Explain difference between qualitative correlation and correlation coe...
Qualitative Correlation:
Qualitative correlation is a type of correlation that deals with the relationship between variables that are not measured numerically. It is primarily concerned with the presence or absence of a relationship between variables rather than the strength or direction of the relationship. Qualitative correlation explores the association between variables based on their characteristics or attributes.
Key Points:
- Qualitative correlation deals with non-numerical variables.
- It focuses on the presence or absence of a relationship between variables.
- It explores the association based on characteristics or attributes of variables.
Correlation Coefficient:
The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure that quantifies the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. It is a numerical value that ranges from -1 to +1, where -1 represents a perfect negative correlation, +1 represents a perfect positive correlation, and 0 represents no correlation.
Key Points:
- Correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the relationship between variables.
- It is a numerical value ranging from -1 to +1.
- -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation.
Difference between Qualitative Correlation and Correlation Coefficient:
1. Nature of Variables:
- Qualitative correlation deals with non-numerical variables, while the correlation coefficient is applicable to numerical variables.
2. Measurement:
- Qualitative correlation focuses on the presence or absence of a relationship between variables, whereas the correlation coefficient provides a quantitative measure of the relationship.
3. Precision:
- Qualitative correlation is less precise as it relies on subjective judgments and categorization of variables based on their attributes. On the other hand, the correlation coefficient provides a precise numerical measure of the relationship, allowing for more accurate comparisons.
4. Interpretation:
- Qualitative correlation is interpreted by observing the patterns and characteristics of variables, while the correlation coefficient provides a clear interpretation based on the numerical value. A value close to -1 or +1 indicates a strong relationship, while a value close to 0 indicates a weak or no relationship.
5. Statistical Analysis:
- Qualitative correlation does not involve complex statistical calculations, while the correlation coefficient requires the calculation of covariance and standard deviations.
In conclusion, qualitative correlation and correlation coefficient are different in terms of the nature of variables, measurement, precision, interpretation, and statistical analysis. Qualitative correlation focuses on the presence or absence of a relationship between non-numerical variables, while the correlation coefficient provides a precise numerical measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between numerical variables.