What is the meaning of this sentence old death has gone thieving elsew...
The above words are said by Jody's father who lay sick in his bed. They had killed a doe in order to take the poison to save the father. These words are said when the boy enquires about his father's well-being. He says that he is fine and feels that death is playing a game and taking lives of others, elsewhere. The encounter and the killing of the doe is what he refers to as 'a close shave'.
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What is the meaning of this sentence old death has gone thieving elsew...
Meaning of the sentence:
The sentence "old death has gone thieving elsewhere but wasn't it a close shave?" implies that someone narrowly escaped a dangerous or life-threatening situation, even though death itself seemed to be close by. It suggests that the person had a lucky escape and came out of the situation unharmed.
1. Old death has gone thieving elsewhere:
- The phrase "old death" refers to the concept of death itself, personified as an entity.
- "Has gone thieving elsewhere" means that death has moved away or is preoccupied with someone or something else.
2. But wasn't it a close shave?:
- The phrase "a close shave" is an idiom that means a narrow escape from danger or disaster.
- "But wasn't it a close shave?" implies that despite death being present or near, the person managed to avoid it by a slim margin.
Example and Interpretation:
Imagine a person involved in a near-fatal car accident. The impact was severe, and it seemed as if death itself was imminent. However, miraculously, the person survived with only minor injuries. Reflecting on the incident, they might exclaim, "Old death has gone thieving elsewhere, but wasn't it a close shave?" This means that death had momentarily moved away or was occupied with someone else, allowing the person to narrowly escape the fatal consequences of the accident. The person acknowledges their luck and the slim margin by which they avoided death.
The sentence "old death has gone thieving elsewhere but wasn't it a close shave?" expresses the idea that someone has narrowly escaped a dangerous situation despite the presence or proximity of death. It emphasizes the element of luck and the slim margin by which the person avoided a fatal outcome.