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Biology Booster Dose for NEET 
Chapter- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering 
NCERT Chapter Examples 
1. Long viability of Pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae 
2. Short viability of Pollen Rice and Wheat 
3. Cause of  Pollen Allergy Parthenium or Carrot grass 
4. Apocarpous (Free pistil) Michelia 
5. Syncarpous (Fuse pistil) Papaver 
6. Multiple Ovule in Ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids 
7. Single Ovule in Ovary Mango, Paddy and Wheat 
8. Parthenocarpic Fruit Banana 
9. Wind Pollinated Maize , Corn Cob 
10. Cleistogamous and Chasmogamous 
Viola, Oxalis and Commelina 
11. Birds perform Pollination  Sun bird and Humming birds 
12. Aquatic plants pollinated by wind 
and insects 
Water Hyacinth and Water lily  
13. Water pollinated plants grown in 
Vallisneria and Hydrilla (Fresh water) 
14. Water pollinated marine Plants  Zostera or Seagrass  
15. Large size biotic Pollinating Agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents 
16. Tallest flower  Amorphophallus 
17. False fruit Apple, Strawberry  
Page 2

Biology Booster Dose for NEET 
Chapter- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering 
NCERT Chapter Examples 
1. Long viability of Pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae 
2. Short viability of Pollen Rice and Wheat 
3. Cause of  Pollen Allergy Parthenium or Carrot grass 
4. Apocarpous (Free pistil) Michelia 
5. Syncarpous (Fuse pistil) Papaver 
6. Multiple Ovule in Ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids 
7. Single Ovule in Ovary Mango, Paddy and Wheat 
8. Parthenocarpic Fruit Banana 
9. Wind Pollinated Maize , Corn Cob 
10. Cleistogamous and Chasmogamous 
Viola, Oxalis and Commelina 
11. Birds perform Pollination  Sun bird and Humming birds 
12. Aquatic plants pollinated by wind 
and insects 
Water Hyacinth and Water lily  
13. Water pollinated plants grown in 
Vallisneria and Hydrilla (Fresh water) 
14. Water pollinated marine Plants  Zostera or Seagrass  
15. Large size biotic Pollinating Agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents 
16. Tallest flower  Amorphophallus 
17. False fruit Apple, Strawberry  
18. Apomixis Some grasses , Asteraceae member,  
Mango and Citrus  
19. Symbiotic association -space for 
egg laying  
Yucca plant and Moth 
20. Endospermous seed or Albuminous Monocots- Maize, coconut, Wheat and few 
dicots like Castor 
21. Non-Endospermus or Ex-
Dicots like pea, bean, Groundnut and Monocot 
(orchids ) 
22. Polyembryony Orange  
23. Ture fruits Mustard, pea,Orange and Guava 
Structure of Male Reproductive Part of Flower: Stamen 
1. Parts of Stamen Anther , Filament 
2. One Anther  Tetragonal, Bilobed, Dithecous and longitudinal groove 
separate Theca  
3. Proximal end of Filament 
attached at 
Thalamus or Petal 
4. Microsporangia - have 
Sporogenous Tissue  
Circular, 4 layers-Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle 
layer(Dehiscence) and Tapetum (nourishment to pollen)  
5. Pollen sac  Two layers, pollen grain present inside 
6. Pollen Grains (male 
a: Exine- sporopollenin, resistant to acid, alkali and 
enzymes, preserve as fossils,Pollen grain exine has 
prominent apertures called germ pores  
b: Intine- pectin and cellulose  
7. Two Types of Cells in Mature 
Pollen Grain 
Vegetative Cell, Generative Cell 
Microsporogenesis and Development of pollen  
PMC ? undergo meiosis ? Haploid microspore -four (process is microsporogenesis)- Haploid 
microspore?Asymmetric spindle ? unequal division? large vegetative cell (irregular shaped 
nucleus) and small generative cell (spindle shape cell) 
Page 3

Biology Booster Dose for NEET 
Chapter- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering 
NCERT Chapter Examples 
1. Long viability of Pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae 
2. Short viability of Pollen Rice and Wheat 
3. Cause of  Pollen Allergy Parthenium or Carrot grass 
4. Apocarpous (Free pistil) Michelia 
5. Syncarpous (Fuse pistil) Papaver 
6. Multiple Ovule in Ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids 
7. Single Ovule in Ovary Mango, Paddy and Wheat 
8. Parthenocarpic Fruit Banana 
9. Wind Pollinated Maize , Corn Cob 
10. Cleistogamous and Chasmogamous 
Viola, Oxalis and Commelina 
11. Birds perform Pollination  Sun bird and Humming birds 
12. Aquatic plants pollinated by wind 
and insects 
Water Hyacinth and Water lily  
13. Water pollinated plants grown in 
Vallisneria and Hydrilla (Fresh water) 
14. Water pollinated marine Plants  Zostera or Seagrass  
15. Large size biotic Pollinating Agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents 
16. Tallest flower  Amorphophallus 
17. False fruit Apple, Strawberry  
18. Apomixis Some grasses , Asteraceae member,  
Mango and Citrus  
19. Symbiotic association -space for 
egg laying  
Yucca plant and Moth 
20. Endospermous seed or Albuminous Monocots- Maize, coconut, Wheat and few 
dicots like Castor 
21. Non-Endospermus or Ex-
Dicots like pea, bean, Groundnut and Monocot 
(orchids ) 
22. Polyembryony Orange  
23. Ture fruits Mustard, pea,Orange and Guava 
Structure of Male Reproductive Part of Flower: Stamen 
1. Parts of Stamen Anther , Filament 
2. One Anther  Tetragonal, Bilobed, Dithecous and longitudinal groove 
separate Theca  
3. Proximal end of Filament 
attached at 
Thalamus or Petal 
4. Microsporangia - have 
Sporogenous Tissue  
Circular, 4 layers-Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle 
layer(Dehiscence) and Tapetum (nourishment to pollen)  
5. Pollen sac  Two layers, pollen grain present inside 
6. Pollen Grains (male 
a: Exine- sporopollenin, resistant to acid, alkali and 
enzymes, preserve as fossils,Pollen grain exine has 
prominent apertures called germ pores  
b: Intine- pectin and cellulose  
7. Two Types of Cells in Mature 
Pollen Grain 
Vegetative Cell, Generative Cell 
Microsporogenesis and Development of pollen  
PMC ? undergo meiosis ? Haploid microspore -four (process is microsporogenesis)- Haploid 
microspore?Asymmetric spindle ? unequal division? large vegetative cell (irregular shaped 
nucleus) and small generative cell (spindle shape cell) 
Structure of Female Reproductive Part of Flower: Pistil 
Structure Features 
1. Parts of Pistil 3 parts : The Stigma- landing platform 
for pollen grains. 
Style - Elongated slender part beneath the stigma 
Ovary- Basal bulged part of the pistil 
2. Inside the ovary The Ovarian Cavity (locule) 
3. Megasporangia, 
commonly called Ovules 
Arise from  placenta (present in Ovarian Cavity)  
The Megasporangium parts: Funicle, Hilum, Integuments, 
Micropyle, Chalaza 
4. Mass of cells in 
The nucellus (The nucellus contains the embryo sac, 
which is the female gametophyte). 
5. Distribution of cells 
within Embryo Sac 
Egg Apparatus, The Synergids, The filiform apparatus, 
Antipodal Cells, 
Nucellus? MMC?meiosis ? 4 megaspores? 1 megaspore functional? 3 successive 
division? free nuclear division ? 8 nuclei form ? wall formation around 6 ? embryo sac or 
female gametophyte form (8 nuclei, 7 cell ) 
Types of Pollination  
1) Self Pollination (Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same 
flower or flower on the same plant.) 
2) Cross Pollination ( It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the 
stigma of another flower on another plant of the same or different species. 
Source of Pollen Type of pollination 
1) Same flower Autogamy 
2) Different flower of same plant Geitonogamy  
3) Different plant Xenogamy 
Page 4

Biology Booster Dose for NEET 
Chapter- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering 
NCERT Chapter Examples 
1. Long viability of Pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae 
2. Short viability of Pollen Rice and Wheat 
3. Cause of  Pollen Allergy Parthenium or Carrot grass 
4. Apocarpous (Free pistil) Michelia 
5. Syncarpous (Fuse pistil) Papaver 
6. Multiple Ovule in Ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids 
7. Single Ovule in Ovary Mango, Paddy and Wheat 
8. Parthenocarpic Fruit Banana 
9. Wind Pollinated Maize , Corn Cob 
10. Cleistogamous and Chasmogamous 
Viola, Oxalis and Commelina 
11. Birds perform Pollination  Sun bird and Humming birds 
12. Aquatic plants pollinated by wind 
and insects 
Water Hyacinth and Water lily  
13. Water pollinated plants grown in 
Vallisneria and Hydrilla (Fresh water) 
14. Water pollinated marine Plants  Zostera or Seagrass  
15. Large size biotic Pollinating Agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents 
16. Tallest flower  Amorphophallus 
17. False fruit Apple, Strawberry  
18. Apomixis Some grasses , Asteraceae member,  
Mango and Citrus  
19. Symbiotic association -space for 
egg laying  
Yucca plant and Moth 
20. Endospermous seed or Albuminous Monocots- Maize, coconut, Wheat and few 
dicots like Castor 
21. Non-Endospermus or Ex-
Dicots like pea, bean, Groundnut and Monocot 
(orchids ) 
22. Polyembryony Orange  
23. Ture fruits Mustard, pea,Orange and Guava 
Structure of Male Reproductive Part of Flower: Stamen 
1. Parts of Stamen Anther , Filament 
2. One Anther  Tetragonal, Bilobed, Dithecous and longitudinal groove 
separate Theca  
3. Proximal end of Filament 
attached at 
Thalamus or Petal 
4. Microsporangia - have 
Sporogenous Tissue  
Circular, 4 layers-Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle 
layer(Dehiscence) and Tapetum (nourishment to pollen)  
5. Pollen sac  Two layers, pollen grain present inside 
6. Pollen Grains (male 
a: Exine- sporopollenin, resistant to acid, alkali and 
enzymes, preserve as fossils,Pollen grain exine has 
prominent apertures called germ pores  
b: Intine- pectin and cellulose  
7. Two Types of Cells in Mature 
Pollen Grain 
Vegetative Cell, Generative Cell 
Microsporogenesis and Development of pollen  
PMC ? undergo meiosis ? Haploid microspore -four (process is microsporogenesis)- Haploid 
microspore?Asymmetric spindle ? unequal division? large vegetative cell (irregular shaped 
nucleus) and small generative cell (spindle shape cell) 
Structure of Female Reproductive Part of Flower: Pistil 
Structure Features 
1. Parts of Pistil 3 parts : The Stigma- landing platform 
for pollen grains. 
Style - Elongated slender part beneath the stigma 
Ovary- Basal bulged part of the pistil 
2. Inside the ovary The Ovarian Cavity (locule) 
3. Megasporangia, 
commonly called Ovules 
Arise from  placenta (present in Ovarian Cavity)  
The Megasporangium parts: Funicle, Hilum, Integuments, 
Micropyle, Chalaza 
4. Mass of cells in 
The nucellus (The nucellus contains the embryo sac, 
which is the female gametophyte). 
5. Distribution of cells 
within Embryo Sac 
Egg Apparatus, The Synergids, The filiform apparatus, 
Antipodal Cells, 
Nucellus? MMC?meiosis ? 4 megaspores? 1 megaspore functional? 3 successive 
division? free nuclear division ? 8 nuclei form ? wall formation around 6 ? embryo sac or 
female gametophyte form (8 nuclei, 7 cell ) 
Types of Pollination  
1) Self Pollination (Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same 
flower or flower on the same plant.) 
2) Cross Pollination ( It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the 
stigma of another flower on another plant of the same or different species. 
Source of Pollen Type of pollination 
1) Same flower Autogamy 
2) Different flower of same plant Geitonogamy  
3) Different plant Xenogamy 
Agents of Pollination 
There are two types of agents  
        ?                         ? 
Biotic Agents               Abiotic Agents 
a) Insects                      a) Wind Pollinating 
b) Birds                         b) Water Pollinating 
c) Bats 
Pollinating agent Feature 
1) Insect (Entomophily) Nectar and color to attract insect, flower in cluster (honey bee-
maximum Moth, beetle, wasp, Ants, bee and butterfly) 
2) Water (Hydrophily) Algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes and few genus of monocot 
(30) Eicchornia and water lily-wind and insect, Vallisneria- on 
surface by water, Zostera- under water, ribbon shape pollen and 
3) Wind (Anemophily) Colourless, nectarless and odorless flower, large feathery 
stigma, exerted stamen, light and non-sticky pollen, single ovule 
4) Birds (Ornithophily) Brightly-coloured flowers, having large quantities of pollen and 
5) Bats (Chiropterophily) Flowers are borne on long stalk away from the 
Foliage. Some flowers produce odour which attracts the 
bats towards them. Nectar is also present in the flowers 
Outbreeding device Stamen and pistil far apart, Anther maturity and Pistil receptivity is not 
synchronized, Unisexual flower, self-incompatibility 
Artificial hybridization: 
Emasculation – done in bisexual flower-removal of anther 
Bagging-stigma or pistil covered-butter paper-pistillate or bisexual flower 
Page 5

Biology Booster Dose for NEET 
Chapter- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering 
NCERT Chapter Examples 
1. Long viability of Pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae 
2. Short viability of Pollen Rice and Wheat 
3. Cause of  Pollen Allergy Parthenium or Carrot grass 
4. Apocarpous (Free pistil) Michelia 
5. Syncarpous (Fuse pistil) Papaver 
6. Multiple Ovule in Ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids 
7. Single Ovule in Ovary Mango, Paddy and Wheat 
8. Parthenocarpic Fruit Banana 
9. Wind Pollinated Maize , Corn Cob 
10. Cleistogamous and Chasmogamous 
Viola, Oxalis and Commelina 
11. Birds perform Pollination  Sun bird and Humming birds 
12. Aquatic plants pollinated by wind 
and insects 
Water Hyacinth and Water lily  
13. Water pollinated plants grown in 
Vallisneria and Hydrilla (Fresh water) 
14. Water pollinated marine Plants  Zostera or Seagrass  
15. Large size biotic Pollinating Agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents 
16. Tallest flower  Amorphophallus 
17. False fruit Apple, Strawberry  
18. Apomixis Some grasses , Asteraceae member,  
Mango and Citrus  
19. Symbiotic association -space for 
egg laying  
Yucca plant and Moth 
20. Endospermous seed or Albuminous Monocots- Maize, coconut, Wheat and few 
dicots like Castor 
21. Non-Endospermus or Ex-
Dicots like pea, bean, Groundnut and Monocot 
(orchids ) 
22. Polyembryony Orange  
23. Ture fruits Mustard, pea,Orange and Guava 
Structure of Male Reproductive Part of Flower: Stamen 
1. Parts of Stamen Anther , Filament 
2. One Anther  Tetragonal, Bilobed, Dithecous and longitudinal groove 
separate Theca  
3. Proximal end of Filament 
attached at 
Thalamus or Petal 
4. Microsporangia - have 
Sporogenous Tissue  
Circular, 4 layers-Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle 
layer(Dehiscence) and Tapetum (nourishment to pollen)  
5. Pollen sac  Two layers, pollen grain present inside 
6. Pollen Grains (male 
a: Exine- sporopollenin, resistant to acid, alkali and 
enzymes, preserve as fossils,Pollen grain exine has 
prominent apertures called germ pores  
b: Intine- pectin and cellulose  
7. Two Types of Cells in Mature 
Pollen Grain 
Vegetative Cell, Generative Cell 
Microsporogenesis and Development of pollen  
PMC ? undergo meiosis ? Haploid microspore -four (process is microsporogenesis)- Haploid 
microspore?Asymmetric spindle ? unequal division? large vegetative cell (irregular shaped 
nucleus) and small generative cell (spindle shape cell) 
Structure of Female Reproductive Part of Flower: Pistil 
Structure Features 
1. Parts of Pistil 3 parts : The Stigma- landing platform 
for pollen grains. 
Style - Elongated slender part beneath the stigma 
Ovary- Basal bulged part of the pistil 
2. Inside the ovary The Ovarian Cavity (locule) 
3. Megasporangia, 
commonly called Ovules 
Arise from  placenta (present in Ovarian Cavity)  
The Megasporangium parts: Funicle, Hilum, Integuments, 
Micropyle, Chalaza 
4. Mass of cells in 
The nucellus (The nucellus contains the embryo sac, 
which is the female gametophyte). 
5. Distribution of cells 
within Embryo Sac 
Egg Apparatus, The Synergids, The filiform apparatus, 
Antipodal Cells, 
Nucellus? MMC?meiosis ? 4 megaspores? 1 megaspore functional? 3 successive 
division? free nuclear division ? 8 nuclei form ? wall formation around 6 ? embryo sac or 
female gametophyte form (8 nuclei, 7 cell ) 
Types of Pollination  
1) Self Pollination (Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same 
flower or flower on the same plant.) 
2) Cross Pollination ( It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the 
stigma of another flower on another plant of the same or different species. 
Source of Pollen Type of pollination 
1) Same flower Autogamy 
2) Different flower of same plant Geitonogamy  
3) Different plant Xenogamy 
Agents of Pollination 
There are two types of agents  
        ?                         ? 
Biotic Agents               Abiotic Agents 
a) Insects                      a) Wind Pollinating 
b) Birds                         b) Water Pollinating 
c) Bats 
Pollinating agent Feature 
1) Insect (Entomophily) Nectar and color to attract insect, flower in cluster (honey bee-
maximum Moth, beetle, wasp, Ants, bee and butterfly) 
2) Water (Hydrophily) Algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes and few genus of monocot 
(30) Eicchornia and water lily-wind and insect, Vallisneria- on 
surface by water, Zostera- under water, ribbon shape pollen and 
3) Wind (Anemophily) Colourless, nectarless and odorless flower, large feathery 
stigma, exerted stamen, light and non-sticky pollen, single ovule 
4) Birds (Ornithophily) Brightly-coloured flowers, having large quantities of pollen and 
5) Bats (Chiropterophily) Flowers are borne on long stalk away from the 
Foliage. Some flowers produce odour which attracts the 
bats towards them. Nectar is also present in the flowers 
Outbreeding device Stamen and pistil far apart, Anther maturity and Pistil receptivity is not 
synchronized, Unisexual flower, self-incompatibility 
Artificial hybridization: 
Emasculation – done in bisexual flower-removal of anther 
Bagging-stigma or pistil covered-butter paper-pistillate or bisexual flower 
Pollen-Pistil Interaction 
1. Pollen on stigma Rejected – self-incompatible, incompatible (different species) 
Accepted-same species compatible, Chemical Rxn between stigma 
and exine 
2. Pollen 
Pollen tube -from germ pore- tip of pollen tube -nucleus of vegetative 
cell . Boron help in germination 
3. Pollen tube - 
2 cell stage- generative cell nucleus divide into stigma into 2 male 
3 cell stage- From starting 3 nuclei in tube (one male gamete + 
nucleus of VC 
4. Pollen tube-Style Most style-hollow, transmission tissue- Solid style 
5. Entry -pollen tube Inside ovule enter from micropyle, nucleus of VC degenerates just 
entry – both male gametes released into any one synergids  
Double Fertilization 
Fertilization- male gamete + egg cell ? syngamy ? result is zygote 
male gamete + two polar nuclei? triple fusion ? result is PEN (nucleus) 
and PEC (cell) 
Syngamy + Triple fusion = double fertilizations (only angiosperm and 
Post Fertilization Events 
1. Embryo sac Both synergids and all three antipodal degenerates after fertilization 
2. PEC PEC-primary endosperm cell -3n-undergo free nuclear division -form 
endosperm- division start before zygote divide (In grasses aleurone 
layer (proteinaceous surround) coconut water- free nuclear endosperm 
and white partcellular endosperm 
3. Zygote  Mitosis - two unequal cell- Proembryo-globular-heart shape- mature 
Dicot embryo- Embryonal axis (Epicotyl and tip is plumule, Hypocotyl 
and tip is 
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