Name the most important longitude in india.Mention its value?
Prime Meridian in India
India's most important longitude is the Prime Meridian, which is located at 82.5 degrees east. The Prime Meridian is the line of 0 degrees longitude, from which all other longitudes are measured. It is a crucial reference point for determining time zones and navigation.
Significance of Prime Meridian in India
- The Prime Meridian helps in setting the Indian Standard Time (IST), which is used throughout the country as the official time.
- It plays a vital role in coordinating activities across different regions of India by ensuring a uniform time reference.
- The Prime Meridian also helps in international communication and coordination, as it is a globally recognized reference point for time and location.
Impact on Navigation and Timekeeping
- Ships and aircraft use the Prime Meridian as a reference point for navigation, helping them determine their position accurately.
- The Prime Meridian also influences timekeeping systems, as it serves as the basis for calculating time differences between different locations around the world.
In conclusion, the Prime Meridian at 82.5 degrees east holds great importance in India for setting the standard time, facilitating navigation, and coordinating activities across regions. Its role in international communication and timekeeping underscores its significance in modern society.
Name the most important longitude in india.Mention its value?
THE TRoPIC OF CANCER (23and1/2)degrees.