Best Linear Unbiased Estimates
Definition: The Best Linear Unbiased Estimate (BLUE) of a parameter θ based on data Y is
1. alinear function of Y. That is, the estimator can be written as b'Y,
2. unbiased (E[b'Y] = θ), and
3. has the smallest variance among all unbiased linear estimators.
Theorem 1'.1.1: For any linear combination is the BLUEof c'θ, where
is the least-squaresorthogonalprojection of Y onto R(X). Proof: See lecture notes # 8
Corollary 1'.1.2: If rank(Xn×p) = p, then, for any a, is the BLUE of a'β
Note: The Gauss-Markov theorem generalizes this result to the less than full rank case, for certain linear combinations a'β (the estimable functions).
Proof of Corollary 1'.1.2:
1'.2. Estimable Functions
In the less than full rank case, only certain linear combinations of the components of β can be unbiasedly estimated.
Definition: A linear combination a'β is estimable if it has a linear unbiased estimate, i.e., E[b'Y] = a'β for some b for all β.
Lemma 1'.2.1: (i) a'β is estimable if and only if a ∈ R(X'). Proof: E[b'Y] = b'Xβ, which equals a'β for all β if and only if a = X'b. (ii) If a'β is estimable, there is a unique b∗ ∈ R(X) such that a = X'b∗. Proof: a'β is estimable so using (i) a = X'b. Any can be uniquely decomposed as
, where b∗ ∈ R(X), and
. Then
Comment: Part (i) of the lemma may be a little bit surprising since all of a sudden we are talking about the row space of X, not the column space. However, the idea behind the result need not be mysterious. Every observation we have is an unbiased estimate of its expected value; the expected value of an observation is some linear combination of parameters. Such linear combinations of parameters is therefore estimable. These correspond exactly to the rows of X. Clearly, also, linear combinations of estimable functions should be estimable. These are the vectors that are spanned by the rows of X – the row space of X.
1'.3. Gauss-Markov Theorem
Note: In the full rank case (r = p), any a'β is estimable. In particular,
is a linear unbiased estimate of a'β. In this case we also know that is the BLUE (Corollary 1'.1.2).
Theorem 1'.3.1: (Gauss-Markov). If a'β is estimable, then
(i) a' is unique (i.e., the same for all solutions to the normal equations
(ii) a' is the BLUE of a'β.
Proof: (i) By Lemma 1'.2.1, a = X'b∗ for a unique b∗ ∈ R(X). Therefore,
is unique because is unique. (In fact
b∗ ∈ R(X), so that
(ii) By Theorem 1'.1.1, is the BLUE of
from part (i) and
1'.4. The Variance of
Lemma 1'.4.1: If a'β is estimable then
for any generalized inverse (X'X)−.
Proof: If a'β is estimable, then a = X'b∗, b∗ ∈ R(X) by Lemma 1'.2.1. Then
regardless of the generalized inverse used.
Theorem 1'.4.2: If a'β is estimable, then
Proof: Using an estimate
(by the Lemma)
Note that
is unique (same for all generalized inverses (X'X)−).
In-class exercise: One–way ANOVA with K groups. There are K groups with J observations from each group. The model is
for k = 1,...,K and j = 1,...,J. As usual, E[ε] = ' and var(ε) = σ2I. In this setting we are almost never interested in the µ parameter (why not?). What are the estimable functions of the α parameters?
556 videos|198 docs
1. What are the properties of best linear unbiased estimators? | ![]() |
2. How are best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) different from other estimators? | ![]() |
3. How are best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) calculated? | ![]() |
4. What are the applications of best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE)? | ![]() |
5. Can best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) be used in non-linear models? | ![]() |