Heart of cockroach is :[BHU - 81]a)Four chamberdb)Vertral to gutc)Long...
Heart of cockroach is:
The heart of a cockroach, like other insects, is a simple tubular structure that runs along its dorsal (back) side. It is responsible for pumping the insect's circulatory fluid, called hemolymph, throughout its body.
Longitudinal and beaded:
The heart of a cockroach is described as "longitudinal and beaded." This means that it is a long tube with a series of bulges or beads along its length. These beads are actually muscular segments called ostia, which help to pump the hemolymph.
The main function of the cockroach's heart is to pump the hemolymph, which carries nutrients, hormones, and waste products, to different parts of the body. The heart acts as a central pumping organ that propels the hemolymph forward, allowing it to reach all cells and tissues.
Open circulatory system:
Cockroaches have an open circulatory system, which means that the hemolymph is not contained within blood vessels. Instead, it flows freely through the body cavity, bathing the organs and tissues directly. This is in contrast to animals with a closed circulatory system, where the blood is confined to vessels.
The heart of a cockroach is often described as "three-chambered." This is because it consists of three main regions: the anterior chamber, the middle chamber, and the posterior chamber. However, it should be noted that the cockroach's heart does not have distinct chambers like the four-chambered hearts found in mammals and birds.
Vertral to gut:
The cockroach's heart is located ventral (underside) to the gut. This positioning allows for efficient circulation of the hemolymph throughout the body. The heart lies just above the ventral nerve cord, which is the insect's equivalent of a spinal cord.
In conclusion, the heart of a cockroach is a longitudinal and beaded tube that pumps hemolymph throughout the body. It is three-chambered, positioned ventral to the gut, and plays a crucial role in the insect's open circulatory system.
Heart of cockroach is :[BHU - 81]a)Four chamberdb)Vertral to gutc)Long...
Cockroach heart is 13 chambered and present dorsally appear like longitudinal beads