Months name in french?
Months Names in French
In French, the months of the year are called "les mois de l'année." The French language has a rich vocabulary, and each month has its own unique name. Here is a detailed explanation of the months' names in French:
1. January - janvier
- The word "January" comes from the Latin word "ianuarius," which means "month of Janus," the Roman god of beginnings and transitions.
- In French, January is called "janvier," pronounced as "zhah(n)-vyay."
2. February - février
- The name "February" originates from the Latin word "februarius," referring to the purification rituals performed in ancient Rome during this month.
- In French, February is called "février," pronounced as "fay-vree-ay."
3. March - mars
- The name "March" comes from the Latin word "Martius," named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
- In French, March is called "mars," pronounced as "mar(s)."
4. April - avril
- The name "April" has uncertain origins, but it may be derived from the Latin word "aperire," meaning "to open" or "blossom."
- In French, April is called "avril," pronounced as "a(v)-reel."
5. May - mai
- The name "May" is believed to be derived from the Greek goddess Maia, who symbolized growth and fertility.
- In French, May is called "mai," pronounced as "may."
6. June - juin
- The name "June" comes from the Roman goddess Juno, who was the protector of marriage and childbirth.
- In French, June is called "juin," pronounced as "zhwa(n)."
7. July - juillet
- The name "July" is named after Julius Caesar, the Roman general and statesman who was born in this month.
- In French, July is called "juillet," pronounced as "zhwee-yay."
8. August - août
- The name "August" is derived from the Latin word "Augustus," which means "consecrated" or "venerable."
- In French, August is called "août," pronounced as "oot."
9. September - septembre
- The name "September" comes from the Latin word "septem," meaning "seven," as it was originally the seventh month in the Roman calendar.
- In French, September is called "septembre," pronounced as "sep-tah(n)br."
10. October - octobre
- The name "October" is derived from the Latin word "octo," meaning "eight," as it was the eighth month in the ancient Roman calendar.
- In French, October is called "octobre," pronounced as "ok-tobr."
11. November - novembre
- The name "November" comes from the Latin word "novem," meaning "nine," as it was the ninth month in the Roman calendar.
- In French, November is called "novembre," pronounced as "no-vah(n)br."