Is there any relaxation in the exam pattern or time limit for physical...
Exam Pattern and Time Limit for Physically Challenged Candidates in SBI PO Prelims Exam
The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts the Probationary Officer (PO) exam every year to recruit candidates for various branches across the country. The exam consists of three stages - Prelims, Mains, and Interview. It is important to note that SBI provides certain relaxations and accommodations for physically challenged candidates to ensure equal opportunities.
Exam Pattern:
The SBI PO Prelims exam consists of three sections - English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. Each section carries a specific number of questions and marks. The time duration for the Prelims exam is 1 hour.
Relaxation for Physically Challenged Candidates:
SBI provides certain relaxations and accommodations for physically challenged candidates in terms of the exam pattern and time limit. The specific relaxations offered are as follows:
1. Extra Time: Physically challenged candidates are given additional time to complete the exam. The extra time provided is usually 20 minutes per hour of the exam duration.
2. Assistance: SBI allows visually impaired candidates to use a scribe or reader to assist them in the examination. However, the scribe should not be a candidate for the same exam.
3. Special Arrangements: SBI makes special arrangements for physically challenged candidates to ensure their comfort and convenience during the exam. This includes providing a separate seating arrangement, wheelchair accessibility, and any other necessary facilities.
4. Exam Center Preference: Physically challenged candidates can request their preferred exam center location based on their convenience and accessibility. SBI makes efforts to accommodate such requests, subject to availability.
Note: It is important for physically challenged candidates to mention their specific requirements and disabilities while filling the application form to avail the necessary accommodations.
SBI recognizes the importance of providing equal opportunities to all candidates, including physically challenged individuals. The relaxation in the exam pattern and time limit, along with other accommodations, ensures that physically challenged candidates can appear for the SBI PO Prelims exam on an equal footing. These measures promote inclusivity and support all individuals in their pursuit of a career in banking.