Page 1
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
one-third of food produced for human consumption
is lost or wasted globally. Food is lost or wasted
throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural
production to final household consumption. The
increasing wastage also results in land degradation by
about 45%, mainly due to deforestation, unsustainable
agricultural practices, and excessive groundwater
extraction. The energy spent over wasted food results
in about 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
production every year. Decay also leads to harmful
emissions of other gases in the atmosphere.
Addressing the loss and wastage of food in all forms
is critical to complete the cycle of food efficiency
and food sustainability.
1. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flect
the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ences tha t c an
be made from the passage?
1. The current methods of food distribution are
solely responsible for the loss and wastage
of food.
2. Land productivity is adversely affected
by the prevailing trend of food loss and
3. Reduction in the loss and wastage of food
results in lesser carbon footprint.
4. Post-harvest technologies to prevent or
reduce the loss and wattage of food are not
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. The food distribution mechanism needs to
be reimagined and made effective to reduce
the loss and wastage of food.
2. Ensuring the reduction of wastage and loss
of food is a social and moral responsibility of
all citizens.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
As inflation rises, even governments previously
committed to budget discipline are spending freely to
help households. Higher interest rates announced by
central banks are supposed to help produce modest
fiscal austerity, because to maintain stable debts while
paying more to borrow, governments must cut spending
or raise taxes. Without the fiscal backup, monetary
policy eventually loses traction. Higher interest rates
become inflationary, not disinflationary, because they
simply lead governments to borrow more to pay rising
debt-service costs. The risk of monetary unmooring is
greater when public debt rises, because interest rates
become more important to budget deficits.
3. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flects/
r e flect the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence/
inferences that can be made from the passage?
1. Central banks cannot bring down inflation
without budgetary backing.
2. The effects of monetary policy depend on the
fiscal policies pursued by the government.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Page 2
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
one-third of food produced for human consumption
is lost or wasted globally. Food is lost or wasted
throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural
production to final household consumption. The
increasing wastage also results in land degradation by
about 45%, mainly due to deforestation, unsustainable
agricultural practices, and excessive groundwater
extraction. The energy spent over wasted food results
in about 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
production every year. Decay also leads to harmful
emissions of other gases in the atmosphere.
Addressing the loss and wastage of food in all forms
is critical to complete the cycle of food efficiency
and food sustainability.
1. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flect
the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ences tha t c an
be made from the passage?
1. The current methods of food distribution are
solely responsible for the loss and wastage
of food.
2. Land productivity is adversely affected
by the prevailing trend of food loss and
3. Reduction in the loss and wastage of food
results in lesser carbon footprint.
4. Post-harvest technologies to prevent or
reduce the loss and wattage of food are not
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. The food distribution mechanism needs to
be reimagined and made effective to reduce
the loss and wastage of food.
2. Ensuring the reduction of wastage and loss
of food is a social and moral responsibility of
all citizens.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
As inflation rises, even governments previously
committed to budget discipline are spending freely to
help households. Higher interest rates announced by
central banks are supposed to help produce modest
fiscal austerity, because to maintain stable debts while
paying more to borrow, governments must cut spending
or raise taxes. Without the fiscal backup, monetary
policy eventually loses traction. Higher interest rates
become inflationary, not disinflationary, because they
simply lead governments to borrow more to pay rising
debt-service costs. The risk of monetary unmooring is
greater when public debt rises, because interest rates
become more important to budget deficits.
3. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flects/
r e flect the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence/
inferences that can be made from the passage?
1. Central banks cannot bring down inflation
without budgetary backing.
2. The effects of monetary policy depend on the
fiscal policies pursued by the government.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Fiscal policies of governments are solely
responsible for higher prices.
2. Higher prices do not affect the long-term
government bonds.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5. What is the least possible number of cuts
r equir ed t o cut a cube in t o 64 iden tic al pieces?
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 16
6. In the expression 5 * 4* 3* 2* 1, * is chosen
from +, -, × each at most two times. What
is the smallest non-negative value of the
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 0
7. A certain number of men can complete a piece
of work in 6k days, where k is a natural number.
By what percent should the number of men be
increased so that the work can be completed in
5k days?
(a) 10%
(b) (50/3)%
(c) 20%
(d) 25%
8. X, Y and Z can complete a piece of work
individually in 6 hours, 8 hours and 8 hours
r espectiv ely . Ho w e v er , only one per son a t a time
can work in each hour and nobody can work for
tw o c on secutiv e hour s. All ar e eng ag ed t o finish
the w ork. Wha t is the minimum amoun t of time
tha t the y will t ak e t o finish the w ork.
(a) 6 hours 15 minutes
(b) 6 hours 30 minutes
(c) 6 hours 45 minutes
(d) 7 hours
9. How many consecutive zeros are there at the end
of the integer obtained in the product 1
× 2
× 3
× 4
×.... × 25
(a) 50
(b) 55
(c) 100
(d) 200
10. On January 1st, 2023, a person saved Rs 1. On
January 2nd, 2023, he saved Rs. 2 more than
that on the previous day. On January 3rd, 2023,
he saved Rs. 2 more than that on the previous
day and so on. At the end of which date was his
total savings a perfect square as well a perfect
(a) 7th January, 2023
(b) 8th January, 2023
(c) 9th January, 2023
(d) Not possible
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London
and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world,
it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach
were imposed on their precincts. The backbone of
the systems theory is the process of translating social,
spatial and cultural desirables into mathematical
models using computing, statistics, optimization
and an algorithmic way of formulating and solving
problems. The early universities of the West which
began to train professionals in planning, spawned
some of the most ingenious planners, who were
experts in these domains. This was because these very
subjects were absorbed into the planning curriculum
that had its roots in the social sciences, geography and
architecture. Planning in India, and its education differ
from the West.
11. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence
that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Curriculum for urban planning courses
should have diverse and interdisciplinary
(b) In India, city administration is under
bureaucracy which lacks formal training in
urban planning and management.
Page 3
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
one-third of food produced for human consumption
is lost or wasted globally. Food is lost or wasted
throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural
production to final household consumption. The
increasing wastage also results in land degradation by
about 45%, mainly due to deforestation, unsustainable
agricultural practices, and excessive groundwater
extraction. The energy spent over wasted food results
in about 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
production every year. Decay also leads to harmful
emissions of other gases in the atmosphere.
Addressing the loss and wastage of food in all forms
is critical to complete the cycle of food efficiency
and food sustainability.
1. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flect
the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ences tha t c an
be made from the passage?
1. The current methods of food distribution are
solely responsible for the loss and wastage
of food.
2. Land productivity is adversely affected
by the prevailing trend of food loss and
3. Reduction in the loss and wastage of food
results in lesser carbon footprint.
4. Post-harvest technologies to prevent or
reduce the loss and wattage of food are not
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. The food distribution mechanism needs to
be reimagined and made effective to reduce
the loss and wastage of food.
2. Ensuring the reduction of wastage and loss
of food is a social and moral responsibility of
all citizens.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
As inflation rises, even governments previously
committed to budget discipline are spending freely to
help households. Higher interest rates announced by
central banks are supposed to help produce modest
fiscal austerity, because to maintain stable debts while
paying more to borrow, governments must cut spending
or raise taxes. Without the fiscal backup, monetary
policy eventually loses traction. Higher interest rates
become inflationary, not disinflationary, because they
simply lead governments to borrow more to pay rising
debt-service costs. The risk of monetary unmooring is
greater when public debt rises, because interest rates
become more important to budget deficits.
3. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flects/
r e flect the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence/
inferences that can be made from the passage?
1. Central banks cannot bring down inflation
without budgetary backing.
2. The effects of monetary policy depend on the
fiscal policies pursued by the government.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Fiscal policies of governments are solely
responsible for higher prices.
2. Higher prices do not affect the long-term
government bonds.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5. What is the least possible number of cuts
r equir ed t o cut a cube in t o 64 iden tic al pieces?
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 16
6. In the expression 5 * 4* 3* 2* 1, * is chosen
from +, -, × each at most two times. What
is the smallest non-negative value of the
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 0
7. A certain number of men can complete a piece
of work in 6k days, where k is a natural number.
By what percent should the number of men be
increased so that the work can be completed in
5k days?
(a) 10%
(b) (50/3)%
(c) 20%
(d) 25%
8. X, Y and Z can complete a piece of work
individually in 6 hours, 8 hours and 8 hours
r espectiv ely . Ho w e v er , only one per son a t a time
can work in each hour and nobody can work for
tw o c on secutiv e hour s. All ar e eng ag ed t o finish
the w ork. Wha t is the minimum amoun t of time
tha t the y will t ak e t o finish the w ork.
(a) 6 hours 15 minutes
(b) 6 hours 30 minutes
(c) 6 hours 45 minutes
(d) 7 hours
9. How many consecutive zeros are there at the end
of the integer obtained in the product 1
× 2
× 3
× 4
×.... × 25
(a) 50
(b) 55
(c) 100
(d) 200
10. On January 1st, 2023, a person saved Rs 1. On
January 2nd, 2023, he saved Rs. 2 more than
that on the previous day. On January 3rd, 2023,
he saved Rs. 2 more than that on the previous
day and so on. At the end of which date was his
total savings a perfect square as well a perfect
(a) 7th January, 2023
(b) 8th January, 2023
(c) 9th January, 2023
(d) Not possible
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London
and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world,
it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach
were imposed on their precincts. The backbone of
the systems theory is the process of translating social,
spatial and cultural desirables into mathematical
models using computing, statistics, optimization
and an algorithmic way of formulating and solving
problems. The early universities of the West which
began to train professionals in planning, spawned
some of the most ingenious planners, who were
experts in these domains. This was because these very
subjects were absorbed into the planning curriculum
that had its roots in the social sciences, geography and
architecture. Planning in India, and its education differ
from the West.
11. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence
that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Curriculum for urban planning courses
should have diverse and interdisciplinary
(b) In India, city administration is under
bureaucracy which lacks formal training in
urban planning and management.
(c) In India, the management of urban areas
is a local affair with a chronic problem of
insufficient funds.
(d) With high density of population and
widespread poverty in our urban areas,
planned development in them is very
12. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. India needs a new generation of urban
professionals with knowledge relevant to
modern urban practice.
2. Indian universities at present have no
capacity or potential to impart training in
systems approach.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Not every voice on the internet commands the same
kind of audience. When anonymous private entities
with high capital can pay for more space for their
opinions, they are effectively buying a louder voice.
If political discourse in the digital sphere is a matter
of outshining one’s opponent till the election is won,
then the quality of politics suffers. The focus of social
media is restricted to the promotion of content that
generates more user engagement, regardless of how
inflammatory the content may be.
13. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the cen tr al idea of the abo v e passag e ?
(a) Constructed as a marketplace of views,
social media ensures instant access to
(b) Social media are not ideal or moral
institutions but the products built by
companies to make profits.
(c) Social media have been created to
strengthen democracies.
(d) In today’s world, social media are inevitable
for well-informed social life.
14. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Internet is not inclusive enough.
2. Internet can adversely affect the quality
of policies in a country. Which of the
assumptions given above is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
15. 222
+ 333
is divisible by which of the
following numbers?
(a) 2 and 3 but not 37
(b) 3 and 37 but not 2
(c) 2 and 37 but not 3
(d) 2, 3 and 37
16. What percent of water must be mixed with
honey so as to gain 20% by selling the mixture at
the cost price of honey ?
(a) 20%
(b) 10%
(c) 5%
(d) 4%
17. What is the rightmost digit preceding the zeros
in the value of 30
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 9
18. 421 and 427, when divided by the same number,
lea v e the same r emainder 1. Ho w man y number s
can be used as the divisor in order to get the
same remainder 1 ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
19. A can X contains 399 litres of petrol and a can
Y contains 532 litres of diesel. They are to be
bottled in bottles of equal siz e so tha t whole of
pe tr ol and diesel w ould be separ a t ely bottled.
The bott le c apa city in t erms of litr es is an in t eg er .
Ho w man y diff er en t bottle siz es ar e possible?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
Page 4
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
one-third of food produced for human consumption
is lost or wasted globally. Food is lost or wasted
throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural
production to final household consumption. The
increasing wastage also results in land degradation by
about 45%, mainly due to deforestation, unsustainable
agricultural practices, and excessive groundwater
extraction. The energy spent over wasted food results
in about 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
production every year. Decay also leads to harmful
emissions of other gases in the atmosphere.
Addressing the loss and wastage of food in all forms
is critical to complete the cycle of food efficiency
and food sustainability.
1. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flect
the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ences tha t c an
be made from the passage?
1. The current methods of food distribution are
solely responsible for the loss and wastage
of food.
2. Land productivity is adversely affected
by the prevailing trend of food loss and
3. Reduction in the loss and wastage of food
results in lesser carbon footprint.
4. Post-harvest technologies to prevent or
reduce the loss and wattage of food are not
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. The food distribution mechanism needs to
be reimagined and made effective to reduce
the loss and wastage of food.
2. Ensuring the reduction of wastage and loss
of food is a social and moral responsibility of
all citizens.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
As inflation rises, even governments previously
committed to budget discipline are spending freely to
help households. Higher interest rates announced by
central banks are supposed to help produce modest
fiscal austerity, because to maintain stable debts while
paying more to borrow, governments must cut spending
or raise taxes. Without the fiscal backup, monetary
policy eventually loses traction. Higher interest rates
become inflationary, not disinflationary, because they
simply lead governments to borrow more to pay rising
debt-service costs. The risk of monetary unmooring is
greater when public debt rises, because interest rates
become more important to budget deficits.
3. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flects/
r e flect the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence/
inferences that can be made from the passage?
1. Central banks cannot bring down inflation
without budgetary backing.
2. The effects of monetary policy depend on the
fiscal policies pursued by the government.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Fiscal policies of governments are solely
responsible for higher prices.
2. Higher prices do not affect the long-term
government bonds.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5. What is the least possible number of cuts
r equir ed t o cut a cube in t o 64 iden tic al pieces?
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 16
6. In the expression 5 * 4* 3* 2* 1, * is chosen
from +, -, × each at most two times. What
is the smallest non-negative value of the
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 0
7. A certain number of men can complete a piece
of work in 6k days, where k is a natural number.
By what percent should the number of men be
increased so that the work can be completed in
5k days?
(a) 10%
(b) (50/3)%
(c) 20%
(d) 25%
8. X, Y and Z can complete a piece of work
individually in 6 hours, 8 hours and 8 hours
r espectiv ely . Ho w e v er , only one per son a t a time
can work in each hour and nobody can work for
tw o c on secutiv e hour s. All ar e eng ag ed t o finish
the w ork. Wha t is the minimum amoun t of time
tha t the y will t ak e t o finish the w ork.
(a) 6 hours 15 minutes
(b) 6 hours 30 minutes
(c) 6 hours 45 minutes
(d) 7 hours
9. How many consecutive zeros are there at the end
of the integer obtained in the product 1
× 2
× 3
× 4
×.... × 25
(a) 50
(b) 55
(c) 100
(d) 200
10. On January 1st, 2023, a person saved Rs 1. On
January 2nd, 2023, he saved Rs. 2 more than
that on the previous day. On January 3rd, 2023,
he saved Rs. 2 more than that on the previous
day and so on. At the end of which date was his
total savings a perfect square as well a perfect
(a) 7th January, 2023
(b) 8th January, 2023
(c) 9th January, 2023
(d) Not possible
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London
and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world,
it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach
were imposed on their precincts. The backbone of
the systems theory is the process of translating social,
spatial and cultural desirables into mathematical
models using computing, statistics, optimization
and an algorithmic way of formulating and solving
problems. The early universities of the West which
began to train professionals in planning, spawned
some of the most ingenious planners, who were
experts in these domains. This was because these very
subjects were absorbed into the planning curriculum
that had its roots in the social sciences, geography and
architecture. Planning in India, and its education differ
from the West.
11. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence
that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Curriculum for urban planning courses
should have diverse and interdisciplinary
(b) In India, city administration is under
bureaucracy which lacks formal training in
urban planning and management.
(c) In India, the management of urban areas
is a local affair with a chronic problem of
insufficient funds.
(d) With high density of population and
widespread poverty in our urban areas,
planned development in them is very
12. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. India needs a new generation of urban
professionals with knowledge relevant to
modern urban practice.
2. Indian universities at present have no
capacity or potential to impart training in
systems approach.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Not every voice on the internet commands the same
kind of audience. When anonymous private entities
with high capital can pay for more space for their
opinions, they are effectively buying a louder voice.
If political discourse in the digital sphere is a matter
of outshining one’s opponent till the election is won,
then the quality of politics suffers. The focus of social
media is restricted to the promotion of content that
generates more user engagement, regardless of how
inflammatory the content may be.
13. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the cen tr al idea of the abo v e passag e ?
(a) Constructed as a marketplace of views,
social media ensures instant access to
(b) Social media are not ideal or moral
institutions but the products built by
companies to make profits.
(c) Social media have been created to
strengthen democracies.
(d) In today’s world, social media are inevitable
for well-informed social life.
14. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Internet is not inclusive enough.
2. Internet can adversely affect the quality
of policies in a country. Which of the
assumptions given above is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
15. 222
+ 333
is divisible by which of the
following numbers?
(a) 2 and 3 but not 37
(b) 3 and 37 but not 2
(c) 2 and 37 but not 3
(d) 2, 3 and 37
16. What percent of water must be mixed with
honey so as to gain 20% by selling the mixture at
the cost price of honey ?
(a) 20%
(b) 10%
(c) 5%
(d) 4%
17. What is the rightmost digit preceding the zeros
in the value of 30
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 9
18. 421 and 427, when divided by the same number,
lea v e the same r emainder 1. Ho w man y number s
can be used as the divisor in order to get the
same remainder 1 ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
19. A can X contains 399 litres of petrol and a can
Y contains 532 litres of diesel. They are to be
bottled in bottles of equal siz e so tha t whole of
pe tr ol and diesel w ould be separ a t ely bottled.
The bott le c apa city in t erms of litr es is an in t eg er .
Ho w man y diff er en t bottle siz es ar e possible?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
20. Consider the following statements in respect of
the sum S = x + y + z, wher e x, y and z ar e dis tinct
prime number s each less than 10 :
1. The unit digit of S can be 0.
2. The unit digit of S can be 9.
3. The unit digit of S can be 5.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Direction for the following 3 (three) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
By the time children reach class 8, the bulk of them
tend to be in the age range of 13 years to 15 years. But
in our country, about a quarter of all children in class 8
struggle with reading simple texts and more than half
are still unable to do basic arithmetic operations like
division. Every year about 25 million young boys and
girls from elementary school move into the life that lies
for them beyond compulsory schooling. They cannot
enter the workforce at least in the organized sector till
they are 18. For many families, these children are the
first from their families ever to get this far in school.
Parents and children expect that such ‘graduates’ from
school will go on to high school and college. Hardly
anyone wants to go back to agriculture. On the other
hand, abilities in terms of academic competencies are
far lower than they should be even based on curricular
expectations of class 8.
21. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. For effective school education, parents have
greater role than the governments.
2. School curriculum that conforms to today’s
requirements and is uniform for the entire
country may address the issues brought
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
22. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the cen tr al idea c on v e y ed b y the
(a) Total eradication of poverty in the country
will resolve the issue of under-performance
of our school-children.
(b) Monetary incentives to parents and teachers
is a strategy to improve the children’s
academic performance.
(c) Public policy should ensure that
competencies and achievements of young
people are aligned with their expectations.
(d) India is not going to take advantage of the
demographic dividend unless some school
pass- outs go back to agriculture.
We take it for granted now that science has a social
responsibility. The idea would not have occurred to
Newton or Galileo. They thought of science as an
account of the world as it is, and the only responsibility
that they acknowledged was to tell the truth. The idea
that science is a social enterprise is modern, and it
begins at the industrial revolution. We are surprised
that we cannot trace a social sense further back,
because we nurse the illusion that the industrial
revolution ended a golden age.
23. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the th inking of the author about the
(a) Science must value the commitment of the
(b) Science is a product of civilized society and
must be used for the promotion of scientific
awareness in people.
(c) Industrial revolution was made possible by
the advancements in science.
(d) Science must pursue truth but be responsible
for social welfare.
24. Consider the sequence A_BCD_BBCDABC_
that follows a certain pattern. Which one of the
following completes the sequence?
(a) B, A, D, C
(b) B, A, C, D
(c) A, A, C, D
(d) A, A, D, C
Page 5
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization,
one-third of food produced for human consumption
is lost or wasted globally. Food is lost or wasted
throughout the supply chain, from initial agricultural
production to final household consumption. The
increasing wastage also results in land degradation by
about 45%, mainly due to deforestation, unsustainable
agricultural practices, and excessive groundwater
extraction. The energy spent over wasted food results
in about 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
production every year. Decay also leads to harmful
emissions of other gases in the atmosphere.
Addressing the loss and wastage of food in all forms
is critical to complete the cycle of food efficiency
and food sustainability.
1. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flect
the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ences tha t c an
be made from the passage?
1. The current methods of food distribution are
solely responsible for the loss and wastage
of food.
2. Land productivity is adversely affected
by the prevailing trend of food loss and
3. Reduction in the loss and wastage of food
results in lesser carbon footprint.
4. Post-harvest technologies to prevent or
reduce the loss and wattage of food are not
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. The food distribution mechanism needs to
be reimagined and made effective to reduce
the loss and wastage of food.
2. Ensuring the reduction of wastage and loss
of food is a social and moral responsibility of
all citizens.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
As inflation rises, even governments previously
committed to budget discipline are spending freely to
help households. Higher interest rates announced by
central banks are supposed to help produce modest
fiscal austerity, because to maintain stable debts while
paying more to borrow, governments must cut spending
or raise taxes. Without the fiscal backup, monetary
policy eventually loses traction. Higher interest rates
become inflationary, not disinflationary, because they
simply lead governments to borrow more to pay rising
debt-service costs. The risk of monetary unmooring is
greater when public debt rises, because interest rates
become more important to budget deficits.
3. Which of the f ollo wing s t a t emen ts bes t r e flects/
r e flect the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence/
inferences that can be made from the passage?
1. Central banks cannot bring down inflation
without budgetary backing.
2. The effects of monetary policy depend on the
fiscal policies pursued by the government.
Select the correct answer using the code given
below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Fiscal policies of governments are solely
responsible for higher prices.
2. Higher prices do not affect the long-term
government bonds.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5. What is the least possible number of cuts
r equir ed t o cut a cube in t o 64 iden tic al pieces?
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 16
6. In the expression 5 * 4* 3* 2* 1, * is chosen
from +, -, × each at most two times. What
is the smallest non-negative value of the
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 0
7. A certain number of men can complete a piece
of work in 6k days, where k is a natural number.
By what percent should the number of men be
increased so that the work can be completed in
5k days?
(a) 10%
(b) (50/3)%
(c) 20%
(d) 25%
8. X, Y and Z can complete a piece of work
individually in 6 hours, 8 hours and 8 hours
r espectiv ely . Ho w e v er , only one per son a t a time
can work in each hour and nobody can work for
tw o c on secutiv e hour s. All ar e eng ag ed t o finish
the w ork. Wha t is the minimum amoun t of time
tha t the y will t ak e t o finish the w ork.
(a) 6 hours 15 minutes
(b) 6 hours 30 minutes
(c) 6 hours 45 minutes
(d) 7 hours
9. How many consecutive zeros are there at the end
of the integer obtained in the product 1
× 2
× 3
× 4
×.... × 25
(a) 50
(b) 55
(c) 100
(d) 200
10. On January 1st, 2023, a person saved Rs 1. On
January 2nd, 2023, he saved Rs. 2 more than
that on the previous day. On January 3rd, 2023,
he saved Rs. 2 more than that on the previous
day and so on. At the end of which date was his
total savings a perfect square as well a perfect
(a) 7th January, 2023
(b) 8th January, 2023
(c) 9th January, 2023
(d) Not possible
Directions for the following 4 (four) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London
and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world,
it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach
were imposed on their precincts. The backbone of
the systems theory is the process of translating social,
spatial and cultural desirables into mathematical
models using computing, statistics, optimization
and an algorithmic way of formulating and solving
problems. The early universities of the West which
began to train professionals in planning, spawned
some of the most ingenious planners, who were
experts in these domains. This was because these very
subjects were absorbed into the planning curriculum
that had its roots in the social sciences, geography and
architecture. Planning in India, and its education differ
from the West.
11. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the mos t logic al and r a tional in f er ence
that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Curriculum for urban planning courses
should have diverse and interdisciplinary
(b) In India, city administration is under
bureaucracy which lacks formal training in
urban planning and management.
(c) In India, the management of urban areas
is a local affair with a chronic problem of
insufficient funds.
(d) With high density of population and
widespread poverty in our urban areas,
planned development in them is very
12. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. India needs a new generation of urban
professionals with knowledge relevant to
modern urban practice.
2. Indian universities at present have no
capacity or potential to impart training in
systems approach.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Not every voice on the internet commands the same
kind of audience. When anonymous private entities
with high capital can pay for more space for their
opinions, they are effectively buying a louder voice.
If political discourse in the digital sphere is a matter
of outshining one’s opponent till the election is won,
then the quality of politics suffers. The focus of social
media is restricted to the promotion of content that
generates more user engagement, regardless of how
inflammatory the content may be.
13. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the cen tr al idea of the abo v e passag e ?
(a) Constructed as a marketplace of views,
social media ensures instant access to
(b) Social media are not ideal or moral
institutions but the products built by
companies to make profits.
(c) Social media have been created to
strengthen democracies.
(d) In today’s world, social media are inevitable
for well-informed social life.
14. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. Internet is not inclusive enough.
2. Internet can adversely affect the quality
of policies in a country. Which of the
assumptions given above is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
15. 222
+ 333
is divisible by which of the
following numbers?
(a) 2 and 3 but not 37
(b) 3 and 37 but not 2
(c) 2 and 37 but not 3
(d) 2, 3 and 37
16. What percent of water must be mixed with
honey so as to gain 20% by selling the mixture at
the cost price of honey ?
(a) 20%
(b) 10%
(c) 5%
(d) 4%
17. What is the rightmost digit preceding the zeros
in the value of 30
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 9
18. 421 and 427, when divided by the same number,
lea v e the same r emainder 1. Ho w man y number s
can be used as the divisor in order to get the
same remainder 1 ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
19. A can X contains 399 litres of petrol and a can
Y contains 532 litres of diesel. They are to be
bottled in bottles of equal siz e so tha t whole of
pe tr ol and diesel w ould be separ a t ely bottled.
The bott le c apa city in t erms of litr es is an in t eg er .
Ho w man y diff er en t bottle siz es ar e possible?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
20. Consider the following statements in respect of
the sum S = x + y + z, wher e x, y and z ar e dis tinct
prime number s each less than 10 :
1. The unit digit of S can be 0.
2. The unit digit of S can be 9.
3. The unit digit of S can be 5.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Direction for the following 3 (three) items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
By the time children reach class 8, the bulk of them
tend to be in the age range of 13 years to 15 years. But
in our country, about a quarter of all children in class 8
struggle with reading simple texts and more than half
are still unable to do basic arithmetic operations like
division. Every year about 25 million young boys and
girls from elementary school move into the life that lies
for them beyond compulsory schooling. They cannot
enter the workforce at least in the organized sector till
they are 18. For many families, these children are the
first from their families ever to get this far in school.
Parents and children expect that such ‘graduates’ from
school will go on to high school and college. Hardly
anyone wants to go back to agriculture. On the other
hand, abilities in terms of academic competencies are
far lower than they should be even based on curricular
expectations of class 8.
21. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made :
1. For effective school education, parents have
greater role than the governments.
2. School curriculum that conforms to today’s
requirements and is uniform for the entire
country may address the issues brought
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
22. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the cen tr al idea c on v e y ed b y the
(a) Total eradication of poverty in the country
will resolve the issue of under-performance
of our school-children.
(b) Monetary incentives to parents and teachers
is a strategy to improve the children’s
academic performance.
(c) Public policy should ensure that
competencies and achievements of young
people are aligned with their expectations.
(d) India is not going to take advantage of the
demographic dividend unless some school
pass- outs go back to agriculture.
We take it for granted now that science has a social
responsibility. The idea would not have occurred to
Newton or Galileo. They thought of science as an
account of the world as it is, and the only responsibility
that they acknowledged was to tell the truth. The idea
that science is a social enterprise is modern, and it
begins at the industrial revolution. We are surprised
that we cannot trace a social sense further back,
because we nurse the illusion that the industrial
revolution ended a golden age.
23. Which one of the following statements best
r e flects the th inking of the author about the
(a) Science must value the commitment of the
(b) Science is a product of civilized society and
must be used for the promotion of scientific
awareness in people.
(c) Industrial revolution was made possible by
the advancements in science.
(d) Science must pursue truth but be responsible
for social welfare.
24. Consider the sequence A_BCD_BBCDABC_
that follows a certain pattern. Which one of the
following completes the sequence?
(a) B, A, D, C
(b) B, A, C, D
(c) A, A, C, D
(d) A, A, D, C
25. Two persons P and Q enter into a business. P
puts ? 14,000 mor e than Q , but P has in v es t ed
for 8 months and Q has invested for 10 months.
If P ’ s sh ar e is ? 400 mor e th an Q ’ s shar e out of
the t ot al pr ofit of ? 2,000, wha t is the c apit al
contributed by P?
(a) ? 30,000
(b) ? 26,000
(c) ? 24,000
(d) ? 20,000
26. P’s salary is 20% lower than Q’s salary which is
20% lower than R’s salary. By how much percent
is R’s salary more than P’s salary?
(a) 48.75%
(b) 56.25%
(c) 60.50%
(d) 62.25%
27. A number is mistakenly divided by 4 instead of
multiplying b y 4. Wha t is the per cen t ag e chang e
in the result due to this mistake?
(a) 25%
(b) 50%
(c) 72.75%
(d) 93.75%
28. In an e x amina tion, 80% of s tuden ts passed in
English, 70% of s tuden ts passed in Hindi and
15% failed in both the subjects. What is the
percentage of students who failed in only one
(a) 15%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 35%
29. A father said to his son, “n years back I was as
old as y ou ar e no w . My pr esen t ag e is f our times
your age n years back”. If the sum of the present
ages of the father and the son is 130 years, what
is the diff er ence of their ag es?
(a) 30 years
(b) 32 years
(c) 34 years
(d) 36 years
30. Consider the f ollo wing:
1. 1000 litres = 1m
2. 1 metric ton = 1000 kg
3. 1 hectare = 10000 m
Which of the above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Directions for the following 4 (four) Items :
Read the following two passages and answer the
items that follow the passages. Your answers to these
items should be based on the passages only.
“The history of science is the real history of mankind.”
In this striking epigram, a nineteenth-century writer
links science with its background. Like most epigrams,
its power lies in emphasizing by contrast an aspect
of truth which may be easily overlooked. In this
case, it is easy to overlook the relations between
science and mankind, and to treat the former has
some abstract third party, which can sometimes be
praised for its beneficial influences, but frequently
and conveniently blamed for the horrors of war.
Science and mankind cannot be divorced from time to
time at men’s convenience. Yet we have seen that, in
spite of countless opportunities of improvement, the
opening years of the present period of civilization have
been dominated by international conflict. Is this the
inevitable result of the progress of science or does the
fault lie elsewhere?
31. Which of the f ollo wing is/ ar e empha tic ally
conveyed by the author of the passage?
1. Without science, mankind could not have
continued to exist till today.
2. It is the science that will ultimately
determine the destiny of mankind.
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
32. Based on the above passage, the following
assump tions ha v e been made:
1. The horrors of modern life are the inevitable
result of the progress of science.
2. The aspect of truth likely to be overlooked
is that science is what man has made it.
Which of the assumptions given above is/
are correct?
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