What is absent in coal ?a)Phosphorusb)Nitrogenc)Sulphurd)OxygenCorrect...
Coal mainly consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen besides sulphur. Phosphorus is absent in coal.
What is absent in coal ?a)Phosphorusb)Nitrogenc)Sulphurd)OxygenCorrect...
Coal is a fossil fuel that is primarily made up of organic matter such as plant remains that have been compressed and fossilized over millions of years. It is a complex mixture of various elements and compounds, and it contains a number of impurities. The impurities that are present in coal can have a significant impact on its properties, such as its heating value and burning characteristics.
Absence of Phosphorus in Coal:
Phosphorus is not typically found in coal. While some trace amounts of phosphorus may be present in coal, they are usually not significant enough to have a noticeable impact on the properties of the fuel. This is because phosphorus is not a common element in the organic matter that makes up coal.
Presence of other Impurities in Coal:
While phosphorus is absent in coal, there are other impurities that are commonly found in coal, such as sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. These impurities can have a significant impact on the burning characteristics and environmental impact of coal. For example, when coal is burned, sulfur can react with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide, which is a major contributor to acid rain. Nitrogen can also react with oxygen to form nitrogen oxides, which can contribute to smog and other air pollution problems.
In conclusion, coal does not typically contain phosphorus. While there are other impurities that are commonly found in coal, such as sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen, phosphorus is not one of them. Understanding the impurities that are present in coal is important for understanding the environmental impact of coal use and for developing strategies to reduce the emissions associated with burning coal.