Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Biaxial Bending
» R/C columns under biaxial bending
o The problem of columns under biaxial bending is nonlinear and the number of unknowns is large. For any defined column the problem may be expressed as:
Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)
where f = a nonlinear function of the variables that can be derived from the equilibrium equations and geometry of any given column section and the stress-strain curves of the materials,
P = axial load, ,
ex, ey = eccentricities measured parallel to x and y axes, respectively,
θ = inclination of neutral axis, c = depth of neutral axis measured from extreme compressive fiber, and
εc = failure strain of concrete in compression.

o A number of approximate methods which are based on simplifying assumptions have been developed. However, for certain situations, the simplifying assumptions may lead to inaccurate results, and the use of presently available design charts is often limited.
o The use of computers to solve this problem with improved accuracy has been based upon iterative analysis of trial sections until a satisfactory result is achieved
o Apart from these considerations, the design process should not be limited to a purely numerical evaluation of the loads, stresses, and strains involved; basic design issues, such as seismic requirements, architectural preferences, availability of material types and sizes, economy, and constructability must be taken into account.

» Basic concept of analysis
o The analysis is based on the strain compatibility and equilibrium equations for the column section.
o For a given neutral axis position, the strains, stresses, and forces in the steel can be found. The resultant force in the concrete depends on the shape of the stress block.
o Consider the following configuration of column section and its strain distribution,

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Strains in steel bars:

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o Determination of the stress of steel bars

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o Equilibrium conditions
   Forces in steel bars:
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Conditions of moment equilibrium are expressed in x and y directions.
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Analysis and design requires trials and iterations to find the inclination and depth of the neutral axis satisfying the equilibrium equations.

» Failure interaction curve o The relationship expressed in
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describes the three dimensional failure surface (failure interaction curve) if the concrete strain is taken to be εu (usually 0.003). Any combination of neutral axis depth c and inclination θ will give a unique triplet of Pu, eux, and euy corresponding to a point on this failure surface.

o Evaluation of column adequacy using a numerical scheme: In order to declare the adequacy of the column section to resist a given combination of P, ex, and ey only one point on the failure surface need to be computed. Such point satisfies the following condition

Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)
→ The procedure is summarized as follows:

(a) Find the neutral axis inclination satisfying   Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)
(b) Set the neutral axis depth c equal to the neutral axis depth computed from balanced failure condition for the section.
(c) Compute the value of Pu and update c using a modified secant numerical method until Pu =P.
(d) Compute eux and euy and compare with ex and ey to decide whether the section is adequate or not.

o Approximate method for the determination of the neutral axis inclination θ
For rectangular column sections shown:
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Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE) inclination of N.A. to y axis

where Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)
                Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)

» Approximate design methods
o Reciprocal load method:
Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)
where  Pu = ultimate load under biaxial loading,
Pux = ultimate load when only ex is present,
Puy = ultimate load when only ey is present, and
P0 = ultimate load when ex = e= 0 .
o Load contour method: ( Mux − Muy interaction curve in 2D)
For various loads of constant , Pu

Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)

where Mux = Puey , Muy = Puex , and Mux0 , Muy0 are uniaxial flexural strengths about x and y axes for the constant load level considered.

→ Experiments suggest that m n = =α depends on column geometry. Typically 1.15 < < α 1.55 for most rectangular columns with uniform reinforcement.
→ There is no single value that can be assigned to the exponent to represent the true shape of the load contour in all cases.

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FAQs on Biaxial Bending - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is biaxial bending in civil engineering?
Ans. Biaxial bending in civil engineering refers to the condition where a structural element, such as a beam or column, is subjected to bending loads along two different axes simultaneously. This means that the element is experiencing bending moments in two perpendicular directions, causing deformation and stress distribution in both axes.
2. How does biaxial bending affect the structural behavior of a member?
Ans. Biaxial bending significantly affects the structural behavior of a member as it introduces additional complexities and considerations. The distribution of stresses and deformations becomes more complex, and the member's capacity to resist bending moments in both axes needs to be evaluated. It may require additional reinforcement or modification in design to ensure structural integrity.
3. What are the key factors to consider in the design of a member subjected to biaxial bending?
Ans. The design of a member subjected to biaxial bending requires considering several key factors. These include determining the maximum bending moments in both axes, evaluating the interaction between the moments, considering the effects of shear forces, assessing the capacity of the member to resist biaxial bending, and providing adequate reinforcement to handle the combined loads.
4. What are the common applications of biaxial bending in civil engineering?
Ans. Biaxial bending finds applications in various civil engineering structures. It is commonly encountered in the design of bridges, multi-story buildings, retaining walls, and structural members subjected to complex loading conditions. Understanding and properly accounting for biaxial bending is essential to ensure the structural safety and efficiency of these structures.
5. How is biaxial bending analysis performed in civil engineering design?
Ans. Biaxial bending analysis in civil engineering design involves evaluating the bending moments and their interaction in both axes. This is typically done using structural analysis software or by manual calculations based on the principles of mechanics. The analysis involves determining the stress and strain distribution, evaluating the member's capacity, and designing the reinforcement accordingly to withstand the combined bending loads.
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