The period between 1991-2003 is calleda)Blue Revolutionb)White Revolut...
The Golden Revolution is a term used to refer to the period between 1991-2003 when India witnessed a significant growth in the production of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, and medicinal plants. This revolution was a result of the government's efforts to increase the production and productivity of horticultural crops in the country.
The following are the key points that explain the Golden Revolution:
Government initiatives: The Indian government launched several initiatives to promote horticulture, such as the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) and the Technology Mission on Horticulture Development. These initiatives aimed to increase the production and productivity of horticultural crops, improve the quality of produce, and enhance the incomes of farmers.
Increase in production: The Golden Revolution witnessed a significant increase in the production of horticultural crops. For instance, the production of fruits increased from 38.6 million tonnes in 1991-92 to 71.1 million tonnes in 2003-04. Similarly, the production of vegetables increased from 68.8 million tonnes to 101.2 million tonnes during the same period.
Export potential: The Golden Revolution also opened up new avenues for export of horticultural crops. India is now one of the largest exporters of fruits and vegetables in the world, with exports touching $3.5 billion in 2019-20.
Employment generation: The Golden Revolution also contributed to the generation of employment in the rural areas. Horticulture is a labour-intensive sector, and the increase in production led to the creation of job opportunities for farmers and other rural workers.
In conclusion, the Golden Revolution was a significant period in India's agricultural history, which witnessed a remarkable growth in the production of horticultural crops. The government's initiatives, coupled with the hard work of farmers, led to the success of this revolution.
The period between 1991-2003 is calleda)Blue Revolutionb)White Revolut...
A significant increase in horticulture production is called Golden Revolution in India. In India, the period between 1991-2003 is termed as ‘Golden Revolution’. This period witnessed a tremendous increase in the productivity in horticulture. As a result, during this period, there was a huge increase in the production of various fruits, vegetables, spices and other horticulture products.