Which of the following properties of water can be used to explain the ...
A simple way to form a drop is to allow liquid to flow slowly from the lower end of a vertical tube of small diameter. The surface tension of the liquid causes the liquid to hang from the tube, forming a pendant. When the drop exceeds a certain size it is no longer stable and detaches itself. The falling liquid is also a drop held together by surface tension.
Which of the following properties of water can be used to explain the ...
The spherical shape of rain droplets can be explained by the property of water known as surface tension.
Surface Tension:
Surface tension is a property of liquids that arises due to the cohesive forces between its molecules. It is the force acting on the surface of a liquid that tends to minimize the surface area and make it behave like a stretched elastic membrane. Water has a relatively high surface tension compared to other liquids.
Formation of Spherical Shape:
When rain droplets are formed, water molecules at the surface experience a net inward cohesive force due to the surface tension. This force acts equally in all directions, resulting in a net inward force that pulls the water molecules towards the center of the droplet.
This inward force causes the droplet to minimize its surface area and form a spherical shape. A sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume, making it the most stable shape for a droplet.
Minimization of Surface Area:
The surface tension of water helps in minimizing the surface area of the droplet. The cohesive forces between water molecules cause the droplet to contract and assume a shape that has the smallest possible surface area. This is why rain droplets are spherical in nature.
Importance of Spherical Shape:
The spherical shape of rain droplets is important for various reasons:
1. Aerodynamic Efficiency: The spherical shape allows the droplets to move efficiently through the air, reducing air resistance and increasing their speed of fall.
2. Equal Distribution of Weight: The spherical shape ensures that the weight of the droplet is evenly distributed, preventing any distortion or elongation of the droplet during free fall.
3. Maximizing Collision Efficiency: When rain droplets collide with each other or with other objects, their spherical shape ensures maximum contact and efficient transfer of momentum and energy.
In conclusion, the surface tension of water is the property that explains the spherical shape of rain droplets. This property allows the droplets to minimize their surface area and assume a shape that is most stable and efficient for their movement through the atmosphere.