Our body has both hard and soft parts. The hard parts are the bones while the soft parts are the muscles. Our skin covers both these parts.
Bones, muscles, and joints hold our body together and support freedom of movement.
Bones provide support for our bodies and help form our shape.
The human skeleton
Do you know?
When a baby is born, it has about 300 bones! As the baby grows, some of the bones fuse together. This is why, after people grow into adults, they only have 206 bones in their body. The longest bone in our body is our thigh bone.
The place where two or more bones are joined together is called a joint.
Some joints of our body
Do you know?
X-rays are special pictures of the inside of your body. An X-ray of a fractured hand is shown here. A fracture means breaking of a bone. Look at the bones, and also look at the joints in the X-ray shown here.
The bones cannot move on their own. The muscles help them to move. They pull at the bones to make them move. The muscles cover the bones and are fixed to them.
Muscles of the Human Body
Do you know?
There are more than 30 muscles in your face! That is how you can smile or frown, look sad or happy.
The Heart is made up of Muscles
13 videos|80 docs|24 tests
1. What are the main functions of bones? |
2. How many bones are there in the human body? |
3. What are joints and what is their role in the body? |
4. How do muscles work in conjunction with bones and joints? |
5. What are some common postural problems and how can they be corrected? |