What is drafting committee?
The drafting committee was established to prepare a drafting constitution. Dr. B R Ambedkar set up drafting committee on 29 August 1947. The constituent assembly took 2 years, 11 months and 17 days to frame the constitution. It spent 6.4 crore Rupees in the preparation. There were 22 parts, 395 articles and 8 schedules. Some provisions relating to Citizenship, Elections, and provisional parliament, temporary & transitional provisions were given immediate effect on 26th November 1949.Rest of the constitution came into force on 26 January 1950.
What is drafting committee?
What is a Drafting Committee?
A drafting committee is a group of individuals appointed to prepare or draft a document, such as a constitution, legislation, or policy. This committee plays a crucial role in formulating and finalizing the content, structure, and language of the document. The committee members are typically experts in the relevant field and possess the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure the document's accuracy and effectiveness.
Functions of a Drafting Committee:
1. Research and Analysis: The committee conducts comprehensive research and analysis on the subject matter of the document. They gather information, study existing laws or policies, and identify areas for improvement or amendment.
2. Content Development: The committee is responsible for developing the content of the document. They discuss and deliberate on various provisions, clauses, and sections, taking into consideration legal and policy implications, social contexts, and stakeholder perspectives.
3. Language and Structure: The drafting committee determines the appropriate language, style, and structure of the document. They ensure clarity, coherence, and consistency in the text. This involves selecting appropriate legal terminology, defining key terms, and arranging the content in a logical and organized manner.
4. Consultation and Collaboration: The committee engages in consultations with relevant stakeholders, such as legal experts, policymakers, and representatives of affected groups. They seek inputs, feedback, and suggestions to ensure inclusivity, fairness, and the incorporation of diverse perspectives.
5. Review and Revision: The drafted document undergoes multiple rounds of review and revision by the committee members. They scrutinize the text, identify any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies, and make necessary revisions to enhance its quality and effectiveness.
6. Finalization: Once the committee is satisfied with the drafted document, it is presented to the relevant authorities or governing bodies for further review and approval. The committee may be required to explain the rationale behind certain provisions or address queries and concerns raised during the review process.
7. Documentation and Publication: The drafting committee ensures proper documentation of the entire drafting process, including minutes of meetings, amendments, and comments received. Once the document is approved, it is published and disseminated to the public or relevant stakeholders.
In summary, a drafting committee is responsible for the research, development, language refinement, and finalization of a document. Their expertise and attention to detail are crucial in ensuring that the document accurately reflects the intentions, objectives, and legal requirements. By involving various stakeholders and considering different perspectives, the committee strives to create a comprehensive and effective document that serves the intended purpose.