How did colonial rule affect tribal lives?
The powers of tribal chiefs were took away.The tribal chiefs often had to pay tributes to the British administrators.The Land Settlement Act was enforced and the tribes were forced to settle down at a place.Tenants had to pay rent to the landowner and the landowner in-turn had to pay it to the British.The new forest law restricted the entry of tribes into the reserved forests.The tribes were not allowed to move freely in the forest and collect their goods.
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How did colonial rule affect tribal lives?
Colonial rule affected the tribal lives in the following ways:1) Forests were the abode and the provider of food for the tribals. Tribal communities suffered when the British declared forests as state property.2) Forests were declared as reserved and protected. Problems arose when the tribals were not allowed to practise shifting cultivation and to collect fruits, food and woods.3) The tribal chiefs lost many of their administrative powers and had to follow the rules which were formulated by the British. They also had to pay taxes to the British.4) They were exploited by traders and moneylenders. Traders involved in the silk trade sent their agents to Santhals who reared cocoons. The Santhals were paid Rs 3–4 for a thousand cocoons. These cocoons were sold at much higher prices in Burdwan and Gaya. The middlemen gained huge profits from the trade. Thus, tribals began to see traders as their main enemies.5) The tribals who travelled to distant places away from their homes in search of work suffered many hardships. They were recruited at extremely low wages and were also prevented from returning to their homes.
How did colonial rule affect tribal lives?
1.before the Britishers arrived tribal chiefs were important people they had money and right to manage the land and people but under the British rule they lost much of their power and were asked to displine there crime on behalf of British government. 2.the tribal group considered important people because it is they who controlled their territories under the British rule they lose their administration power and were forced to follow the laws and rules made by British Empire. 3. the British Wanted tribal groups to settle down and become peasant cultivators because as settled peasants they were easier to control and administer