karak Related: Syllabus - Hindi Grammar ,Class 8, CBSE
कारक शब्द का अर्थ होता है – क्रिया को करने वाला। जब क्रिया को करने में कोई न कोई अपनी भूमिका निभाता है उसे कारक कहते है। अथार्त संज्ञा और सर्वनाम का क्रिया के साथ दूसरे शब्दों में संबंध बताने वाले निशानों को कारक कहते है विभक्तियों या परसर्ग जिन प्रत्ययों की वजह से कारक की स्थिति का बोध कराते हैं उसे विभक्ति या परसर्ग कहते हैं।
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karak Related: Syllabus - Hindi Grammar ,Class 8, CBSE
Syllabus - Hindi Grammar, Class 8, CBSE
The syllabus for Hindi Grammar in Class 8 as per the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) curriculum covers a wide range of topics that focus on enhancing students' understanding and command over the Hindi language. The syllabus aims to develop students' reading, writing, and comprehension skills in Hindi. Let's delve into the details of the syllabus:
1. Varnamala:
- Introduction to Varnamala (Hindi alphabet)
- Vowels (Swar) and Consonants (Vyanjan)
- Pronunciation and recognition of letters
- Formation of words using Varnamala
2. Shabd Rachana:
- Identification and classification of words (Shabd)
- Understanding genders (Ling) of words
- Singular and plural forms of words
- Formation of compound words (Samas)
3. Vachan:
- Singular, dual, and plural forms of nouns
- Agreement of verbs with nouns in terms of number and gender
4. Vachya:
- Identification and classification of sentences (Vakya)
- Assertive (Nirvachan), Interrogative (Prashnachinha), Imperative (Sangya Vachak), and Exclamatory (Udaharanarthak) sentences
- Active and passive voice conversion
5. Anuched Rachna:
- Understanding the structure and format of paragraphs (Anuched)
- Writing paragraphs on various topics, including personal experiences, social issues, and current events
6. Punctuation and Grammar:
- Proper usage of punctuation marks (Viraam Chinha)
- Noun (Sangya), Pronoun (Sarvanam), Verb (Kriya), Adjective (Visheshan), Adverb (Kriya Visheshan), Preposition (Sambandhbodhak), and Conjunction (Sambandh Bodhak) in sentences
- Common grammatical errors and their rectification
7. Unseen Passage:
- Reading and comprehending unseen passages
- Answering questions based on the passage
- Vocabulary development through passage reading
8. Essay Writing:
- Developing the skill of writing essays on various topics
- Introduction, body, and conclusion of an essay
- Proper usage of vocabulary and grammar
The syllabus for Hindi Grammar in Class 8 is designed to provide a strong foundation in the language and enable students to communicate effectively in Hindi. It focuses on enhancing their language skills, comprehension abilities, and writing proficiency. By covering a wide range of topics, the syllabus aims to make students proficient in Hindi grammar and usage.