Are there any specific guidelines or instructions provided with the ex...
IBPS SO Exam Pattern:
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the Specialist Officer (SO) Exam to recruit candidates for various specialist positions in participating banks. The exam pattern for the IBPS SO Exam is designed to assess the candidates' knowledge and skills in their respective fields. Here are the specific guidelines and instructions provided with the exam pattern:
1. Multiple Stages:
- Preliminary Exam: This is the first stage of the IBPS SO Exam and consists of objective-type questions.
- Main Exam: Candidates who qualify the preliminary exam are eligible to appear for the main exam, which is also objective-based.
- Interview: After clearing the main exam, candidates are called for a personal interview to assess their suitability for the specialist officer role.
2. Different Sections:
- The IBPS SO Exam consists of various sections, such as Reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and Professional Knowledge.
- The Professional Knowledge section is specific to the specialized field of the candidate, such as IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, etc.
3. Marking Scheme:
- Each question carries one mark, and there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
- The marks obtained in the preliminary exam are not considered for the final merit list. The final selection is based on the candidate's performance in the main exam and interview.
4. Time Duration:
- The time duration for the preliminary exam is usually around one hour, while the main exam can range from two to three hours.
- The time allotted for each section may vary, and candidates must manage their time effectively to complete all sections within the given time frame.
5. Syllabus:
- The IBPS SO Exam syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to logical reasoning, English language skills, numerical ability, banking awareness, computer knowledge, and professional knowledge related to the specific field of specialization.
6. Exam Language:
- The exam is conducted in both English and Hindi languages, except for the English language section.
7. Online Mode:
- The IBPS SO Exam is conducted in an online mode, where candidates have to answer the questions on a computer or laptop.
8. Admit Card:
- Candidates are required to download their admit cards from the official IBPS website. The admit card contains important details such as exam date, time, venue, and candidate's roll number.
9. General Instructions:
- Candidates must carry a valid photo ID proof along with the admit card to the examination center.
- Electronic devices, calculators, or any other prohibited items are not allowed inside the examination hall.
- Candidates must follow the instructions provided by the invigilator during the exam.
- Rough work can be done on the space provided in the question paper or on a separate sheet if provided.
In conclusion, the IBPS SO Exam follows a specific pattern with multiple stages, different sections, marking scheme, time duration, and syllabus. Candidates must adhere to the guidelines and instructions provided to ensure a smooth examination process.