Which of the following food itemscan you store for a year?a)Tomato Sau...
There are several food items that can be stored for a year if they are properly preserved and stored in the right conditions. Some of these food items include tomato sauce, pickles, and papad.
1. Tomato Sauce:
Tomato sauce is a popular condiment that can be stored for a year if unopened and stored in a cool, dark place such as a pantry. It is important to check the expiration date on the packaging before storing tomato sauce. Once opened, tomato sauce should be stored in the refrigerator and used within a week or two.
2. Pickles:
Pickles are preserved vegetables that are soaked in a brine or vinegar solution. This preservation method helps to extend their shelf life. Unopened jars of pickles can be stored for up to a year in a cool, dark place. Once opened, pickles should be refrigerated and consumed within a few weeks.
3. Papad:
Papad is a thin, crispy Indian snack made from lentils, rice, or chickpea flour. It can be stored for a year if kept in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Papad should be protected from moisture to prevent it from becoming soft and losing its crispness.
It is important to note that the quality and taste of these food items may deteriorate over time, even if they are safe to consume. Therefore, it is always recommended to check the appearance, smell, and taste of stored food items before consuming them, especially if they have been stored for a long time.
In conclusion, tomato sauce, pickles, and papad can be stored for a year if properly preserved and stored in the appropriate conditions. However, it is important to check the expiration dates and inspect the quality of these food items before consuming them.
Which of the following food itemscan you store for a year?a)Tomato Sau...
In tomato sauce preservative item is added and in the picke salt anad vinegar preserve it and papad is draught so it remain preserved till long time