Which states Chief Minister approved Rs 100 crore under the Chief Mini...
The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu, recently sanctioned Rs 100 crore under the Chief Minister's Social Security Scheme (CMSSS). This scheme, initiated in 2019, aims to provide financial assistance through pensions to elderly citizens above 60 years, widows, and persons with disabilities (divyang jan). The approval is expected to benefit approximately 80,000 individuals across the state of Arunachal Pradesh, enhancing social security measures under the state government's flagship programme.
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Which states Chief Minister approved Rs 100 crore under the Chief Mini...
Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh approved Rs 100 crore under the Chief Ministers Social Security Scheme (CMSSS)
Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh recently approved Rs 100 crore under the Chief Ministers Social Security Scheme (CMSSS) to provide financial assistance to the vulnerable sections of society.
Importance of CMSSS
- The Chief Ministers Social Security Scheme (CMSSS) aims to provide financial assistance to various vulnerable sections of society such as widows, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, etc.
- This scheme plays a crucial role in ensuring social security and financial support to those in need.
Beneficiaries of the Scheme
- The beneficiaries of the CMSSS include widows, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable sections of society who require financial assistance for their well-being.
- The scheme ensures that these beneficiaries receive timely financial support to meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.
Impact of the Approval
- The approval of Rs 100 crore under the CMSSS by the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh will significantly benefit the vulnerable sections of society in the state.
- This financial assistance will help improve the living conditions of the beneficiaries and provide them with a sense of security and support.
In conclusion, the approval of Rs 100 crore under the Chief Ministers Social Security Scheme (CMSSS) by the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh demonstrates the government's commitment to the welfare of vulnerable sections of society. This initiative will go a long way in providing financial assistance and social security to those in need.