कविता में बादलों को बोला कहां गया है इसके अलावा बादलों के लिए और कौन क...
कविता में बादलों को बोला कहां गया है इसके अलावा बादलों के लिए और कौन कौन शब्दों का इस्तेमाल किए गए है नीचे लिखे अधूरे शब्द को पूरा करें?
मजिशैतू Related: Man ke Bhole Bhale Badal - सारांश?
In the poem "Man ke Bhole Bhale Badal," the clouds are given a voice. The poet uses various words to describe the clouds and their actions. The poem beautifully captures the essence of clouds and their role in nature. Let's explore the poem and identify the words used for the clouds:
- The poet personifies the clouds and gives them a voice, so they can express their feelings and thoughts.
- The clouds are described as "भोले भाले" (innocent and simple-hearted) in the title itself, highlighting their purity and simplicity.
- The clouds are addressed as "बच्चों की तरह" (like children), emphasizing their playful and carefree nature.
- The clouds are compared to "मजिशैतू" (magicians), suggesting their ability to create magic and enchantment with their presence.
- The clouds are portrayed as "रंगीन" (colorful), indicating their diverse hues and shades.
- The clouds are depicted as "चले जा रहे" (moving away), signifying their transient nature and constant movement across the sky.
- The clouds are referred to as "अधूरे" (incomplete), highlighting their ever-changing and evolving form.
Overall, the poem uses these words to bring out the beauty, innocence, and transient nature of the clouds. The poet wants us to appreciate and marvel at the wonders of nature, represented by the clouds. The clouds are seen as magical beings that bring color and joy to the world, but they also remind us of the impermanence and incompleteness of life. Through the personification of clouds, the poet encourages us to find joy in the present moment and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.
कविता में बादलों को बोला कहां गया है इसके अलावा बादलों के लिए और कौन क...
clues kithar hain clues ke bhina ham kaisa karrega