Are there any specific subjects or sections included in the syllabus f...
Syllabus for the IBPS SO Exam
The IBPS SO (Specialist Officer) Exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to recruit candidates for various specialist officer posts in public sector banks. The syllabus for the IBPS SO Exam consists of several subjects or sections, each covering different aspects of the role and responsibilities of a specialist officer. The main subjects included in the syllabus are:
1. Professional Knowledge: This section focuses on the specialized knowledge and skills required for the specific specialist officer roles. The topics covered vary depending on the post, such as IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, Law Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, Marketing Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari.
2. Reasoning Ability: This section evaluates the logical and analytical skills of the candidates. It includes topics like seating arrangement, puzzles, coding-decoding, blood relations, syllogism, input-output, and data sufficiency.
3. Quantitative Aptitude: This section tests the numerical ability and mathematical skills of the candidates. It includes topics such as number systems, simplification, time and work, time and distance, profit and loss, data interpretation, and probability.
4. English Language: This section assesses the English language proficiency of the candidates. It includes topics like reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, sentence correction, and para jumbles.
5. General Awareness: This section tests the general knowledge and current affairs of the candidates. It includes topics such as banking awareness, financial awareness, current events, sports, awards, and important dates.
6. Professional Language: This section evaluates the candidate's proficiency in the professional language required for the specialist officer role. It includes topics like professional communication, report writing, letter/email drafting, and business correspondence.
Candidates are advised to refer to the official IBPS SO Exam notification and syllabus for the specific topics and subtopics included in each section. It is important to study and prepare thoroughly for each subject to maximize the chances of success in the IBPS SO Exam.