Is there any provision for moderation of marks in the SBI PO Exam?
Provision for Moderation of Marks in the SBI PO Exam
The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts the Probationary Officer (PO) exam to recruit candidates for the position of PO in its branches across the country. The exam is highly competitive and the selection process involves multiple stages, including a preliminary exam, a mains exam, and a group exercise and interview round.
Marks Moderation
Marks moderation, also known as moderation of scores, is a process used by exam conducting bodies to ensure fairness and standardization in the evaluation of answer scripts. It helps in compensating for any discrepancies or variations in the difficulty level of different exam sessions or sets of question papers.
Provision for Marks Moderation in SBI PO Exam
The SBI PO exam follows a standardized and transparent evaluation process, which includes moderation of marks. Here are the key provisions for marks moderation in the SBI PO exam:
1. Equi-percentile Method: The equi-percentile method is used to equate the scores of candidates who appear in different sessions or sets of question papers. It ensures that the scores obtained by candidates in different sessions are comparable and no candidate is disadvantaged due to the variation in difficulty levels.
2. Normalization Process: The normalization process is employed to adjust the scores of candidates based on the difficulty level of the exam. This process takes into account the average performance of candidates in each session and adjusts the scores accordingly.
3. Standardization: The SBI follows a standardized marking scheme to evaluate the answer scripts. The exam papers are designed in a way that the difficulty level remains consistent across different sessions. Any variations in the difficulty level are compensated through the moderation process.
4. Transparency: The SBI maintains transparency in the evaluation process by providing detailed information about the moderation process in the official notification and exam guidelines. This ensures that candidates are aware of the provisions for marks moderation and can have confidence in the fairness of the evaluation process.
In conclusion, the SBI PO exam incorporates provisions for marks moderation to ensure fairness and standardization in the evaluation of answer scripts. The equi-percentile method, normalization process, standardized marking scheme, and transparency in the evaluation process are key aspects of the marks moderation provision. These provisions help in maintaining the integrity of the exam and provide equal opportunities to all candidates.