Coordinative abilities are those abilities which stabilized and generalized pattern of motor control. These abilities help the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect.
Coordinative abilities primarily depend upon the central nervous system. In sports, the coordinative abilities are under :-
* Differential ability : It is the ability to determine the position of the body & its parts in time & space in relation to gravity, object. This ability to achieve a high degree of accurancy & economy of separate body movements phases in a motor action.
* Orientation ability :- It is ability of a person to adjust himself as per the time and condition of place. This ability has difference importance in each game. Ex. Play ground.
* Coupling ability :- it is the ability of a player to move his physical organs in order to do his activities. For example. Coordinative between hands and eyes, feet and eyes etc. Ex. in volleyball the smasher smashes the ball according to the lift of the ball and blockers coordinating the movements of his hands head and feet.
* Reaction ability :- It is the ability to react immediately roquickly and effectively to a signal. Two types :- Simple & complex reaction Ability.
* Balance ability :- As the ability to maintain balance during the complete body movement & to regain balance quickly after the balance disturbing movement.
* Rhythm ability :- to observe or perceive the rhythm of a movement & to do the movement with external rhythm - music or express.
* Adaptation ability to adjust or change the movement effectively on the basis of changes or anticipated changes in the situation.
Methods to improvement of coordinatin abilities :-
1. Practicing physical exercise.
2. Correct and conscious movement
3. Additional means to improve motor sense
4. Variation in exercises
5. Degree of difficulty