Describe briefly the path that determined the birth of the Constitutio...
According to Planning Commission of India: Planning Commission of India has fixed the poverty line in 1978 in terms of nutritional requirement per person per day as 2,400 calories- rural areas and 2,100 calories- urban areas. Later estimated by using price indices for the year 2011-12- Rs 816 per person per month- rural areas and Rs 1000 per person per month- urban areas.
Describe briefly the path that determined the birth of the Constitutio...
The Path to the Birth of the Constitution of India since 1943
In 1943, the idea of a constitution for India gained significant momentum. The path to the birth of the Constitution of India can be traced through several key events and milestones.
1. The Demand for a Constituent Assembly:
- The demand for a Constituent Assembly was raised in 1934 by the Indian National Congress.
- In 1940, the demand was accepted by the British government through the August Offer.
2. The Constituent Assembly and Its Formation:
- The Constituent Assembly was formed in 1946 under the Cabinet Mission Plan.
- It consisted of representatives from various political parties and princely states.
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the President of the Constituent Assembly.
3. Role of the Drafting Committee:
- The Drafting Committee was formed in 1947 with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman.
- It was responsible for drafting the Constitution of India.
- Other members of the committee included Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
4. Adoption of the Constitution:
- The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November 1949.
- It came into effect on 26th January 1950, marking the birth of the Republic of India.
5. Salient Features of the Constitution:
- The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution in the world.
- It provides for a federal system with a strong center.
- It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens.
- It enshrines the principles of secularism, democracy, and socialism.
- It establishes a parliamentary form of government with a President as the head of state.
6. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Role:
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played a crucial role in the drafting of the Constitution.
- He was instrumental in ensuring the inclusion of provisions for social justice and the rights of marginalized sections of society.
- His efforts led to the inclusion of the fundamental rights, abolition of untouchability, and reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
7. Evolution and Amendments:
- The Constitution of India has evolved over time through amendments.
- It has been amended several times to adapt to the changing needs and demands of society.
- The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 brought significant changes to the Constitution, including the inclusion of the words "socialist" and "secular" in the Preamble.
The birth of the Constitution of India since 1943 was a result of the collective efforts of various leaders, the Constituent Assembly, and the drafting committee. It laid the foundation for a democratic and inclusive India, protecting the rights and aspirations of its diverse population.