Evaporation is a cooling process in which the latent heat of evaporation of about 585 cal/gm is provided by the water body. in this process liquid changes into gaseous phase at free surface, below the boiling point through the transfer of heat energy.
Dalton’s Law
The rate of evaporation is proportional to the difference between the saturation vapour pressure at the water temperature, es and the actual vapour pressure in the air ea thus
E = K(es - ea)
Where, E = Rate if evaporation (mm/day)
es = Saturation vapour pressure of air (mm)
ea = Actual vapour pressure of air (mm)
es - ea Saturation deficiency
Measurement of Evaporation
1/7th power Law
V1 / V2 = (H1 / H2)1/7
Where, V1 is the wind velocity at height H1 and V2 is the wind velocity at height H2.
Water Budget Method
This is simplest method bit it is least reliable it is used for rough calculation, it is based on mass conversation principle.
P + Vis + Vig + Vog + E + ΔS + TL
Where, P=Daily precipitation on the water surface.
Vis = Daily surface inflow into take.
Vos = Daily surface outflow from lake.
Vig = Daily underground inflow into the lake.
Vog = Daily underground outflow from the lake.
E = Daily Evaporation
ΔS = change in storage of lake
= +ve if increase in storage
= -ve if decrease in storage
TL = Daily transpiration loss from the plants on the lake.
Energy Budget Method
The energy budget method is an application of the law of conservation of energy. The energy available for evaporation is determined by considering the incoming energy. Outgoing energy and energy stored in the water body over a known time interval.
Where, Hn = Net heat energy received by the water surface
Hn = Hc(1 - r) - Hb
Hc(1 - r) = incoming solar radiation into a surface of reflection coefficient, r
Hb = Back radiation from water body
Hg = Heat flux into the ground
HS = Heat stored in water body
Hi = Net heat conducted out the system by water flow (advected energy)
β = Bowen’s ratio
δ = Density of water
L = Latent heat of evaporation.
While transpiration takes place, the land are in which plants stand also lose moisture by the evaporation of water from soil and water bodies. In hydrology and irrigation practive, it is found that evaporation and transpiration processes can be considered advantageously under one head as evapo-transpiration.
The real evapo-transpiration occurring in a specific situation is called actual evapo-transpiration (AET).
Penman’s equation is based on sound theoretical reasoning and is obtained by a combination of the energy balance and mass transfer approach.
Where, PET = daily evaporation in mm/day.
A = slope of the saturation vapour pressure v/s temperature curve at the mean air temperature in mm of Hg per °C.
Hn = Net radiation in mm of evaporable water per day
Ea = Parameter including wind velocity and saturation deficit.
γ = Psychometric constant
= 0.49 mm of Hg/°C
It is based on mass transfer and energy balance.
Transpiration Loss (T)
T = (w1 + w2) - w2
Where, w1 = Initial weight of the instrument
W = Total weight of water added for full growth of plant.
w2 = Final weight of instruction including plant and water
T = Transpiration loss.
Stream Flow Measurement
Streamflow representing the runoff phase of the hydrologic cycle is the most important basic data for hydrologic studies.
Streamflow measurement techniques can be broadly classified into two categories as:
Under each category there are a host of methods. The important ones are listed below:
Velocity Distribution
Stream Flow (discharge measurement)
20 videos|36 docs|30 tests
1. What is precipitation in civil engineering? |
2. How does precipitation impact civil engineering projects? |
3. What are the methods used in civil engineering to measure precipitation? |
4. How does climate change affect precipitation in civil engineering? |
5. What are the design considerations for civil engineering projects related to precipitation? |