Is there any provision for awarding grace marks in case of technical g...
Provision for Awarding Grace Marks in SBI PO Exam
The State Bank of India (SBI) conducts the Probationary Officer (PO) exam to recruit candidates for the position of Probationary Officer in its branches across the country. The exam is highly competitive and consists of multiple stages, including a preliminary exam, a mains exam, and an interview. In case of technical glitches or system failures during the exam, SBI has provisions to address such issues and ensure fairness in the evaluation process.
Provision for Technical Glitches and System Failures
SBI understands that technical glitches or system failures can occur during online exams, which may disrupt the candidates' performance. To address such issues, the bank has made certain provisions to ensure that candidates are not unfairly disadvantaged due to circumstances beyond their control. These provisions include:
1. Record of Technical Issues: SBI maintains a record of technical glitches and system failures that occur during the exam. This allows the bank to identify the affected candidates and take appropriate measures to address their concerns.
2. Review and Rectification: Once the technical issues are identified, SBI conducts a thorough review to assess the impact on the affected candidates. The bank ensures that the glitches are rectified promptly to minimize any adverse impact on the candidates' performance.
3. Grace Marks: In cases where technical glitches or system failures significantly disrupt the candidates' performance, SBI may consider awarding grace marks. These grace marks are provided to compensate for the loss of time or any other disadvantage faced by the candidates due to the technical issues.
4. Transparent Communication: SBI maintains transparency in its communication with the candidates regarding any technical glitches or system failures. The bank promptly notifies the affected candidates about the issues and the steps being taken to address them. This ensures that the candidates are aware of the situation and have clarity on the measures being implemented.
5. Fair Evaluation: SBI ensures that the evaluation process is fair and unbiased. The bank takes into account the impact of technical glitches or system failures on the candidates' performance while assessing their scores. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the exam and ensuring that candidates are not unfairly penalized for circumstances beyond their control.
The State Bank of India (SBI) has provisions in place to address technical glitches or system failures during the Probationary Officer (PO) exam. These provisions include maintaining a record of issues, conducting a review and rectification process, awarding grace marks, transparent communication, and fair evaluation. These measures ensure that candidates are not unfairly disadvantaged due to technical issues and promote fairness in the evaluation process.