CBSE Class 9 Practical Exams EvaluationIntroduction
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts practical exams for Class 9 students as a part of their assessment. These exams aim to evaluate the practical skills and knowledge of students in various subjects such as Science, Mathematics, and Social Science. The practical exams are an integral part of the curriculum and carry a significant weightage in the overall assessment of students.
Evaluation Criteria
The practical exams in CBSE Class 9 are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Performance in Practical TasksStudents are assessed on their ability to perform practical tasks related to the subject. This includes conducting experiments, solving mathematical problems, using scientific equipment, and performing other practical activities as per the syllabus.
2. Accuracy and PrecisionThe accuracy and precision with which students carry out practical tasks are crucial for evaluation. They are expected to follow the given instructions accurately, measure and record data precisely, and perform calculations correctly.
3. Practical SkillsThe practical exams evaluate the practical skills of students, including their ability to handle equipment, perform experiments, make observations, analyze data, and draw appropriate conclusions. Students are also assessed on their ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations.
4. Presentation and NeatnessStudents are expected to present their practical work in a neat and organized manner. This includes writing clear and legible observations, labeling diagrams and graphs, and arranging data in a systematic format. Presentation skills are essential for effective communication of scientific or mathematical information.
5. Record KeepingRecord keeping is an essential aspect of practical exams. Students are required to maintain a well-organized record of their practical work, including observations, calculations, diagrams, and other relevant information. The record should be comprehensive and reflect the student's understanding and involvement in the practical tasks.
Evaluation Process
The evaluation of practical exams in CBSE Class 9 involves the following steps:
1. Assessment by Internal ExaminerThe practical exams are conducted by the internal examiner, who is a subject teacher appointed by the school. The internal examiner assesses the performance of students based on the evaluation criteria mentioned above.
2. External ModerationAfter the internal assessment, the practical exam records of a random sample of students are sent for external moderation. External moderators appointed by CBSE review the assessment done by the internal examiner to ensure fairness and consistency in the evaluation process.
3. Final EvaluationBased on the internal assessment and external moderation, the final evaluation marks for the practical exams are determined. These marks are then combined with the theory examination marks to calculate the overall score of the student.
The practical exams in CBSE Class 9 are evaluated based on the performance of students in practical tasks, accuracy and precision, practical skills, presentation, and record keeping. The evaluation is done by the internal examiner and externally moderated to ensure fairness and consistency. The practical exam marks contribute to the overall assessment of students in the respective subjects.