or 
sharpeners and asking the students to count 
(b) Measuring the sides of rectangle and calculating 
its area by multiplying length and breadth.
(c) Covering surface of the rectangle with square tile 
of side 1 cm and counting the number of tiles.
(1) (a), (b) and (c)
(2) (a), (c) and (b)
(3) (b), (c) and (a)
(4) (b), (a) and (c)
51. Brief notes that a teacher takes as he/she observes 
children, to document a range of behaviours that 
children depict while doing an activity/task in a 
classroom is an example of:
(1) Anecdotal Records (2) Rubrics
(3) Observations (4) Project
52. In teaching mathematical concepts the use of visual 
manipulatives help to move from:
(1) Complex to simple concepts 
(2) Concrete to abstract concepts
(3) Formal to informal algorithms 
(4) Abstract to concrete concepts
53. Problem-solving strategies in mathematics involve:
(1) intuition and experimentation 
(2) memorisation and procedural fluency
(3) observation and experimentation 
(4) reasoning and patterning
54. Which of the following is the least appropriate about 
teaching and learning of Lowest Common Multiple 
(LCM) at the primary school level ?
(1) It can be indirectly introduced in primary grades 
using activity method 
(2) It cannot be taught to children of primary grade
(3) There are many every day instances where this 
concept is tacitly used by the children
(4) It can be introduced in an interesting manner 
using ICT
55. When asked to calculate 5 × 28, a child solves it in 
the following way :
 5 × 28 = 28 × 5 = (14 × 2) × 5 = 14 × (2 × 5) = 14 
× 10 = 140
 The child has used:
(a) Commutative law (b) Distributive law
(c) Associative law
Choose the correct option:
(1) (a) and (c) (2) (a) and (b)
(3) Only (a) (4) (b) and (c)
56. Which of the following activities is most appropriate 
for the development of spatial understanding 
among primary grade learners?
(1) Representing numbers on number line 
(2) Drawing a map of their homes showing relative 
sizes and position of rooms
(3) Measuring the distance between two cities on a 
(4) Recalling the names of geometrical figures
57. While introducing addition of one digit number, Ms. 
Alka uses concrete objects such as tokens, pencils, 
erasers etc. She provides opportunities to the 
students to manipulative these objects to add single 
digit numbers. According to Bruner, this mode of 
learning is known as:
(1) Concrete (2) Iconic
(3) Enactive (4) Symbolic
58. A child gives examples of different shapes from his 
surrounding like ‘Samosa is a triangle’. The child is 
at which level of geometric thinking according to 
Van-Hiele’s theory?
(1) Analysis (2) Axiomatic
(3) Deduction (4) Visualization
Paper-1: 2023   33
59. While solving a subtraction problem, 63 – 29, a 
child says, “I changed 29 into 30 and 63 into 64. So 
I changed the problem to 64 – 30. My answer is 34.” 
What can be said about this child ?
(1) The child does not know how to solve 63-29.
(2) The child is getting confused with addition and 
(3) The child has conceptual understanding of 
subtraction and hence uses an alternate strategy.
(4) The child has neither conceptual understanding 
nor the knowledge of standard algorithm of 
60. In a mathematics class a child responds that
 “7 × 0 = 7” and “0 × 7 =7”
 In the light of above situation, the child
(1) is being careless and inattentive in the class
(2) needs to be told that multiplication tables start 
from 7 × 1 = 7
(3) needs to be given more questions for practice for 
correct computation 
(4) is incorrectly extending the properties of 
addition of multiplication problems
Environmental Studies
61. Radha goes 2.5 km towards North from her house. 
Now turning to the left she goes 5 km and again 
turns to left and goes 2.5 km. How far she is from 
her house and in which direction ?
(1) 5 km South from her house 
(2) 5 km North from her house
(3) 5 km West from her house 
(4) 5 km East from her house
62. ‘Vally of Flowers’ National Park is located in which 
State ?
(1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Uttarakhand
(3) Kerala (4) Karnataka
63. I am a small and skinny chap
 Sometimes I am brown and
 sometimes black,
 Added to hot oil and ghee
 I spread my fragrance all around me.
 When I am roasted,
 Curd and jaljeera are favourite to me.
 Think and tell me who am I ?
 Identify the spice mentioned in the above riddle.
(1) T urmeric (2) Cinnamon
(3) Cumin (4) Clove
64. Which is the major component of CNG?
(1) Ethane (2) Propane
(3) Butane (4) Methane
65. A student boarded a train on 29
 September, 2022 
which started from Gandhidham Railway Station 
at 12:30 hours and reached Thiruvananthapuram 
railway station on 1st October, 2022 at 7:00 hours. If 
the distance travelled by the train during this time 
interval is 2296 kilometers, the average speed of the 
train is approximately.
(1) 58 km/h (2) 55.5 km/h
(3) 54.0 km/h (4) 53.5 km/h
66. Your house is located at X and your school is located 
at Y and there is no straight road between X and 
Y. So, in order to reach the school you first go to A 
which is 60 m due North of X, then go to B which is 
25 m due East of A, then go to C which is 100 m due 
North of B and finally you reach your school which 
is 25 m due West of C. With respect to your school 
the correct direction of your house is :
(1) Due North (2) Due South
(3) North-West (4) South-West
67. Select from the following a pair of birds having 
excellent sight and can distinctly see things from a 
distance four times as far as we can.
(1) Crow and Owl 
(2) Kite and Vulture
(3) Indian Robin and Eagle
(4) Barbet and Crow
68. Select from the following, a pair of diseases caused/
spread by mosquitoes:
(1) Malaria and Dengue 
(2) Cholera and Chikungunya
(3) Cholera and Malaria
(4) Chikungunya and Typhoid
69. On the map of a city, following scale is mentioned at 
its right bottom Scale 1 cm = 950 metres
 If on this map the measured distance between any 
two places is 19.2 cm, the actual distance between 
the two places is approximately
(1) 20 kilometres
(2) 19.5 kilometres
(3) 19 kilometres
(4) 18 kilometres
70. A visitor gave the following description of most of 
the houses of rural areas of a state:
   "In this area rainfall is very scarce. Weather is 
generally hot and the people live in mud houses. 
The walls of the houses are made thick and are 
plastered with mud. The roofs are made of thorny 
 The state must be
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Rajasthan (4) Jharkhand
71. "Char Chinari" is a very famous tourist place. This 
place is surrounded by mountains and is located in:
(1) Hyderabad (2) Lucknow
(3) Mysore (4) Srinagar
72. Select from the following an animal whose sense 
of hearing is so sharp that it can make out the 
difference between the rustling of leaves and the 
sound of an animal moving on the grass.
(1) Sloth (2) Dog
(3) Tiger (4) Horse
73. Which of the following pair is correct?
(1) Wheat : Tap Root  
(2) Maize : Tap Root
(3) Carrot : Tap Root
(4) Bamboo : Tap Root
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