We get honey from:a)Flyb)Earthwormc)Honeybeed)ButterflyCorrect answer ...
Source of Honey: Honeybees
Honey is produced by honeybees through a process of collecting nectar from flowers, storing it in their honey stomach, and then regurgitating and evaporating it in the beehive to produce honey. Here is a detailed explanation of how honeybees produce honey:
Collection of Nectar:
- Honeybees visit flowers to collect nectar using their long, tube-shaped tongues.
- They suck up the nectar and store it in their honey stomach.
Transporting Nectar to the Hive:
- Once the honeybee has collected enough nectar, it returns to the beehive.
- The nectar is then passed from one bee to another through regurgitation until it is deposited into a honeycomb cell.
Evaporation Process:
- The bees then fan the nectar with their wings to evaporate excess moisture, making the nectar thicker and transforming it into honey.
- Once the moisture content is reduced to around 17-20%, the honey is sealed with beeswax for storage.
Harvesting Honey:
- Beekeepers harvest honey by removing the honeycomb frames from the beehive.
- The honey is extracted from the honeycomb using centrifugal force or by crushing and straining.
In conclusion, honeybees are responsible for the production of honey through their intricate process of collecting nectar from flowers, transforming it into honey in the beehive, and storing it for future use.
We get honey from:a)Flyb)Earthwormc)Honeybeed)ButterflyCorrect answer ...
We get honey from honeybees vomit that's because the honey is sweet