The assumption made by Boussinesq in the solutions is by the _________...
Boussinesq in 1885 studied and solved the problems of stress distribution in soils due to a concentrated loads acting at the ground surface, by assuming a suitable stress function. The assumptions made are based on theory of elasticity.
The assumption made by Boussinesq in the solutions is by the _________...
Assumption in Boussinesq Solutions
Theory of Elasticity:
Boussinesq solutions are based on the theory of elasticity. This theory assumes that the material being analyzed behaves like an elastic material, meaning it deforms under stress but returns to its original shape once the stress is removed. This assumption is crucial in deriving solutions for stress and deformation in the material.
In the theory of elasticity, stress and strain are related by constitutive equations that describe the material behavior under different loading conditions. These equations form the basis for solving problems related to structural mechanics, geomechanics, and other fields where understanding stress and deformation is essential.
Key Assumption:
One of the key assumptions in the theory of elasticity is that the material is linearly elastic, meaning the relationship between stress and strain is linear within the elastic range. This assumption allows for the derivation of simple and elegant solutions to complex problems, such as those encountered in geotechnical engineering.
By assuming that the material follows the principles of elasticity, Boussinesq was able to develop solutions for problems related to stress distribution in soil, foundations, and other geotechnical structures. These solutions have been widely used in practice and have provided valuable insights into the behavior of soils under different loading conditions.
In conclusion, the assumption made by Boussinesq in the solutions is based on the theory of elasticity, which forms the foundation for understanding stress and deformation in materials. This assumption has proven to be valid and valuable in the field of geotechnical engineering.