Short tricks in percentage?
Short Tricks in Percentage
Percentage is a fundamental concept in mathematics that is widely used in various fields, including banking and finance. It represents a portion of a whole quantity, usually expressed as a fraction of 100. Understanding and applying percentage calculations can be helpful in solving problems quickly and efficiently. Here are some short tricks to simplify percentage calculations.
Trick 1: Converting Fractions to Percentages:
To convert a fraction to a percentage, simply multiply the fraction by 100 and add the percentage symbol (%). For example, to convert the fraction 3/4 to a percentage, multiply it by 100:
3/4 * 100 = 75%
Trick 2: Finding a Percentage of a Number:
To find a certain percentage of a number, multiply the number by the percentage expressed as a decimal. For example, to find 25% of 80, multiply 80 by 0.25:
80 * 0.25 = 20
So, 25% of 80 is 20.
Trick 3: Calculating a Percentage Increase or Decrease:
To calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, use the following formula:
Percentage change = (New value - Old value) / Old value * 100
For example, if the price of a product increased from $50 to $60, the percentage increase can be calculated as:
(60 - 50) / 50 * 100 = 20%
So, the price increased by 20%.
Trick 4: Finding the Original Value after a Percentage Increase or Decrease:
To find the original value before a percentage increase or decrease, use the following formula:
Original value = New value / (1 + Percentage change/100)
For example, if the price of a product decreased by 20% and the new price is $80, the original price can be calculated as:
Original price = 80 / (1 - 20/100) = 80 / 0.8 = $100
So, the original price was $100.
Trick 5: Percentage Change in Successive Percentage Changes:
When there are successive percentage changes, the overall percentage change can be calculated by adding or subtracting the individual percentage changes. For example, if the price of a product increased by 10% and then decreased by 5%, the overall percentage change can be calculated as:
10% + (-5%) = 5%
So, the overall percentage change is an increase of 5%.
These short tricks can be very helpful in quickly solving percentage-related problems. By applying these tricks, you can save time and effort in various banking exams and other mathematical calculations. Practice using these tricks regularly to enhance your percentage calculation skills and improve your overall problem-solving abilities.