The letters of the word OUGHT are written in all possible orders and t...
The word TOUGH will appear after all the words that start with G, H and O. Then we look at the second letter of the words starting with T and then third.
Hence, the rank of the word TOUGH will be one more than the sum of all the possibilities just mentioned.
Total number of letters in the word OUGHT is 5 and all the five letters are different, the alphabetical order of these letters is G, H, O, T, U.
Number of words beginning with G=4 !=24, Number of words beginning with H=4 !=24, Number of words beginning with O=4 !=24, Number of words beginning with TG=3 !=6, Number of words beginning with TH=3 !=6, Number of words beginning with T O G=2 !=2, Number of words beginning with TOH=2 !=2
Next come the words beginning with TOU and TOUH is the first word beginning with TOU.
∴ Rank of 'TOUGH' in the dictionary =24 + 24 + 24 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 89