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CTET EVS Solved Question Paper - 1 (18 Sep - 2016) | EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30)Answerthefollowingquestionsbyselectingthecorrect/most
1. Which among the following considerations
would you keep in mind while designing a
group activity in your EVS class?
A. Engage the interests of the children.
B. Appeal equally to boys and girls.
C. Use expensive material.
D. Appeal to children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
(1) B and C (2) A, B and D
(3) A, C and D (4) B and D
2. All of the following statements provide
arguments in favour of teachers and
students to collectively engage in group
activities in EVS, except one. Which is
that statement?
(1) Children learn to collaborate and cooperate
(2) Children learn more by talking and
discussing with other children
(3) Children show marked improvement in scores
because of group activities
(4) Adult support can help children construct
knowledge beyond their ability
3. Which of the following tools will be
appropriate for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in learning EVS
through group work?
(1) Assignments
(2) Paper-pencil tests
(3) Oral questions
(4) Rating scales
4. Following are some intuitive ideas of children
about plants. Which of them is scientifically
(1) Some vegetables are fruits
(2) Seeds are not parts of a plant
(3) Carrot and cabbage are not plants
(4) Grass is not a plant
Paper - 1 ( EVS)
1 8 September, 20 16
Page 2

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30)Answerthefollowingquestionsbyselectingthecorrect/most
1. Which among the following considerations
would you keep in mind while designing a
group activity in your EVS class?
A. Engage the interests of the children.
B. Appeal equally to boys and girls.
C. Use expensive material.
D. Appeal to children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
(1) B and C (2) A, B and D
(3) A, C and D (4) B and D
2. All of the following statements provide
arguments in favour of teachers and
students to collectively engage in group
activities in EVS, except one. Which is
that statement?
(1) Children learn to collaborate and cooperate
(2) Children learn more by talking and
discussing with other children
(3) Children show marked improvement in scores
because of group activities
(4) Adult support can help children construct
knowledge beyond their ability
3. Which of the following tools will be
appropriate for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in learning EVS
through group work?
(1) Assignments
(2) Paper-pencil tests
(3) Oral questions
(4) Rating scales
4. Following are some intuitive ideas of children
about plants. Which of them is scientifically
(1) Some vegetables are fruits
(2) Seeds are not parts of a plant
(3) Carrot and cabbage are not plants
(4) Grass is not a plant
Paper - 1 ( EVS)
1 8 September, 20 16
5. A teacher of Class IV told her students—‘‘Ask
some old people if there were plants they had
seen when they were young but are not seen
these days.’’
Which of the following skills is not likely to be
assessed by asking this questions.
(1) Discussion (2) Questioning
(3) Expression (4) Experimentation
6. A teacher asks every child to use some waste
material from their homes and make
something useful out of it.
The pedagogical intention of the teacher is not
(1) organise an exhibition of best articles made out of
(2) judge the best student of the class
(3) develop creativity among children
(4) make children understand the concept of recycle,
reuse and reduce
7. Read the following questions
A. How well did I plan for the activity?
B. How well did I follow the plan?
C. What were my strengths?
D. What exactly did I find difficult?
Answers to the above four types of questions
will comprise
(1) self-assessment of children and teachers both
(2) summative assessment by the teacher
(3) children’s self-assessment
(4) teachers’s self-assessment
8. The language used in an EVS textbook
(1) should be formalised with emphasis on definitions
(2) should be technical and formal
(3) should be related to everyday language of the
(4) should be terse and difficult for children to
9. A teacher gives pictures of different animals to
his students and asks them to colour the
animals that do not live in their houses. The
objective of this activity is to develop
A. creativity
B. observation
C. classification skill
D. data collection
Which of the above are correct?
(1) B, C and D (2) A, C and D
(3) A, B and C (4) A, B and D
10. In the EVS syllabus, structured around six
themes, ‘plants’ and ‘animals’ have
consciously been included in the theme :
‘Family and Friends’. All of the following
could be cited as reasons for this
inclusion, except one. Which one is that?
(1) To enable students to understand plants and
animals from a science perspective
(2) To help students to locate plants and animals
in a social and cultural context
(3) To highlight how humans share a close
relationship with each other
(4) To highlight how lives and livelihoods of some
communities are closely connected with
specific animals or plants
11. The purpose of ‘survey’ in
teaching-learning of EVS is
A. to provide an opportunity to interact
with community
B. to make children sensitive to different
C. to provide an opportunity to collect
information first-hand
D. to use it as an opportunity for
Which of the above are correct?
(1) A, C and D
(2) A, B, C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) A, B and D
Directions (Q. Nos. 12-16)Readthe
Given are responses of 7-8 years old children after
they have observed an experiment done by the
teacher, in which water in a bowl is heated and it has
‘‘Water has disappeared.’’
‘‘The bowl has absorbed the water.’’
‘‘The fire drank the water.’’
‘‘God drank the water.’’
12. What do these responses tell us about
children and their thinking?
(1) Children have alternate ideas about
(2) Children’s responses are illogical
(3) Children’s thinking is incorrect
(4) Children cannot make a good observation
04 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
Page 3

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30)Answerthefollowingquestionsbyselectingthecorrect/most
1. Which among the following considerations
would you keep in mind while designing a
group activity in your EVS class?
A. Engage the interests of the children.
B. Appeal equally to boys and girls.
C. Use expensive material.
D. Appeal to children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
(1) B and C (2) A, B and D
(3) A, C and D (4) B and D
2. All of the following statements provide
arguments in favour of teachers and
students to collectively engage in group
activities in EVS, except one. Which is
that statement?
(1) Children learn to collaborate and cooperate
(2) Children learn more by talking and
discussing with other children
(3) Children show marked improvement in scores
because of group activities
(4) Adult support can help children construct
knowledge beyond their ability
3. Which of the following tools will be
appropriate for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in learning EVS
through group work?
(1) Assignments
(2) Paper-pencil tests
(3) Oral questions
(4) Rating scales
4. Following are some intuitive ideas of children
about plants. Which of them is scientifically
(1) Some vegetables are fruits
(2) Seeds are not parts of a plant
(3) Carrot and cabbage are not plants
(4) Grass is not a plant
Paper - 1 ( EVS)
1 8 September, 20 16
5. A teacher of Class IV told her students—‘‘Ask
some old people if there were plants they had
seen when they were young but are not seen
these days.’’
Which of the following skills is not likely to be
assessed by asking this questions.
(1) Discussion (2) Questioning
(3) Expression (4) Experimentation
6. A teacher asks every child to use some waste
material from their homes and make
something useful out of it.
The pedagogical intention of the teacher is not
(1) organise an exhibition of best articles made out of
(2) judge the best student of the class
(3) develop creativity among children
(4) make children understand the concept of recycle,
reuse and reduce
7. Read the following questions
A. How well did I plan for the activity?
B. How well did I follow the plan?
C. What were my strengths?
D. What exactly did I find difficult?
Answers to the above four types of questions
will comprise
(1) self-assessment of children and teachers both
(2) summative assessment by the teacher
(3) children’s self-assessment
(4) teachers’s self-assessment
8. The language used in an EVS textbook
(1) should be formalised with emphasis on definitions
(2) should be technical and formal
(3) should be related to everyday language of the
(4) should be terse and difficult for children to
9. A teacher gives pictures of different animals to
his students and asks them to colour the
animals that do not live in their houses. The
objective of this activity is to develop
A. creativity
B. observation
C. classification skill
D. data collection
Which of the above are correct?
(1) B, C and D (2) A, C and D
(3) A, B and C (4) A, B and D
10. In the EVS syllabus, structured around six
themes, ‘plants’ and ‘animals’ have
consciously been included in the theme :
‘Family and Friends’. All of the following
could be cited as reasons for this
inclusion, except one. Which one is that?
(1) To enable students to understand plants and
animals from a science perspective
(2) To help students to locate plants and animals
in a social and cultural context
(3) To highlight how humans share a close
relationship with each other
(4) To highlight how lives and livelihoods of some
communities are closely connected with
specific animals or plants
11. The purpose of ‘survey’ in
teaching-learning of EVS is
A. to provide an opportunity to interact
with community
B. to make children sensitive to different
C. to provide an opportunity to collect
information first-hand
D. to use it as an opportunity for
Which of the above are correct?
(1) A, C and D
(2) A, B, C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) A, B and D
Directions (Q. Nos. 12-16)Readthe
Given are responses of 7-8 years old children after
they have observed an experiment done by the
teacher, in which water in a bowl is heated and it has
‘‘Water has disappeared.’’
‘‘The bowl has absorbed the water.’’
‘‘The fire drank the water.’’
‘‘God drank the water.’’
12. What do these responses tell us about
children and their thinking?
(1) Children have alternate ideas about
(2) Children’s responses are illogical
(3) Children’s thinking is incorrect
(4) Children cannot make a good observation
04 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
13. How should the teacher deal with these
(1) Tell the children that they are wrong
(2) Show the standard water cycle chart
(3) Give the definition of evaporation and ask the
children to memorise it
(4) Initiate a discussion to revisit their ideas
14. Which of the following is an example of a
question assessing divergent thinking of
children on the topic, ‘evaporation’?
(1) Write five advantages of water cycle
(2) What will happen if there is no water cycle?
(3) List the steps in sequence of water cycle
(4) Draw and label water cycle
15. Which of the following are the neighbouring
states of Jammu and Kashmir?
(1) Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand
(2) Himachal Pradesh, Punjab
(3) Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
(4) Uttarakhand, Rajasthan
16. Match each of the locations with correct
description of common houses built in that
Locations Houses
A. Manali (i) Elevated houses made on
bamboo pillars
B. Rajasthan (ii) Houses made of
stones/wood with
slanting roofs
C. Assam (iii) Houseboats
D. Ladakh (iv) Mud houses having roofs
made of thorny bushes
(v) Houses made of stones
with wooden floor and
wooden ceiling
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(2) (ii) (v) (i) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (v)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (v)
17. The different patterns on the skin of
animals are
(1) due to the weather conditions they live in
(2) an indication of their physical strength
(3) due to the reflected light
(4) due to the hair on their skin
18. ‘‘People who have been living in the forest
for atleast 25 years have a right to the
forestland and what is grown on it.’’ This is
mandated by
(1) the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders
(Amendment) Bill, 2012
(2) the Indian Forest Act, 1927
(3) the Right to Forest Act, 2007
(4) the Land Acquisition Act, 1894
19. Which of the following is a set of diseases
spread by mosquitoes?
(1) Typhoid, Cholera, Chikungunya
(2) Malaria, HIV-AIDS, Dengue
(3) HIV-AIDS, Cholera, Dengue
(4) Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya
20. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
(1) has mouth covered with tiny hooks
(2) is not found in India
(3) cleverly traps and eats frogs, insects and mice
(4) emits sounds of high pitch to attract insects
21. Which of the following sets of edibles are
rich in iron?
(1) Amla, Spinach, Jaggery
(2) Amla, Spinach, Potato
(3) Amla, Potato, Tomato
(4) Cabbage, Okra, Jaggery
22. Almost in every part of our country, chillies
are added while cooking food. Chillies were
brought to our country by the traders who
came from
(1) Uzbekistan
(2) South America
(3) Afghanistan
(4) Australia
23. Which of the following birds makes its nest
among the thorns of a cactus plant?
(1) Sunbird (2) Weaverbird
(3) Robin bird (4) Dove
24. Read the following description of an
animal and identify it.
‘‘It looks like a bear but it is not. It spends
almost 17 hours a day sleeping while
hanging upside down on a tree branch. It
eats the leaves of the same tree on which it
lives. It lives for about 40 years.’’
(1) Langur (2) Chimpanzee
(3) Panda (4) Sloth
SolvedPaper2016 05
Page 4

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30)Answerthefollowingquestionsbyselectingthecorrect/most
1. Which among the following considerations
would you keep in mind while designing a
group activity in your EVS class?
A. Engage the interests of the children.
B. Appeal equally to boys and girls.
C. Use expensive material.
D. Appeal to children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
(1) B and C (2) A, B and D
(3) A, C and D (4) B and D
2. All of the following statements provide
arguments in favour of teachers and
students to collectively engage in group
activities in EVS, except one. Which is
that statement?
(1) Children learn to collaborate and cooperate
(2) Children learn more by talking and
discussing with other children
(3) Children show marked improvement in scores
because of group activities
(4) Adult support can help children construct
knowledge beyond their ability
3. Which of the following tools will be
appropriate for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in learning EVS
through group work?
(1) Assignments
(2) Paper-pencil tests
(3) Oral questions
(4) Rating scales
4. Following are some intuitive ideas of children
about plants. Which of them is scientifically
(1) Some vegetables are fruits
(2) Seeds are not parts of a plant
(3) Carrot and cabbage are not plants
(4) Grass is not a plant
Paper - 1 ( EVS)
1 8 September, 20 16
5. A teacher of Class IV told her students—‘‘Ask
some old people if there were plants they had
seen when they were young but are not seen
these days.’’
Which of the following skills is not likely to be
assessed by asking this questions.
(1) Discussion (2) Questioning
(3) Expression (4) Experimentation
6. A teacher asks every child to use some waste
material from their homes and make
something useful out of it.
The pedagogical intention of the teacher is not
(1) organise an exhibition of best articles made out of
(2) judge the best student of the class
(3) develop creativity among children
(4) make children understand the concept of recycle,
reuse and reduce
7. Read the following questions
A. How well did I plan for the activity?
B. How well did I follow the plan?
C. What were my strengths?
D. What exactly did I find difficult?
Answers to the above four types of questions
will comprise
(1) self-assessment of children and teachers both
(2) summative assessment by the teacher
(3) children’s self-assessment
(4) teachers’s self-assessment
8. The language used in an EVS textbook
(1) should be formalised with emphasis on definitions
(2) should be technical and formal
(3) should be related to everyday language of the
(4) should be terse and difficult for children to
9. A teacher gives pictures of different animals to
his students and asks them to colour the
animals that do not live in their houses. The
objective of this activity is to develop
A. creativity
B. observation
C. classification skill
D. data collection
Which of the above are correct?
(1) B, C and D (2) A, C and D
(3) A, B and C (4) A, B and D
10. In the EVS syllabus, structured around six
themes, ‘plants’ and ‘animals’ have
consciously been included in the theme :
‘Family and Friends’. All of the following
could be cited as reasons for this
inclusion, except one. Which one is that?
(1) To enable students to understand plants and
animals from a science perspective
(2) To help students to locate plants and animals
in a social and cultural context
(3) To highlight how humans share a close
relationship with each other
(4) To highlight how lives and livelihoods of some
communities are closely connected with
specific animals or plants
11. The purpose of ‘survey’ in
teaching-learning of EVS is
A. to provide an opportunity to interact
with community
B. to make children sensitive to different
C. to provide an opportunity to collect
information first-hand
D. to use it as an opportunity for
Which of the above are correct?
(1) A, C and D
(2) A, B, C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) A, B and D
Directions (Q. Nos. 12-16)Readthe
Given are responses of 7-8 years old children after
they have observed an experiment done by the
teacher, in which water in a bowl is heated and it has
‘‘Water has disappeared.’’
‘‘The bowl has absorbed the water.’’
‘‘The fire drank the water.’’
‘‘God drank the water.’’
12. What do these responses tell us about
children and their thinking?
(1) Children have alternate ideas about
(2) Children’s responses are illogical
(3) Children’s thinking is incorrect
(4) Children cannot make a good observation
04 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
13. How should the teacher deal with these
(1) Tell the children that they are wrong
(2) Show the standard water cycle chart
(3) Give the definition of evaporation and ask the
children to memorise it
(4) Initiate a discussion to revisit their ideas
14. Which of the following is an example of a
question assessing divergent thinking of
children on the topic, ‘evaporation’?
(1) Write five advantages of water cycle
(2) What will happen if there is no water cycle?
(3) List the steps in sequence of water cycle
(4) Draw and label water cycle
15. Which of the following are the neighbouring
states of Jammu and Kashmir?
(1) Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand
(2) Himachal Pradesh, Punjab
(3) Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
(4) Uttarakhand, Rajasthan
16. Match each of the locations with correct
description of common houses built in that
Locations Houses
A. Manali (i) Elevated houses made on
bamboo pillars
B. Rajasthan (ii) Houses made of
stones/wood with
slanting roofs
C. Assam (iii) Houseboats
D. Ladakh (iv) Mud houses having roofs
made of thorny bushes
(v) Houses made of stones
with wooden floor and
wooden ceiling
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(2) (ii) (v) (i) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (v)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (v)
17. The different patterns on the skin of
animals are
(1) due to the weather conditions they live in
(2) an indication of their physical strength
(3) due to the reflected light
(4) due to the hair on their skin
18. ‘‘People who have been living in the forest
for atleast 25 years have a right to the
forestland and what is grown on it.’’ This is
mandated by
(1) the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders
(Amendment) Bill, 2012
(2) the Indian Forest Act, 1927
(3) the Right to Forest Act, 2007
(4) the Land Acquisition Act, 1894
19. Which of the following is a set of diseases
spread by mosquitoes?
(1) Typhoid, Cholera, Chikungunya
(2) Malaria, HIV-AIDS, Dengue
(3) HIV-AIDS, Cholera, Dengue
(4) Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya
20. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
(1) has mouth covered with tiny hooks
(2) is not found in India
(3) cleverly traps and eats frogs, insects and mice
(4) emits sounds of high pitch to attract insects
21. Which of the following sets of edibles are
rich in iron?
(1) Amla, Spinach, Jaggery
(2) Amla, Spinach, Potato
(3) Amla, Potato, Tomato
(4) Cabbage, Okra, Jaggery
22. Almost in every part of our country, chillies
are added while cooking food. Chillies were
brought to our country by the traders who
came from
(1) Uzbekistan
(2) South America
(3) Afghanistan
(4) Australia
23. Which of the following birds makes its nest
among the thorns of a cactus plant?
(1) Sunbird (2) Weaverbird
(3) Robin bird (4) Dove
24. Read the following description of an
animal and identify it.
‘‘It looks like a bear but it is not. It spends
almost 17 hours a day sleeping while
hanging upside down on a tree branch. It
eats the leaves of the same tree on which it
lives. It lives for about 40 years.’’
(1) Langur (2) Chimpanzee
(3) Panda (4) Sloth
SolvedPaper2016 05
25. Which of the following groups of animals
has excellent sight and can see things four
times more than humans?
(1) Tigers, Leopards, Bulls
(2) Snakes, Silkworms, Lizards
(3) Kites, Eagles, Vultures
(4) Bees, Mosquitoes, Butterflies
26. Read the given description of farming and
identify its type.
‘‘After cutting one crop, the land is left as it
is for some years. Nothing is grown there.
The bamboos or weeds which grow on that
land are not pulled out. They are cut and
burnt. The ash makes the land fertile. When
the land is ready for farming it is lightly dug
up, not ploughed. Seeds are dropped on it.’’
(1) Cooperative farming (2) Jhoom farming
(3) Step farming (4) Irrigation farming
27. When a snake charmer plays on his musical
instrumentBeen, the snake swings its head
to and fro to its sound. How do you think the
snake responds to the musical instrument?
(1) By responding to the vibrations produced by
the instrument
(2) By smelling the instrument
(3) By hearing the sound produced by the
(4) By seeing the movement of the instrument
28. ‘‘A family is a unit consisting of mother,
father and their two children.’' This
statement is
(1) incorrect, because the statement should specify
that the children are biological
(2) incorrect, because there are many kinds of
families and one cannot classify family as being
of only one kind
(3) correct, since this is an ideal family size
(4) correct, because this is what all Indian families
are like
29. The gastric juice in the stomach of human
beings is …… and aids in the digestion of
(1) amphoteric (2) neutral
(3) acidic (4) alkaline
30. A teacher of Class III had asked children to
classify the leaves of the following
trees/plants into different groups— lemon,
mango, basil, mint, neem, banana etc. Some
students classified leaves as
A. leaves with medicinal values and leaves
without medicinal values
B. big leaves and small leaves
The teacher marked group (A) as right
and group (B) as wrong.
Which of the following statements reflects
the teacher’s view of learning and
(1) The activity is focussed to seek information
from leaves which can be interpreted differently
(2) Children bring multiple perspectives in
classroom which is to be appreciated
(3) Children can use multiple ways of classification
depending upon their experiences
(4) Classification task is very specific and
structured and there is one right answer
06 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (3) 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (2) 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (3) 10 (1)
11 (3) 12 (4) 13 (3) 14 (3) 15 (2) 16 (3) 17 (3) 18 (3) 19 (4) 20 (3)
21 (1) 22 (2) 23 (4) 24 (4) 25 (3) 26 (2) 27 (1) 28 (2) 29 (3) 30 (4)
Page 5

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30)Answerthefollowingquestionsbyselectingthecorrect/most
1. Which among the following considerations
would you keep in mind while designing a
group activity in your EVS class?
A. Engage the interests of the children.
B. Appeal equally to boys and girls.
C. Use expensive material.
D. Appeal to children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
(1) B and C (2) A, B and D
(3) A, C and D (4) B and D
2. All of the following statements provide
arguments in favour of teachers and
students to collectively engage in group
activities in EVS, except one. Which is
that statement?
(1) Children learn to collaborate and cooperate
(2) Children learn more by talking and
discussing with other children
(3) Children show marked improvement in scores
because of group activities
(4) Adult support can help children construct
knowledge beyond their ability
3. Which of the following tools will be
appropriate for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in learning EVS
through group work?
(1) Assignments
(2) Paper-pencil tests
(3) Oral questions
(4) Rating scales
4. Following are some intuitive ideas of children
about plants. Which of them is scientifically
(1) Some vegetables are fruits
(2) Seeds are not parts of a plant
(3) Carrot and cabbage are not plants
(4) Grass is not a plant
Paper - 1 ( EVS)
1 8 September, 20 16
5. A teacher of Class IV told her students—‘‘Ask
some old people if there were plants they had
seen when they were young but are not seen
these days.’’
Which of the following skills is not likely to be
assessed by asking this questions.
(1) Discussion (2) Questioning
(3) Expression (4) Experimentation
6. A teacher asks every child to use some waste
material from their homes and make
something useful out of it.
The pedagogical intention of the teacher is not
(1) organise an exhibition of best articles made out of
(2) judge the best student of the class
(3) develop creativity among children
(4) make children understand the concept of recycle,
reuse and reduce
7. Read the following questions
A. How well did I plan for the activity?
B. How well did I follow the plan?
C. What were my strengths?
D. What exactly did I find difficult?
Answers to the above four types of questions
will comprise
(1) self-assessment of children and teachers both
(2) summative assessment by the teacher
(3) children’s self-assessment
(4) teachers’s self-assessment
8. The language used in an EVS textbook
(1) should be formalised with emphasis on definitions
(2) should be technical and formal
(3) should be related to everyday language of the
(4) should be terse and difficult for children to
9. A teacher gives pictures of different animals to
his students and asks them to colour the
animals that do not live in their houses. The
objective of this activity is to develop
A. creativity
B. observation
C. classification skill
D. data collection
Which of the above are correct?
(1) B, C and D (2) A, C and D
(3) A, B and C (4) A, B and D
10. In the EVS syllabus, structured around six
themes, ‘plants’ and ‘animals’ have
consciously been included in the theme :
‘Family and Friends’. All of the following
could be cited as reasons for this
inclusion, except one. Which one is that?
(1) To enable students to understand plants and
animals from a science perspective
(2) To help students to locate plants and animals
in a social and cultural context
(3) To highlight how humans share a close
relationship with each other
(4) To highlight how lives and livelihoods of some
communities are closely connected with
specific animals or plants
11. The purpose of ‘survey’ in
teaching-learning of EVS is
A. to provide an opportunity to interact
with community
B. to make children sensitive to different
C. to provide an opportunity to collect
information first-hand
D. to use it as an opportunity for
Which of the above are correct?
(1) A, C and D
(2) A, B, C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) A, B and D
Directions (Q. Nos. 12-16)Readthe
Given are responses of 7-8 years old children after
they have observed an experiment done by the
teacher, in which water in a bowl is heated and it has
‘‘Water has disappeared.’’
‘‘The bowl has absorbed the water.’’
‘‘The fire drank the water.’’
‘‘God drank the water.’’
12. What do these responses tell us about
children and their thinking?
(1) Children have alternate ideas about
(2) Children’s responses are illogical
(3) Children’s thinking is incorrect
(4) Children cannot make a good observation
04 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
13. How should the teacher deal with these
(1) Tell the children that they are wrong
(2) Show the standard water cycle chart
(3) Give the definition of evaporation and ask the
children to memorise it
(4) Initiate a discussion to revisit their ideas
14. Which of the following is an example of a
question assessing divergent thinking of
children on the topic, ‘evaporation’?
(1) Write five advantages of water cycle
(2) What will happen if there is no water cycle?
(3) List the steps in sequence of water cycle
(4) Draw and label water cycle
15. Which of the following are the neighbouring
states of Jammu and Kashmir?
(1) Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand
(2) Himachal Pradesh, Punjab
(3) Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
(4) Uttarakhand, Rajasthan
16. Match each of the locations with correct
description of common houses built in that
Locations Houses
A. Manali (i) Elevated houses made on
bamboo pillars
B. Rajasthan (ii) Houses made of
stones/wood with
slanting roofs
C. Assam (iii) Houseboats
D. Ladakh (iv) Mud houses having roofs
made of thorny bushes
(v) Houses made of stones
with wooden floor and
wooden ceiling
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(2) (ii) (v) (i) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (v)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (v)
17. The different patterns on the skin of
animals are
(1) due to the weather conditions they live in
(2) an indication of their physical strength
(3) due to the reflected light
(4) due to the hair on their skin
18. ‘‘People who have been living in the forest
for atleast 25 years have a right to the
forestland and what is grown on it.’’ This is
mandated by
(1) the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders
(Amendment) Bill, 2012
(2) the Indian Forest Act, 1927
(3) the Right to Forest Act, 2007
(4) the Land Acquisition Act, 1894
19. Which of the following is a set of diseases
spread by mosquitoes?
(1) Typhoid, Cholera, Chikungunya
(2) Malaria, HIV-AIDS, Dengue
(3) HIV-AIDS, Cholera, Dengue
(4) Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya
20. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
(1) has mouth covered with tiny hooks
(2) is not found in India
(3) cleverly traps and eats frogs, insects and mice
(4) emits sounds of high pitch to attract insects
21. Which of the following sets of edibles are
rich in iron?
(1) Amla, Spinach, Jaggery
(2) Amla, Spinach, Potato
(3) Amla, Potato, Tomato
(4) Cabbage, Okra, Jaggery
22. Almost in every part of our country, chillies
are added while cooking food. Chillies were
brought to our country by the traders who
came from
(1) Uzbekistan
(2) South America
(3) Afghanistan
(4) Australia
23. Which of the following birds makes its nest
among the thorns of a cactus plant?
(1) Sunbird (2) Weaverbird
(3) Robin bird (4) Dove
24. Read the following description of an
animal and identify it.
‘‘It looks like a bear but it is not. It spends
almost 17 hours a day sleeping while
hanging upside down on a tree branch. It
eats the leaves of the same tree on which it
lives. It lives for about 40 years.’’
(1) Langur (2) Chimpanzee
(3) Panda (4) Sloth
SolvedPaper2016 05
25. Which of the following groups of animals
has excellent sight and can see things four
times more than humans?
(1) Tigers, Leopards, Bulls
(2) Snakes, Silkworms, Lizards
(3) Kites, Eagles, Vultures
(4) Bees, Mosquitoes, Butterflies
26. Read the given description of farming and
identify its type.
‘‘After cutting one crop, the land is left as it
is for some years. Nothing is grown there.
The bamboos or weeds which grow on that
land are not pulled out. They are cut and
burnt. The ash makes the land fertile. When
the land is ready for farming it is lightly dug
up, not ploughed. Seeds are dropped on it.’’
(1) Cooperative farming (2) Jhoom farming
(3) Step farming (4) Irrigation farming
27. When a snake charmer plays on his musical
instrumentBeen, the snake swings its head
to and fro to its sound. How do you think the
snake responds to the musical instrument?
(1) By responding to the vibrations produced by
the instrument
(2) By smelling the instrument
(3) By hearing the sound produced by the
(4) By seeing the movement of the instrument
28. ‘‘A family is a unit consisting of mother,
father and their two children.’' This
statement is
(1) incorrect, because the statement should specify
that the children are biological
(2) incorrect, because there are many kinds of
families and one cannot classify family as being
of only one kind
(3) correct, since this is an ideal family size
(4) correct, because this is what all Indian families
are like
29. The gastric juice in the stomach of human
beings is …… and aids in the digestion of
(1) amphoteric (2) neutral
(3) acidic (4) alkaline
30. A teacher of Class III had asked children to
classify the leaves of the following
trees/plants into different groups— lemon,
mango, basil, mint, neem, banana etc. Some
students classified leaves as
A. leaves with medicinal values and leaves
without medicinal values
B. big leaves and small leaves
The teacher marked group (A) as right
and group (B) as wrong.
Which of the following statements reflects
the teacher’s view of learning and
(1) The activity is focussed to seek information
from leaves which can be interpreted differently
(2) Children bring multiple perspectives in
classroom which is to be appreciated
(3) Children can use multiple ways of classification
depending upon their experiences
(4) Classification task is very specific and
structured and there is one right answer
06 CTET&TETs~EnvironmentalStudies&Pedagogy
1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (3) 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (2) 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (3) 10 (1)
11 (3) 12 (4) 13 (3) 14 (3) 15 (2) 16 (3) 17 (3) 18 (3) 19 (4) 20 (3)
21 (1) 22 (2) 23 (4) 24 (4) 25 (3) 26 (2) 27 (1) 28 (2) 29 (3) 30 (4)
1. (4) While designing a group
activity in EVS class a teacher
should create such an environment
which enhance the students’
interests towards the topic. There
should be extra care that the topic
should appeal equally to both boys
and girls. It should also appeal to
the children of all religious and
cultural backgrounds.
2. (3) Learning through group
activity helps children to
collaborate and cooperate with
each other. This activity is
considered effective especially in
EVS and science because through
this children share their knowledge
with each other, respect their
thinking and accept and reject their
views accordingly.
3. (3) Oral questions are the best
tools for assessing social-personal
qualities of children engaged in
learning EVS through group work.
4. (3) According to plant anatomy
fruit is the part of plant, that
develops from a flower. It is also
the section of the plant that
contains the seeds. The other parts
of plants are vegetables like
tomatoes, beans, pumpkin etc.
Where as carrots are modification
of roots in plant while cabbage is
modification of bud. So cabbage
and carrots are not plants, but some
specific modification of plants part.
5. (2) By asking this question
students will not do any
experiment by themselves but they
will do this activity through
discussion and questioning
6. (2) By making something useful
out of waste material by children
the main objectives of the teacher
are as follow
— To make children understand the
concept of recycle, reuse and
— To develop creativity among
— Also to organise an exhibition of
best articles made out of waste in
order to encourage students to
develop this skill in them.
7. (1) The four types of questions
will comprise self assessment of both
children and teacher. Because that
plan was implemented by teacher for
students so these questions assess
performance of both.
8. (3) The language used in the text
book should be everyday language
of the child so that it will be easy for
the child to understand it.
9. (3) The objective of such kind of
activity increases creativity, level of
observation and classification skills
of children.
10. (1) The inclusion of topic ‘Plant’
and ‘Animal’ in the theme ‘Family’
and ‘Friends’ will help the students
locate plants and animals in a social
and cultural context.
highlight how humans share a close
relationship with each other.
highlight how lives and livelihoods
of some communities are closely
connected with specific animals or
11. (3) The survey is a method for
collecting information or data by
individuals. Surveys are a series of
questions that are administered to
research participants who answer the
questions themselves. It is used to
get an idea of group, population,
classes, religious views, different
behaviours etc. The purpose of
survey in teaching-learning of EVS
comprises an opportunity to
interaction, sensitive to different
people and provide an opportunity
to collect information.
12. (4) The learning situations needs
to include a variety where children
get the opportunities ensuring each
Child’s participation to observe,
express, discuss, questions, critically
think, improvise, analyse etc. In this
question the children cannot make a
good observation. In a good
observation the question is based on
scientific method, but here the
question is only a hypothetical. So
the appropriate answer is (4).
13. (3) To deal with such kind of
situation teacher can give the
definition of evaporation and ask
children to memorise it, which help
to develop the observation method
of learning among the students.
14. (3) The active engagement
participation in learning by
exposing students to diverse
experiences through a variety of
sources within and outside the
classroom. However the topic is
based on evaporation, but the query
of student may be about the water
cycle. Therefore the teacher should
draw the list of the steps of water
15. (2) The state of Jammu and
Kashmir shares borders with the
states of Himachal Pradesh and
Punjab to the South.
16. (3) In rural areas, people build
houses to suit their environment. It
regions of heavy rainfall, they have
slanting roofs. Places where water
accumulates in the rainy season, like
Assam the houses are constructed
on a raised platform or stilts. Thick
mud welled houses with thatched
roofs are very common in areas of
hot climate like Rajashtan. Local
materials like stones, mud, clay,
straw etc, are used to construct
sOLVED PAPER 2016 Hints & Solutions
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FAQs on CTET EVS Solved Question Paper - 1 (18 Sep - 2016) - EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET

1. What are the important topics to study for the CTET EVS exam?
Ans. The important topics to study for the CTET EVS exam include environmental studies, pedagogical issues related to EVS teaching, and the relationship between humans and their environment.
2. How can I prepare effectively for the CTET EVS exam?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the CTET EVS exam, you can start by understanding the exam pattern and syllabus, practicing previous year question papers, making notes of important concepts, and revising regularly.
3. Are there any specific books or study materials recommended for the CTET EVS exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are specific books and study materials recommended for the CTET EVS exam preparation such as NCERT textbooks for environmental studies, EVS pedagogy books, and practice question banks.
4. What is the marking scheme for the CTET EVS exam?
Ans. The CTET EVS exam follows a marking scheme where each correct answer carries one mark, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
5. Can you provide some tips for time management during the CTET EVS exam?
Ans. Some tips for time management during the CTET EVS exam include reading the questions carefully, prioritizing easy questions first, and practicing time-bound mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.
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