Is there any sectional cutoff in the Descriptive section of the IBPS P...
The IBPS PO exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to recruit Probationary Officers in various banks. The exam consists of three main sections - Preliminary, Main, and Interview. The Descriptive section is a part of the Main exam and is designed to test the candidate's writing skills.
Sectional Cutoff in the Descriptive Section:
Unlike the other sections in the IBPS PO exam, there is no sectional cutoff for the Descriptive section. The Descriptive section is evaluated separately and does not contribute to the overall sectional or final cutoff. However, it is mandatory to qualify in the Descriptive section to be considered for further selection.
Evaluation Process:
The Descriptive section is evaluated by trained examiners who assess the candidate's writing skills, grammar, vocabulary, coherence, and overall presentation. The examiners assign marks based on the quality of the content and the language used.
Important Points to Consider:
- The Descriptive section consists of two questions - Letter Writing and Essay Writing.
- Each question carries a specific weightage, and the total marks allotted for the Descriptive section may vary from year to year.
- It is important to understand the topic, organize thoughts, and present them effectively within the given word limit.
- Candidates must ensure correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation while writing the answers.
- Neatness and legibility are also important factors that can contribute to better marks.
Overall Impact:
Although there is no sectional cutoff in the Descriptive section, it is crucial to perform well in this section as it is evaluated separately. The marks obtained in the Descriptive section are considered during the final selection process. Candidates who excel in this section have an advantage over others in terms of overall scores and ranking.
In conclusion, the Descriptive section of the IBPS PO exam does not have a sectional cutoff. However, it is essential to perform well in this section to enhance the overall performance and increase the chances of selection. Candidates should focus on developing their writing skills and practice regularly to excel in the Descriptive section.