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Page 1 Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Paper: Linear Algebra Lesson: Linear Transformations Lesson Developer: Dr. Arvind and Itendra kumar College: Hansraj College, University of Delhi Page 2 Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Paper: Linear Algebra Lesson: Linear Transformations Lesson Developer: Dr. Arvind and Itendra kumar College: Hansraj College, University of Delhi Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Table of contents: Chapter: Linear Transformations 1- Learning outcomes 2- Introduction 3- Linear transformations 4- Some special types of linear transformations 5- Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation 6- Basis and Dimension Theorem 7- Singular and Nonsingular Linear Transformations 8- Isomorphism 9- Operations with Linear Transformations 10- Algebra of Linear Transformations 11- Exercise 12- References Page 3 Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Paper: Linear Algebra Lesson: Linear Transformations Lesson Developer: Dr. Arvind and Itendra kumar College: Hansraj College, University of Delhi Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Table of contents: Chapter: Linear Transformations 1- Learning outcomes 2- Introduction 3- Linear transformations 4- Some special types of linear transformations 5- Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation 6- Basis and Dimension Theorem 7- Singular and Nonsingular Linear Transformations 8- Isomorphism 9- Operations with Linear Transformations 10- Algebra of Linear Transformations 11- Exercise 12- References Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi 1. Learning Outcomes After study of this chapter you will be able to understand: I- What is Linear Mappings and its applications. II- How to find out Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. III-The study of cases to find out the linear transformation is singular or non singular. IV- When we say Linear transformation is an isomorphism.. V- Geometrical applications of Linear mappings. VI- Composition of Linear mappings. VII- Basis and Dimension of a linear Transformations. VIII- Some important operations with linear transformations. IX- Some good examples related to all topics. X- Algebra of Linear mappings. XI- In References we mentioned some good books of linear algebra. Page 4 Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Paper: Linear Algebra Lesson: Linear Transformations Lesson Developer: Dr. Arvind and Itendra kumar College: Hansraj College, University of Delhi Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Table of contents: Chapter: Linear Transformations 1- Learning outcomes 2- Introduction 3- Linear transformations 4- Some special types of linear transformations 5- Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation 6- Basis and Dimension Theorem 7- Singular and Nonsingular Linear Transformations 8- Isomorphism 9- Operations with Linear Transformations 10- Algebra of Linear Transformations 11- Exercise 12- References Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi 1. Learning Outcomes After study of this chapter you will be able to understand: I- What is Linear Mappings and its applications. II- How to find out Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. III-The study of cases to find out the linear transformation is singular or non singular. IV- When we say Linear transformation is an isomorphism.. V- Geometrical applications of Linear mappings. VI- Composition of Linear mappings. VII- Basis and Dimension of a linear Transformations. VIII- Some important operations with linear transformations. IX- Some good examples related to all topics. X- Algebra of Linear mappings. XI- In References we mentioned some good books of linear algebra. Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi 2. Introduction The goal of this chapter is study of linear mappings or linear transformations. Linear mapping is a function whose domain and range, sets are subsets of vector spaces or linear mapping is function from a vector space into vector space. The linear transformation denoted by T : U W ? The above symbol denote that T is a function whose domain is U and whose range set is W. For each element a in U, the element T(a) in W is called the image of a under T, and generally we say that T maps a into T(a). If B is any subset of U, the set of all images T(a) for a in B is called the image of B under T and is denoted by T(B). The image of the domain U, T(U), is the range T 3. Linear Transformations Definition: Let U and V be vector spaces over the field F. A linear mapping from U into V is a function T from U into V such that T(c d ) cT( ) dT( ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for all and ?? in U and all scalar c and d in F. Example 1: Let K be a field and let U be the space of polynomial functions g from K into K, given by k 0 1 k g(x) a a x .... a x ? ? ? ? Let k1 1 2 k (Dg)(x) a 2a x ... ka x ? ? ? ? ? Page 5 Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Paper: Linear Algebra Lesson: Linear Transformations Lesson Developer: Dr. Arvind and Itendra kumar College: Hansraj College, University of Delhi Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Table of contents: Chapter: Linear Transformations 1- Learning outcomes 2- Introduction 3- Linear transformations 4- Some special types of linear transformations 5- Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation 6- Basis and Dimension Theorem 7- Singular and Nonsingular Linear Transformations 8- Isomorphism 9- Operations with Linear Transformations 10- Algebra of Linear Transformations 11- Exercise 12- References Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi 1. Learning Outcomes After study of this chapter you will be able to understand: I- What is Linear Mappings and its applications. II- How to find out Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. III-The study of cases to find out the linear transformation is singular or non singular. IV- When we say Linear transformation is an isomorphism.. V- Geometrical applications of Linear mappings. VI- Composition of Linear mappings. VII- Basis and Dimension of a linear Transformations. VIII- Some important operations with linear transformations. IX- Some good examples related to all topics. X- Algebra of Linear mappings. XI- In References we mentioned some good books of linear algebra. Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi 2. Introduction The goal of this chapter is study of linear mappings or linear transformations. Linear mapping is a function whose domain and range, sets are subsets of vector spaces or linear mapping is function from a vector space into vector space. The linear transformation denoted by T : U W ? The above symbol denote that T is a function whose domain is U and whose range set is W. For each element a in U, the element T(a) in W is called the image of a under T, and generally we say that T maps a into T(a). If B is any subset of U, the set of all images T(a) for a in B is called the image of B under T and is denoted by T(B). The image of the domain U, T(U), is the range T 3. Linear Transformations Definition: Let U and V be vector spaces over the field F. A linear mapping from U into V is a function T from U into V such that T(c d ) cT( ) dT( ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for all and ?? in U and all scalar c and d in F. Example 1: Let K be a field and let U be the space of polynomial functions g from K into K, given by k 0 1 k g(x) a a x .... a x ? ? ? ? Let k1 1 2 k (Dg)(x) a 2a x ... ka x ? ? ? ? ? Linear Transformations Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Then D is a linear transformation from U into U the differentiation transformation. Theorem 1: Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over the field K and let 1n { ..., } ?? be an ordered basis for V. Let U be a vector space over the same field K and let 1n ,..., ?? be any vectors in U. Then there is precisely one linear transformation T from V into U such that ii T , i 1,...,n. ? ? ? ? Proof: To prove there is some linear transformation T with ii T ? ? ? . For given ? in V, there is a unique n-tuple 1n (x ,...,x ) such that ? 1 1 n n x .... x ? ? ? ? ? For this vector ? we define 1 1 n n T x ... x ? ? ? ? ? ? Then T is a well-defined rule for associating with each vector ? in V a vector T ? in U. From the definition it is clear that ii T ? ? ? for each i. To see that T is linear, let ? 1 1 n n y .... y ? ? ? ? ? be in V and let c be any scalar. Now c ? ? ? 1 1 1 n n n (cx y ) ... (cx y ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? and so by definition T(c ) ? ? ? 1 1 1 n n n (cx y ) ... (cx y ) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? On the other hand, c(T ) T ? ? ? nn i i i i i 1 i 1 c x y ?? ? ? ? ? ??Read More
7 docs|7 tests
1. What is a linear transformation? | ![]() |
2. How do you determine if a transformation is linear? | ![]() |
3. What is the relationship between linear transformations and matrices? | ![]() |
4. Can a linear transformation change the dimension of a vector space? | ![]() |
5. How do you find the standard matrix of a linear transformation? | ![]() |