Page 1
1. In a certain code, OVER is written as $ # %
and VIST is written as # + x –. How is SORE
written in that code?
A. +$
% B. ×
C. %×$
D. ×$
2. Find the figure from the options which will continue
the sam e series as est abl ished by the Problem Figures.
Problem Figures
A. B.
C. D.
3 . Se l e c t t h e fig u r e f r o m t h e o p t i o n s t h a t c l o se l y r e se m b l e s
the water image of Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
4. Six girls P , Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in a circle
facing towards the centre. T is not between Q and S.
P is next to the left of V . R is 4
to the right of P .
There is only 1 person between Q and S. What is the
position of T ?
A. Next to the right of Q
B. Second to the left of P
C. Between Q and R
D. Next to the right of V
5. In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is exactly
embedded as one of its parts ?
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
6. P is the mother of Q who is the husband of R. S is the
sister of Q and daughter of T . Which of the following
option is not true ?
A. T is the father of Q.
B. S is the daughter of P .
C. R is the daughter -in-law of T .
D. None of these
7. Find the odd one out.
8 . T wo different positions of a dice are given below .
What will be the number of dots on the face opposite
to the face having 2 dots ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 5
9. Study the given V enn diagram carefully and answer
the question given below :
7 1
4 5
Nurses in hospital
Married population
T rained nurses
What is represented by the number 7 ?
A. Married nurses in the hospital
B. T rained nurses
C. Unmarried trained nurses
D. Married trained nurses
1 0 . Se l e c t a fig ur e f ro m t h e o pt i o ns wh i c h sa t i sfie s
the same conditions of placement of the dots as in
Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
Page 2
1. In a certain code, OVER is written as $ # %
and VIST is written as # + x –. How is SORE
written in that code?
A. +$
% B. ×
C. %×$
D. ×$
2. Find the figure from the options which will continue
the sam e series as est abl ished by the Problem Figures.
Problem Figures
A. B.
C. D.
3 . Se l e c t t h e fig u r e f r o m t h e o p t i o n s t h a t c l o se l y r e se m b l e s
the water image of Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
4. Six girls P , Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in a circle
facing towards the centre. T is not between Q and S.
P is next to the left of V . R is 4
to the right of P .
There is only 1 person between Q and S. What is the
position of T ?
A. Next to the right of Q
B. Second to the left of P
C. Between Q and R
D. Next to the right of V
5. In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is exactly
embedded as one of its parts ?
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
6. P is the mother of Q who is the husband of R. S is the
sister of Q and daughter of T . Which of the following
option is not true ?
A. T is the father of Q.
B. S is the daughter of P .
C. R is the daughter -in-law of T .
D. None of these
7. Find the odd one out.
8 . T wo different positions of a dice are given below .
What will be the number of dots on the face opposite
to the face having 2 dots ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 5
9. Study the given V enn diagram carefully and answer
the question given below :
7 1
4 5
Nurses in hospital
Married population
T rained nurses
What is represented by the number 7 ?
A. Married nurses in the hospital
B. T rained nurses
C. Unmarried trained nurses
D. Married trained nurses
1 0 . Se l e c t a fig ur e f ro m t h e o pt i o ns wh i c h sa t i sfie s
the same conditions of placement of the dots as in
Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
1 1. Po s i t io n – t i me g r a p h of a n o b j e c t i s s h ow n i n t h e
fig u r e . O b j e c t m ove s w i t h c o n s t a n t s p e e d i n t i me
i n t e r v a l f r om
A. t
to t
B. t
to t
C. t
to t
D. t
to t
12. In the given circuit diagram, S
, S
and S
switches. Lamp will glow when
A. open open closed
B. closed closed open
C. open closed open
D. closed open closed
13. A clinical thermometer reads temperature from
A. 35°C to 42°C B. –10°C to 110°C
C. 35°C to 45°C D. 0°C to 100°C
14. Given are the four measured values.
(i) 179 cm (ii) 1.5 m
(iii) 1700 mm (iv) 160 cm
W hi c h of t he fol l owi ng pa i rs ha s t he l e a st a nd gre a t e st
A. (i) and (iv) B. (ii) and (i)
C. (iii) and (iv) D. (iii) and (ii)
1 5 . Akshay took a copper rod and a plastic rod and wrapped
each of them in a piece of paper . These were then
heated as shown. It was found that the paper around
the copper rod does not burn whereas the one around
the plastic rod catches fire. It is because
Copper rod
A. Copper being a good conductor , conducts away
heat given to paper .
B. Plastic being an insulator, takes away all the
C. Candle in case of copper rod, is near to the
paper .
D. None of these.
16. Marking on an electric kettle is 500 W , 220 V . What
does it signify?
A. When 220 V is appli ed across the kettle, 500 units
of current flow in it.
B. When 500 W is applied across the kettle, 200 units
of current flow in it.
C. When 220 V is applied across the kettle, 500 joules
of ener gy is consumed for every second.
D. When 500 W is applied across the kettle,
220 j oul e s of e ne r gy i s c onsum e d for e ve ry
17. A di ve rg i ng l e n s c a n form a vi rt ua l i m a ge i f t he obj e c t
is placed_______.
A. Between the lens and its focus only
B. At the focus of the lens only
C. Between focus and radius of curvature only
D. At any position
18. Mo h i t p u t s t wo d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s i n e a c h o f t h e
following containers.
Container (i) : copper coin and cobalt nail
Container (ii) : plastic toy and silver ring
Container (iii) : rubber and gold coin
Container (iv) : nickel coin and iron key
He c an use a m agne t t o se pa rat e t he obj e ct s i n
A. (i) only B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
1 9 . Which of the following statements regarding a shadow
is incorrect?
A. A shadow can be formed only on a screen.
B. A shadow always resembles the actual shape of
the object.
C. Siz e of sha dow de pe nds on di sta nc e be t we e n
screen and object.
D. None of these.
2 0 . Given are the similarities between the laboratory
thermometer and the clinical thermometer . Which of
the following is not correct?
A. Both have a bulb at one end.
B. Both contain mercury in bulb.
C. Both have a kink near the bulb.
D. Both use celcius scale on the glass tube.
Page 3
1. In a certain code, OVER is written as $ # %
and VIST is written as # + x –. How is SORE
written in that code?
A. +$
% B. ×
C. %×$
D. ×$
2. Find the figure from the options which will continue
the sam e series as est abl ished by the Problem Figures.
Problem Figures
A. B.
C. D.
3 . Se l e c t t h e fig u r e f r o m t h e o p t i o n s t h a t c l o se l y r e se m b l e s
the water image of Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
4. Six girls P , Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in a circle
facing towards the centre. T is not between Q and S.
P is next to the left of V . R is 4
to the right of P .
There is only 1 person between Q and S. What is the
position of T ?
A. Next to the right of Q
B. Second to the left of P
C. Between Q and R
D. Next to the right of V
5. In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is exactly
embedded as one of its parts ?
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
6. P is the mother of Q who is the husband of R. S is the
sister of Q and daughter of T . Which of the following
option is not true ?
A. T is the father of Q.
B. S is the daughter of P .
C. R is the daughter -in-law of T .
D. None of these
7. Find the odd one out.
8 . T wo different positions of a dice are given below .
What will be the number of dots on the face opposite
to the face having 2 dots ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 5
9. Study the given V enn diagram carefully and answer
the question given below :
7 1
4 5
Nurses in hospital
Married population
T rained nurses
What is represented by the number 7 ?
A. Married nurses in the hospital
B. T rained nurses
C. Unmarried trained nurses
D. Married trained nurses
1 0 . Se l e c t a fig ur e f ro m t h e o pt i o ns wh i c h sa t i sfie s
the same conditions of placement of the dots as in
Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
1 1. Po s i t io n – t i me g r a p h of a n o b j e c t i s s h ow n i n t h e
fig u r e . O b j e c t m ove s w i t h c o n s t a n t s p e e d i n t i me
i n t e r v a l f r om
A. t
to t
B. t
to t
C. t
to t
D. t
to t
12. In the given circuit diagram, S
, S
and S
switches. Lamp will glow when
A. open open closed
B. closed closed open
C. open closed open
D. closed open closed
13. A clinical thermometer reads temperature from
A. 35°C to 42°C B. –10°C to 110°C
C. 35°C to 45°C D. 0°C to 100°C
14. Given are the four measured values.
(i) 179 cm (ii) 1.5 m
(iii) 1700 mm (iv) 160 cm
W hi c h of t he fol l owi ng pa i rs ha s t he l e a st a nd gre a t e st
A. (i) and (iv) B. (ii) and (i)
C. (iii) and (iv) D. (iii) and (ii)
1 5 . Akshay took a copper rod and a plastic rod and wrapped
each of them in a piece of paper . These were then
heated as shown. It was found that the paper around
the copper rod does not burn whereas the one around
the plastic rod catches fire. It is because
Copper rod
A. Copper being a good conductor , conducts away
heat given to paper .
B. Plastic being an insulator, takes away all the
C. Candle in case of copper rod, is near to the
paper .
D. None of these.
16. Marking on an electric kettle is 500 W , 220 V . What
does it signify?
A. When 220 V is appli ed across the kettle, 500 units
of current flow in it.
B. When 500 W is applied across the kettle, 200 units
of current flow in it.
C. When 220 V is applied across the kettle, 500 joules
of ener gy is consumed for every second.
D. When 500 W is applied across the kettle,
220 j oul e s of e ne r gy i s c onsum e d for e ve ry
17. A di ve rg i ng l e n s c a n form a vi rt ua l i m a ge i f t he obj e c t
is placed_______.
A. Between the lens and its focus only
B. At the focus of the lens only
C. Between focus and radius of curvature only
D. At any position
18. Mo h i t p u t s t wo d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s i n e a c h o f t h e
following containers.
Container (i) : copper coin and cobalt nail
Container (ii) : plastic toy and silver ring
Container (iii) : rubber and gold coin
Container (iv) : nickel coin and iron key
He c an use a m agne t t o se pa rat e t he obj e ct s i n
A. (i) only B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
1 9 . Which of the following statements regarding a shadow
is incorrect?
A. A shadow can be formed only on a screen.
B. A shadow always resembles the actual shape of
the object.
C. Siz e of sha dow de pe nds on di sta nc e be t we e n
screen and object.
D. None of these.
2 0 . Given are the similarities between the laboratory
thermometer and the clinical thermometer . Which of
the following is not correct?
A. Both have a bulb at one end.
B. Both contain mercury in bulb.
C. Both have a kink near the bulb.
D. Both use celcius scale on the glass tube.
2 1 . Smita performed an experiment with sample solutions
X, Y and Z . She tested the acidic or basic nature of
each of the sample solutions with few indicators
available in laboratory and recorded her observations
in the given table.
X Green Pink Red Y ellow
Y Green Pink Red Y ellow
Z Magenta Colourless Y ellow Red
X, Y and Z solutions are respectively
A. Acidic Acidic Basic
B. Neutral Neutral Acidic
C. Basic Basic Neutral
D. Basic Basic Acidic
2 2 . Ma t c h t he c ol um n-I wi t h c ol um n-II a nd se l e c t t he
correct option from the codes given below .
Column-I Column-II
a. T ransparent (i) Bulb
b. T ranslucent (ii) W ood
c. Opaque (iii) Air
d. Luminous (iv) Chiffon cloth
A. a ? (i), b ? (ii), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
B. a ? (iii), b ? (iv), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
C. a ? (iv), b ? (iii), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
D. a ? (ii), b ? (i), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
23. Observe the given figures carefully and identify the
type of changes.
A. In figure I, a physical change is taking place while
in figure II, a chemical change is taking place.
B. In figure I, a chemic al change is taking place while
in figure II, a physical change is taking place.
C. I n b o t h t h e fig u r e s, p h y si c a l c h a n g e s a r e t a k i n g
D. In both the figures, chemical changes are taking
24. Deepak found the soil of his field too basic in nature
while Karan used excessive chemical fertilisers in his
f ields. What should they add to their fields to improve
the quality of the soil?
A. Deepak : Quick lime
Karan : Or ganic mat ter
B. Deepak : Or ganic matter
Karan : Quick lime
C. Both should add quick lime.
D. Both should add or ganic matter .
2 5 . Which of the following can be used as antacids to
reduce acidity in stomach?
A. Sodium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide
B. Magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
C. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium hydroxide
D. Sodium bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide
26. Study the given f low chart carefully .
What could be X, Y and Z respectively?
A. Chalk powder , W ater , Sand
B. Salt, W ater , Sugar
C. Common salt, W ater , Sand
D. Sand, W ater , Common salt
27. The water in the beaker is _______ and is converted
into _______. The process is known as _______. If
you hold a metal plate near the steam, the steam
_______into water and water droplets can be seen on
the plate. This is an example of _______change.
Metal plate
Select the correct sequence of words to fill the
A. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
B. Boiling, V apours, Boiling, Converts, Irreversible
C. Heating, Gas, Condensation, Changes,
D. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
28. Which of the following observations refers to a
chemical change?
A. A fresh slice of apple turns brown after some time.
B. Hot water kept in a glass becomes cold after some
C. Coil of a heater turns red when plugged in.
D. A log of wood changes into small pieces when
cut with an axe.
Page 4
1. In a certain code, OVER is written as $ # %
and VIST is written as # + x –. How is SORE
written in that code?
A. +$
% B. ×
C. %×$
D. ×$
2. Find the figure from the options which will continue
the sam e series as est abl ished by the Problem Figures.
Problem Figures
A. B.
C. D.
3 . Se l e c t t h e fig u r e f r o m t h e o p t i o n s t h a t c l o se l y r e se m b l e s
the water image of Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
4. Six girls P , Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in a circle
facing towards the centre. T is not between Q and S.
P is next to the left of V . R is 4
to the right of P .
There is only 1 person between Q and S. What is the
position of T ?
A. Next to the right of Q
B. Second to the left of P
C. Between Q and R
D. Next to the right of V
5. In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is exactly
embedded as one of its parts ?
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
6. P is the mother of Q who is the husband of R. S is the
sister of Q and daughter of T . Which of the following
option is not true ?
A. T is the father of Q.
B. S is the daughter of P .
C. R is the daughter -in-law of T .
D. None of these
7. Find the odd one out.
8 . T wo different positions of a dice are given below .
What will be the number of dots on the face opposite
to the face having 2 dots ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 5
9. Study the given V enn diagram carefully and answer
the question given below :
7 1
4 5
Nurses in hospital
Married population
T rained nurses
What is represented by the number 7 ?
A. Married nurses in the hospital
B. T rained nurses
C. Unmarried trained nurses
D. Married trained nurses
1 0 . Se l e c t a fig ur e f ro m t h e o pt i o ns wh i c h sa t i sfie s
the same conditions of placement of the dots as in
Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
1 1. Po s i t io n – t i me g r a p h of a n o b j e c t i s s h ow n i n t h e
fig u r e . O b j e c t m ove s w i t h c o n s t a n t s p e e d i n t i me
i n t e r v a l f r om
A. t
to t
B. t
to t
C. t
to t
D. t
to t
12. In the given circuit diagram, S
, S
and S
switches. Lamp will glow when
A. open open closed
B. closed closed open
C. open closed open
D. closed open closed
13. A clinical thermometer reads temperature from
A. 35°C to 42°C B. –10°C to 110°C
C. 35°C to 45°C D. 0°C to 100°C
14. Given are the four measured values.
(i) 179 cm (ii) 1.5 m
(iii) 1700 mm (iv) 160 cm
W hi c h of t he fol l owi ng pa i rs ha s t he l e a st a nd gre a t e st
A. (i) and (iv) B. (ii) and (i)
C. (iii) and (iv) D. (iii) and (ii)
1 5 . Akshay took a copper rod and a plastic rod and wrapped
each of them in a piece of paper . These were then
heated as shown. It was found that the paper around
the copper rod does not burn whereas the one around
the plastic rod catches fire. It is because
Copper rod
A. Copper being a good conductor , conducts away
heat given to paper .
B. Plastic being an insulator, takes away all the
C. Candle in case of copper rod, is near to the
paper .
D. None of these.
16. Marking on an electric kettle is 500 W , 220 V . What
does it signify?
A. When 220 V is appli ed across the kettle, 500 units
of current flow in it.
B. When 500 W is applied across the kettle, 200 units
of current flow in it.
C. When 220 V is applied across the kettle, 500 joules
of ener gy is consumed for every second.
D. When 500 W is applied across the kettle,
220 j oul e s of e ne r gy i s c onsum e d for e ve ry
17. A di ve rg i ng l e n s c a n form a vi rt ua l i m a ge i f t he obj e c t
is placed_______.
A. Between the lens and its focus only
B. At the focus of the lens only
C. Between focus and radius of curvature only
D. At any position
18. Mo h i t p u t s t wo d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s i n e a c h o f t h e
following containers.
Container (i) : copper coin and cobalt nail
Container (ii) : plastic toy and silver ring
Container (iii) : rubber and gold coin
Container (iv) : nickel coin and iron key
He c an use a m agne t t o se pa rat e t he obj e ct s i n
A. (i) only B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
1 9 . Which of the following statements regarding a shadow
is incorrect?
A. A shadow can be formed only on a screen.
B. A shadow always resembles the actual shape of
the object.
C. Siz e of sha dow de pe nds on di sta nc e be t we e n
screen and object.
D. None of these.
2 0 . Given are the similarities between the laboratory
thermometer and the clinical thermometer . Which of
the following is not correct?
A. Both have a bulb at one end.
B. Both contain mercury in bulb.
C. Both have a kink near the bulb.
D. Both use celcius scale on the glass tube.
2 1 . Smita performed an experiment with sample solutions
X, Y and Z . She tested the acidic or basic nature of
each of the sample solutions with few indicators
available in laboratory and recorded her observations
in the given table.
X Green Pink Red Y ellow
Y Green Pink Red Y ellow
Z Magenta Colourless Y ellow Red
X, Y and Z solutions are respectively
A. Acidic Acidic Basic
B. Neutral Neutral Acidic
C. Basic Basic Neutral
D. Basic Basic Acidic
2 2 . Ma t c h t he c ol um n-I wi t h c ol um n-II a nd se l e c t t he
correct option from the codes given below .
Column-I Column-II
a. T ransparent (i) Bulb
b. T ranslucent (ii) W ood
c. Opaque (iii) Air
d. Luminous (iv) Chiffon cloth
A. a ? (i), b ? (ii), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
B. a ? (iii), b ? (iv), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
C. a ? (iv), b ? (iii), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
D. a ? (ii), b ? (i), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
23. Observe the given figures carefully and identify the
type of changes.
A. In figure I, a physical change is taking place while
in figure II, a chemical change is taking place.
B. In figure I, a chemic al change is taking place while
in figure II, a physical change is taking place.
C. I n b o t h t h e fig u r e s, p h y si c a l c h a n g e s a r e t a k i n g
D. In both the figures, chemical changes are taking
24. Deepak found the soil of his field too basic in nature
while Karan used excessive chemical fertilisers in his
f ields. What should they add to their fields to improve
the quality of the soil?
A. Deepak : Quick lime
Karan : Or ganic mat ter
B. Deepak : Or ganic matter
Karan : Quick lime
C. Both should add quick lime.
D. Both should add or ganic matter .
2 5 . Which of the following can be used as antacids to
reduce acidity in stomach?
A. Sodium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide
B. Magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
C. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium hydroxide
D. Sodium bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide
26. Study the given f low chart carefully .
What could be X, Y and Z respectively?
A. Chalk powder , W ater , Sand
B. Salt, W ater , Sugar
C. Common salt, W ater , Sand
D. Sand, W ater , Common salt
27. The water in the beaker is _______ and is converted
into _______. The process is known as _______. If
you hold a metal plate near the steam, the steam
_______into water and water droplets can be seen on
the plate. This is an example of _______change.
Metal plate
Select the correct sequence of words to fill the
A. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
B. Boiling, V apours, Boiling, Converts, Irreversible
C. Heating, Gas, Condensation, Changes,
D. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
28. Which of the following observations refers to a
chemical change?
A. A fresh slice of apple turns brown after some time.
B. Hot water kept in a glass becomes cold after some
C. Coil of a heater turns red when plugged in.
D. A log of wood changes into small pieces when
cut with an axe.
2 9 . W h i ch o f t h e fo l l o wi n g st at emen t s
is correct for the given plant ?
A. The plant is non-green and does
not carry out photosynthesis.
B. T he p i t c h e r- l i k e st r uc t u re i s
the modified part of the stem.
C. It captures insects and digests them by the digestive
juices secreted in the pitcher .
D. The plant shows saprotrophic mode of nutrition.
3 0 . Anusha t ook a green l eaf and dipped it in boil ing
water for about 10 minutes. After that, she put the
leaf in a test tube and poured spirit on it to completely
cover the leaf and made the test tube stand in a beaker
containing water . She heated the beaker till all the
green colour from the leaf came out. At last, she took
out the leaf and washed it in water and put it on a
plate. She poured some iodine solution over it.
What is she trying to test?
A. Presence of green pigment in the leaves helps in
making food by photosynthesis.
B. Food is prepared and stored in the form of starch
in the green leaves.
C. Food is prepared in the leaves in the presence of
D. Food is prepared by the stem and transported to
the leaves through the shoot system.
31. The study of pollen morphology is called _______ .
A. Ophiophily B. Allogamy
C. Anthropology D. Palynology
32. Which of the following is correct statement regarding
adaptations of polar bear ?
A. Polar bear is a good swimmer as its body is white
B. Polar bear has three layers of fat under its skin
which insulate its body from extreme heat.
C. Polar bear has white fur so that it is not easily
visible in the snowy background and is protected
from its predators.
D. Polar bear has long, curved and sharp claws which
help it to walk easily on ice.
33. W hich of the following options is correct regarding the
percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhaled
and exhaled air ?
A. Inhaled air - 16.4% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide
B. Exhaled air - 0.04% oxygen, 16.4% carbon dioxide
C. Inhaled air - 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide
D. Exhaled air - 0.04% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide
34. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
(i) Aquatic animals like bony fish, excrete a semi-
solid, white coloured compound (uric acid).
(ii) The vascular tissue for the transport of water in
plants is called phloem.
(iii) Platelets help in forming blood clot.
(iv) Pulmonary artery carries oxygen-rich blood from
the lungs to the heart.
(v) The upper two chambers of heart are called atria
and lower two chambers are called ventricles.
A. (i), (ii) and (iv) B. (iii) and (v)
C. (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) D. (iii) only
35. Read the given statements and select the correct
Statement 1 : The living beings in a forest live in a
mutually dependent fashion to sustain
Statement 2 : Forest is a dynamic living entity .
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2
is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2
is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
36. Which of the following shows the incorrect match of
seed and its mode of dispersal?
A. – W ind B. – W ater
– Animal D.
– Explosion
37. ___________ is an apparatus for measuring the rate
at which a plant draws up water .
A. Hygrometer B. Potometer
C. Ammeter D. LCR meter
3 8 . W h i c h st a t e m e n t s a b o u t t h e p l a n t
structure shown in the given
figure is/are correct ?
A. Its opening is guarded by
special cells which have one
wall thicker than other .
B. It assists in photosynthesis and respiration.
C. Its opening and closing is carried out by the guard
D. All of these
Page 5
1. In a certain code, OVER is written as $ # %
and VIST is written as # + x –. How is SORE
written in that code?
A. +$
% B. ×
C. %×$
D. ×$
2. Find the figure from the options which will continue
the sam e series as est abl ished by the Problem Figures.
Problem Figures
A. B.
C. D.
3 . Se l e c t t h e fig u r e f r o m t h e o p t i o n s t h a t c l o se l y r e se m b l e s
the water image of Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
4. Six girls P , Q, R, S, T and V are sitting in a circle
facing towards the centre. T is not between Q and S.
P is next to the left of V . R is 4
to the right of P .
There is only 1 person between Q and S. What is the
position of T ?
A. Next to the right of Q
B. Second to the left of P
C. Between Q and R
D. Next to the right of V
5. In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is exactly
embedded as one of its parts ?
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
6. P is the mother of Q who is the husband of R. S is the
sister of Q and daughter of T . Which of the following
option is not true ?
A. T is the father of Q.
B. S is the daughter of P .
C. R is the daughter -in-law of T .
D. None of these
7. Find the odd one out.
8 . T wo different positions of a dice are given below .
What will be the number of dots on the face opposite
to the face having 2 dots ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 5
9. Study the given V enn diagram carefully and answer
the question given below :
7 1
4 5
Nurses in hospital
Married population
T rained nurses
What is represented by the number 7 ?
A. Married nurses in the hospital
B. T rained nurses
C. Unmarried trained nurses
D. Married trained nurses
1 0 . Se l e c t a fig ur e f ro m t h e o pt i o ns wh i c h sa t i sfie s
the same conditions of placement of the dots as in
Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
A. B.
C. D.
1 1. Po s i t io n – t i me g r a p h of a n o b j e c t i s s h ow n i n t h e
fig u r e . O b j e c t m ove s w i t h c o n s t a n t s p e e d i n t i me
i n t e r v a l f r om
A. t
to t
B. t
to t
C. t
to t
D. t
to t
12. In the given circuit diagram, S
, S
and S
switches. Lamp will glow when
A. open open closed
B. closed closed open
C. open closed open
D. closed open closed
13. A clinical thermometer reads temperature from
A. 35°C to 42°C B. –10°C to 110°C
C. 35°C to 45°C D. 0°C to 100°C
14. Given are the four measured values.
(i) 179 cm (ii) 1.5 m
(iii) 1700 mm (iv) 160 cm
W hi c h of t he fol l owi ng pa i rs ha s t he l e a st a nd gre a t e st
A. (i) and (iv) B. (ii) and (i)
C. (iii) and (iv) D. (iii) and (ii)
1 5 . Akshay took a copper rod and a plastic rod and wrapped
each of them in a piece of paper . These were then
heated as shown. It was found that the paper around
the copper rod does not burn whereas the one around
the plastic rod catches fire. It is because
Copper rod
A. Copper being a good conductor , conducts away
heat given to paper .
B. Plastic being an insulator, takes away all the
C. Candle in case of copper rod, is near to the
paper .
D. None of these.
16. Marking on an electric kettle is 500 W , 220 V . What
does it signify?
A. When 220 V is appli ed across the kettle, 500 units
of current flow in it.
B. When 500 W is applied across the kettle, 200 units
of current flow in it.
C. When 220 V is applied across the kettle, 500 joules
of ener gy is consumed for every second.
D. When 500 W is applied across the kettle,
220 j oul e s of e ne r gy i s c onsum e d for e ve ry
17. A di ve rg i ng l e n s c a n form a vi rt ua l i m a ge i f t he obj e c t
is placed_______.
A. Between the lens and its focus only
B. At the focus of the lens only
C. Between focus and radius of curvature only
D. At any position
18. Mo h i t p u t s t wo d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t s i n e a c h o f t h e
following containers.
Container (i) : copper coin and cobalt nail
Container (ii) : plastic toy and silver ring
Container (iii) : rubber and gold coin
Container (iv) : nickel coin and iron key
He c an use a m agne t t o se pa rat e t he obj e ct s i n
A. (i) only B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
1 9 . Which of the following statements regarding a shadow
is incorrect?
A. A shadow can be formed only on a screen.
B. A shadow always resembles the actual shape of
the object.
C. Siz e of sha dow de pe nds on di sta nc e be t we e n
screen and object.
D. None of these.
2 0 . Given are the similarities between the laboratory
thermometer and the clinical thermometer . Which of
the following is not correct?
A. Both have a bulb at one end.
B. Both contain mercury in bulb.
C. Both have a kink near the bulb.
D. Both use celcius scale on the glass tube.
2 1 . Smita performed an experiment with sample solutions
X, Y and Z . She tested the acidic or basic nature of
each of the sample solutions with few indicators
available in laboratory and recorded her observations
in the given table.
X Green Pink Red Y ellow
Y Green Pink Red Y ellow
Z Magenta Colourless Y ellow Red
X, Y and Z solutions are respectively
A. Acidic Acidic Basic
B. Neutral Neutral Acidic
C. Basic Basic Neutral
D. Basic Basic Acidic
2 2 . Ma t c h t he c ol um n-I wi t h c ol um n-II a nd se l e c t t he
correct option from the codes given below .
Column-I Column-II
a. T ransparent (i) Bulb
b. T ranslucent (ii) W ood
c. Opaque (iii) Air
d. Luminous (iv) Chiffon cloth
A. a ? (i), b ? (ii), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
B. a ? (iii), b ? (iv), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
C. a ? (iv), b ? (iii), c ? (ii), d ? (i)
D. a ? (ii), b ? (i), c ? (iii), d ? (iv)
23. Observe the given figures carefully and identify the
type of changes.
A. In figure I, a physical change is taking place while
in figure II, a chemical change is taking place.
B. In figure I, a chemic al change is taking place while
in figure II, a physical change is taking place.
C. I n b o t h t h e fig u r e s, p h y si c a l c h a n g e s a r e t a k i n g
D. In both the figures, chemical changes are taking
24. Deepak found the soil of his field too basic in nature
while Karan used excessive chemical fertilisers in his
f ields. What should they add to their fields to improve
the quality of the soil?
A. Deepak : Quick lime
Karan : Or ganic mat ter
B. Deepak : Or ganic matter
Karan : Quick lime
C. Both should add quick lime.
D. Both should add or ganic matter .
2 5 . Which of the following can be used as antacids to
reduce acidity in stomach?
A. Sodium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide
B. Magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
C. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium hydroxide
D. Sodium bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide
26. Study the given f low chart carefully .
What could be X, Y and Z respectively?
A. Chalk powder , W ater , Sand
B. Salt, W ater , Sugar
C. Common salt, W ater , Sand
D. Sand, W ater , Common salt
27. The water in the beaker is _______ and is converted
into _______. The process is known as _______. If
you hold a metal plate near the steam, the steam
_______into water and water droplets can be seen on
the plate. This is an example of _______change.
Metal plate
Select the correct sequence of words to fill the
A. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
B. Boiling, V apours, Boiling, Converts, Irreversible
C. Heating, Gas, Condensation, Changes,
D. Boiling, Steam, V aporisation, Condenses,
28. Which of the following observations refers to a
chemical change?
A. A fresh slice of apple turns brown after some time.
B. Hot water kept in a glass becomes cold after some
C. Coil of a heater turns red when plugged in.
D. A log of wood changes into small pieces when
cut with an axe.
2 9 . W h i ch o f t h e fo l l o wi n g st at emen t s
is correct for the given plant ?
A. The plant is non-green and does
not carry out photosynthesis.
B. T he p i t c h e r- l i k e st r uc t u re i s
the modified part of the stem.
C. It captures insects and digests them by the digestive
juices secreted in the pitcher .
D. The plant shows saprotrophic mode of nutrition.
3 0 . Anusha t ook a green l eaf and dipped it in boil ing
water for about 10 minutes. After that, she put the
leaf in a test tube and poured spirit on it to completely
cover the leaf and made the test tube stand in a beaker
containing water . She heated the beaker till all the
green colour from the leaf came out. At last, she took
out the leaf and washed it in water and put it on a
plate. She poured some iodine solution over it.
What is she trying to test?
A. Presence of green pigment in the leaves helps in
making food by photosynthesis.
B. Food is prepared and stored in the form of starch
in the green leaves.
C. Food is prepared in the leaves in the presence of
D. Food is prepared by the stem and transported to
the leaves through the shoot system.
31. The study of pollen morphology is called _______ .
A. Ophiophily B. Allogamy
C. Anthropology D. Palynology
32. Which of the following is correct statement regarding
adaptations of polar bear ?
A. Polar bear is a good swimmer as its body is white
B. Polar bear has three layers of fat under its skin
which insulate its body from extreme heat.
C. Polar bear has white fur so that it is not easily
visible in the snowy background and is protected
from its predators.
D. Polar bear has long, curved and sharp claws which
help it to walk easily on ice.
33. W hich of the following options is correct regarding the
percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhaled
and exhaled air ?
A. Inhaled air - 16.4% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide
B. Exhaled air - 0.04% oxygen, 16.4% carbon dioxide
C. Inhaled air - 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide
D. Exhaled air - 0.04% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide
34. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
(i) Aquatic animals like bony fish, excrete a semi-
solid, white coloured compound (uric acid).
(ii) The vascular tissue for the transport of water in
plants is called phloem.
(iii) Platelets help in forming blood clot.
(iv) Pulmonary artery carries oxygen-rich blood from
the lungs to the heart.
(v) The upper two chambers of heart are called atria
and lower two chambers are called ventricles.
A. (i), (ii) and (iv) B. (iii) and (v)
C. (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) D. (iii) only
35. Read the given statements and select the correct
Statement 1 : The living beings in a forest live in a
mutually dependent fashion to sustain
Statement 2 : Forest is a dynamic living entity .
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2
is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2
is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
36. Which of the following shows the incorrect match of
seed and its mode of dispersal?
A. – W ind B. – W ater
– Animal D.
– Explosion
37. ___________ is an apparatus for measuring the rate
at which a plant draws up water .
A. Hygrometer B. Potometer
C. Ammeter D. LCR meter
3 8 . W h i c h st a t e m e n t s a b o u t t h e p l a n t
structure shown in the given
figure is/are correct ?
A. Its opening is guarded by
special cells which have one
wall thicker than other .
B. It assists in photosynthesis and respiration.
C. Its opening and closing is carried out by the guard
D. All of these
39. Match column I with column II and select the correct
option from the codes given below .
Column I Column II
(a) Anaemia (i) Bones become soft and bent
(b) Kwashiorkor (ii) Skin disease
(c) Rickets (iii) Swollen stomach and thin legs
(d) Beriberi (iv) W eakness
A. (a) - (iii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (i), (d) - (ii)
B. (a) - (i), (b) - (iv), (c) - (iii), (d) - (ii)
C. (a) - (iv), (b) - (iii), (c) - (i), (d) - (ii)
D. (a) - (iii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (ii), (d) - (i)
40. The average breathing rate in man at rest position is
__________ .
A. 30-40 per minute
B. 10-20 per minute
C. 15-20 per minute
D. 20-25 per minute
41. Which of the following is best suitable condition for
seed germination ?
A. B.
W ater
W et
D. Dry
42. The joint between the bones of the skull is ______.
A. Ball and socket joint
B. Pivotal joint
C. Hinge joint
D. Fixed joint
43. Desert plants lose very little water through _______.
The leaves in desert plants are either absent, very
small, or they are present in the shape of _______.
_______ in these plants is usually carried out by the
stem. The stem is covered with a _______ layer which
helps to _______ water .
Select the correct sequence of words to complete the
above paragraph.
A. T ranspiration, Spines, Photosynthesis, W axy , Retain
B. Photosynthesis, Palm, Respiration, Thin, Lose
C. T ranspiration, Spines, Photosynthesis, W axy , Lose
D. Photosynthesis, Palm, T ranspiration, W axy , Retain
4 4 . Select the group which has an odd member .
A. Radish, T urnip, Carrot
B. Wheat, Rice, Pea
C. Cauliflower , Cabbage, Broccoli
D. T omato, Mango, Apple
45. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Acid rain which can cause damage to building can
cause water pollution.
B. Air contains water vapours, dust and smoke in
about 2/3
of its compositi on.
C. Air pollution on the road can be reduced by
r e m ov i ng c a t a l y t i c c o n v e r t e r s f ro m v e h i c l e s o n
the road.
D. Air is not a matter because it cannot be seen.
4 6 . A fi s h s ees the face of a s cuba diver through a thin
bubble, as s how n in fi gure. Compared to the face of
the diver , the image seen by the fish will be _____.
A. Smaller and erect
B. Smaller and inverted
C. Lar ger and erect
D. Cannot predict
4 7 . Mat c h t he gi ve n c ol um ns a nd sel ec t t he c orre ct opt i on
from the codes given below .
Column-I Column-II Column-III
1. Copper
(i) Reacts with
(a) Rust
2. Iron (ii) T urns red
litmus blue
(b) Basic in
3. Carbon (iii) Reacts with
(c) Zinc sulphate
is formed
4. M agnes ium
(iv) Reacts with
oxygen and
(d) Endothermic
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