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CTET Solved Question Paper - 2 (03 Jan - 2022) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development 
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward 
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses 
quite rapidly until middle childhood and then 
comes to a stop.
 Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things 
after the stage of middle childhood.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular 
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,  
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s 
dances. This situation highlights the important role 
of ...............  in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, in which stage children gain the 
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which 
refines and transforms mental structures is called 
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem, 
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples 
to assist them.
 As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of 
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development 
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral 
(3) he does not propose specific responses of 
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct 
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following 
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist 
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following 
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their 
mother tongue or local language during school 
(2) The schools should admit only those students 
whose mother tongue is same as the language of 
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse 
languages and create a classroom environment 
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use 
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross 
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing 
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby, 
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in 
14. The purposes of assessment according to National 
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst 
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the 
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
03rd Januar y, 2022
Page 2

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development 
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward 
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses 
quite rapidly until middle childhood and then 
comes to a stop.
 Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things 
after the stage of middle childhood.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular 
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,  
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s 
dances. This situation highlights the important role 
of ...............  in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, in which stage children gain the 
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which 
refines and transforms mental structures is called 
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem, 
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples 
to assist them.
 As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of 
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development 
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral 
(3) he does not propose specific responses of 
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct 
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following 
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist 
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following 
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their 
mother tongue or local language during school 
(2) The schools should admit only those students 
whose mother tongue is same as the language of 
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse 
languages and create a classroom environment 
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use 
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross 
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing 
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby, 
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in 
14. The purposes of assessment according to National 
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst 
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the 
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
03rd Januar y, 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her 
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’, 
which of the following strategy a teacher should 
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse 
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to 
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects 
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual 
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all 
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in 
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes 
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets 
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative 
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment, 
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see 
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing 
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful 
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should 
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their 
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is 
essential to connect new materials with something 
the child already knows.
 Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school 
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving 
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as 
well as emotional domains while conceptualising 
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which 
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in 
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a 
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different 
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher 
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of 
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s 
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of 
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”. 
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of 
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his 
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of 
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of 
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water 
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises 
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Page 3

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development 
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward 
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses 
quite rapidly until middle childhood and then 
comes to a stop.
 Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things 
after the stage of middle childhood.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular 
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,  
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s 
dances. This situation highlights the important role 
of ...............  in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, in which stage children gain the 
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which 
refines and transforms mental structures is called 
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem, 
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples 
to assist them.
 As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of 
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development 
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral 
(3) he does not propose specific responses of 
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct 
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following 
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist 
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following 
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their 
mother tongue or local language during school 
(2) The schools should admit only those students 
whose mother tongue is same as the language of 
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse 
languages and create a classroom environment 
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use 
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross 
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing 
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby, 
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in 
14. The purposes of assessment according to National 
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst 
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the 
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
03rd Januar y, 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her 
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’, 
which of the following strategy a teacher should 
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse 
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to 
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects 
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual 
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all 
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in 
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes 
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets 
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative 
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment, 
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see 
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing 
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful 
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should 
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their 
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is 
essential to connect new materials with something 
the child already knows.
 Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school 
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving 
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as 
well as emotional domains while conceptualising 
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which 
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in 
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a 
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different 
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher 
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of 
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s 
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of 
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”. 
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of 
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his 
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of 
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of 
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water 
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises 
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Mathematics and Science
31. What is the difference between the greatest and 
smallest three digit numbers that can be formed 
using the digits 0, 2, 5 and 6 without repetitions?
(1) 446 (2) 537
(3) 447 (4) 400
32. If
36 21

, then what is the value of 
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) –4 (4) –5
33. Which of the following may represent 
(1) Dividing a rectangular sheet of paper into 22 
equal parts and colouring 3 parts among them
(2) Dividing 11 mangoes equally between 3 people
(3) Dividing a circle into 33 equal parts and colouring 
9 among them
(4) Drawing 11 circles having radius 1 cm, 2 cm, 
3 cm... 11 cm and colouring 3 among them
34. Which of the following is not a perfect square?
(1) 2116 (2) 2916
(3) 3136 (4) 3158
35. A shopkeeper has 75 gold and 120 silver coins. She 
wants to stack them so that each stack contains same 
number of coins of the same type. The maximum 
number of coins that each stack can have is
(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 15 (4) 25
36. The solution of the equation
 3 (2 – x) – (x + 6) = 2(1 – 3x)
 is same as the solution of this equation.
(1) 4x + 3 = 5 + 2x (2) 9x + 5 = 4(x – 2) + 8
(3) 5x + 7 = 2x + 9 (4) 3x – 1 = 2x + 4
37. If a + b = 3 and a
 + b
 = 89, then what is the value 
+ ?
38. Let p = 3x
 – 6x – 4,
  q = 3 + x – 2x
 and r = –4x + x
 + 9, then (p – q) + r is equal to
(1) 6x
 + 11x – 9 (2) 3x
 – 2x + 7
(3) 3x
 – 9x + 8 (4) 6x
 – 11x + 2
39. If 10x
 + x – 3 = (ax + b)(cx + d),
 a > c, then 
(1) a positive number (2) a proper fraction
(3) an improper fraction (4) a negative integer
40. A number is first increased by 10% and then 
decreased by 10%. Then the number
(1) Remains the same (2) is increased by 1%
(3) is decreased by 1% (4) is increased by 0.1%
41. ABCD is a trapezium in which AD||BC, AB = 5 cm, 
BC = 11 cm and AD = 7 cm. DA is produced to a 
point F such that AF = 3 cm and BF ? DF . Then, area 
of the trapezium ABCD is
(1) 34 cm
 (2) 36 cm
(3) 40.5 cm
 (4) 42.75 cm
42. Deepak used to walk ten rounds along a rectangular 
ground with length 150 cm and breadth 100 m. If he 
has to walk around a square shaped ground having 
area 0.01 km
, then how many rounds he has to 
walk so that he can complete his regular routine of 
(1) Approximately 5 (2) Exactly 11
(3) Exactly 12 (4) Approximately 13
43. The radius of the base of a metallic cylindrical box is 
17.5 cm. Its height is one meter. What is the capacity 
(in litres) of the box? Take 

(1) 90.5 (2) 95
(3) 96.25 (4) 99
44. A box contains some slips on which numbers 25, 
26, 27,... 49, are written (one number in one slip). 
A slip is drawn at random from the box. What is 
the probability that the selected slip bears a prime 
(1) 0.16 (2) 0.24
(2) 0.28 (3) 0.36
45. The average age (in years) of 40 students of a class 
is 12. After adding teacher’s age, the average age of 
all of them becomes 13 years. If the retirement age of 
the teacher is 55 years, then he will retire after
(1) 1 year (2) 2 years
(3) 3 years (4) 5 years
46. Measures of two supplementary angles are (2a + b)° 
and (3a – b)° then, value of 3a is equal to
(1) 54° (2) 108°
(3) 72° (4) 84°
47. Which of the following pairs of letters in the word 
MATHS depicts rotational symmetry?
(1) A and S (2) T and M
(3) M and S (4) H and S
48. A triangle is to be constructed with sides (2p – 1) cm, 
(2p + 2) cm and 13 cm. For constructing the triangle, 
p must always be
(1) greater then 3 (2) greater then 2.5
(3) greater then 6 (4) greater then 5
49. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 
of 4:5:3:6. The difference of the greatest and the 
smallest angles of the quadrilateral is
(1) 40° (2) 50°
(3) 60° (4) 80°
50. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AC ?BD, AB = AD 
and CB = CD. Then, ABCD must be a
(1) Rectangle (2) Kite
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
51. While teaching mathematics, a teacher arrives at a 
statement: ‘ A implies B’. This means
(1) A is a necessary condition for B
(2) B is a necessary condition for A
(3) A is the sufficient condition for B
(4) A is both necessary and sufficient condition for B
Page 4

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development 
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward 
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses 
quite rapidly until middle childhood and then 
comes to a stop.
 Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things 
after the stage of middle childhood.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular 
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,  
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s 
dances. This situation highlights the important role 
of ...............  in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, in which stage children gain the 
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which 
refines and transforms mental structures is called 
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem, 
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples 
to assist them.
 As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of 
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development 
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral 
(3) he does not propose specific responses of 
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct 
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following 
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist 
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following 
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their 
mother tongue or local language during school 
(2) The schools should admit only those students 
whose mother tongue is same as the language of 
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse 
languages and create a classroom environment 
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use 
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross 
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing 
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby, 
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in 
14. The purposes of assessment according to National 
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst 
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the 
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
03rd Januar y, 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her 
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’, 
which of the following strategy a teacher should 
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse 
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to 
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects 
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual 
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all 
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in 
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes 
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets 
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative 
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment, 
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see 
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing 
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful 
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should 
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their 
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is 
essential to connect new materials with something 
the child already knows.
 Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school 
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving 
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as 
well as emotional domains while conceptualising 
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which 
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in 
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a 
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different 
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher 
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of 
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s 
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of 
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”. 
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of 
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his 
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of 
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of 
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water 
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises 
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Mathematics and Science
31. What is the difference between the greatest and 
smallest three digit numbers that can be formed 
using the digits 0, 2, 5 and 6 without repetitions?
(1) 446 (2) 537
(3) 447 (4) 400
32. If
36 21

, then what is the value of 
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) –4 (4) –5
33. Which of the following may represent 
(1) Dividing a rectangular sheet of paper into 22 
equal parts and colouring 3 parts among them
(2) Dividing 11 mangoes equally between 3 people
(3) Dividing a circle into 33 equal parts and colouring 
9 among them
(4) Drawing 11 circles having radius 1 cm, 2 cm, 
3 cm... 11 cm and colouring 3 among them
34. Which of the following is not a perfect square?
(1) 2116 (2) 2916
(3) 3136 (4) 3158
35. A shopkeeper has 75 gold and 120 silver coins. She 
wants to stack them so that each stack contains same 
number of coins of the same type. The maximum 
number of coins that each stack can have is
(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 15 (4) 25
36. The solution of the equation
 3 (2 – x) – (x + 6) = 2(1 – 3x)
 is same as the solution of this equation.
(1) 4x + 3 = 5 + 2x (2) 9x + 5 = 4(x – 2) + 8
(3) 5x + 7 = 2x + 9 (4) 3x – 1 = 2x + 4
37. If a + b = 3 and a
 + b
 = 89, then what is the value 
+ ?
38. Let p = 3x
 – 6x – 4,
  q = 3 + x – 2x
 and r = –4x + x
 + 9, then (p – q) + r is equal to
(1) 6x
 + 11x – 9 (2) 3x
 – 2x + 7
(3) 3x
 – 9x + 8 (4) 6x
 – 11x + 2
39. If 10x
 + x – 3 = (ax + b)(cx + d),
 a > c, then 
(1) a positive number (2) a proper fraction
(3) an improper fraction (4) a negative integer
40. A number is first increased by 10% and then 
decreased by 10%. Then the number
(1) Remains the same (2) is increased by 1%
(3) is decreased by 1% (4) is increased by 0.1%
41. ABCD is a trapezium in which AD||BC, AB = 5 cm, 
BC = 11 cm and AD = 7 cm. DA is produced to a 
point F such that AF = 3 cm and BF ? DF . Then, area 
of the trapezium ABCD is
(1) 34 cm
 (2) 36 cm
(3) 40.5 cm
 (4) 42.75 cm
42. Deepak used to walk ten rounds along a rectangular 
ground with length 150 cm and breadth 100 m. If he 
has to walk around a square shaped ground having 
area 0.01 km
, then how many rounds he has to 
walk so that he can complete his regular routine of 
(1) Approximately 5 (2) Exactly 11
(3) Exactly 12 (4) Approximately 13
43. The radius of the base of a metallic cylindrical box is 
17.5 cm. Its height is one meter. What is the capacity 
(in litres) of the box? Take 

(1) 90.5 (2) 95
(3) 96.25 (4) 99
44. A box contains some slips on which numbers 25, 
26, 27,... 49, are written (one number in one slip). 
A slip is drawn at random from the box. What is 
the probability that the selected slip bears a prime 
(1) 0.16 (2) 0.24
(2) 0.28 (3) 0.36
45. The average age (in years) of 40 students of a class 
is 12. After adding teacher’s age, the average age of 
all of them becomes 13 years. If the retirement age of 
the teacher is 55 years, then he will retire after
(1) 1 year (2) 2 years
(3) 3 years (4) 5 years
46. Measures of two supplementary angles are (2a + b)° 
and (3a – b)° then, value of 3a is equal to
(1) 54° (2) 108°
(3) 72° (4) 84°
47. Which of the following pairs of letters in the word 
MATHS depicts rotational symmetry?
(1) A and S (2) T and M
(3) M and S (4) H and S
48. A triangle is to be constructed with sides (2p – 1) cm, 
(2p + 2) cm and 13 cm. For constructing the triangle, 
p must always be
(1) greater then 3 (2) greater then 2.5
(3) greater then 6 (4) greater then 5
49. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 
of 4:5:3:6. The difference of the greatest and the 
smallest angles of the quadrilateral is
(1) 40° (2) 50°
(3) 60° (4) 80°
50. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AC ?BD, AB = AD 
and CB = CD. Then, ABCD must be a
(1) Rectangle (2) Kite
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
51. While teaching mathematics, a teacher arrives at a 
statement: ‘ A implies B’. This means
(1) A is a necessary condition for B
(2) B is a necessary condition for A
(3) A is the sufficient condition for B
(4) A is both necessary and sufficient condition for B
52. Mr. Pramjit is teaching Geometry to his students at 
upper primary level.
 Which of the following methods is used most 
commonly in mathematics classrooms for 
geometrical proofs.
(1) Deductive method
(2) Inductive method
(3) Proof by contradiction
(4) Proof by counter example
53. ‘Statistics is more than making graphs and analysing 
data. It includes both asking and answering 
questions about the outworld.’
 Which of the following option explains the meaning 
of given statement?
(1) In statistics, number have more significance than 
graphs for data analysis.
(2) Graphs should be used only to introduce 
statistics to students.
(3) Students should formulate questions that can be 
addressed with data and collect, organize and 
display relevant data to answer them.
(4) Statistics is only about solving problems in real 
54. Which of the following statement is indicative of 
‘Mathematisation of the child’s thought process’?
(1) Procedure and Drill of problems with 
mathematics implies mathematisation of child’s 
thought process.
(2) Mathematics Education should focus on 
knowing how to mathematize rather than on 
knowing a lot of mathematics.
(3) Studying mathematics upto class XII would lead 
to mathematisation of child’s mind.
(4) Participating in Olympiads would lead to 
mathematisation of child’s mind.
55. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of 
‘ Analytical rubrics’?
(1) It gives diagnostic information to teacher
(2) It gives formative feedback to students
(3) It is good tool for summative assessment
(4) It is easier to link to instructions than to holistic 
56. An orphanage has three gates, a person enters the 
orphanage, with some fruits and give half of the 
fruits and one more to the children at the first gate, 
similarly he gives half of the remaining fruits and 
one more to the children at the second gate and 
likewise at the third gate. At the end the person is 
left with only one fruit. How many fruits were in 
the hands of that person in starting? For solving this 
problem, which one of the following methods will 
be appropriate:
(1) Project-based (2) Inductive-deductive
(3) Problem-posing (4) Problem-solving
57. If the objective of teaching mathematics is related to 
developing creative thinking among students, which 
of the following method/strategy is appropriate:
(1) Use of formal algorithms.
(2) Use of multiple close-ended problems.
(3) Use of lecture method.
(4) Use of multiple solution task.
58. Which of the following activities will help teachers 
to promote problem solving in mathematics among 
(1) Conducting interclass quizzes.
(2) Solving the problems and reflecting back on 
(3) Organizing a mathematical fair.
(4) Using mathematical models for teaching.
59. Mathematics Anxiety is commonly seen among 
students of middle school. Which of the following 
strategies are effective in dealing with Mathematics 
Anxiety in learners?
(a) Have a positive attitude while communicating 
with students
(b) To give collaborative task and promote group 
practice problems
(c) To ask the parents of these children to provide 
them home tuition
(d) Such students should be singled out and made 
to sit on the front on bench in a math classroom.
(1) (a) and (d) (2) (a), (b) and (d)
(3) only (d) (4) (a) and (b)
60. Which of the following task is least likely to develop 
critical thinking in mathematics among students?
(1) Evaluate 72×63 in three different ways and 
compare the results.
(2) Formulate any two situations to represent the 
equation 7x + 3 = 24.
(3) A student calculated the volume of a right 
circular cylinder of radius 3.5 cm and height 
10 cm as 38.5 cm
. Where did she go wrong?
(4) Calculate the volume of a right circular cylinder 
of radius 3.5 cm and height 10 cm.
61. Read the following statement carefully and choose 
the correct option
 Assertion (A): The Moon always has the same face 
towards the The Earth.
 Reason (R): The Moon completes one rotation in its 
axis simultaneously as it completes one revolution 
around the Earth.
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 
explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 
explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
62. Which of the following is true regarding the water 
content in the process of conversion of nectars to 
honey by honeybees?
(1) It is increased
(2) It is reduced
(3) It remains unchanged
(4) It may increase or reduce.
63. In fish, the body surface is protected from decay by 
micro-organism due to which of the following?
(1) Scales (2) Mucus layer
(3) Fins (4) Blubber
Page 5

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. The social expectations at each stage of development 
are referred to as
(1) Developmental tasks
(2) Developmental needs
(3) Developmental hazards
(4) Developmental domains
2. Development ............... .
(1) proceeds from centre of the body in an outward 
(2) development proceeds from bottom to top.
(3) is unidimensional.
(4) is not influenced by environmental efforts.
3. Assertion (A): Cognitive development progresses 
quite rapidly until middle childhood and then 
comes to a stop.
 Reason (R): Human beings cannot learn new things 
after the stage of middle childhood.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
4. A group of children enact scenes from a popular 
dance reality show in their play. As a judge,  
8-year-old Sana gives comments on other children’s 
dances. This situation highlights the important role 
of ...............  in the socialization of children.
(1) religious institutions (2) family
(3) media (4) school
5. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, in which stage children gain the 
ability to seriate objects in a specified order?
(1) Sensory motor
(2) Pre operational
(3) Concrete operational
(4) Formal operational
6. According to Jean Piaget, an ongoing process which 
refines and transforms mental structures is called 
............... .
(1) Deferred Imitation
(2) Object Permanence
(3) Assimilation
(4) Equilibration
7. After seeing students struggling to solve a problem, 
a teacher gave them hints and half solved examples 
to assist them.
 As per Lev Vygotsky’s theory, this is an example of 
............... .
(1) scaffolding (2) reversibility
(3) seriation (4) expository teaching
8. Which theorist asserted that cognitive development 
is a collaborative process?
(1) Lev Vygotsky (2) Ivan Pavlov
(3) B. F . Skinner (4) John B. Watson
9. One of the chief criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory is that
(1) his theory undermines the feminine perspective
(2) he did not refer to Piaget’s theory of moral 
(3) he does not propose specific responses of 
children at each stage
(4) he did not conduct any research on children
10. Howard Gardner suggested that there are distinct 
kinds of intelligence. Which of the following 
intelligence was not proposed by Gardner?
(1) Musical (2) Linguistic
(3) Body-Kinesthetic (4) Practical
11. Which of the following illustrates a constructivist 
learning approach in a progressive classroom?
(1) Multiple interpretations
(2) Rote memorization and verbatim recall
(3) Rewards and punishment
(4) Repeated drill and practice
12. In context of multilingualism, which of the following 
is an appropriate approach?
(1) Students should be penalized for using their 
mother tongue or local language during school 
(2) The schools should admit only those students 
whose mother tongue is same as the language of 
(3) The teacher should accept & respect diverse 
languages and create a classroom environment 
which supports inclusion of all students.
(4) The teacher should ignore children who use 
their mother tongue in the class.
13. Children who often see their parents cross 
normative gender lines such as mothers repairing 
the appliances and fathers taking care of the baby, 
(1) less likely to adhere to gender stereotypes.
(2) more likely to practice gender segregation.
(3) more likely to practice gender stereotypes.
(4) less likely to break gender norms prevalent in 
14. The purposes of assessment according to National 
Education Policy (2020) are:
(i) to generate stress and induce fear amongst 
students to ensure learning levels.
(ii) to revise-teaching learning processes.
(iii) to optimize learning and development.
(iv) to support students inside and outside the 
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Paper - 2 (Social Science)
03rd Januar y, 2022
15. Dynamic assessment helps to understand
(1) the intelligence Quotient of a child
(2) relative rank of the student in comparison to her 
(3) the specific learning needs of a child
(4) if child is fit to study in a regular school or not.
16. For successful inclusion of students with ‘giftedness’, 
which of the following strategy a teacher should 
avoid to use?
(1) Allow opportunities to express diverse 
(2) Provide academic enrichment activities to 
(3) Implement teacher-centred curriculum.
(4) Allow students to pursue independent projects 
based on their interests.
17. In order to create a system which respects individual 
differences among learners, it is important to:
(1) use standardised curriculum for all learners
(2) allow variation in learning pace and perspectives
(3) keep low expectations of learning from all 
(4) pay attention only towards high achievers in 
18. A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes 
distracted easily, can’t sit in the assigned seat, fidgets 
and loses things. These characteristics are indicative 
(1) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(2) Visual impairment
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Dysgraphia
19. For inclusion of students with hearing impairment, 
a teacher should ............... .
(1) avoid speaking anytime when student can’t see 
her face
(2) discourage use of sign language
(3) avoid use of assistive technology
(4) avoid giving extra time for processing 
20. Choosing activities that provide scope for insightful 
and divergent answers promote ............... .
(1) rote memorisation
(2) creativity
(3) frustration
(4) competition
21. Students who score less marks during exams should 
............... .
(1) be placed in special schools.
(2) be guided to pursue only vocational education.
(3) be subjected to corporal punishment.
(4) be provided with necessary support as per their 
individual needs.
22. Assertion (A): To ensure meaningful learning, it is 
essential to connect new materials with something 
the child already knows.
 Reason (R): Learning occurs in a linear manner.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
23. Which of the following notions of success in school 
needs to be challenged?
(1) Students achieve success in school by proving 
themselves to be better than others.
(2) Success need not to be about competition.
(3) Schools should give importance to cognitive as 
well as emotional domains while conceptualising 
(4) In creating an evaluation sytem in which 
someone comes ‘first’, we also create a system in 
which someone is destined to ‘last’.
24. While teaching a concept which of the following, a 
teacher should avoid?
(1) Use of analogies across and within domains
(2) Highlight correlations among different 
(3) Ask students to look for cause-effect relations
(4) Exclude non-examplers and exceptions.
25. Which of the following form of learning, a teacher 
should emphasize upon:
(1) learning through stimulus-response
(2) learning through process of structured enquiry
(3) learning through rote-memorisation
(4) learning to achieve more marks than others
26. Which of the following is NOT an example of 
extrinsic motivation?
(1) Avoidance of punishment
(2) Interest
(3) Rewards
(4) Fear of failure
27. Which of the following emotion hinders student’s 
(1) Eagerness (2) Gratitude
(3) Curiosity (4) Hopelessness
28. During the classroom discussion on concept of 
water, a child responded, “water is not colourless”. 
On enquiring by the teacher, child gave reference of 
dirty water which he had seen in a drain near his 
home. A teacher respond to this misconception of 
the child by:
(1) completely discarding this answer
(2) asserting that his logic is baseless
(3) accept the response and explain the logic of 
calling the water colourless
(4) emphasing on only one correct answer i.e. water 
is colourless
29. Socio-constructivist approach to learning emphasises 
on importance of ............... .
(1) Rewards and Punishment
(2) Standardised Assessment
(3) Cultural Context
(4) Expository Teaching
30. Learning is most effective and meaningful when
(1) it occurs in contextualised manner
(2) learners are performance-oriented
(3) learners are motivated by intrinsic factors
(4) information is presented in disconnected chunks
Mathematics and Science
31. What is the difference between the greatest and 
smallest three digit numbers that can be formed 
using the digits 0, 2, 5 and 6 without repetitions?
(1) 446 (2) 537
(3) 447 (4) 400
32. If
36 21

, then what is the value of 
(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) –4 (4) –5
33. Which of the following may represent 
(1) Dividing a rectangular sheet of paper into 22 
equal parts and colouring 3 parts among them
(2) Dividing 11 mangoes equally between 3 people
(3) Dividing a circle into 33 equal parts and colouring 
9 among them
(4) Drawing 11 circles having radius 1 cm, 2 cm, 
3 cm... 11 cm and colouring 3 among them
34. Which of the following is not a perfect square?
(1) 2116 (2) 2916
(3) 3136 (4) 3158
35. A shopkeeper has 75 gold and 120 silver coins. She 
wants to stack them so that each stack contains same 
number of coins of the same type. The maximum 
number of coins that each stack can have is
(1) 5 (2) 10
(3) 15 (4) 25
36. The solution of the equation
 3 (2 – x) – (x + 6) = 2(1 – 3x)
 is same as the solution of this equation.
(1) 4x + 3 = 5 + 2x (2) 9x + 5 = 4(x – 2) + 8
(3) 5x + 7 = 2x + 9 (4) 3x – 1 = 2x + 4
37. If a + b = 3 and a
 + b
 = 89, then what is the value 
+ ?
38. Let p = 3x
 – 6x – 4,
  q = 3 + x – 2x
 and r = –4x + x
 + 9, then (p – q) + r is equal to
(1) 6x
 + 11x – 9 (2) 3x
 – 2x + 7
(3) 3x
 – 9x + 8 (4) 6x
 – 11x + 2
39. If 10x
 + x – 3 = (ax + b)(cx + d),
 a > c, then 
(1) a positive number (2) a proper fraction
(3) an improper fraction (4) a negative integer
40. A number is first increased by 10% and then 
decreased by 10%. Then the number
(1) Remains the same (2) is increased by 1%
(3) is decreased by 1% (4) is increased by 0.1%
41. ABCD is a trapezium in which AD||BC, AB = 5 cm, 
BC = 11 cm and AD = 7 cm. DA is produced to a 
point F such that AF = 3 cm and BF ? DF . Then, area 
of the trapezium ABCD is
(1) 34 cm
 (2) 36 cm
(3) 40.5 cm
 (4) 42.75 cm
42. Deepak used to walk ten rounds along a rectangular 
ground with length 150 cm and breadth 100 m. If he 
has to walk around a square shaped ground having 
area 0.01 km
, then how many rounds he has to 
walk so that he can complete his regular routine of 
(1) Approximately 5 (2) Exactly 11
(3) Exactly 12 (4) Approximately 13
43. The radius of the base of a metallic cylindrical box is 
17.5 cm. Its height is one meter. What is the capacity 
(in litres) of the box? Take 

(1) 90.5 (2) 95
(3) 96.25 (4) 99
44. A box contains some slips on which numbers 25, 
26, 27,... 49, are written (one number in one slip). 
A slip is drawn at random from the box. What is 
the probability that the selected slip bears a prime 
(1) 0.16 (2) 0.24
(2) 0.28 (3) 0.36
45. The average age (in years) of 40 students of a class 
is 12. After adding teacher’s age, the average age of 
all of them becomes 13 years. If the retirement age of 
the teacher is 55 years, then he will retire after
(1) 1 year (2) 2 years
(3) 3 years (4) 5 years
46. Measures of two supplementary angles are (2a + b)° 
and (3a – b)° then, value of 3a is equal to
(1) 54° (2) 108°
(3) 72° (4) 84°
47. Which of the following pairs of letters in the word 
MATHS depicts rotational symmetry?
(1) A and S (2) T and M
(3) M and S (4) H and S
48. A triangle is to be constructed with sides (2p – 1) cm, 
(2p + 2) cm and 13 cm. For constructing the triangle, 
p must always be
(1) greater then 3 (2) greater then 2.5
(3) greater then 6 (4) greater then 5
49. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 
of 4:5:3:6. The difference of the greatest and the 
smallest angles of the quadrilateral is
(1) 40° (2) 50°
(3) 60° (4) 80°
50. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AC ?BD, AB = AD 
and CB = CD. Then, ABCD must be a
(1) Rectangle (2) Kite
(3) Parallelogram (4) Rhombus
51. While teaching mathematics, a teacher arrives at a 
statement: ‘ A implies B’. This means
(1) A is a necessary condition for B
(2) B is a necessary condition for A
(3) A is the sufficient condition for B
(4) A is both necessary and sufficient condition for B
52. Mr. Pramjit is teaching Geometry to his students at 
upper primary level.
 Which of the following methods is used most 
commonly in mathematics classrooms for 
geometrical proofs.
(1) Deductive method
(2) Inductive method
(3) Proof by contradiction
(4) Proof by counter example
53. ‘Statistics is more than making graphs and analysing 
data. It includes both asking and answering 
questions about the outworld.’
 Which of the following option explains the meaning 
of given statement?
(1) In statistics, number have more significance than 
graphs for data analysis.
(2) Graphs should be used only to introduce 
statistics to students.
(3) Students should formulate questions that can be 
addressed with data and collect, organize and 
display relevant data to answer them.
(4) Statistics is only about solving problems in real 
54. Which of the following statement is indicative of 
‘Mathematisation of the child’s thought process’?
(1) Procedure and Drill of problems with 
mathematics implies mathematisation of child’s 
thought process.
(2) Mathematics Education should focus on 
knowing how to mathematize rather than on 
knowing a lot of mathematics.
(3) Studying mathematics upto class XII would lead 
to mathematisation of child’s mind.
(4) Participating in Olympiads would lead to 
mathematisation of child’s mind.
55. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of 
‘ Analytical rubrics’?
(1) It gives diagnostic information to teacher
(2) It gives formative feedback to students
(3) It is good tool for summative assessment
(4) It is easier to link to instructions than to holistic 
56. An orphanage has three gates, a person enters the 
orphanage, with some fruits and give half of the 
fruits and one more to the children at the first gate, 
similarly he gives half of the remaining fruits and 
one more to the children at the second gate and 
likewise at the third gate. At the end the person is 
left with only one fruit. How many fruits were in 
the hands of that person in starting? For solving this 
problem, which one of the following methods will 
be appropriate:
(1) Project-based (2) Inductive-deductive
(3) Problem-posing (4) Problem-solving
57. If the objective of teaching mathematics is related to 
developing creative thinking among students, which 
of the following method/strategy is appropriate:
(1) Use of formal algorithms.
(2) Use of multiple close-ended problems.
(3) Use of lecture method.
(4) Use of multiple solution task.
58. Which of the following activities will help teachers 
to promote problem solving in mathematics among 
(1) Conducting interclass quizzes.
(2) Solving the problems and reflecting back on 
(3) Organizing a mathematical fair.
(4) Using mathematical models for teaching.
59. Mathematics Anxiety is commonly seen among 
students of middle school. Which of the following 
strategies are effective in dealing with Mathematics 
Anxiety in learners?
(a) Have a positive attitude while communicating 
with students
(b) To give collaborative task and promote group 
practice problems
(c) To ask the parents of these children to provide 
them home tuition
(d) Such students should be singled out and made 
to sit on the front on bench in a math classroom.
(1) (a) and (d) (2) (a), (b) and (d)
(3) only (d) (4) (a) and (b)
60. Which of the following task is least likely to develop 
critical thinking in mathematics among students?
(1) Evaluate 72×63 in three different ways and 
compare the results.
(2) Formulate any two situations to represent the 
equation 7x + 3 = 24.
(3) A student calculated the volume of a right 
circular cylinder of radius 3.5 cm and height 
10 cm as 38.5 cm
. Where did she go wrong?
(4) Calculate the volume of a right circular cylinder 
of radius 3.5 cm and height 10 cm.
61. Read the following statement carefully and choose 
the correct option
 Assertion (A): The Moon always has the same face 
towards the The Earth.
 Reason (R): The Moon completes one rotation in its 
axis simultaneously as it completes one revolution 
around the Earth.
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 
explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 
explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
62. Which of the following is true regarding the water 
content in the process of conversion of nectars to 
honey by honeybees?
(1) It is increased
(2) It is reduced
(3) It remains unchanged
(4) It may increase or reduce.
63. In fish, the body surface is protected from decay by 
micro-organism due to which of the following?
(1) Scales (2) Mucus layer
(3) Fins (4) Blubber
64. Consider the following statements and choose the 
correct option
 Assertion (A): Lions do not eat grass
 Reason (R): Many animals cannot digest cellulose
 What can you say about these?
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 
explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 
explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
65. Which of the following source of carbohydrate 
contains gluten, a component which can cause 
allergy to some people?
(1) Rice (2) Wheat
(3) Raggi (4) Jowar
66. X is a non-flowering and seedless plant that grows 
on land. Which of the following could be X?
(1) Pine tree (2) Algae
(3) Orchids (4) Fern
67. Which of the following is a set of chemical changes?
(1) Mixing sugar in milk
(2) Setting milk into curd
(3) Making cottage cheese (paneer) from milk
(4) Making buttermilk from curd
(1) (1) and (2) (2) (2) and (3)
(3) (3) and (4) (4) (1) and (4)
68. Which of the following is the strongest natural fibre?
(1) Wool (2) Silk
(3) Fleece (4) Jute
69. Which of the following is a synthetic indicator?
(1) Turmeric solution
(2) Litmus paper
(3) Methyl orange solution
(4) China rose solution
70. Aditi wanted to send a secret message to her friend. 
She gave her friend a letter which did not seems to 
have anything written on it. She asked her friend 
to rub the paper with a slice of beet root and the 
message appeared in dark red colour. Which of the 
following could she have used to write the message?
(1) Common salt (2) Glucose solution
(3) Baking soda solution (4) Lemon juice
71. Identical twins are produced by
(1) Asexual reproduction
(2) Fertilization of two eggs
(3) Fertilization of one egg by two sperms
(4) Fertilization of one egg by one sperm
72. Why does a metal door knob feel cooler than a 
similar plastic knob on a cold day?
(1) Metal is better absorber of heat than plastic
(2) Metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic
(3) Plastic is better radiator of heat than metal
(4) Plastic is better absorber of heat than metal
73. Read the following statement carefully and choose 
the correct option
 Assertion (A): Ultra sound is inaudible to humans
 Reason (R): The human ear has a range of hearing 
between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 
explanation of assertion
(2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 
explanation of assertion
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) Both A and R are false
74. Why is a lighting conductor installed in a building?
(1) It repels the lighting before it falls on the 
(2) It forces the lighting to fall in an area where 
there are no buildings.
(3) It conducts electric charge on the ground when 
lightening strikes the building.
(4) It collects the electric power present in the 
75. Severe burn injuries are likely to be caused by fire 
accidents while wearing Synthetic fabric rather than 
natural fabric as synthetic fibre.
(1) burns into ash
(2) burns into liquefied and vaporises
(3) burns into flame
(4) burns into sticky liquid
76. Which of the following is a set of mixtures?
(1) Air, Water, Wood (2) Wood, Salt, Sand
(3) Salt, Sand, Water (4) Wood, Air, Sand
77. A cyclist travels 360 meters in 2 minutes. What is her 
(1) 180 ms
 (2) 60 ms
(3) 3 ms
 (4) 30 ms
78. The focal length of a concave mirror is 20 cm. At 
what distance from the concave mirror could the 
object be placed to produce virtual image of the 
(1) 10 cm (2) 20 cm
(3) 40 cm (4) 40 cm ??repeated (3)??
79. When a bar magnet is brought near it the iron dust 
(1) mostly at the middle (2) only at the middle
(3) equally everywhere (4) mostly near two ends
80. A, B, C and D represent four media as follows
 A = Air, B = Water, C = Iron, D = Vacuum
 In which of the above media, the speed of sound is 
minimum and maximum respectively.
(1) A and D (2) B and C
(3) A and C (4) C and D
81. A teacher puts a leaf in a test tube and puts sprit 
(alcohol) in it. Now he heats the test tube till all the 
green colour comes out. Then he takes out the leaf 
and pour some iodine solution on it.
A. The leaf turns blue black in colour
B. The leaf contains starch
(1) A is observation, B is inference
(2) A is inference, B is observation
(3) Both A and B are observation
(4) Both A and B are inference
82. Which of the following is an appropriate objective 
for organising a science fair in school?
(1) Getting a good publicity for the school in society.
(2) Increasing the student’s interests in science.
(3) Helping the school to meet administrative 
(4) Developing a feeling of competition among 
83. Adapting the science curriculum as per the 
understanding level of students ensures its
(1) Content validating
(2) Historical validating
(3) Cognitive validating
(4) Environmental validating
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