What does Jansie tell Sophie?a)talk unrealisticb)be wisec)be practica...
Jansie was a realistic and practical girl who knew both she and Sophie were earmarked for the biscuit factory. So she discouraged Sophie from living in a world of fantasy. Whenever Sophie expressed her wishes aloud Jansie became melancholic and told Sophie to behave sensibly.
What does Jansie tell Sophie?a)talk unrealisticb)be wisec)be practica...
In the story "The Third and Final Continent" by Jhumpa Lahiri, Jansie is Sophie's roommate in London. Jansie is a practical and sensible person who advises Sophie to be realistic and not to dream big.
1. Jansie's Practicality:
Jansie is portrayed as a practical and down-to-earth person in the story. She has a realistic approach towards life and believes in making practical choices rather than indulging in dreams and fantasies.
2. Jansie's Advice to Sophie:
Jansie advises Sophie to be sensible and not to dream big. She tells Sophie that dreaming big can lead to disappointment and frustration in the long run. Instead, Jansie suggests that Sophie should focus on practical goals and aspirations.
3. Jansie's Concern for Sophie:
Jansie's advice to Sophie stems from her concern for her friend. She wants Sophie to have a stable and secure future, and she believes that being sensible and practical will help her achieve that.
4. Jansie's Realistic Outlook:
Jansie's realistic outlook is also evident in her own life choices. She decides to marry an Indian man and settle down in Calcutta, as it offers stability and security. Jansie's decision reflects her practical nature and desire for a secure future.
In conclusion, Jansie advises Sophie to be sensible and not to dream big. Jansie's practicality and realistic outlook on life lead her to believe that focusing on practical goals and aspirations is the key to a stable and secure future.