Some Methods :
- Gate is all about hard work and self confidence, Your rank is directly propositional to how much hard work you have done and Also at the same time you must have full confidence on your concepts.
-If you are a final year student and wanted to go for gate, then you must have to start early probably at the beginning of third year because you need sufficient time to complete syllabus and practice questions.
- Although you have covered theory from some online video or coaching but you must have to read standard books once to get better understanding and more clarity of subject. Standard books are always a trustful resource.
-Prepare a short term plan and try to complete everything before deadline.A good preparation is all about executing a well planned schedule. Paste this plan in your room and tick whatever you completed on that day.
-Always prepare your own notes whenever you are reading any new concept for first time.Don’t rely on someone’s notes,sometime they write what they understand not what is right.
-Do not leave any portion, even if it not asked for last 10 years, no body can predict what will be going to asked in exam and leaving small -small thing can cost you IIT to NIT.
-practice previous year gate question at least 2 to 3 times. It’s another best way to revise your concept,It almost cover every concepts of a subject.
-Practice enough before going for final exam,at least practice 10 full length mock test in same environment and same timing of your gate exam, it trains your mind to work properly on those 3 hours .
-Analyse your progress everyday,learn from your mistakes and do not repeat the same again,you must be 100% confidence before exam.
-The more you practice the more confidence you will get.
-Do not read anything new one week before exam,just revise your very short notes one day before exam,relax your self and take proper sleep for 8 hours.
- Keep your hope high, always aim for 1st rank then only you will land some rank near it.