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CTET CDP Solved Question Paper - 2 (9 Dec - 2018) | Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET Preparation - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30) Answer the following questions by selecting the correct/most
appropriate options.
1. Creativity is thought to be related to the concept of
(1) crystallised intelligence (2) convergent thinking
(3) divergent thinking (4) fluid intelligence
2. The acceptable sound combinations of a language are specified in its ……… rules.
(1) grammatical (2) syntactic (3) inflection (4) phonological
3. The position where thought patterns are influenced by language is called
(1) linguistic determination (2) cognitive bias
(3) sociolinguistic genesis (4) cultural tendency
4. Ravi repairs appliances by testing hypothesis about the cause of the malfunction based on his
experiences with the symptoms. He uses
(1) algorithms (2) mental set (3) heuristics (4) insight
5. Divya often divides the assigned job into small tasks which she can handle easily. She is using
(1) secondary elaboration (2) subgoal analysis (3) functional fixedness (4) reductionism
6. ‘‘Society determines the roles of male and female.’’ This statement articulates
(1) gender as a hereditary endowment (2) gender as an intuitive construct
(3) gender as a social construct (4) gender as an inherent construct
7. Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation systems are some of the examples of
(1) symbolising position of children in the class
(2) depicting the academic progress in report card
(3) scoring procedure of assessment of learner’s achievement
(4) evaluation procedure of answer sheets of the examination
Paper - 2 (CDP)
9 December, 2018
Page 2

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30) Answer the following questions by selecting the correct/most
appropriate options.
1. Creativity is thought to be related to the concept of
(1) crystallised intelligence (2) convergent thinking
(3) divergent thinking (4) fluid intelligence
2. The acceptable sound combinations of a language are specified in its ……… rules.
(1) grammatical (2) syntactic (3) inflection (4) phonological
3. The position where thought patterns are influenced by language is called
(1) linguistic determination (2) cognitive bias
(3) sociolinguistic genesis (4) cultural tendency
4. Ravi repairs appliances by testing hypothesis about the cause of the malfunction based on his
experiences with the symptoms. He uses
(1) algorithms (2) mental set (3) heuristics (4) insight
5. Divya often divides the assigned job into small tasks which she can handle easily. She is using
(1) secondary elaboration (2) subgoal analysis (3) functional fixedness (4) reductionism
6. ‘‘Society determines the roles of male and female.’’ This statement articulates
(1) gender as a hereditary endowment (2) gender as an intuitive construct
(3) gender as a social construct (4) gender as an inherent construct
7. Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation systems are some of the examples of
(1) symbolising position of children in the class
(2) depicting the academic progress in report card
(3) scoring procedure of assessment of learner’s achievement
(4) evaluation procedure of answer sheets of the examination
Paper - 2 (CDP)
9 December, 2018
8. Assessment of learner’s achievement helps the
teachers to
(1) evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogy
(2) make ability grouping of learners in the classrooms
(3) prepare activity log for teaching
(4) maintain the performance record of learners
9. Inclusive education is based on the
principle of
(1) equity and equal opportunities
(2) social existence and globalisation
(3) world brotherhood
(4) social equilibrium
10. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act
has been enacted in the year
(1) 1995 (2) 1999 (3) 2016 (4) 1992
11. Children with individual differences should
be taught in a school having teachers
(1) trained to use different pedagogy to meet their
diverse learning needs
(2) trained to teach children with specific individual
(3) trained to make them homogeneous learners
(4) to teach in different sections of classrooms based
on their individual differences
12. The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 ensures the
Rights of Children with disabilities to free
education from
(1) 3 years to 18 years (2) 6 years to 14 years
(3) 6 years to 22 years (4) 6 years to 18 years
13. Providing teaching-learning materials in
accessible formats to the diverse learners
(1) Universal Code of Teaching Practices
(2) Universal Humanistic Approach of Teaching
(3) Universal Design of Learning
(4) Universal Inclusive Education Ethical
14. ………… involves self-awareness and control
of cognitive abilities, e.g. planning, reviewing
and revising, etc.
(1) Metacognition (2) Cognition
(3) Accommodation (4) Centration
15. When children think to interpret the received
information according to their experiences, it
is called
(1) creative thinking (2) abstract thinking
(3) concrete thinking (4) reflective thinking
16. Teaching learners at varying levels of
difficulty based on the ability of individual
learner is known as
(1) selective instruction
(2) precision teaching
(3) errorless instruction
(4) differentiated instruction
17. Maintenance is the specific stage of
learning which is antecedent to ………
stage of learning.
(1) motivation (2) independent
(3) generalisation (4) acquisition
18. Zajonc believes that cognition and emotion
(1) independent (2) interrelated
(3) integrated (4) interdependent
19. A teacher is teaching children by
demonstration of a task to correct the
performances of an already learned task.
He is using ………… method of teaching.
(1) observation (2) correction
(3) modelling (4) imitation
20. According to Mann and Janis, decision
maker children analyse the problem, list
the alternatives and weigh each option for
its advantages and disadvantages. His
behaviour reflects
(1) vigilant (2) outgoing
(3) autocratic (4) surveillance
21. In ………… thinking, a child as a problem
solver evaluates the truth or likelihood of
(1) aesthetic (2) abstract
(3) logical (4) creative
22. The task in which the children get
experience while enjoying themselves is
known as
(1) consumer type task
(2) producer type task
(3) problem type task
(4) drill and practice task
23. Multisensory approach in
teaching-learning is the simultaneous use
of visual, auditory, tactile and …… senses
to enhance learning.
(1) vestibular (2) perceptual
(3) observational (4) kinesthetic
Page 3

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30) Answer the following questions by selecting the correct/most
appropriate options.
1. Creativity is thought to be related to the concept of
(1) crystallised intelligence (2) convergent thinking
(3) divergent thinking (4) fluid intelligence
2. The acceptable sound combinations of a language are specified in its ……… rules.
(1) grammatical (2) syntactic (3) inflection (4) phonological
3. The position where thought patterns are influenced by language is called
(1) linguistic determination (2) cognitive bias
(3) sociolinguistic genesis (4) cultural tendency
4. Ravi repairs appliances by testing hypothesis about the cause of the malfunction based on his
experiences with the symptoms. He uses
(1) algorithms (2) mental set (3) heuristics (4) insight
5. Divya often divides the assigned job into small tasks which she can handle easily. She is using
(1) secondary elaboration (2) subgoal analysis (3) functional fixedness (4) reductionism
6. ‘‘Society determines the roles of male and female.’’ This statement articulates
(1) gender as a hereditary endowment (2) gender as an intuitive construct
(3) gender as a social construct (4) gender as an inherent construct
7. Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation systems are some of the examples of
(1) symbolising position of children in the class
(2) depicting the academic progress in report card
(3) scoring procedure of assessment of learner’s achievement
(4) evaluation procedure of answer sheets of the examination
Paper - 2 (CDP)
9 December, 2018
8. Assessment of learner’s achievement helps the
teachers to
(1) evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogy
(2) make ability grouping of learners in the classrooms
(3) prepare activity log for teaching
(4) maintain the performance record of learners
9. Inclusive education is based on the
principle of
(1) equity and equal opportunities
(2) social existence and globalisation
(3) world brotherhood
(4) social equilibrium
10. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act
has been enacted in the year
(1) 1995 (2) 1999 (3) 2016 (4) 1992
11. Children with individual differences should
be taught in a school having teachers
(1) trained to use different pedagogy to meet their
diverse learning needs
(2) trained to teach children with specific individual
(3) trained to make them homogeneous learners
(4) to teach in different sections of classrooms based
on their individual differences
12. The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 ensures the
Rights of Children with disabilities to free
education from
(1) 3 years to 18 years (2) 6 years to 14 years
(3) 6 years to 22 years (4) 6 years to 18 years
13. Providing teaching-learning materials in
accessible formats to the diverse learners
(1) Universal Code of Teaching Practices
(2) Universal Humanistic Approach of Teaching
(3) Universal Design of Learning
(4) Universal Inclusive Education Ethical
14. ………… involves self-awareness and control
of cognitive abilities, e.g. planning, reviewing
and revising, etc.
(1) Metacognition (2) Cognition
(3) Accommodation (4) Centration
15. When children think to interpret the received
information according to their experiences, it
is called
(1) creative thinking (2) abstract thinking
(3) concrete thinking (4) reflective thinking
16. Teaching learners at varying levels of
difficulty based on the ability of individual
learner is known as
(1) selective instruction
(2) precision teaching
(3) errorless instruction
(4) differentiated instruction
17. Maintenance is the specific stage of
learning which is antecedent to ………
stage of learning.
(1) motivation (2) independent
(3) generalisation (4) acquisition
18. Zajonc believes that cognition and emotion
(1) independent (2) interrelated
(3) integrated (4) interdependent
19. A teacher is teaching children by
demonstration of a task to correct the
performances of an already learned task.
He is using ………… method of teaching.
(1) observation (2) correction
(3) modelling (4) imitation
20. According to Mann and Janis, decision
maker children analyse the problem, list
the alternatives and weigh each option for
its advantages and disadvantages. His
behaviour reflects
(1) vigilant (2) outgoing
(3) autocratic (4) surveillance
21. In ………… thinking, a child as a problem
solver evaluates the truth or likelihood of
(1) aesthetic (2) abstract
(3) logical (4) creative
22. The task in which the children get
experience while enjoying themselves is
known as
(1) consumer type task
(2) producer type task
(3) problem type task
(4) drill and practice task
23. Multisensory approach in
teaching-learning is the simultaneous use
of visual, auditory, tactile and …… senses
to enhance learning.
(1) vestibular (2) perceptual
(3) observational (4) kinesthetic
24. The development from central part of the
body towards peripheries or extremities
denotes the
(1) principles of decentralised development
(2) principles of proximodistal development
(3) principles of cascade development
(4) principles of radiated development
25. School is an institution of socialisation of
children, where
(1) school routines occupy the central position
(2) school activities occupy the central position
(3) school teachers occupy the central position
(4) school children occupy the central position
26. If you join a teacher fraternity and choose to
dress like most of the others in your group,
you are exhibiting
(1) obedience
(2) compliance
(3) conformity
(4) group identity
27. The concept of object permanence is
attained during Piaget’s ………… stage of
(1) preoperational (2) concrete operational
(3) formal operational (4) sensorimotor
28. Individualised Education Programme is
planned from the perspective of
(1) Child-Centered Education Programme
(2) Open School Education Programme
(3) e-Learning Education Programme
(4) Special Education Programme
29. Between ………… months of age, most
children begin to combine words into short
sentences while speaking.
(1) 18 and 24 (2) 24 and 30
(3) 30 and 36 (4) 12 and 18
30. The concept of Intelligence Quotient or IQ
was developed by
(1) Binet (2) Stern (3) Terman (4) Galton
1. (3) Divergent thinking is a thought process where new
ideas are generated by exploring many possible solutions.
Creativity means generating new ideas and ways of
approaching a thing. Therefore, creativity is related to the
concept of divergent thinking.
2. (4) The acceptable sound combinations of a language
are specified in its phonological rules. A phonological
rule is a formal way of expressing a systematic
phonological process or diachronic sound change in
3. (1) The position where thought patterns are influenced
by language is called linguistic determination. Linguistic
determination is the idea that language and its structures
limit and determine human thought, knowledge and
4. (1) Algorithms are procedures for computing or
reaching to a conclusion by performing calculations,
analysis, and reasoning that are based on past
experiences. Therefore, option (1) algorithms is the
correct option.
5. (2) Subgoal analysis means step by step description of
a process to achieve a related goal. So, dividing the
assigned jobs into small tasks to handle it easily is called
subgoal analysis.
6. (3) Society creates specific gender roles which are
prescribed as ideal or appropriate behaviour for females
and males. The specific gender roles are constructed in
the society. They are not hereditary, intuitive or inherent.
So, option (3) is correct.
7. (3) Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation
system are scoring procedure of assessment of Learner’s
performance. These are part of assessment which helps
the teachers and parents to know about the learner’s
1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (1) 4 (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (3) 8 (4) 9 (1) 10 (3)
11 (2) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14 (1) 15 (1) 16 (4) 17 (3) 18 (1) 19 (1) 20 (1)
21 (3) 22 (4) 23 (4) 24 (1) 25 (4) 26 (4) 27 (4) 28 (1) 29 (1) 30 (1)
sOLVED PAPER 2018 Hints&Solutions
Page 4

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-30) Answer the following questions by selecting the correct/most
appropriate options.
1. Creativity is thought to be related to the concept of
(1) crystallised intelligence (2) convergent thinking
(3) divergent thinking (4) fluid intelligence
2. The acceptable sound combinations of a language are specified in its ……… rules.
(1) grammatical (2) syntactic (3) inflection (4) phonological
3. The position where thought patterns are influenced by language is called
(1) linguistic determination (2) cognitive bias
(3) sociolinguistic genesis (4) cultural tendency
4. Ravi repairs appliances by testing hypothesis about the cause of the malfunction based on his
experiences with the symptoms. He uses
(1) algorithms (2) mental set (3) heuristics (4) insight
5. Divya often divides the assigned job into small tasks which she can handle easily. She is using
(1) secondary elaboration (2) subgoal analysis (3) functional fixedness (4) reductionism
6. ‘‘Society determines the roles of male and female.’’ This statement articulates
(1) gender as a hereditary endowment (2) gender as an intuitive construct
(3) gender as a social construct (4) gender as an inherent construct
7. Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation systems are some of the examples of
(1) symbolising position of children in the class
(2) depicting the academic progress in report card
(3) scoring procedure of assessment of learner’s achievement
(4) evaluation procedure of answer sheets of the examination
Paper - 2 (CDP)
9 December, 2018
8. Assessment of learner’s achievement helps the
teachers to
(1) evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogy
(2) make ability grouping of learners in the classrooms
(3) prepare activity log for teaching
(4) maintain the performance record of learners
9. Inclusive education is based on the
principle of
(1) equity and equal opportunities
(2) social existence and globalisation
(3) world brotherhood
(4) social equilibrium
10. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act
has been enacted in the year
(1) 1995 (2) 1999 (3) 2016 (4) 1992
11. Children with individual differences should
be taught in a school having teachers
(1) trained to use different pedagogy to meet their
diverse learning needs
(2) trained to teach children with specific individual
(3) trained to make them homogeneous learners
(4) to teach in different sections of classrooms based
on their individual differences
12. The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 ensures the
Rights of Children with disabilities to free
education from
(1) 3 years to 18 years (2) 6 years to 14 years
(3) 6 years to 22 years (4) 6 years to 18 years
13. Providing teaching-learning materials in
accessible formats to the diverse learners
(1) Universal Code of Teaching Practices
(2) Universal Humanistic Approach of Teaching
(3) Universal Design of Learning
(4) Universal Inclusive Education Ethical
14. ………… involves self-awareness and control
of cognitive abilities, e.g. planning, reviewing
and revising, etc.
(1) Metacognition (2) Cognition
(3) Accommodation (4) Centration
15. When children think to interpret the received
information according to their experiences, it
is called
(1) creative thinking (2) abstract thinking
(3) concrete thinking (4) reflective thinking
16. Teaching learners at varying levels of
difficulty based on the ability of individual
learner is known as
(1) selective instruction
(2) precision teaching
(3) errorless instruction
(4) differentiated instruction
17. Maintenance is the specific stage of
learning which is antecedent to ………
stage of learning.
(1) motivation (2) independent
(3) generalisation (4) acquisition
18. Zajonc believes that cognition and emotion
(1) independent (2) interrelated
(3) integrated (4) interdependent
19. A teacher is teaching children by
demonstration of a task to correct the
performances of an already learned task.
He is using ………… method of teaching.
(1) observation (2) correction
(3) modelling (4) imitation
20. According to Mann and Janis, decision
maker children analyse the problem, list
the alternatives and weigh each option for
its advantages and disadvantages. His
behaviour reflects
(1) vigilant (2) outgoing
(3) autocratic (4) surveillance
21. In ………… thinking, a child as a problem
solver evaluates the truth or likelihood of
(1) aesthetic (2) abstract
(3) logical (4) creative
22. The task in which the children get
experience while enjoying themselves is
known as
(1) consumer type task
(2) producer type task
(3) problem type task
(4) drill and practice task
23. Multisensory approach in
teaching-learning is the simultaneous use
of visual, auditory, tactile and …… senses
to enhance learning.
(1) vestibular (2) perceptual
(3) observational (4) kinesthetic
24. The development from central part of the
body towards peripheries or extremities
denotes the
(1) principles of decentralised development
(2) principles of proximodistal development
(3) principles of cascade development
(4) principles of radiated development
25. School is an institution of socialisation of
children, where
(1) school routines occupy the central position
(2) school activities occupy the central position
(3) school teachers occupy the central position
(4) school children occupy the central position
26. If you join a teacher fraternity and choose to
dress like most of the others in your group,
you are exhibiting
(1) obedience
(2) compliance
(3) conformity
(4) group identity
27. The concept of object permanence is
attained during Piaget’s ………… stage of
(1) preoperational (2) concrete operational
(3) formal operational (4) sensorimotor
28. Individualised Education Programme is
planned from the perspective of
(1) Child-Centered Education Programme
(2) Open School Education Programme
(3) e-Learning Education Programme
(4) Special Education Programme
29. Between ………… months of age, most
children begin to combine words into short
sentences while speaking.
(1) 18 and 24 (2) 24 and 30
(3) 30 and 36 (4) 12 and 18
30. The concept of Intelligence Quotient or IQ
was developed by
(1) Binet (2) Stern (3) Terman (4) Galton
1. (3) Divergent thinking is a thought process where new
ideas are generated by exploring many possible solutions.
Creativity means generating new ideas and ways of
approaching a thing. Therefore, creativity is related to the
concept of divergent thinking.
2. (4) The acceptable sound combinations of a language
are specified in its phonological rules. A phonological
rule is a formal way of expressing a systematic
phonological process or diachronic sound change in
3. (1) The position where thought patterns are influenced
by language is called linguistic determination. Linguistic
determination is the idea that language and its structures
limit and determine human thought, knowledge and
4. (1) Algorithms are procedures for computing or
reaching to a conclusion by performing calculations,
analysis, and reasoning that are based on past
experiences. Therefore, option (1) algorithms is the
correct option.
5. (2) Subgoal analysis means step by step description of
a process to achieve a related goal. So, dividing the
assigned jobs into small tasks to handle it easily is called
subgoal analysis.
6. (3) Society creates specific gender roles which are
prescribed as ideal or appropriate behaviour for females
and males. The specific gender roles are constructed in
the society. They are not hereditary, intuitive or inherent.
So, option (3) is correct.
7. (3) Grading, coding, marking and credit accumulation
system are scoring procedure of assessment of Learner’s
performance. These are part of assessment which helps
the teachers and parents to know about the learner’s
1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (1) 4 (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (3) 8 (4) 9 (1) 10 (3)
11 (2) 12 (2) 13 (3) 14 (1) 15 (1) 16 (4) 17 (3) 18 (1) 19 (1) 20 (1)
21 (3) 22 (4) 23 (4) 24 (1) 25 (4) 26 (4) 27 (4) 28 (1) 29 (1) 30 (1)
sOLVED PAPER 2018 Hints&Solutions
8. (4) Assessment of learner’s achievement helps the
teachers to maintain the performance record of learners.
This helps in indicating each learner’s performance and
plan effective ways of their improvement.
9. (1) Inclusive education refers to a learning
environment that promotes the complete development of
all learners irrespective of race, class, colour, gender,
disability and language. It provides equity and equal
opportunities for all. So option (1) is correct.
10. (3) The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act have
been enacted in the year 2016 by the Indian Parliament.
The Act replaced persons with Disabilities Act of 1995.
The 2016 Act is in line with the United Nations
Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
11. (2) Children with individual differences should be
taught in a school having teachers who have been trained
to teach children with specific individual differences.
Trained teachers can better understand the needs of
individual child and thus help in child’s development.
12. (2) Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) was
enacted by the Indian Parliament on 4th August, 2009.
The Act describes the importance of free and
compulsory education for children between the age
group 6 to 14 years under Article 21A of the Indian
13. (3) Universal Design of Learning refers to
developing flexible learning environments that can
accommodate individual learning differences. So,
providing appropriate teaching-learning materials to
diverse learners in universal design of learning.
14. (1) Metacognition is the understanding of one’s own
thought process. It involves self-awareness and control
of cognitive abilities like planning, reviewing and
revising. It is a process of higher order thinking.
15. (1) In creative thinking new ideas, ways or thoughts are
developed to approach a particular task. The ways to
approach is based on individual thinking pattern,
experiences and interpretation. Therefore, option (1) is
16. (4) Differentiated instruction means modifying
instructions to meet individual needs of the learners.
Teachers provide differentiated instruction by generating
different content, process, materials, learning
environment and flexible grouping.
17. (3) While teaching the children with intellectual
disability, an intellectual hierarchy is followed which is
divided into four stages: Acquisition, Fluency,
Maintenance and Generalisation. So, the correct answer
is generalisation as it comes after maintenance.
18. (1) American Social Psychologist Robert Zajonc
believed that emotion is independent from cognition. He
focussed on processes involved in social behaviour with
emphasis on the relationship between affect, emotion and
19. (1) When the teacher is demonstrating the way of
doing a task again then it means that the students are not
doing the task properly. Here, the teacher has used the
method of observing the students carefully, so option (1)
is correct.
20. (1) Mann and Janis have propound a specific decision
making pattern known as vigilance, where individuals
seek information, analyse the problems, list the
alternatives and then make careful decisions.
21. (3) Logical thinking refers to the process where a
person uses reasoning consistently to come to a
conclusion. So, when a child starts evaluating and
analysing a problem then it is logical thinking.
22. (4) The drill and practice task is a way of instruction
characterised by systematic repetition of concepts,
examples and practice problems. It is used as an active
means of teaching and children also get enjoying
23. (4) Kinesthetic movements require whole body
movements such as hands, legs and finger. This helps in
learning effectively. The multisensory approach is used in
kindergarten classes where children learn various actions
and rhymes.
24. (1) Principles of decentralised development is the
correct choice. According to this principle, development
takes place from the central part of the body and moves
towards the peripheries or extremities.
25. (4) In a school, the children occupy the central or the
most important position. A school functions well if its
children get a stress free and happy learning environment.
School routine, school activities and school teachers
always focus on creating a good learning environment.
26. (4) Group identity refers to a sense of belonging of a
person towards a particular group. Therefore, if a teacher
dresses like most of the other teachers, then he/she shows a
sense of belonging towards the teacher fraternity.
27. (4) The concept of object permanence is attained
during sensorimotor stage of development as formulated
by Jean Piaget. This stage is from 0 to 2 years. Babies gain
knowledge through their senses and motor developments
in this stage.
28. (1) Child- Centered Education Programme focuses on
individualised education programme that is centered
around the child. It adopts various teaching strategies and
techniques which suits the specific needs of the child.
29. (1) Child growth is divided into different stages. In
the age of 18 and 24 months child is no more limited to
one-word sentence. Children in this age group start
combining words to form a short sentence.
30. (1) Psychologist Alfred Binet developed the concept
of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which is a psychometric
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FAQs on CTET CDP Solved Question Paper - 2 (9 Dec - 2018) - Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET Preparation - CTET & State TET

1. What are the important topics covered in the CTET Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP) subject?
Ans. The important topics covered in the CTET Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP) subject include theories of child development, learning theories, understanding diverse learners, and inclusive education.
2. How can I prepare effectively for the CTET CDP exam?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the CTET CDP exam, candidates should thoroughly study the syllabus, practice previous years' question papers, take mock tests, and revise regularly. It is also important to understand the concepts and theories related to child development and pedagogy.
3. What is the weightage of the Child Development and Pedagogy section in the CTET exam?
Ans. The Child Development and Pedagogy section in the CTET exam usually carries a weightage of 30 marks out of the total 150 marks. It is an important section that tests the candidate's understanding of child psychology and teaching methodologies.
4. Are there any specific teaching methods or strategies that candidates should focus on for the CTET CDP exam?
Ans. Candidates preparing for the CTET CDP exam should focus on understanding different teaching methods such as cooperative learning, experiential learning, and inclusive education strategies. They should also be familiar with assessment techniques and classroom management practices.
5. How can I improve my score in the Child Development and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam?
Ans. To improve your score in the Child Development and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam, you should practice solving sample papers, analyze your mistakes, and work on improving your understanding of child psychology and teaching strategies. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced educators or joining coaching classes can also help enhance your preparation.
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Objective type Questions


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CTET CDP Solved Question Paper - 2 (9 Dec - 2018) | Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET Preparation - CTET & State TET


Previous Year Questions with Solutions
