?b.com 3rd 6th sem accounting standard notes?
Accounting Standard Notes for B.Com 3rd and 6th Semester
Accounting standards are a set of guidelines and principles that provide a framework for accounting practices to ensure consistency and transparency in financial reporting. In B.Com 3rd and 6th semesters, students learn about various accounting standards and their applications in different scenarios. Here are some important accounting standard notes for B.Com students:
AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
- This standard requires companies to disclose their accounting policies in their financial statements.
- It helps users of financial statements to understand how the company prepares its financial statements and the accounting principles it follows.
AS 2: Valuation of Inventories
- This standard provides guidance on the valuation of inventories.
- It requires companies to use a consistent method for valuing inventories and to disclose the method used in their financial statements.
AS 3: Cash Flow Statements
- This standard requires companies to prepare a cash flow statement along with their income statement and balance sheet.
- It helps users of financial statements to understand the cash flows of the company and its ability to generate cash.
AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date
- This standard requires companies to disclose any contingencies or events that occur after the balance sheet date but before the financial statements are approved.
- It helps users of financial statements to understand any potential liabilities or risks that the company may face.
AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
- This standard provides guidance on the calculation and presentation of net profit or loss for the period.
- It requires companies to disclose any prior period items and changes in accounting policies that affect the current period's financial statements.
AS 6: Depreciation Accounting
- This standard provides guidance on the accounting treatment of depreciation.
- It requires companies to calculate depreciation using a consistent and appropriate method and to disclose the method used in their financial statements.
In conclusion, these are some of the important accounting standard notes that B.Com students should be familiar with to understand financial reporting principles and practices.
?b.com 3rd 6th sem accounting standard notes?
AS3=cash flow statements
AS6=Depreciation accounting