Divide the greatest number of 9 digits by the greatest number of 3 dig...
Division of the greatest number of 9 digits by the greatest number of 3 digits
When dividing the greatest number of 9 digits by the greatest number of 3 digits, we need to follow certain steps:
Step 1: Understand the concept of division
Division is a mathematical operation that involves splitting a number into equal parts. The number being divided is called the dividend, while the number it is being divided by is called the divisor. The result of division is called the quotient.
Step 2: Determine the greatest number of 9 digits and the greatest number of 3 digits
The greatest number of 9 digits is 999,999,999. The greatest number of 3 digits is 999.
Step 3: Perform long division
To divide the greatest number of 9 digits by the greatest number of 3 digits, we need to perform long division. Here's how:
9,999,999 |
÷ |
999 |
10,000 |
Remainder: 999 |
9,999 |
÷ |
999 |
10 |
Remainder: 999 |
9 |
÷ |
999 |
0 |
Remainder: 9 |
Therefore, the quotient is 10,000, and the remainder is 9.
Step 4: Interpret the result
The result of dividing the greatest number of 9 digits by the greatest number of 3 digits is 10,000 with a remainder of 9. This means that 999,999,999 can be divided by 999 exactly 10,000 times, with a remainder of 9.